Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gerwens Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gerwens Quotes

Gerwens Quotes By Aletheia Luna

The Empath is often said to have such a great degree of empathy that they can literally feel what others feel, and thus intuitively know many of the yearnings, sensitivities, tastes and even thought patterns of the people they're around. — Aletheia Luna

Gerwens Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Wherever primitive man put up a word, he believed he had made a discovery. How utterly mistaken he really was! He had touched a problem, and while supposing he had solved it, he had created and obstacle to its solution. Now, with every new knowledge we stumble over flint-like and petrified words and, in so doing, break a leg sooner than a word. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Gerwens Quotes By Dalai Lama XIV

Choose to be optimistic, it feels better. — Dalai Lama XIV

Gerwens Quotes By Joyce Carol Oates

I believe that any form of art is a species of exploration and transgression ... Art by its nature is a transgressive act, and artists must accept being punished for it. The more original and unsettling their art, the more devastating the punishment. — Joyce Carol Oates

Gerwens Quotes By Henry R. Luce

Show me a man who claims he is objective and I'll show you a man with illusions. — Henry R. Luce

Gerwens Quotes By Charlie Crist

I was a Republican, and I saw the activists and what they were doing; it was intolerable to me. — Charlie Crist

Gerwens Quotes By Albert Camus

What the world requires of the Christians is that they should continue to be Christians. — Albert Camus

Gerwens Quotes By Neal A. Maxwell

At the center of our agency is our freedom to form a healthy attitude toward whatever circumstances we are placed in! — Neal A. Maxwell

Gerwens Quotes By Julia Restoin Roitfeld

I'm European, I wake up in heels. — Julia Restoin Roitfeld

Gerwens Quotes By Milan Kundera

No nation has been on earth since the beginning of time and the very concept of nationhood is pretty recent. Despite that, most nations look upon their own existence as a self-evident destiny conferred by God, or by Nature, since time immemorial. Nations tend to think of their cultures and political systems, even their frontiers, as the work of Man, but they see their national existence as a transcendent fact, beyond all question — Milan Kundera

Gerwens Quotes By Andrew Davidson

I am not a hero in soul and never will be, but I am better than I was before. Or so I tell myself; and for now that is enough. — Andrew Davidson