Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Gerrard

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Top Gerrard Quotes

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

All across the region the sexual revolution would arrive by tank. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Karyn Gerrard

My name is Jerrod Ross, Squire from Pendern Hall. And who might you be, madam?"

"I? I am Sandra Cranston, Mistress of the walk-up second story flat," she replied coldly.~Timeless Heart — Karyn Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

To me it's the best trophy you can win and to bring it back for all them fans that have supported us right through would be something special. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I tried to nutmeg him. It never came off and he gave me a slap on the back of the head and told me to start behaving — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

It will be a dream come true if I can go there and lift it. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

We're going to be the underdogs again in Istanbul on the 25th, but that suits us.
(on the Champions league Final) — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Don't try to beat the goalkeeper ... Tr y to destroy the goalkeeper. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Football is all about winning things as a team but it's also important to pick up individual awards along the way. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

Praising heroes who slay monsters is a writer's most ancient task. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

Arthur, do you think the fall of the Wall means anything? Do you think that this means that even one fewer body will burn? — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Jordan Henderson

I'd have to say Steven Gerrard has been the biggest influence in my career so far. I watched him when I was younger and then to go and play and train with him every day is massive for me, and still is now. — Jordan Henderson

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

We need to forget about mistakes and take the positives. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

We need to go there and make sure we bring that cup home. and if we do succeed, then we'll dedicate it to the fans that have waited so patiently since 1984.
(on the Champions League) — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

To talk about something is the first step toward invading it. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

We were massive underdogs at the beginning of the competition and I'll put my hands up say and I didn't think we were going to go all the way. But, as you can see, we are never beaten. The manager told us to keep our chins up, to try and score early in the second half and give some respect for the fans. The first goal gave us a bit of belief. The supporters have saved up for weeks and months to come here. I am so happy to lift the cup for the fans. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Luis Suarez

Steven Gerrard is the best player I've ever played with. — Luis Suarez

Gerrard Quotes By David Pleat

Of course, Steven Gerrard is one of only a few Liverpool players who never get left out by Rafa; and even he doesn't always get picked. — David Pleat

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

It was difficult knowing one of your cousins had lost his life. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

There is going to be a lot asked of me over the next few weeks but I am getting more experience now and learning all the time. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I listen to the phone-ins on the way home and I know how the fans feel. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

He says that politics is a waste of time. Politics are? Politics is? Anyway, a waste of time. He says you should focus on your own sexual gratification. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Lisa Gerrard

A true collaboration is trickier than a marriage because you can't hide. — Lisa Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

It was nice to get three goals, but I dont feel I have anything to prove, — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

I had always thought that vaginas, with their flaps and folds, looked somehow unfinished. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I've seen the slip a few times. I don't have to watch something like that to go through the pain again and again and again. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Loyalty doesn't seem to be in the game that much these days where players leave their clubs which made them the stars they are today either to seek personal glory or fill their pockets. But one man serves as the epitome of club loyalty.. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

The fact I've played well means that on a personal level I have enjoyed the season. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Phil Neal

The midfield picks itself - Beckham, Scholes, Gerrard and A N Other. — Phil Neal

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

I was afraid you would deny me three times before your cock grows. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Grilled salmon and brown pasta works for me every time. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I didn't sleep with the European Cup but it was in my room! It was just special and I just had to have the cup with me, lifting the cup as Liverpool captain was just the best moment of my life. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

If I ever saw one of my team-mates diving, I'd definitely have a word — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

This club is all about winning trophies and we've got a chance of bringing the greatest trophy of them all back to Anfield, so it means a great deal obviously. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Francesco Totti

Steven Gerrard would be the captain of my World XI dream team. — Francesco Totti

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I have always applied myself the same for club and country. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

Human beings are terrible things, Arthur. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

A mate owned a Bryan Robson top. We were kicking about, and I asked if I could be Robbo for a while. My dad looked out and went ballistic. He wasn't having his kid dragging the Gerrard name through the gutter. I thought we'd have to move! — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Andrew Buchan

The three people I've always wanted to meet are Stephen Fry, Billy Connolly and Steven Gerrard. — Andrew Buchan

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I'm playing second fiddle to Justin Bieber - Bieber Fever is sweeping our house, and my girls have made it clear I'm no longer their favourite man. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Gerrard Winstanley

If many have their turns to rule, ... this will encourage all men to advance Righteousness and that the Commonwealth will hereby be furnished with able and experienced men, fit to govern. — Gerrard Winstanley

