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Fun Tonight Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fun Tonight Quotes

Fun Tonight Quotes By Fun

Tonight we are young, so we set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun — Fun

Fun Tonight Quotes By Brittany Cavallaro

Lena pulled the money back out and pressed it into Holmes's hand. "Keep it," she said. "I kind of like being your test subject . . . Ugh, don't be weird about it. We're friends. And I don't, like, need the money." Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks, Jamie. That was a lot of fun, but I want to get to ask you inappropriate questions. Maybe we could have pizza in town sometime."
"You're having pizza in town tonight with Tom," Holmes said.
"Sure," I said, ignoring her. "I'd like that. — Brittany Cavallaro

Fun Tonight Quotes By Jamie McGuire

We walked to his Harley, and when I wrapped my arms around him, he rested his hand on mine.
"I'm glad you were there tonight, Pidge. I've never had so much fun at a fight in my life."
I perched my chin on his shoulder and smiled. "That was because you were trying to win our bet."
He angled his neck to face me. "Damn right I was." There was no amusement in his eyes, he was serious, and he wanted me to see it.
My eyebrows shot up. "Is that why you were in such a bad mood today? Because you knew they'd fixed the boilers, and I would be leaving tonight?"
Travis didn't answer; he only smiled as he started his motorcycle. The drive to the apartment was uncharacteristically slow. At every stoplight, Travis would either cover my hands with his, or he would rest his hand on my knee. — Jamie McGuire

Fun Tonight Quotes By Bijou Hunter

I know tonight will be no more than some very heavy petting," Cooper said full of sincerity. "I know my hand and I will have to finish the job without you. I know all that so don't freak out when I ask this question. Deal?"
"Ask first."
Cooper grinned. "This weekend, I'd like you to come to my house and hang out. We have the pool and a TV the size of this restaurant. Oh, a pool table too. It'll be fun and I'd like to spend time with you like we did tonight. You're pretty irresistible when you're relaxed."
"But I'm resistible when I'm tense? I've been tense since we met so why do you keep asking me out?"
"Fine, you're irresistible period, but you're especially sexy when you let yourself be you. Teasing me like that was pretty awesome, though I think I really might need medical attention now. — Bijou Hunter

Fun Tonight Quotes By Stephenie Meyer

You're really not that good a mechanic, Edward. Maybe you should have Rosalie take a look at it tonight, just so you look good if Mike decides to let you help, you know. Not that it wouldn't be fun to watch his face if Rosalie showed up to help. But since Rosalie is supposed to be across the country attending college, I guess that's not the best idea. Too bad. — Stephenie Meyer

Fun Tonight Quotes By Leila Sales

Tonight the Internet seemed filled with versions of me, like a fun house filled with mirrors. Some of them made me look prettier, and some of them made me look uglier, and some of them chopped me right in half, but none of them were right. — Leila Sales

Fun Tonight Quotes By Clive Barker

Perhaps a wiser eye than hers would be able to read tomorrow in tonight's stars, but where was the fun in that? It was better not to know. Better to be alive in the Here and the Now
in this bright, laughing moment
and let the Hours to come take care of themselves. — Clive Barker

Fun Tonight Quotes By Robyn Carr

We should at least stay for the sunset," Mike suggested. "There's nothing like a Pacific sunset. Would you like that?" "I would. Do you think I should call Jack? Let him know?" Mike shrugged. "I don't know what kind of arrangement you two have. Would he be worried if you're not home before dark?" Remembering her brother's dark mood in the morning, the way he'd tried to warn her off Mike, she almost said that Jack would be especially worried tonight. But instead she said, "As a courtesy, I'll give him a call. I'm really having too much fun to go back yet." He touched her cheek with the back of a knuckle. "Are you, Brie?" he asked softly. "You don't have to ask." She smiled. "There's — Robyn Carr

Fun Tonight Quotes By Joseph Fink

Diane stood near Jackie. She had first gone to the accident site, but there wasn't much to see. Just some skid barks and an elaborate piece of 3-D chalk art. Then she had a cab take her by a few of Josh's favorite hangouts (the video store, the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex, the sand wastes outside of town), but he hadn't been at any of them. He was probably (if he was not injured as well, but she couldn't bear to even think of that) at one of his father's several jobs, doing exactly what Diane didn't want him to do. There would be consequences when Josh came home tonight. There would be a reckoning. — Joseph Fink

Fun Tonight Quotes By Sawyer Bennett

... "It was fun tonight. But you know what would be even more fun?" "What's that?" she asks. "Making out with you in my car when we get back to your place. You know, to see how foggy we can get the glass?" "That does sounds like fun. Count me in." By the time I walked her to her door, I couldn't see anything outside of my windows. — Sawyer Bennett

