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Goals That Look Quotes & Sayings

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Top Goals That Look Quotes

Goals That Look Quotes By Sebastian Faulks

Busy is good, isn't it? Busy means we're hard at it, achieving our ends or "goals." Haven't had time to stop, or look around or think. That's considered the sign of a life well lived ... Suppose, though, you're not sure that what you're doing is at all worthwhile. Suppose you blundered into it over a spoonful of lime pickle. It's easy, it pays quite well. But really it's a distraction. It stops you thinking about what you ought to be doing. — Sebastian Faulks

Goals That Look Quotes By Patti Smith

I don't like categorizing stuff, but women's roles all through history have been to act as hierophant or someone who's guarded the secrets or guarded the temple. I'm a girl doing what guys usually did, the way that I look, the goals and kinds of things I want to help achieve through rock. It's more heroic stuff and heroic stuff has been traditionally male. Like Hendrix and Jim Morrison and all those people. I mean, Jim Morrison was trying to elevate the word; he was the poet in rock & roll before me. He was an academic poet. Lou Reed
another academic poet. I'm more like down-to-earth than them guys — Patti Smith

Goals That Look Quotes By Michael Crapo

We simply must look beyond partisan goals and find common ground as Americans. It is imperative that the Members of Congress recognize that partisanship will not serve the American people. — Michael Crapo

Goals That Look Quotes By Wilferd Peterson

Imagination inspires you to look at everything with fresh eyes, as though you had just come forth from a dark tunnel into the light of day. Imagination becomes for you a magic lamp with which to search the darkness of the unknown, that you may discover new goals or chart more productive paths to old goals. — Wilferd Peterson

Goals That Look Quotes By Naomi Klein

When historians look back on the past quarter century of international negotiations, two defining processes will stand out. There will be the climate process: struggling, sputtering, failing utterly to achieve its goals. And there will be the corporate globalization process, zooming from victory to victory: from that first free trade deal to the creation of the World Trade Organization to the mass privatization of the former Soviet economies to the transformation of large parts of Asia into sprawling free-trade zones to the "structural adjusting" of Africa. — Naomi Klein

Goals That Look Quotes By Dan Pearce

Think of the most discouraging thing that you are currently carrying or the biggest project you can't seem to tackle. Forget about how it happened, forget about how you got there, just look at the clock, and before that number changes, do one little thing to make it better. After you do, enjoy your moment of victory, and then do it again. In less than the time it takes you to blink, the past will burden you no more. — Dan Pearce

Goals That Look Quotes By Vera Nazarian

Who says you cannot hold the moon in your hand?
Tonight when the stars come out and the moon rises in the velvet sky, look outside your window, then raise your hand and position your fingers around the disk of light.
There you go . . . That was easy! — Vera Nazarian

Goals That Look Quotes By Carl Henegan

Life is all about priorities. Year after year, day after day, and even minute after minute you have to embrace what is more important and essential for you and not look back. When others don't understand or admonish you for your choices don't give it any energy because they are telling you that their wants are more significant than yours. — Carl Henegan

Goals That Look Quotes By Nathan Aaseng

has provided me with a platform to share my passion with millions in a way I neither expected nor could have imagined in my career. I hope that it's given the millions of people that I've touched the optimism and the desire to achieve their goals through hard work, perseverance, and positive attitude. Although I'm recognized with this tremendous honor of being in the Basketball Hall of Fame, I don't look at this moment as a defining end to my relationship with the game of basketball. It's simply a continuation of something that I started a long time ago. One day you might look up and see me playing the game at 50. (laughs) Oh, don't laugh. Never say never. Because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion. Thank you very much. Looking forward to it. — Nathan Aaseng

Goals That Look Quotes By Michael Johnson

That first peak is the best place to pause and look back, to see if you took the easiest route, to learn the lessons from the first climb. And it is the best place to examine the terrain ahead, to change your plans and goals, to take a deep breath and begin climbing again. — Michael Johnson

Goals That Look Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Look down the road I'm traveling and you will see my goal; it's there on the path. Probably closer than it appears. Life tends to roll that way. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Goals That Look Quotes By Kate Winslet

As a young girl, I never felt attractive. I was fat and unhappy at times, and that kind of thinking stays with you your entire life. There's always going to be a part of me that worries about not looking as slim as other actresses. But at a certain point, when you achieve a lot of your goals and you can be proud of your work, you start to relax more about who you are. And that includes your appearance and self-image - I don't think I look too bad for a mother of two. But women shouldn't have to feel the pressure to compare themselves to actresses or models. — Kate Winslet

