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Friendship And Dying Quotes & Sayings

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Top Friendship And Dying Quotes

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Lucinda Rosenfeld

In all honesty Phoebe never actually gave much thought to being Kevin's girlfriend. She fell into their relationship the way others fall asleep at the wheel. She hadn't known guys could be that sweet. Or maybe it hadn't occurred to her before that she might be attracted to someone who didn't treat her like a mild irritant. And he told her he loved her. Moreover, there were tines when she thought she loved Kevin, too. Though what she probably loved even more than Kevin was the idea of someone being in love with her. It seemed like a radical notion. It seemed like the "real thing — Lucinda Rosenfeld

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Erin Hunter

With this life I give you pride, so that you may know your own worth and the worth of your Clan. — Erin Hunter

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Adrienne Rich

The friend I can trust is the one who will let me have my death.
The rest are actors who want me to stay and further the plot. — Adrienne Rich

Friendship And Dying Quotes By India Drummond

All but one of Zoe Pendergraft's friends were dead. — India Drummond

Friendship And Dying Quotes By K. Qasim Ali

Dying for a person that you love is easy ,what's hard is living for a person that you love. — K. Qasim Ali

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Howard Zinn

But slave importation became illegal in 1808. — Howard Zinn

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Jennifer Grant

He'd forgiven who he needed to forgive, let go of what he needed to, and accepted himself as he was. Archibald Alexander Leach, Cary Grant, and all. — Jennifer Grant

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Carl Jung

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. — Carl Jung

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Joe Abercrombie

Logen ambled over to him. If you're going to travel with a man, and maybe fight alongside him, it's best to talk, and laugh if you can. That way you can get an understanding, and then a trust. Trust is what binds a band together, and out there in the wilds that can make the difference between living or dying. Building that kind of trust takes time, and effort. Logen reckoned it was best to get started early, and today he had good humour to spare, so he stood next to Luthar and looked out at the park, trying to dream up some common ground in which to plant the seeds of an unlikely friendship. — Joe Abercrombie

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Frank Frankfort Moore

To offer a man friendship when love is in his heart is like giving a loaf of bread to one who is dying of thirst. — Frank Frankfort Moore

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Shaikh Ashraf

All the things people carry in their hearts, love, hatred, fears, and they had to be shared with a friend or a loved one, because when we do not share them, sometime, all the things love, anger, hatred, fears ends up coming out of us mixed-up. We just become a shell with nothing inwards us, an empty soul with nothing in it, that is as bad as dying. — Shaikh Ashraf

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Jonathan Stroud

Ah, two firm friends, reunited at last! There should be sweet violin music playing for us, but I'll settle for the screams of the dying. — Jonathan Stroud

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Robert Herrick

Twixt kings and tyrants there's this difference known; Kings seek their subjects' good: tyrants their own. — Robert Herrick

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Elie Wiesel

Even in darkness it is possible to create light and encourage compassion. That it is possible to feel free inside a prison. That even in exile, friendship exists and can become an anchor. That one instant before dying, man is still immortal. — Elie Wiesel

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Kristin Cast

It's a little hard not to worry when my best friend keeps on dying. — Kristin Cast

Friendship And Dying Quotes By F.K. Preston

I recall my life every day. I recall my sins and my acts of purity. I remind myself I was never a religious man. I remind myself that I have been dead for half of forever. I remind myself of nothing. I move along to the next minute. Next day. Next year. The earth doesn't change so much anymore. It doesn't change so quickly. With humans, the earth had to keep changing. But you can only replace a dying thing so many times before someone notices. There haven't been humans for years. Maybe a decade. Maybe more. I find myself loving their absence. The absence of humanity is the absence of violence. I love this peace. But then I remember my bones. My mind and my memories. I remember I'm human. I am the thing I detest. The creature that haunts my steps. It's my shadow I see watching me. It's my reflection in the water. I keep remembering. I live in fear. But still, I walk on. — F.K. Preston

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Julia Quinn

Oakley won't," the duke said.
She turned and blinked. "I beg your pardon."
"Lord Oakley. He won't forget to find us rooms. I've known him for years. The only thing that is making this bearable is that he must be dying inside over all this."
"You don't like him?"
"On the contrary. I've long considered him a friend. It's why I enjoy his misery so much. — Julia Quinn

Friendship And Dying Quotes By F.K. Preston

I keep dying and hoping you notice me. But you're too busy living. — F.K. Preston

