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Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes & Sayings

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Top Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes By Erwin McManus

The future awaits those with the courage to create it. — Erwin McManus

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes By Frank Norris

The eternal raison d'etre of America is in its being the "sweet land of liberty". Should a land so dreamed into existence, so degenerate through material prosperity as to become what its European critics, with too much justice, have scornfully renamed it the "Land of the Dollar" - such a development will be one of the sorriest conclusions of history, and the most colossal disillusionment that has ever happened to mankind. — Frank Norris

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes By Mary Gaitskill

I didn't want to keep forcing myself to grind out book after book. — Mary Gaitskill

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes By Michael Douglas

It took me too long to realise that if you go to a marriage counsellor to resolve problems, it's in his interest to keep the marriage going. — Michael Douglas

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes By Harold Pinter

I think it is the responsibility of a citizen of any country to say what he thinks. — Harold Pinter

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes By Douglas Philips

A little bit more than totally. — Douglas Philips

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toasts Quotes By Barry Zito

I need to have perspective. That's one of the big things former players told me, to not try to live up to anything, just live up to yourself. — Barry Zito