Goals That Look Quotes By Dom Starsia

The goals for Virginia lacrosse don't change a lot from year to year. We look at the lineup, start every year on Sept. 1 with the realistic goal to play at the end of the season, the very last game. This team has the talent to be able to do that. — Dom Starsia

Goals That Look Quotes By Michael Owen

Game by game is how I judge myself. At the end of the season, yeah, I do look back and think about how many games I've been available for, how many goals I've scored, how I've contributed. But that's what the summer's for. For now, you just look to the next one. — Michael Owen

Goals That Look Quotes By G.G. Renee Hill

Your definition of a good life does not have to look like everyone else thinks it should. Whatever feels right for you, whatever aligns your inside with your outside, that's what you should spend your time doing. — G.G. Renee Hill

Goals That Look Quotes By Arsene Wenger

It is one of my biggest regrets that Niall Quinn was not here during my time ... I felt he was an intelligent player. It would have been a good combination with Thierry Henry. What I like with Quinn is if you look at the player who played next to him, he always scored 40 goals because he had a hand for his head and he just put the ball where you were. He was a team player. A top-class player makes other players look good and he had that player. — Arsene Wenger

Goals That Look Quotes By Jonathan Berent

Preparing for a Business-Related Social Function

1. Activate your PMA.
2. Take a few minutes alone before the event - in the car, outside the room.
3. Utilize relaxation techniques.
4. Think about your goals for the event.
5. Visualize your success.
6. Think of a series of self-praise phrases that will give you energy and self-confidence. For example: "I am feeling confident and competent, and I will express this to all of those I meet."
7. Boost your personal energy level up.
8. Walk with confidence into the event.
9. Focus on something other than yourself. Find out about other people and look into their concerns and interests. If you find your attention becoming too self-absorbed, see what you can notice about the appearance of others at the event.
10. Continue to initiate and follow up on conversations throughout . . . — Jonathan Berent

Goals That Look Quotes By Anonymous

The reason most people give up so fast is that they look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come. — Anonymous

Goals That Look Quotes By Maxwell Maltz

People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile. Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project. Always have something ahead of you to look forward to ... to work for and hope for. — Maxwell Maltz

Goals That Look Quotes By Jane Fonda

The skin is our body's envelope, the wrapping that delivers us to the world. If we understand how the skin functions in mid-life and adjust goals and life-styles appropriately, we'll be surprised how much better we can look. — Jane Fonda

Goals That Look Quotes By Eliezer Yudkowsky

If you see your activities and situation originally, you will be able to originally see your goals as well. If you can look with fresh eyes, as though for the first time, you will see yourself doing things that you would never dream of doing if they were not habits. — Eliezer Yudkowsky

Goals That Look Quotes By Barbra Pletcher

The real winners in life are the people who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work ot make it better. — Barbra Pletcher

Goals That Look Quotes By Pele

For 20 years they have asked me the same question, who is the greatest? Pele or Maradona? I replay that all you have to do is look at the facts - how many goals did he score with his right foot or with his head? — Pele

Goals That Look Quotes By Stella Payton

Value all relationships for the lessons they teach. Make sure you learn the lessons well. If not you will repeat those mistakes over and over.
Focus on the kind of relationship you do want! Surround yourself with people who manifest those characteristics. Avoid and eliminate negativity at all cost.
Become a producer of that which is positive.
Look for the good in every situation and praise it. talk about it & be about it. Be about only good things.Create and manifest around you joy and peace and happiness. Let the presence of God be your model. Gods' kingdom consists of 3 things, righteousness, peace and joy in Gods words. When you become a positive producer, you will begin to attract what you produced
positives! — Stella Payton

Goals That Look Quotes By Julian D. Ford

Take a few minutes and come up with a personal list of what's most important to you. Consider the following: People like family, friends, role models, and mentors (animals count too) Places you've been and loved Places you dream of visiting Activities you love to do and look forward to Beliefs about what is good in life Moments that you've most treasured Values about how the world should be Goals, both for personal achievement and making the world a better place Now take this list and circle four or five items that mean the most to you in terms of giving you a feeling that your life has been and — Julian D. Ford

