Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gimme More Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gimme More Quotes

Gimme More Quotes By Nicki Minaj

If he gimme the word then I'm flippin the bird & then I'm spinnin around & I'm grippin the burn — Nicki Minaj

Gimme More Quotes By Michael Darling

Name a song. Any song at all."
She thought for a moment and said, "'Claire de Lune.'"
I placed my hands on the keyboard. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back and struck a key, sounding a single note. "There you go. Gimme another one. I can play the first note of anything. As long as I get to choose the key it's in. — Michael Darling

Gimme More Quotes By Laurell K. Hamilton

Dolph called out, "You be careful tonight, Anita. Wouldn't want you picking up anything." I glared back at him. The rest of the men waved at me and called in unison, "We loove you." "Gimme a break." One called, "If I'd known you liked to see naked men, we could have worked something out." "The stuff you got, Zerbrowski, I don't want to see." Laughter, and someone grabbed him around the neck. "She got you, man . . . Give it up, she gets you every time." I got into my car to the sound of masculine laughter, and one offer to be my "luv" slave. It was probably Zerbrowski. — Laurell K. Hamilton

Gimme More Quotes By J.D. Salinger

I'm no goddam animal. I may be a stupid, fouled-up twentieth-century son of a bitch, but I'm no animal. Don't gimme that. I'm no animal. — J.D. Salinger

Gimme More Quotes By Stephen King

Gimme the pill. I'm gonna fuck. She was of age. Why be coy? — Stephen King

Gimme More Quotes By Sebastian Sim

There were three things Gimme Lao did not know about himself. — Sebastian Sim

Gimme More Quotes By Julie Kagawa

Me? Robin Goodfellow, a family man? He, not likely, ice-boy. I mean, think of what that would do to my reputation." Glamour shimmered around him, and he gave us a wink. "Later, lovebirds. Gimme a heads up when the kid arrives. 'Uncle Puck' will be waiting. — Julie Kagawa

Gimme More Quotes By Nathan Parsons

I don't think I do look like an A-Lister. I'm more interested in being comfortable in my own skin than trying to be somebody I'm not. Gimme jeans, an old T-shirt, cowboy boots and a baseball cap any day. — Nathan Parsons

Gimme More Quotes By Jennifer Ryan

Jack prepared another needle with the antibiotics.
"You're not sticking me with that."
"Come on. It'll only hurt for a second, and I'll get to look under that sheet again."
"Jack, I'm not kidding. I don't like shots. Enough already."
"You need the medicine. Now gimme your cheek."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny."
She let him give her the shot and stuck her tongue out when he finished. He loved how easily she made him laugh.
"Smart ass."
"Sore ass is more like it." — Jennifer Ryan

Gimme More Quotes By Kool Keith

You need a bad operation.
Gimme the scissors, hammer, flame. — Kool Keith

Gimme More Quotes By Bobby Bare

Take this rifle, kid. Gimme that guitar. — Bobby Bare

Gimme More Quotes By Tori Amos

Gimme peace, love, and a hard cock! — Tori Amos

Gimme More Quotes By Kurupt

Gimme a couple G's for every emcee I knocked to his knees.
Verbally useless, 'Oh you got the juice?' I squeeze you juiceless. — Kurupt

Gimme More Quotes By Ben Fountain

You'd think family would be the one sure thing in life, the gimme? Points you got just for being born? So much thick, meaty stuff bound you to these people, so many interlocking spirals of history, genetics, common cause, and struggle that it should be the most basic of all drives, that you would strive to protect and love one another, yet this bond that should be the big no-brainer was in fact the hardest thing. — Ben Fountain

Gimme More Quotes By Tupac Shakur

Bury me smilin' with G's in my pocket, Have a party at my funeral let every rapper rock it Let the hoes that I used to know, from way before Kiss me from my head to my toe, Gimme a paper and pen so I can write about my life of sin, Couple bottles of gin, in case I don't get in ... — Tupac Shakur

Gimme More Quotes By Matt Chandler

And even though they fail us every bit as readily as we fail ourselves, even though they prove just as incapable of fulfilling us as all the other people do in our lives, we still keep pushing that gimme button like blasted morons, fully expecting that the next time we snag whatever comes out of it will be the time when the satisfaction finally takes hold, when the good feelings finally stick around and stay. And so like clockwork, we go down in flames again and again to our alcohol abuse or our sexual lust or our sweet tooth or our credit line - whatever particular desire is so powerful and predictable at deceiving us. We grab for things that have never failed to disappoint us in the past, thinking that what we must need more than anything is more of it ... more of the same thing that's never been able to satisfy us before. That's the call of the world for you. And it's madness. — Matt Chandler

Gimme More Quotes By Jerry Lewis

People say, "How would you like to be remembered?" I don't want to be remembered. Gimme a break. What I want is to hear what's great about me now. Let me hear it! In the box you don't hear these eulogies. — Jerry Lewis

