Famous Quotes & Sayings

Gallus Gallus Quotes & Sayings

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Top Gallus Gallus Quotes

Gallus Gallus Quotes By Mona Adnan

Remember when we didn't know that colours can mix and form other colours. When we were not introduced to strokes that brushes can form, when light and dark were not necessary for the picture to be completed, and when it was a matter of lines that were not suppose to be connected. When feelings crashed on a white heart unintentionally and when our soul was not held in captive. Remember? — Mona Adnan

Gallus Gallus Quotes By George Carlin

If God didn't want you to masturbate, he would have given you short arms. — George Carlin

Gallus Gallus Quotes By Tosca Lee

A mist crept into the valley - how could this be, by the light of the climbing sun? It drifted over the form in the grass, nearly obscuring it, seeming to draw all sound into itself. I thought I might burst from the strain of that silence... until a single sound shattered it:

The gasp of an indrawn breath. — Tosca Lee

Gallus Gallus Quotes By Dustin Lance Black

People from pre-sexual revolution and even from the 60s and the birth of the gay movement still define gay as two men or two women having sex. Our generation defines it from a more emotional standpoint. To be gay means you are drawn to the same sex. But it's a part of who you are, an identity, not an act. — Dustin Lance Black

Gallus Gallus Quotes By Michel De Montaigne

To understand the essence and workings of insanity, Gallus Vibius strained his mind so that he tore his judgment from its seat and could never get it back again: he could boast he became mad through wisdom.1 — Michel De Montaigne

Gallus Gallus Quotes By Noam Chomsky

The Bible is one of the most genocidal books in history. — Noam Chomsky

Gallus Gallus Quotes By G.A. Henty

One don't like setting out to help to bring a man to the gallus when you have got his money in your pocket. — G.A. Henty

Gallus Gallus Quotes By Michael Pollan

What is most troubling, and sad, about industrial eating is how thoroughly it obscures all these relationships and connections. To go from the chicken (Gallus gallus) to the Chicken McNugget is to leave this world in a journey of forgetting that could hardly be more costly, not only in terms of the animal's pain but in our pleasure, too. But forgetting, or not knowing in the first place, is what the industrial food chain is all about, the principal reason it is so opaque, for if we could see what lies on the far side of the increasingly high walls of our industrial agriculture, we would surely change the way we eat. — Michael Pollan

Gallus Gallus Quotes By John Owen

We are taught in an especial manner to pray that God would give his Holy Spirit unto us, that through his aid and assistance we may live unto God in that holy obedience which he requires at our hands. — John Owen