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God I Need A Miracle Quotes & Sayings

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Top God I Need A Miracle Quotes

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Wesley L. Duewel

Prayer is God's ordained way to bring His miracle power to bear in human need. — Wesley L. Duewel

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Max Lucado

Father, you created all things simply with your words. One word from you and your power is evident. I am amazed by you. I need your power in my life, God. I face impossible circumstances and am desperate for a miracle. Would you show me your power in my life today? God, for those who have a small view of you, show them how mighty and enormous you actually are. Help them to find comfort in that knowledge. Thank you for sending your Son, who has made our relationship with you possible. It's in the all-powerful name of Jesus that I pray, amen. — Max Lucado

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Wayne Dyer

Good morning, this is God. I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help, so have a miraculous day. — Wayne Dyer

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Celso Cukierkorn

You have a choice. You can continue eating the foods manufacturers want you to buy that are making you unhealthy. Or you can return to eating the foods God provided for you, already magnificently packaged in their own skins, rinds, pods and shells. Foods that contain all the human-appropriate vitamins and minerals you need, and the right proportion of sugar, fat, salt and calories. Will you listen to God, or will you continue listening to the marketing and advertising gurus whose agenda has nothing to do with your health?Cukierkorn, Rabbi Celso; Collins, Susan Ford (2012-10-11). The Miracle Diet: Lose Weight, Gain Health ... 10 Diet Skills (p. 103). — Celso Cukierkorn

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Gloria Copeland

There has never been a miracle drug that could equal the Word of God. God's medicine is the answer to every need. — Gloria Copeland

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Janet Evanovich

Oh, for God's sake," I said. "Just give me the stupid thing." I took the panic button and stuck it into my Super Sexy Miracle Bra. "GPS," Ranger said to Morelli. "Probably I can find her breast without it," Morelli said. "But it's good to know there's a navigational system on board if I need it. — Janet Evanovich

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Mark Batterson

Everybody wants a miracle; we just don't want to be in a situation where we need one. You can't have one without the other. Sometimes what we perceive as our problem is really God setting us up to do something miraculous in our lives. It's about training ourselves to see those problems as opportunities so God can intervene. — Mark Batterson

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Anne Lamott

I think joy and sweetness and affection are a spiritual path. We're here to know God, to love and serve God, and to be blown away by the beauty and miracle of nature. You just have to get rid of so much baggage to be light enough to dance, to sing, to play. You don't have time to carry grudges; you don't have time to cling to the need to be right. — Anne Lamott

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Sometimes, when we pray for miracles what we are really praying for is God to do the work that we are too afraid to take action about. Often, the miracle resides in us and we need to simply "be all in", rather than standing on the fence waiting. — Shannon L. Alder

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

God opens doors for you, but do not expect Him to walk through them for you. He delivered the Israelites from Egypt, but they were still required to walk to the Promised Land. They did not need to pray for a miracle, the miracle was in their feet. — Matshona Dhliwayo

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

All the breakthroughs and miracles you need are in people — Sunday Adelaja

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Mark Batterson

We want a money-back guarantee before we take a step of obedience, but that eliminates faith from the equation. Sometimes we need to take a flying leap of faith.

We need to step into the conflict without knowing if we can resolve it. We need to share our faith without knowing how our friends will react to it. We need to pray for a miracle without knowing how God will answer. We need to put ourselves in a situation that activates a spiritual gift we've never exercised before. And we need to go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.

If we want to discover new lands, we've got to lose sight of the shore. We've got to leave the Land of Familiarity behind. We've got to sail past the predictable. And when we do, we develop a spiritual hunger for the unprecedented and lose our appetite for the habitual. We also get a taste of God's favor. — Mark Batterson

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Jim Cymbala

Why do the greatest miracle stories seem to come from mission fields, either overseas or among the destitute here at home (the Teen Challenge outreach to drug addicts, for example)? Because the need is there. Christians are taking their sound doctrine and extending it to lives in chaos, which is what God has called us all to do. Without this extension of compassion it is all too easy for Bible teachers and authors to grow haughty. We become proud of what we know. We are so impressed with our doctrinal orderliness that we become intellectually arrogant. We have the rules and theories all figured out while the rest of the world is befuddled and confused about God's truth ... poor souls. — Jim Cymbala

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Ann Voskamp

Jesus embraced His not enough ... He gives thanks ... and there is more than enough. More than enough. Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle. And who doesn't need a miracle like that everyday? Thanksgiving makes time. The real problem of life is never a lack of time. The real problem of life - in my life - is lack of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving creates abundance; and he miracle of multiplying happens when I give thanks - ... it's giving thanks to God for this moment that multiplies the moments, time made enough. I am thank-full. I am time-full. page 72 — Ann Voskamp

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Andrew Wommack

Blessings are better than miracles. If you live your life from one miracle to the next, you will live from crisis to crisis. It's better to be blessed with good health than to always need divine healing. God's will is for us to walk in blessing. — Andrew Wommack

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Stormie O'martian

God wants to lead you to places you cannot get to without Him, and He does that by the power of His Spirit.
He can bring you into the realm of the miraculous - not as a show, but as a demonstration of His love and compassion for the lost, hurting, or needy. Who among us doesn't want or need that? — Stormie O'martian

God I Need A Miracle Quotes By Sam Harris

This universe is shot through with mystery. The very fact of its being, and of our own, is a mystery absolute, and the only miracle worthy of the name. The consciousness that animates us is itself central to this mystery and the ground for any experience we might wish to call 'spiritual.' No myths need be embraced for us to commune with the profundity of our circumstance. No personal God need be worshiped for us to live in awe at the beauty and immensity of creation. No tribal fictions need be rehearsed for us to realize, one fine day, that we do, in fact, love our neighbors, that our happiness is inextricable from their own, and that our interdependence demands that people everywhere be given the opportunity to flourish. — Sam Harris