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Friends Cast Quotes & Sayings

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Top Friends Cast Quotes

Friends Cast Quotes By P.C. Cast

What more could you want? How about dominion over this 'beautiful place'? Beauty doesn't last. Friends and family decay. Power is the only thing that goes on forever."
Jack answered with his gut. "No, love goes on forever. — P.C. Cast

Friends Cast Quotes By Frederick Buechner

Like a Uniform December 3 WHAT IF ANYTHING have you and I done to do battle against the great darkness of things? As parents and the children of our own parents, as wives and husbands and friends and lovers, as players of whatever parts we have chosen to play in this world, as wielders of whatever kind of power, as possessors of whatever kind of wealth, what other human selves have we sacrificed something of our own sweet selves to help and heal? "Bear fruit that befits repentance!" thunders the Baptist. "Give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness and put upon us the armor of light," whispers the prayer we pray. Bear fruit. Put on light like a garment, like a uniform. That is the place to stop and also the place to start. It is the place to stop and think - think back, think ahead, think deep. It is the place to start and be. — Frederick Buechner

Friends Cast Quotes By Lewis Thomas

I don't want to be reincarnated, that's for sure. When you've had rewarding experiences in your life - a loving family, friends - you don't need additional reassurances that you're going to do something with a new cast of characters. I'd just as soon pass. — Lewis Thomas

Friends Cast Quotes By Oscar Levant

[Madame Nhu was] the Sandra Dee of South Vietnam. If I were cast on a desert island with her, I would quickly make friends with the natives. — Oscar Levant

Friends Cast Quotes By Charles Dickens

So Edith's mother lies unmentioned of her dear friends, who are deaf to the waves that are hoarse with repetition of their mystery, and blind to the dust that is piled upon the shore, and to the white arms that are beckoning, in the moonlight, to the invisible country far away. But all goes on, as it was wont, upon the margin of the unknown sea; and Edith standing there alone, and listening to its waves, has dank weed cast up at her feet, to strew her path in life withal. — Charles Dickens

Friends Cast Quotes By Mark Strickson

Being an actor is often very tedious, which is why it helps hugely if your fellow cast members are also good friends. — Mark Strickson

Friends Cast Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

True friends never mind holding your hair back while you cast up your crumpets. — Lisa Kleypas

Friends Cast Quotes By Judith Barrington

My Family and Other Saints echoes Gerald Durrell's classic memoir, My Family and Other Animals, not only in its title, but in its wonderful humor and lyrical prose. Like Durrell, Kirin Narayan takes the reader to a fascinating world far from our own, and brings to life its myriad sights, sounds and smells, while revealing the profound cultural beliefs of its people. India is just the most complex character among a cast of characters-family members, gurus, hippies, and neighbors-all of whom I now count as old friends. — Judith Barrington

Friends Cast Quotes By Queen Noor Of Jordan

Everyone I knew, including my new friends in Jordan, expressed horror at the realities of the Holocaust. But they resented, as I was growing to, how Arabs were cast as the aggressors in the dispute between Israel and the Arab countries, when it was their land that had been seized to resolve a European political problem. — Queen Noor Of Jordan

Friends Cast Quotes By Retta

For Christmas I do gift bags for my friends and the cast, and I put 'treat yo self' key chains in there. And people send me pictures of 'treat yo self' all the time. — Retta

Friends Cast Quotes By Rick Riordan

Then suddenly Percy was next to her, lacing his fingers in hers. He turned her gently away from the pit and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her face in his chest and broke down in tears. "It's okay," he said. "We're together." He didn't say you're okay, or we're alive. After all they'd been through over the last year, he knew the most important thing was that they were together. She loved him for saying that. Their friends gathered around them. Nico di Angelo was there, but Annabeth's thoughts were so fuzzy, this didn't seem surprising to her. It seemed only right that he would be with them. "Your leg." Piper knelt next to her and examined the Bubble Wrap cast. "Oh, Annabeth, what happened?" She started to explain. Talking was difficult, but as she went along, her words came more easily. Percy didn't let go of her hand, which also made her feel more confident. When she finished, her friends' faces were slack with amazement. "Gods of Olympus," Jason said. "You did all that — Rick Riordan

Friends Cast Quotes By Jane Hamilton

The magical descriptions of Italy and hilarious observations about love, travel, natives and foreigners in Love in Idleness are but a few of its many pleasures. Amanda Craig has created a hot shimmery climate in which a cast of old friends, quirky family members and naughty children who make love potions come to know themselves and their hearts. A delightful brew. — Jane Hamilton

Friends Cast Quotes By Jeff Loveness

Life is not about the shadow you cast on your enemies but the shade you provide to your friends — Jeff Loveness

Friends Cast Quotes By Jacob Nordby

There are no self made heroes or leaders. No matter how rugged or self assured, everyone requires a cast of players - friends, mentors, lovers, critics, villains and supporters - who call, invite, seduce, goad and encourage them to finally step into their true power.
We are all heroes and leaders in some way, and we all need each other. — Jacob Nordby

Friends Cast Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

We see ourselves in other people's eyes. It's the nature of the human race; we are a species of reflection, hungry for it in every facet of our existence.
Maybe that's why vampires seem so monstrous to us - they cast no reflection. Parents, if they're good ones, reflect the wonder of our existence and the success we can become. Friends, well chosen, show us pretty pictures of ourselves, and encourage us to grow into them.
The Beast shows us the very worst in ourselves and makes us know it's true . — Karen Marie Moning