Goals That Look Quotes By Adriana Locke

Learn to love mornings! Everyday is a fresh start. You've a lot to look forward to. Your whole life is in front of you. You can get up everyday and decide what you're going to accomplish, what goals you're going to work towards. Think about that. Every morning is an opportunity to change what you aren't happy with. — Adriana Locke

Goals That Look Quotes By Dan Pearce

Every time we look at the clock, we must learn to feel a sense of urgency. We must learn to realize that "now" is happening and will very soon be gone. We must look at the digits on the display and be overcome with an urge to do something before those digits change. Before "now" slips through our fingers. We must look at the ink on the calendar and see an immediate opportunity to do something wonderful, incredible, or beautiful.
It's that simple. We need to change our thinking from "when the number changes" to "before the number changes". — Dan Pearce

Goals That Look Quotes By Timothy Ferriss

Most information is time-consuming, negative, irrelevant to your goals, and outside of your influence. I challenge you to look at whatever you read or watched today and tell me that it wasn't at least two of the four. I read the front-page headlines through — Timothy Ferriss

Goals That Look Quotes By Margaret Atwood

Then they'd brought in some top designers to consult on an overall look and feel. The fifties was chosen for the visual and audio aspects, because that was the decade in which the most people had self-identified as being happy. Which is one of the goals here: maximum possible happiness. Who wouldn't tick that box? — Margaret Atwood

Goals That Look Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

Her goals had been the goals of radical women a century ago: to become a lawyer ... to compete toe-to-toe with men. But like any second-hand goal, it felt like a burden. It had already been fulfilled ten million times over by other women. Penny wanted a dream of her own, but she had no idea how that dream would look. — Chuck Palahniuk

Goals That Look Quotes By Hillary Rodham Clinton

Near the end of my tenure, I recommended to President Obama that he take another look at our embargo. It wasn't achieving its goals, and it was holding back our broader agenda across Latin America. After twenty years of observing and dealing with the U.S.-Cuba relationship, I thought we should shift the onus onto the Castros to explain why they remained undemocratic and abusive. — Hillary Rodham Clinton

Goals That Look Quotes By Stephen R. Covey

SCHEDULING. Now you can look at the week ahead with your goals in mind and schedule time to achieve them. For example, if your goal is to produce the first draft of your personal mission statement, you may want to set aside a two-hour block of time on Sunday to work on it. Sunday (or some other day of the week that is special to you, your faith, or your circumstances) is often the ideal time to plan your more personally uplifting activities, including weekly organizing. It's a good time to draw back, to seek inspiration, to look at your life in the context of principles and values. If you set a goal to become physically fit through exercise, you may want to set aside an hour three or four days during the week, or possibly every day during the week, to accomplish that goal. There are some goals that you may only be able to accomplish — Stephen R. Covey

Goals That Look Quotes By Linda M. Godwin

It is a very busy mission: every day has some major goals that we have to get through, but my experience before has been that at least in the evening, you kind of take a deep breath and look around where you are and have some downtime. — Linda M. Godwin

Goals That Look Quotes By Leo Babauta

The Power of Less is perfect for achieving goals: Limit yourself to fewer goals, and you'll achieve more. At the same time, we'll look at ways to narrow your focus on your projects, so that you can complete them more effectively and move forward on your goals. We'll apply limitations to our projects to increase our effectiveness. — Leo Babauta

Goals That Look Quotes By Jose Mourinho

Look at my haircut. I am ready for the war. The objective is to win the Premiershp. I don't want to dominate, to finish without defeat, record points or goals or consecutive wins. The Premiership is so difficult you cannot be focused on that. I just think about winning. — Jose Mourinho

Goals That Look Quotes By M. Russell Ballard

I believe you can train yourself to become a positive thinker, but you must cultivate a desire to develop the skill of setting personal worthy and realistic goals. I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the technique of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When you learn to master the principle of setting a goal, you will then be able to make a great difference in the results you attain in this life. — M. Russell Ballard

Goals That Look Quotes By Ed Seykota

I think that if people look deeply enough into their trading patterns, they find that, on balance, including all their goals, they are really getting what they want, even though they may not understand it or want to admit it. — Ed Seykota

