Famous Quotes & Sayings

Funny Mass Effect 2 Quotes & Sayings

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Top Funny Mass Effect 2 Quotes

Funny Mass Effect 2 Quotes By Thea Harrison

Behold the Power of the peanut. His body mass may be small, but his influence is mighty. The last holdout in the Tower has officially fallen to him.
(Said by Pia about the effect her son 'peanut' had on the Sentinel Aryal) — Thea Harrison

Funny Mass Effect 2 Quotes By Robert Kroese

The crowd was getting hysterical, so I reached into my back pocket and flippe open my wallet to reveal my badge. "Official business," I announced. "Please leave the area." This had the desired effect; it deescalated the mood and prompted most of the crowd to disperse. It's funny what a plastic badge and a meaningless phrase can do. The authority of the police is anothe mass delusion that can be useful at times. I hadn't even needed to claim I was a cop; all it took was a couple of simple cues to invoke the delusion. — Robert Kroese