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I think every player listens out for his name being sung and it's something I really enjoy. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

The foreign players seem to be reveling in the European games and they've put in some massive performances for us.
(on Liverpool) — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Hopefully it'll give us a bit of luck on the night, but I'm not really a superstitious person. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

In football, the hero and legend status is given out far too easily for me. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I think we've got a lot players in the squad who are more suited to European football at the moment. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Gerrard Winstanley

When the people stare at the sky and dream of blessedness, or when they quiver with fear for hell after death, their eyes get blinded so they can't see their own right of primogeniture. — Gerrard Winstanley

Gerrard Quotes By Alex Ferguson

Lampard, for me, was a marvellous servant for Chelsea, but I didn't think of him as an elite international footballer. And I am one of the few who felt Gerrard was not a top, top player. — Alex Ferguson

Gerrard Quotes By Gerrard Winstanley

Was the earth made to preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, and for them to bag and barn up the treasures of the Earth from others, that these may beg or starve in a fruitful land; or was it made to preserve all her children? — Gerrard Winstanley

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Taking the lead, that was the hard part. To concede after that was a massive disappointment - not good enough. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Everyone is going to be talking about Chelsea and Liverpool but the others are very tough teams. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

It's probably been the worst three months of my life. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I share their frustration at times and I get down just like them when we suffer a bad result. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Nicci Gerrard

How was it that time only flowed in one direction, implacable and impersonal, dragging everyone with it, and couldn't be stopped and turned back to that one moment? — Nicci Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Lisa Gerrard

There's something extremely fragile about musicians, and that's their strength. — Lisa Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

If you don't play well, you have a bad game or a nightmare you know that the amount of coverage is worldwide. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I might be an ambassador. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

That win means so much. They got back into the game but I think we showed today that we want to go to the wire. We want to go all the way. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

My message to the fans would be that hopefully I can continue to perform as consistently as I have done this season and lift a trophy for them soon. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I am gonna go into my coaching badges after my England days are finished and I have the time on my international break. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Joe Lovejoy

[On England's elimination from the 2002 World Cup after losing 2-1 to Brazil] Never was Steven Gerrard more noticeably missed, for his ability to pass, rather than kick the ball over 40 yards and for his steely mentality. Not for the first time, Eriksson's substitutions were baffling. The situation cried for Joe Cole, the one England player with a trick to beat a man, but it was the convalescent Kieron Dyer who was sent on, in place of Sinclair. Owen, never fully fit, was withdrawn after 80 minutes, at which stage Eriksson sent on Darius Vassell and Teddy Sheringham in a move which smacked of desperation, rather than tactical nous. From Sven-Goran Eriksson: The Final Reckoning — Joe Lovejoy

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

The Champions League is the competition everyone wants to be in. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I watched Italia '90 with my Mum and Dad and my brother, you know, leaping around the house when the penalties were on ... It would be great to be part of that, to have that kind of impact. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

When I leave the car park at Melwood, I try and become a completely different person. I try to get away from it. You have got to. Otherwise you end up like Jamie Carragher - obsessed! — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Kenny Dalglish is a hero of mine and is the best player to ever wear a red shirt. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Lisa Gerrard

Years ago I sang on a track using that voice and someone asked, 'Who is that terribly depressed man' ... But Patrick loved it. He said, 'You sound like a young boy, like a child, like an old woman, like an old man,' and really, we all have all of those things inside of us. I don't do any vocal gymnastics to make the voice better as I age. If it comes out rougher, then it's true to what's happening. Singing is who I am. I didn't train for it, any more than I trained for anything else I did. I probably should take better care of myself physically, but it goes against the grain. — Lisa Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I'm born in Liverpool, I'm a Liverpool supporter. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

I think that we were both wrong. I think that Arthur had sex with his sister to create a short century."
"Daddy, what are you talking about?"
"He was trying to end something, and by ending it start something totally new. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I'll admit, it gives me a real buzz when I hear my name being chanted and that feeling is the same now as it was when I first broke into the team. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I think it all goes down to who plays the better football on the night. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Red is our color.
(on Liverpool) — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Gerrard Winstanley

Everyone that gets an authority into his hands tyrannizes over others; as many husbands, parents, masters, magistrates, that live after the flesh do carry themselves like oppressing lords over such as are under them, not knowing that their wives, children, servants, subjects are their fellow creatures, and hath an equal privilege to share them in the blessing of liberty. — Gerrard Winstanley

