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Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes & Sayings

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Top Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Edward Thorndike

Just as the science and art of agriculture depend upon chemistry and botany, so the art of education depends upon physiology and psychology. — Edward Thorndike

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Dean Williams

Expertise is great, but it has a bad side effect: It tends to create the inability to accept new ideas. — Dean Williams

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Steven Weinberg

An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy. — Steven Weinberg

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Aditi Bose

Togetherness is finite. There is nothing like forever. Time ends. At different times for different people. So we should always be thankful for the time that we spent together. — Aditi Bose

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Alexis Carrel

The influence of prayer on the human mind and body is as demonstrable as that of secreting glands. Its results can be measured in terms of increased physical buoyancy, greater intellectual vigor, moral stamina, and a deeper understanding of the realities underlying human relationship. — Alexis Carrel

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Gail Simmons

At the beginning of the week, I roast a ton of vegetables so I can use them for the next few days. I also plan out meals in advance. — Gail Simmons

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Erich Fromm

To some people return to religion is the answer, not as an act of faith but in order to escape an intolerable doubt; they make this decision not out of devotion but in search of security. — Erich Fromm

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Ada Yonath

I'm always having to get rid of reporters. — Ada Yonath

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Leonard Norman

I'm gay but I'm not a necrophiliac you asshole. — Leonard Norman

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Florence Converse

You say you are bored; you have nothing to do; you cannot be interested in people just because they are people, but only try it! Do things without being interested, and perhaps the interest will grow. — Florence Converse

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Jason Mraz

Sometimes people forget their own greatness. — Jason Mraz

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Ridley Pearson

You can't get any 'cooler' than Disney World. — Ridley Pearson

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By John N. Gray

But the idea that we can rid ourselves of animal illusion is the greatest illusion of all. Meditation may give us a fresher view of things, but it cannot uncover them as they are in themselves. The lesson of evolutionary psychology and cognitive science is that we are descendants of a long lineage, only a fraction of which is human. We are far more than the traces that other humans have left in us. Our brains and spinal cords are encrypted with traces of far older worlds. — John N. Gray

Funny Coworker Birthday Card Quotes By Sarah Dalton

Some of us think we already know the answer. They are the people who close a book and never think about it again. To them, the story ends at the words 'The End' and that's that. — Sarah Dalton