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Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Gary Zukav

Choice is the engine of our evolution. — Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Shusha Guppy

It is very important not to become hard. The artist must always have one skin too few in comparison to other people, so you feel the slightest wind. — Shusha Guppy

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Paul Bowles

There have been times, what with this and that,
when the whisper of words was not enough.
On some shelf of memory lies a misplaced summer,
one not stored away for later savoring.
Surely it ended early, with unexpected fogs,
with the wind sliding past through unmeasured darkness.
No voice could be enough, what with this and that,
and the hours falling faster. — Paul Bowles

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Gary Zukav

We shall come to honor all of Life sooner or later. Our choices are when that shall happen, and the quality of experience that we shall have as we learn. — Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Gary Zukav

Spiritual growth-looking inward-is replacing the pursuit of external power-reaching outward to manipulate and control-as the cure for the insecurity at the core of human experience. — Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Tina J. Richardson

Sometimes communicating feels like a never ending maze. You know what you want to say, but you can't choose the right words. Then you go around and around trying to find them. Most of the time you just give up. — Tina J. Richardson

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Phil Donahue

The Tube is a vehicle for selling things, not for exploring ideas. — Phil Donahue

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Connor Franta

On Common Culture, you'll find coffee, clothing, and compilations. So many C's! — Connor Franta

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Gary Zukav

What is in one is in the whole, and therefore, ultimately, Each soul is responsible for the whole world. — Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Gary Zukav

You are only as powerful as that for which you stand. Do you stand for more money in the bank and a bigger house? Do you stand for an attractive mate? Do you stand for imposing your way of thinking upon others? These are the stands of the personality seeking to satisfy its wants. Do you stand for perfection, for the beauty and compassion of each soul? Do you stand for forgiveness and humbleness? These are the stands of the personality that has aligned itself with its soul. This is the position of a truly powerful Personality. — Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Gary Zukav

Knowledge is power, and for each level of knowledge, you are held responsible for how you use it. — Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Bidemi Mark-Mordi

There is no season of your life that you cannot produce something. — Bidemi Mark-Mordi

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Simone Elkeles

I understand the reasons behind his keeping a distance from a girl he cares about. Because the truth is, sometimes getting close to the fire does actually burn you. — Simone Elkeles

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Gary Zukav

Look at yourself as someone who is reaching for healing, and at the complexity of what needs to be healed. Do not think that you exist alone without other human beings of equal complexity. — Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Wendy Mass

I believe that once you find something you love, something that works, why keep looking for more? People always think there is something better around the corner. I decided a long time ago I'd stop wasting my time looking for something better and enjoy what I had. — Wendy Mass

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Will Ferrell

Members of the Senate and House, if they want to send troops into war, should be forced to send a family member. That would really make everyone stop and go, 'Ohhh-kaaay.' — Will Ferrell

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Gary Zukav

Trust allows you to follow your feelings through your defenses to their sources, and to bring to the light of consciousness those aspects of yourself that resist wholeness, that live in fear. — Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav Inspirational Quotes By Lindsay Lohan

I want to be remembered for the work that I've done, rather than the car accidents that I've gotten into, the men that I've not dated - or the man that I have. — Lindsay Lohan