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

This does not
ing slip now. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

As club captain all I want to do is help us get back up the table and into the Champions League. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

We've proved a lot of people wrong so far but the job is not finished yet and if we come home from Istanbul empty handed then it would be a disaster. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Eamon

I was hoping in the last fifteen minutes that Barcelona would beat them. I've made my mind up on Benitez tonight. He's a nice man but he's got a huge negative streak running through him. Liverpool was terrible in the second half. They didn't play football. If that was a concert, you'd boo. Gerrard: found out. A nothing player. They were terrible. Terrible. — Eamon

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

Christianity has always been the Gestapo of desire, since long, long before there was a Gestapo. Instead of Jews to hate, Christianity has desire. Though I guess Christianity has Jews, too. In any case, all the ovens in the world can't incinerate desire. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Against Juventus we were massive underdogs, so to beat them was fantastic. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

Subtle! Subtlety is bourgeois. Brecht us that when he popped drama's cherry. He fucked drama until it stopped being subtle, like a lady, and started being useful, like a whore. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

All nineteen-year-old males are children who are men capable of war. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Torres was easily the best player I have ever played with in my career. I loved him. And when he approached me and said he wanted out, it was like a knife to the heart. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

The last player you want the ball to go to is the best player on the planet. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Even now I can say I'd love to finish my career here, and then stay in the game after that. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Lisa Gerrard

With touring, it's like you're in this car and you've got this much fuel. You know that if you drive carefully and take your time and search your way so that you don't take the wrong turn, you'll have exactly enough fuel to go where you're going. You are empowered as you go by your audience. — Lisa Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

That was what maturity was: accepting things. The more things you accepted, the more mature you were. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

That's what nobody admits about men, how needy they are. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Lisa Gerrard

There's the false security of feeling a great force of love from your audience one day and then the next morning you wake up and you're exhausted, and that love is something you have to reach for the next day. — Lisa Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Gerrard Winstanley

Propriety and single interest divides the people of a land and the whole world into parties and is the cause of all wars and bloodshed and contention everywhere — Gerrard Winstanley

Gerrard Quotes By Fernando Torres

I am a big fan of the Gallagher brothers. At Liverpool, they came a few times; they are friends of Steven Gerrard. It was nice to meet them. When I was in Spain, I couldn't speak English, so I couldn't understand the lyrics. When I came to England, I started studying music and trying to understand what my favourite songs said. — Fernando Torres

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

Obviously the fans are very important to me, in fact they mean everything to me and they are the people I try to please when I play. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I'm a fan myself and I'm frustrated just as much as them when we get beat. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Gerrard Winstanley

For what you call the Law is but a club of the rich over the lowest of men, sanctifying the conquest of the earth by a few and making their theft the way of things. But over and above these pitiful statutes of yours that enclose the common land and reduce us to poverty to make you fat stands the Law of Creation, which renders judgement on rich and poor alike, making them one. For freedom is the man who will thus turn the world upside down, therefore no wonder he has enemies — Gerrard Winstanley

Gerrard Quotes By Gerrard Winstanley

While men are gazing up to Heaven, imagining after a happiness, or fearing a Hell after they are dead, their eyes are put out, that they see not what is their birthright. — Gerrard Winstanley

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

But I it doesn't matter who scores the goals so long as we win. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

I just wanted to jump into the stands and start celebrating with those wonderful fans.
(on reaching the Champions League final) — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

107 caps isn't bad for someone who isn't 'a top, top player', is it? I never expected to get that amount of caps. When I made my debut, I set myself the personal target of trying to get 50 caps and score 10 goals if I could. So to have 107 is something I am really proud of, particularly being among those names. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

But I think the Champions League Final puts a massive pressure on every player and the manager, but we're enjoying the pressure and hopefully we can go there and win it. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

Journalists of late seem too eager to change the world in various ways; the point is to describe it, accurately and carefully. — David Burr Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

If other people want to talk about my future I can't control that. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By Steven Gerrard

The odds were against us, but we deserve to be where we are. — Steven Gerrard

Gerrard Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

Saddam probably had weapons of mass destruction, and even if he didn't, he was a weapon of mass destruction. A guy I dated my senior year made a lot of jokes about his own weapon of mass destruction, and I was more interested in the guy than I was in the war. — David Burr Gerrard