Gimme More Quotes By William Gibson

Molly and Armitage ate in silence, while Case sawed shakily at his steak, reducing it to uneaten bite-sized fragments, which he pushed around in the rich sauce, finally abandoning the whole thing. 'Jesus,' Molly said, her own plate empty, 'gimme that. You know what this costs?' She took his plate. 'They gotta raise a whole animal for years and then they kill it. This isn't vat stuff.' She forked a mouthful up and chewed. 'Not — William Gibson

Gimme More Quotes By Harper Lee

Well, in the first place, you stopped to gimme a chance to tell you my side of it- you just lit right into me. When Jem an' I fuss Atticus doesn't ever listen to just Jem's side of it, he hears mine too — Harper Lee

Gimme More Quotes By Peter Mayle

The French, it seems to me, strike a happy balance between intimacy and reserve. Some of this must be helped by the language, which lends itself to graceful expression even when dealing with fairly basic subjects ... And there's that famously elegant subtitle from a classic Western.
COWBOY: "Gimme a shot of red-eye."
SUBTITLE: "Un Dubonnet, s'il vous plait."
No wonder French was the language of diplomacy for all those years. — Peter Mayle

Gimme More Quotes By Karina Halle

He backed away from me, clutching the phone to his chest. "What?"
"Gimme the phone," I commanded, holding out my hand.
His head dropped solemnly. "I am on a very important call."
"Yes, about me," I said, reaching for it. "Now give it."
He shrank away and eyed the room anxiously. "Damn, I knew I should have kept a spare roll of duct tape somewhere. — Karina Halle

Gimme More Quotes By Frank Zappa

So, if music is the best, what is music? Anything can be music, but it doesn't become music until someone wills it to be music, and the audience listening to it decides to perceive it as music.
Most people can't deal with that abstraction
or don't want to. They say: Gimme the tune. Do I like this tune? Does it sound like another tune that I like? The more familiar it is, the better I like it. Hear those three notes there? Those are the three notees I can sing along with. I like those notes very, very much. Give me a beat. Not a fancy one. Give me a GOOD BEAT
something I can dance to. It has to go boom-bap, boom-boom-BAP. If it doesn't, I will hate it very, very much. Also, I want it right away
andthen, write me some more songs like that
over and over and over again, because I'm really into music. — Frank Zappa

Gimme More Quotes By Sarina Bowen

-Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?
-Any time I offer you food.
-Exactly. Gimme that. — Sarina Bowen

Gimme More Quotes By Toni Morrison

Gimme hate, Lord," he whimpered. "I'll take hate any day. But don't give me love. I can't take no more love, Lord. I can't carry it ... It's too heavy. Jesus, you know, you know all about it. Ain't it heavy? Jesus? Ain't love heavy? — Toni Morrison

Gimme More Quotes By Angie Stone

Why do we need to wait until somebody sells 10 million records to give people a show like that? What about us smaller, hungry folk? At least gimme a curtain! — Angie Stone

Gimme More Quotes By Ken Wilber

And as for baby-boomer parents cluck-clucking about illegal substances, ah, gimme a break. Still, I think I'll pass on the rave. But more power to 'em, I say. — Ken Wilber

Gimme More Quotes By Pema Chodron

You want it your own way. You'd just like to have a little peace; you'd like to have a little happiness, you know, just "gimme a break!" But the more you think that way, the more you try to get life to come out so that it will always suit you, the more your fear of other people and what's outside your room grows. — Pema Chodron

Gimme More Quotes By Wayne Dyer

We only need so much to survive, but this world we live in tells us we need more stuff to be happy. We're inundated with our televisions, the Internet and advertising that says in order to be happy you have to have these things. When you say, 'Gimme, gimme, gimme,' you will always be in short supply. — Wayne Dyer

Gimme More Quotes By Gregory David Roberts

Gimme an honest frown over a false smile, any day. — Gregory David Roberts

Gimme More Quotes By Jason Aldean

Gimme some of that you and me,
Some of that way back when,
A little bit of wild and free
I wanna feel that again — Jason Aldean

Gimme More Quotes By Johnny Giles

How on earth Traore gets into this team is beyond me. And he's a Champions League winner? Gimme a break. They've Riise sitting on the bench who's a different class to this fella. — Johnny Giles

Gimme More Quotes By E.B. White

Don Marquis came down after a month on the wagon, ambled over to the bar, and announced, 'I've conquered that goddamn willpower of mine. Gimme a double Scotch. — E.B. White

Gimme More Quotes By Fran Drescher

I love walking my feet off. Gimme a map and a box of Band-Aids and I'm all set! — Fran Drescher

Gimme More Quotes By Zadie Smith

New York just expects so much from a girl - acts like it can't stand even the idea of a wasted talent or opportunity ... Rome says: enjoy me. London: survive me. New York: gimme all you got. What a thrilling proposition! The chance to be "all that you might be." Such a thrill - until it becomes a burden. — Zadie Smith