Goals That Look Quotes By Thomas Sowell

Economics is more than just a way to see patterns or to unravel puzzling anomalies. Its fundamental concern is with the material standard of living of society as a whole and how that is affected by particular decisions made by individuals and institutions. One of the ways of doing this is to look at economic policies and economic systems in terms of the incentives they create, rather than simply the goals they pursue. This means that consequences matter more than intentions - and not just the immediate consequences, but also the longer run repercussions of decisions, policies, and institutions. — Thomas Sowell

Goals That Look Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

We distill happiness from garnering joy in the ordinary fragments of life, while dedicating personal effort to creating a body of work that one can look back on their deathbed and be satisfied with achieving. Happiness comes from living beautifully, which necessarily involves reason in thought and speech (logos), and leading an ethical and virtuous life devoted to achieving worthy goals. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Goals That Look Quotes By Noah Bradley

When you're looked over, passed by, and straight up refused, that isn't failure. When it feels like you can't do anything right, that isn't failure.

When it all feels hopeless and you don't even know why you bother, it still isn't failure. When you change directions to do something else, that's not failure.

Failure is neither delays nor going slow. Failure isn't starting late or starting wrong. Failure isn't feeling worry or regret or confusion.

Failure doesn't look like struggle, it looks like nothing at all.

Failure is when we stop. When we put our goals and dreams up on the shelf to collect dust. Failure is accepting failure.

But until the day we die, failure doesn't have to be permanent. We can always dust off those dreams and start again.

All we have to do is keep going — Noah Bradley

Goals That Look Quotes By Mary-Kate Olsen

We kinda look at this as the second or third chapter of our lives. After college, most people figure out what they want to do with their lives. But we already know what we want to do in the future and that is to continue to further our business goals. — Mary-Kate Olsen

Goals That Look Quotes By Rob Liano

Do you have all that you desire? The health, the home, the career or the relationship? Look to where you're investing your time the most, is it dedicated to achieving those desires? — Rob Liano

Goals That Look Quotes By Howard W. Hunter

To dig a straight furrow, the plowman needs to keep his eyes on a fixed point ahead of him. That keeps him on a true course. If, however, he happens to look back to see where he has been, his chances of straying are increased. The results are crooked and irregular furrows ... Fix your attention on your ... goals and never look back on your earlier problems ... If our energies are focused not behind us but ahead of us
on eternal life and the joy of salvation
we assuredly will obtain it. — Howard W. Hunter

Goals That Look Quotes By Charles Darwin

It is necessary to look forward to a harvest, however distant that may be, when some fruit will be reaped, some good effected. — Charles Darwin

Goals That Look Quotes By LeBron James

I have short goals - to get better every day, to help my teammates every day - but my only ultimate goal is to win an NBA championship. It's all that matters. I dream about it. I dream about it all the time, how it would look, how it would feel. It would be so amazing. — LeBron James

Goals That Look Quotes By Rita Dove

I was not interested in doing the plot of OEDIPUS in blackface. I did wonder, what would these people have been like if they hadn't been in that situation? ... One could look at Oedipus, or at my character Augustus, as a cynical schemer who did everything because he was hungry for power. But that's just too easy. I'm more interested in how humans can embody conflicting goals and emotions. — Rita Dove

Goals That Look Quotes By Cal Newport

Once you've identified these goals, list for each the two or three most important activities that help you satisfy the goal. These activities should be specific enough to allow you to clearly picture doing them. On the other hand, they should be general enough that they're not tied to a onetime outcome. For example, "do better research" is too general (what does it look like to be "doing better research"?), while "finish paper on broadcast lower bounds in time for upcoming conference submission" is too specific (it's a onetime outcome). A good activity in this context would be something like: "regularly read and understand the cutting-edge results in my field. — Cal Newport

Goals That Look Quotes By Angela Williamson

Most people think of ways why their desires or goals would fail, instead of thinking of ways why they will succeed. Do not give in to why it would fail, but why it would succeed. Many people also fail to take action or give up to quickly on their desires or goals. It took Edison 1,000 attempts to obtain his goal the light bulb. People like Latimer improved on Edison's invention at time when our society dictate his status based on the color of his skin. They had the mentality that it would be impossible for them to fail. When you have this mentality, miracles will take place in your life. Remember winners or not quitters and quitters are not winners. Look for opportunities to realize your desires or goals today and every day. — Angela Williamson