Fun Tonight Quotes By Ray Bradbury

Get rid of those friends of yours who make fun of you and don't believe in you. And when you leave here tonight, go home, make a phone call and fire them. Anyone that doesn't believe in you and your future, to hell with them. — Ray Bradbury

Fun Tonight Quotes By Linda Kage

No matter what happens tonight, don't ever change, okay? You are fun and sweet and amazing just the way you are. You make the world a better place because you always find the bright side. You are the bright side. And if I'm ever going to make it through this, I need to know you're out there, still glowing and making the world bright. — Linda Kage

Fun Tonight Quotes By Cherise Sinclair

The fun we'll have tonight is called figging. — Cherise Sinclair

Fun Tonight Quotes By Jamie McGuire

Cry if you must. Scream. Get it all out of your system, and then we'll have fun. It won't last forever, but it will keep you busy for tonight. — Jamie McGuire

Fun Tonight Quotes By Georgia Clark

Despite what those on the happily coupled sidelines might think, 99 percent of online dates weren't exciting enough to be fun or nerve-racking enough to be adventurous. They were just...awkward. Boring. An hour of small talk with someone you'd think twice about saving from a burning building. Online dating was like Russian roulette. Mostly misses. But sometimes, people Evie knew had met that all-too-rare bullet: a smart, aesthetically pleasing New Yorker who was still single. Maybe tonight, Evie thought, is the night I blow my brains out. — Georgia Clark

Fun Tonight Quotes By Sarina Bowen

Have fun tonight...And take care in all the usual ways, boys. Say no to drugs, and drinking and driving. Yes to seat belts and condoms.
--Granny Rikker to Johnny & Mike — Sarina Bowen

Fun Tonight Quotes By Little Richard

We're gonna have some fun tonight. — Little Richard

Fun Tonight Quotes By Lara Flynn Boyle

I still sweat bullets if I go on The Tonight Show, but I tell myself, You can either have fun tonight or you can be shy and miserable. You ask my friends or anyone I work with now - nobody would say I was shy. — Lara Flynn Boyle

Fun Tonight Quotes By Brie Larson

My first acting gig was a skit for Jay Leno on 'The Tonight Show.' It was this Barbie commercial where I got to pour mud all over Barbie dolls and watch the heads pop off. It was so exciting, a lot of fun. — Brie Larson

Fun Tonight Quotes By Jessica Sanchez

On 'Idol,' you have to show off your vocal abilities, so I stuck to the ballads, so I'm glad my first single is 'Tonight' so I can show off my fun, young side, and what I want to do as an artist. — Jessica Sanchez

Fun Tonight Quotes By John Prine

And you may see me tonight with an illegal smile. It don't cost very much, but it lasts a long while. Won't you please tell the man I didn't kill anyone.
No,I'm just tryin' to have me some fun. — John Prine

Fun Tonight Quotes By Lemony Snicket

If the Baudelaire orphans had been stalks of celery, they would not have been small children in great distress, and if they had been lucky, Carmelita Spats would have not approached their table at this particular moment and delivered another unfortunate message.
"Hello, you cakesniffers," she said, "although judging from the baby brat you're more like saladsniffers. I have another message for you from Coach Genghis. I get to be his Special Messenger because I'm the cutest, prettiest, nicest little girl in the whole school."
"If you were really the nicest person in the whole school," Isadora said, "you wouldn't make fun of a sleeping infant. But never mind, what is the message?"
"It's actually the same as last time," Carmelita said, "but I'll repeat it in case you're too stupid to remember. The three Baudelaire orphans are to report to the front lawn tonight, immediately after dinner."
"What?" Klaus asked.
"Are you deaf as well as cakesniffy?"
Carmelita asked. — Lemony Snicket

Fun Tonight Quotes By Steve Martin

We've had some fun tonight ... considering we're all gonna die someday. — Steve Martin

Fun Tonight Quotes By Pat Lawlor

I get to do something that millions of people across the world are going to see and enjoy and have fun with. People I'm never going to meet, people I'm never going to see, but when they finish their job tonight, they're going to be playing one of my games and that makes me feel good. — Pat Lawlor

Fun Tonight Quotes By Warren Ellis

You want to know about voting. I'm here to tell you about voting. Imagine you're locked in a huge underground night-club filled with sinners, whores, freaks and unnameable things that rape pitbulls for fun. And you ain't allowed out until you all vote on what you're going to do tonight. You like to put your feet up and watch "Republican Party Reservation". They like to have sex with normal people using knives, guns, and brand new sexual organs you did not even know existed. So you vote for television, and everyone else, as far as your eye can see, votes to fuck you with switchblades. That's voting. You're welcome. — Warren Ellis

