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Gaunts Ghosts Novels Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gaunts Ghosts Novels Quotes

Gaunts Ghosts Novels Quotes By G.I. Gurdjieff

An honest being who does not behave absurdly has no
chance at all of becoming famous, or even of being noticed, however kind
and sensible he may be. — G.I. Gurdjieff

Gaunts Ghosts Novels Quotes By Maggie Nelson

[He] told me more than once that being with me is like an epileptic with a pacemaker being married to a strobe light artist. — Maggie Nelson

Gaunts Ghosts Novels Quotes By David James Duncan

I loved the solar smile he would turn on his friends at times
and on me
nonplussing us when he simply left it on us, full-beam, for such a long, long moment that we'd finally have no choice but to realize this was no social smile, no rote kind of friendliness: this was what it felt like to be completely seen and loved for a moment. — David James Duncan

Gaunts Ghosts Novels Quotes By Ron Lewis

Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Islamic extremists will be a disaster for the world. — Ron Lewis

Gaunts Ghosts Novels Quotes By Quinn Loftis

My bet is we'll find trouble down that way." He indicated the direction the giggles were coming from.
"Are we going to survive this week?" Fane asked Decebel wearily.
"What's this we crap? You're mated, you can go hole up with your woman. I, on the other hand, get to be smack in the middle of the festivities," Decebel said the word as if it were a disease. — Quinn Loftis

Gaunts Ghosts Novels Quotes By Peter Lerangis

It's a token for the arcade games at Laser Sport Time!" Dan hissed. "Uncle Alistair doesn't think so," Amy murmured. "He's a numismatist." "He takes his clothes off in public?" Dan said. — Peter Lerangis