Gimme More Quotes By Mitch Hedberg

I got a business card because I wanna win some lunches. That's what my business card says: Mitch Hedberg, Potential Lunch Winner. Gimme a call, maybe we'll have lunch. If I'm lucky! — Mitch Hedberg

Gimme More Quotes By Mary Ann Rivers

Magic comes from freedom, from openness, from willingness. Play burbles up from the yes that lives in the dark space, the now, the gimme, the yearning urge to be and belong and become.
Our joy lives in the dizzying impulse we all learn to stifle as we grow - the voice of yes that tells us to close our eyes on the swings so we can feel the earth fall away beneath us, to lie in the grass with the sun warming our faces until we're certain that it's spinning, it's really spinning, and we're all spinning with it.
I told Cal that the dark space is light, and it is, but it is also play. To be at play is to release the light. — Mary Ann Rivers

Gimme More Quotes By Miriam Toews

My mother tells Tina that she doesn't like books where the protagonist is established as Sad on page one. Okay, she's sad! We get it, we know what sad is, and then the whole book is basically a description of the million and one ways in which our protagonist is sad. Gimme a break! Get on with it! — Miriam Toews

Gimme More Quotes By George Carlin

The Baby Boomers: whiny, narcissistic, self-indulgent people with a simple philosophy: "Gimme that! It's mine!" — George Carlin

Gimme More Quotes By RZA

This is a robbery, boy, gimme them dollars.
We hit the lottery, boy, it's in ya wallets! — RZA

Gimme More Quotes By Mira Grant

This is Shaun Mason activating security protocol Campbell. The bridge is out, the trees are coming, and I'm pretty sure my hand is evil. Now gimme some sugar, baby. — Mira Grant

Gimme More Quotes By Ward Churchill

As to those in the World Trade Center ... Let's get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break ... If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I'd really be interested in hearing about it. — Ward Churchill

Gimme More Quotes By Bridget Carpenter

Gimme gimme you fucking greedy fucking cunt — Bridget Carpenter

Gimme More Quotes By Mira Grant

She was sitting on the counter, holding a can of Coke. "Looking for this?" she asked.
"My savior." I walked toward her, making grabbing motions. "Gimme. Gimme sweet, sweet caffeine."
"The word is 'please,' Mason. — Mira Grant

Gimme More Quotes By Nick Wilgus

I always tell Noah to behave or I'll sell him on eBay. You've got to have some way to keep these little buggers in line or they'll just walk all over you. It's a nightmare. Honestly. All the livelong day. Daddy, I want this. Daddy, I want that. Daddy, daddy, daddy! Gimme gimme gimme! I'm like, honest to almighty Christ and sweet and sunny jumped-up Jesus, if you don't shut up, it's back to the basement and the duct tape and the handcuffs again and I'm not joking. Now get me a beer, you frikkin' munchkin! — Nick Wilgus

Gimme More Quotes By Addison Moore

Eat my food or die."
"If I eat your food I WILL die." He belches before reaching in the fridge for a soda. "Yeah, whatever. Gimme something to commit a slow suicide with. — Addison Moore

Gimme More Quotes By J.R. Ward

Gimme an S! A T! An O! A C! Followed by a K-H-O-L-M! What's it spell? HEAD FUCK.
- Jane — J.R. Ward

Gimme More Quotes By Louise Hay

We're all - all of us - a minute away from dying. If you're aware of that, life becomes a little more precious. Also, you have a slightly different outlook. It's not so much "gimme, gimme." — Louise Hay

Gimme More Quotes By E. E. Cummings

Mr youse needn't be so spry concernin questions arty each has his tastes but as for i i likes a certain party gimme the he-man's solid bliss for youse ideas i'll match youse a pretty girl who naked is is worth a million statues — E. E. Cummings

Gimme More Quotes By Elle Aycart

What do you think? The last party she threw for you, you
came home with an inflatable cock on your head as a tiara, totally drunk,
singing 'Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!' and carrying a huge basket full of sex toys. — Elle Aycart

Gimme More Quotes By E. Jamie

Some of those are over a hundred years old," Alessandro explained as he unlocked the door. "Dat's older den you or mommy!" Will said. He stopped and looked at the white marble fountain in the middle of the walkway with a figurine that had water coming out of its mouth and falling into the fountain. He lifted on his tip toes to look inside of the vessel. "Der's water in der. How come it don' fall out?" Will asked. Bree pulled out a penny and handed it to him. "Here, make a wish." Will closed his eyes tight. "I wish for lotsa presents fo' my berfday," he announced and tossed in the penny. Bree snorted. "You're not supposed to say your wish out loud." "Oh. Okay, gimme nudder one. I say it in my head dis time," Will said. — E. Jamie