Famous Quotes & Sayings

Galanakis D Quotes & Sayings

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Top Galanakis D Quotes

Galanakis D Quotes By Hanif Kureishi

This ghost of a mother had begun to ask him questions about who he was and who he truly loved. Was he capable of love? — Hanif Kureishi

Galanakis D Quotes By Robert Jordan

There were questions one asked, and questions one did not. That was strong custom. And friendship. — Robert Jordan

Galanakis D Quotes By Blaise Pascal

We naturally believe we are more capable of reaching the centre of things than of embracing their circumference, and the visible extent of the world is visibly greater than we. But since we in our turn are greater than small things, we think we are more capable of mastering them, and yet it takes no less capacity to reach nothingness than the whole. In either case it takes an infinite capacity, and it seems to me that anyone who had understood the ultimate principles of things might also succeed in knowing infinity. One depends on the other, and one leads to the other. These extremes touch and join by going in opposite directions, and they meet in God and God alone. — Blaise Pascal

Galanakis D Quotes By Mortimer J. Adler

When you buy a book, you establish a property right in it, just as you do in clothes or furniture when you buy and pay for them. But the act of purchase is actually only the prelude to possession in the case of a book. Full ownership of a book only comes when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it - which comes to the same thing - is by writing in it. — Mortimer J. Adler

Galanakis D Quotes By Eve Ensler

I really do think how we frame things determines so much of our experience, and I've been talking to a lot of oncologists, like, why don't we call them transformation suites and give people transformation juice and have guides that support people when they're going through chemo so you could actually burn away what needs to be burned away, as opposed to this dread, terror, horror, which is a very different experience. — Eve Ensler

Galanakis D Quotes By Sam Pink

Every time I leave the apartment, I mistake the tree stump across the street for two people kissing/holding each other. I've forgotten every time that it's a tree stump. I'm disappointed every time it's a tree stump. — Sam Pink

Galanakis D Quotes By Saul Alinsky

I prize my own independence too much. And philosophically, I could never accept any rigid dogma or ideology, whether it's Christianity or Marxism ... The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by such religious and political and racial fanatics, from the persecutions of the Inquisition on down to Communist purges and Nazi genocide. — Saul Alinsky

Galanakis D Quotes By Bette Greene

Sometimes when a person be thinking about one thing it don't mean they is mad about another thing. — Bette Greene

Galanakis D Quotes By Charles Martin

The amazing thing about transplantation, aside from the fact that it worked, was that it allowed people to feel again. The thing I liked best about my previous life was the first smile when a patient woke up. Because with that smile, I knew that I hadn't simply given that persona new pump, I had given him or her a new pump that allowed that person to live, to express emotion. It was the smile, even more than the first beat of the heart, that told me it had worked. — Charles Martin

Galanakis D Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

The day gets about one second longer every 67,000 years. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Galanakis D Quotes By J.D. Robb

As Sean seem determined to shadow her every move, she concluded that young boys were much like cats. They insisted on giving their company to those who most feared or distrusted them. — J.D. Robb

Galanakis D Quotes By Jennifer Lamonica

Never let anyone tell you your dreams are not the most important thing, because they are. I am trying to live my dream, so should you! I think anything is possible, if we believe it can be. Keep dreaming dreamer. — Jennifer Lamonica

Galanakis D Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

My spiritual investigations interest my sister mostly from a point of intellectual curiosity. 'I think that kind of faith is so beautiful,' she whispers to me in the church, 'but I can't do it, I just can't ... — Elizabeth Gilbert

Galanakis D Quotes By Gao Xingjian

Maybe there isn't a God after all, maybe there's only a universe rotating by itself like a millstone. — Gao Xingjian