Goals That Look Quotes By Nick Hornby

Absurdly, I haven't yet got around to saying that football is a wonderful sport, but of course it is. Goals have a rarity value that points and runs and sets do not, and so there will always be that thrill, the thrill of seeing someone do something that can only be done three or four times in a whole game if you are lucky, not at all if you are not. And I love the pace of it, its lack of formula; and I love the way that small men can destroy big men ... in a way that they can't in other contact sports, and the way that t he best team does not necessarily win. And there's the athleticism ... , and the way that strength and intelligence have to combine. It allows players to look beautiful and balletic in a way that some sports do not: a perfectly-timed diving header, or a perfectly-struck volley, allow the body to achieve a poise and grace that some sportsmen can never exhibit. — Nick Hornby

Goals That Look Quotes By Hunter S. Thompson

Beware of looking for goals: look for a way of life. Decide how you want to live and then see what you can do to make a living WITHIN that way of life. — Hunter S. Thompson

Goals That Look Quotes By Donald Barthelme

Goals incapable of attainment have driven many a man to despair, but despair is easier to get to than that
one need merely look out of the window, for example. — Donald Barthelme

Goals That Look Quotes By Michael Phelps

At a very young age, I wrote down the goals that I had so I could always see what I wanted to accomplish. And I would look at that goal sheet and think "I still want to do this."So I'd decide "I'm not quitting." — Michael Phelps

Goals That Look Quotes By Frank Lampard

Scoring goals is the best feeling you can have. I always look up at the stand for my family straight afterwards; it means everything to me that they travel to every game. — Frank Lampard

Goals That Look Quotes By Rolf Potts

For first-time vagabonders, this can be one of the hardest travel lessons to grasp, since it will seem that there are so many amazing sights and experiences to squeeze in. You must keep in mind, however, that the whole point of long-term travel is having the time to move deliberately through the world. Vagabonding is about not merely reallotting a portion of your life for travel but rediscovering the entire concept of time. At home, you're conditioned to get to the point and get things done, to favor goals and efficiency over moment-by-moment distinction. On the road, you learn to improvise your days, take a second look at everything you see, and not obsess over your schedule. — Rolf Potts

Goals That Look Quotes By Lionel Messi

I don't look at records, that's not why I'm playing the game. Goals, of course. Every player in my position wants to score goals. But most of all, trophies. My target is always to win trophies for Barcelona, and that will always be my motivation, to win things. Nothing feels better than doing that as a team. — Lionel Messi

Goals That Look Quotes By Dick Armey

Government is saying to the average citizen every January 1: 'For the next five months you'll be working for us, for goals we shall determine. Is that clear? After May 5 you may look after your own needs and ambitions, but report back to us next January. Now move along.' ... If nearly half of what you make is spent by someone else, that means that half your work time is spent working for someone else. Call me a radical, but I think that comes dangerously close to being a form of indentured servitude. — Dick Armey

Goals That Look Quotes By Luis Suarez

I swear on my children's lives that I never look at the statistics or look at beating anyone's records. All I do is look to improve but not compete against any record. I want to win trophies and score goals because that's my job as a forward. — Luis Suarez

Goals That Look Quotes By Monks Of New Skete

To a significant degree, the commitments we make in life define us. They reveal our interests, passions and goals, and give important clues in discerning meaning and finding happiness in life. While many seem to struggle with the archetypal human question, "who am I?" one simple look at who and what you're devoted to, what takes up your time and fires your imagination can clarify your life direction. It can help you to make authentic decisions that are rooted in your deepest convictions. We are happiest when we are in harmony with our passion. — Monks Of New Skete

Goals That Look Quotes By Gabriel Batistuta

When I was playing football I never enjoyed it that much, I was never happy ... if I scored two goals, I wanted a third, I always wanted more. Now it's all over I can look back with satisfaction, but I never felt that way when I was playing. — Gabriel Batistuta

Goals That Look Quotes By Aaron Blaylock

During my life I've had different goals for working out; to get stronger, to
increase stamina and flexibility, to improve performance in sports, to lose weight. I imagine that most people fall into those categories, but there is one underlying reason that motivates people to work out: to look better naked.
Of all the reasons people say they workout this is the most honest. Plus I take every opportunity to say naked. — Aaron Blaylock

Goals That Look Quotes By Robert Cheeke

We all need to have heroes, people to admire and look up to. To find a hero, first look to your parents or older brother or sister. Then look to the people who share the same morals and values that you have, and have accomplished the goals that you strive to achieve. — Robert Cheeke