Friendship And Dying Quotes By F.K. Preston

I wish I could run into the world's arms. Linger within the spaces between nothing. I wish I could filter out of existence. To live quietly without dying. I wish I could be cherished by life itself. To speak and sing volumes without lying to myself. — F.K. Preston

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Rebecca McNutt

Oh, trust me Sydney Tar Ponds, you aren't the first Personification to be forgotten by somebody ordinary," Mearth sighed with a falsely-reassuring smile. Alecto stepped back from her, glaring hatefully. "Sydney Tar Ponds," Mearth added, "I've had so many ordinary people as friends in my life that by now I've forgotten all their names. At first it was difficult ... very sad ... to see them always leaving, dying, disappearing, ignoring, but after a while I realized that they weren't worth the trouble. I'd rather be in the company of other Personifications. At least they aren't always dropping dead like houseflies or sailing away to parts unknown. Nil sa saol seo ach ceo, i ni bheimid beo, ach seal beag gearr. Wouldn't you agree?"
"No," Alecto told her. "I think you're insane. — Rebecca McNutt

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Maisey Yates

How sick are you? Holy crap. Are you dying or something? Is that why you're going on
a retreat and eating only lettuce? — Maisey Yates

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Nora Ephron

The truth is that men don't want to be friends with women. Men know they don't understand women, and they don't much care. They want women as lovers, as wives, as mothers, but they're not really interested in them as friends. They have friends. Men are their friends. And they talk to their male friends about sports, and I have no idea what else.
Women, on the other hand, are dying to be friends with men. Women know they don't understand men, and it bothers them: they think that if only they could be friends with them, they would understand them and, what's more (and this is their gravest mistake), it would help. — Nora Ephron

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Virginia Woolf

I must be able to say, 'Percival, a ridiculous name'. At the same time let me tell you, men and women, hurrying to the tube station, you would have had to respect him. You would have had to form up and follow behind him. How strange to oar one's way through crowds seeing life through hollow eyes, burning eyes. — Virginia Woolf

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Michael Booth

If you are spending more time matching your Kitchenaid to your kettle to your cupboards than you are cooking, something is very wrong. — Michael Booth

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Heidi Heilig

When I was young, I learned to expect loss. Every time you slept, something disappeared. Whenever you woke up, someone else was gone. But . . . I also learned that every day, you created everything anew. And whatever you had, you enjoyed as long as it lasted. Spend money when it's in your pocket." He took my hand and put the orange in it. "Eat fruit while it's ripe." His other hand found my cheek, his thumb brushing the corner of my mouth. "Paradise is a promise no god bothers to keep. There's only now, and tomorrow nothing will be the same, whether we like it or not. — Heidi Heilig

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Sam Rockwell

My parents were both actors; my dad sort of quite early on. My mother acted for a while, and now she's a painter. — Sam Rockwell

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Kat Kaelin

I replayed the moment I first saw him at the picnic throughout our years together. As corny as it may sound, from the first glance we shared near the cake stand at the picnic, the two of us remained connected like the icing on one of those made from scratch cakes... — Kat Kaelin

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Monica Hesse

Tow best friends meeting on the street to say so many things at once: I betrayed you, I love you, I want to save you, I'm sorry. All around Europe, people are dying by the hundreds of thousands. And here, in my city, the Nazis slaughtered a family because of events that started with love and jealousy and a slip of the tongue. — Monica Hesse

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Rebecca McNutt

Nobody really wants to be your friend when they discover that you work with dead people. — Rebecca McNutt

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Jens Peter Jacobsen

He did not think of love as an eternally vigilant, blazing flame, which with its powerful, flickering glow shown into all the peaceful folds of life and in some fantastic way made everything seem bigger and stronger than it was. For him, love was more like the calm, smoldering ember that gives off an even heat from its soft bed of ashes and in the muted twilight tenderly forgets what is distant and makes what is near seem twice as close and twice as intimate. — Jens Peter Jacobsen

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Afton Rorvik

Dying and living, weeping and laughing--all parts of our existence here on earth. What would happen in your friendships if together you embraced the hard parts of life and did not fear weeping together? — Afton Rorvik

Friendship And Dying Quotes By Poemen

God has given this way of life to Israel: to abstain from everything which is contrary to nature, that is to say, anger, fits of passion, jealousy, hatred and slandering the brethren; in short, everything that is characteristic of the old man. — Poemen