Fun Tonight Quotes By Cambria Hebert

Are you going to the bonfire tonight?" he asked, shoving his papers in his bag. He had no organization at all. "No." He glanced up in surprise. "No?" Then he smiled. "Is fun not your thing?" I stuck out my tongue. "I didn't realize a fire in the middle of a field was considered fun." He was already standing, towering over me, but once I spoke, he dropped back into his chair and rotated so his body faced me. "It's not necessarily what you're doing. It's who you're doing it with."
-Romeo & Rimmel — Cambria Hebert

Fun Tonight Quotes By Les Claypool

Oh, welcome to this world of fools, of pink champagne and swimming pools, where all you have to lose is your virginity. Perhaps you'll have some fun tonight, just stick around and take a bite, of life. We don't need feebleness in this proximity. — Les Claypool

Fun Tonight Quotes By Michael Carbonaro

I first started doing hidden-camera segments on 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno.' He was the coolest guy in the world to work for because he understands the creative process, and he had total trust. And he just let me make up whatever I wanted; I experimented and tried and played. We had a lot of fun over there. — Michael Carbonaro

Fun Tonight Quotes By Darby Browne

Why aren't you excited?' Nelly asked.
'No reasons. Balls just aren't my idea of fun.'
'Why, you don't want to meet your prince charming?'
Ginny looked up. 'Because though I may meet my prince charming, it won't matter. My prince charming has already been decided for me, whether my heart agrees or not.'
Nelly fell silent, pondering what Ginny had said. 'It's about Christian, is it not?'
'Yes Nelly, it is.'
'Well who cares about Christian? Tonight is the night to have fun, to be free!Tonight is about Ginny, not Christian. Don't let Christian ruin your evening! Dance with as many boys as possible, lose your heart more than once, why, so you have stories to tell! Christian, for tonight at least, doesn't exist. Remember that. It takes two to dance a waltz. — Darby Browne

Fun Tonight Quotes By Sophie Edington

I've just been enjoying the training a bit more. I've put too much pressure on myself in the past. Just relax and let it come. I just went out there to have a bit of fun tonight. — Sophie Edington

Fun Tonight Quotes By Kendall Grey

My goal tonight is to maintain a steady stream of invincibility. If I hit stage four - "I'm Invisible" - I'll likely pass out, and that would ruin all my fun. — Kendall Grey

Fun Tonight Quotes By A.E. Via

Syn was new to relationships Furi had no doubt he could keep him spellbound indefinitely. He would show the gorgeous specimen stretched out beneath him how beautiful it is to be a gay man in a committed relationship. He'd hoped the scene tonight at God and Day's didn't dissuade him. Furi didn't need any more cocks in bed with them. While it could be fun, not all gay men played with other couples. One man was enough for Furi. Syn was man enough for Furi. He'd show him every day if he'd let him. Syn would be able to trust him with his heart and his body, knowing there was no way he'd hurt him. And he secretly hoped Syn felt the same way. "Furi, — A.E. Via

Fun Tonight Quotes By Heidi McLaughlin

He starts whistling some tune that I'm sure is one of their hits. I suppose if Jimmy 'tweeted' all his loyal harems will be out in droves tonight. That means shitty tips and rude women. Yay, fun times for Jenna. — Heidi McLaughlin

Fun Tonight Quotes By Susan Ee

Tonight, we have the show of a lifetime for you. It is unfiltered, unmanaged, and certainly undeniably awesome!'

'We take no responsibility for any of the bad things that might happen tonight,' says Dum.

'And take all the credit for the fabulous, fantastic, and fun-filled things that will definitely happen tonight,' says Dee. — Susan Ee

Fun Tonight Quotes By Hines Ward

It was sort of fun tonight, it was a little exciting on Halloween. — Hines Ward

Fun Tonight Quotes By Jamie Farrell

She gulped her whiskey sour. The bar was hot tonight.
CJ circled back to check on them. "You ladies doing okay?"
"Define okay." Natalie's whiskey seemed to be talking. Because the whiskey was the only thing that could've put that husky, suggestive tone in her voice. Yep, that was all the whiskey.
He propped his elbows on the bar, which put his face level with hers, and fixed his undivided attention on her. There went her lady bits fanning themselves. With a few added whimpers. They remembered what his hands and body and lips felt like too.
"Content." His voice was low and raw, his gaze penetrating and unwavering. "Happy. Completely, one hundred percent satisfied."
Her mouth went dry while the rest of her went up in needy flames that made her want to scratch the all-but-gone rash he'd tended so well on Monday.
"Nope," Natalie squeaked. "Not okay then. — Jamie Farrell