Goals That Look Quotes By Miranda Leek

My dad, we'll be talking about goals for the next year. He's like, 'I think you can be here,' and I look at him like he's cross-eyed, like, 'Are you serious? That's so far out of my reach.' Well, then I always end up achieving it. — Miranda Leek

Goals That Look Quotes By Bill Shankly

I've had many skilful men and the likes of Peter Thompson, Ian St John, Kevin Keegan and Steve Heighway were the ones who caught the eye. But the best professional of the lot was Gerry Byrne. He wasn't flashy and he wouldn't score you goals. But he was hard and skilful and gave you everything he had. More than that he was totally honest. Which is the greatest quality of all. He was a true Liverpudlian who couldn't look his fellow Scousers in the face after a game unless he'd given everything he had for 90 minutes. — Bill Shankly

Goals That Look Quotes By Mary E. Pearson

Instead, he uttered another complaint. "You're allowing a dusty old book to control your destiny!" A book controlling me? Heat shot to my temples. I shifted in my saddle to face him fully. "Understand this, Your Majesty, there's been a lot of effort to control my life, but it hasn't come from books! Look a little further back! A kingdom that betrothed me to an unknown prince controlled my destiny. A Komizar who commandeered my voice controlled my destiny. And a young king who would force protection on me thought he would control my destiny. Make no mistake about it, Rafe. I am choosing my destiny now - not a book, nor a man or a kingdom. If my goals and heart coincide with something in an old dusty book, so be it. I choose to serve this goal, just as you are free to choose yours!" I lowered my voice and added with cold certainty, "I promise you, King Jaxon, if Morrighan falls, Dalbreck will be next, and then every other kingdom on the continent until the Komizar has consumed them all. — Mary E. Pearson

Goals That Look Quotes By J. Cole

As much as it might look like, to someone else, that I'm successful, I never feel like I'm anywhere. The further I go, I still feel equally further from my eventual goal. Because as I grow, I get more goals. I'm never content. — J. Cole

Goals That Look Quotes By Tom Turner

To achieve these goals [of making good landscapes}, there is but one necessity: when preparing and approving plans for new places, or spending money on old places, we must look beyond the confines of each and every project. Gazing at these wider horizons, we shall see that development projects are initiated by specialists who have been imprisioned within "closely drawn technical limits" and "narrowly drawn territorial boundaries" (Weddle 1967; vii). — Tom Turner

Goals That Look Quotes By Kristen Morrison

The potential of any individual is based upon the opportunities presented to them. If appropriate (and) specific opportunities are presented, there will be greater outcomes...... Down syndrome is a label and you have to reach beyond the expectations of that label. I challenge you to look beyond those expectations and set your goals high. Use — Kristen Morrison

Goals That Look Quotes By John Howard Griffin

The author meets an African-American who observes that his fellows who begin with aspirations to a good education, solid career, and the raising of a family slowly lose that incentive. Even those who have a college education, he observes, need to take menial jobs and begin to look for excitement in less productive places. — John Howard Griffin

Goals That Look Quotes By Greg Gilbert

One of my main goals in life is to make those that believed in me look extremely brilliant. — Greg Gilbert

Goals That Look Quotes By Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Look at your life. Look at the ways in which you define who you are and what you're capable of achieving. Look at your goals. Look at the pressures applied by the people around you and the culture in which you were raised. Look again. And again. Keep looking until you realize, within your own experience, that you're so much more than who you believe you are. Keep looking until you discover the wondrous heart, the marvelous mind, that is the very basis of your being. — Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Goals That Look Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

Relinquish! What! my vocation? My great work? My foundation laid on earth for a mansion in heaven? My hopes of being numbered in the band who have merged all ambitions in the glorious one of bettering their race - of carrying knowledge into the realms of ignorance - of substituting peace for war - freedom for bondage - religion for superstition - the hope of heaven for the fear of hell? Must I relinquish that? It is dearer than the blood in my veins. It is what I have to look forward to, and to live for. — Charlotte Bronte

Goals That Look Quotes By Ayn Rand

Whenever, in any era, culture, or society, you encounter the phenomenon of prejudice, injustice, persecution, and blind, unreasoning hatred directed at some minority group - look for the gang that has something to gain from that persecution, look for those who have a vested interest in the destruction of these particular sacrificial victims. Invariably, you will find that the persecuted minority serves as a scapegoat for some movement that does not want the nature of its own goals to be known. — Ayn Rand