Friends Cast Quotes By Robert Southey

My days among the dead are passed; Around me I behold, Where'er these casual eyes are cast, The mighty minds of old; My never-failing friends are they, With whom I converse day by day. — Robert Southey

Friends Cast Quotes By Natalie Angier

When I sent out a casual and nonscientific poll of my own to a wide cast of acquaintances, friends and colleagues, I was surprised, but not really, to learn that maybe 60 percent claimed a belief in a God of some sort, including people I would have bet were unregenerate skeptics. Others just shrugged. They don't think about this stuff. It doesn't matter to them. They can't know, they won't beat themselves up trying to know and for that matter they don't care if their kids believe or not. — Natalie Angier

Friends Cast Quotes By P.C. Cast

If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking , they can make you laugh. — P.C. Cast

Friends Cast Quotes By Quentin Crisp

As soon as I put my uniform on, the rest of my life solidified around me like a plaster cast. From that moment on, my friends were anyone who could put up with the disgrace; my occupation, any job from which I was not given the sack; my playground, any cafe or restaurant from which I was not barred or any street corner from which the police did not move me on. — Quentin Crisp

Friends Cast Quotes By Anthony Michael Hall

15 years later, it's all the TV stars with the film deals, whether it's the cast of Friends or That '70s Show now with Ashton and other people doing stuff. — Anthony Michael Hall

Friends Cast Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

If you were not cast into the abyss, you would have never groped, reached as far as you could reach, to grasp for anything that you could possibly touch, anything that you could possibly feel brushing against your fingertips! Funny how in the darkness, we come to find the things that we never saw before all the lights departed! It's like someone needed to turn the lights out, to make us find all the things that we never looked for when the lights were on! And it's in that blackness that we wake up to the true light! My friends, curse not the darkness! It has given you many things! — C. JoyBell C.

Friends Cast Quotes By Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I was raised among books, making invisible friends in pages that seemed cast from dust and whose smell I carry on my hands to this day. — Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Friends Cast Quotes By Billy Graham

Peer pressure accounts for much of the promiscuous sex in high schools and colleges. "Conform or get lost." Since no one enjoys losing friends or being cast out of his own circle, peer pressure - especially during the years of adolescence - is an almost irresistible force. — Billy Graham

Friends Cast Quotes By Nathan Fillion

'Desperate Housewives' is an ensemble cast, where I played a tertiary character. I made a lot of great friends, but that show didn't keep me very busy. — Nathan Fillion

Friends Cast Quotes By Laura Marano

I'm so thankful for my family and friends - they're really supportive. Everyone I work with on 'Austin & Ally;' the cast and crew are like my family now. We have so much fun, and I'm so happy they're in my life! — Laura Marano

Friends Cast Quotes By Zen Cho

... it is strange to know you would be cast off by the people who greet you so warmly, if they knew the whole truth about you. — Zen Cho

Friends Cast Quotes By John Flanagan

Will had been taken aback in his confrontation with Arisaka to discover that his name- Chocho- meant "Butterfly" ... He was puzzled to know why they had selected it. His friends, of course, delighted in helping him guess the reason.
'I assume it's because you're such a snazzy dresser,' Evanlyn said. 'You Rangers are a riot of color, after all.' ...
'I think it might be more to do with the way he raced around the training ground, darting here and there to correct the way a man might be holding his shield, then dashing off to show someone how to put their body weight into their javelin cast,' said Horace, a little more sympathetically. Then he ruined the effect by adding thoughtlessly, 'I must say, your cloak did flutter around like a butterfly's wings. — John Flanagan

Friends Cast Quotes By Rachel Caine

Monica's eyes were fierce and fiery, but she didn't move, and after a second she turned and ran up the steps to the second floor, where her formally dressed friends were huddled like the cast of Survivor: Abercrombie & Fitch Island. — Rachel Caine

Friends Cast Quotes By Fox Benwell

The sky is different here. I can count the stars we see upon my fingers. And as I sit beside my friends, I know I'll not be cast aside unseen. — Fox Benwell

Friends Cast Quotes By Rachel Held Evans

But just as water carried Moses to his destiny down the Nile, so water carried another baby from a woman's body into an expectant world. Wrapped now in flesh, the God who once hovered over the waters was plunged beneath them at the hands of a wild-eyed wilderness preacher. When God emerged, he spoke of living water that forever satisfies and of being born again. He went fishing and washed his friends' feet. He touched the ceremonially unclean. He spit in the dirt, cast demons into the ocean, and strolled across an angry sea. He got thirsty and he wept. — Rachel Held Evans

Friends Cast Quotes By Brian Dietzen

I am really blessed and fortunate to be on 'NCIS.' I really enjoy it, and I really enjoy the cast and all my friends that I have on set. With that said, I grew up doing theater and went to University of Colorado in Boulder and absolutely fell in love with theater. — Brian Dietzen

Friends Cast Quotes By Dan Bucatinsky

I was a total theater geek in high school, no question. I was cast in 'Godspell' freshman year - with Vanessa Williams, by the way. She and I are still friends. We went to high school together. — Dan Bucatinsky

Friends Cast Quotes By Bryan Davis

How rare were the tears of a dragon. We once lived in paradise and because of the corruption of an angel disgused as a dragon, all the world was cast into darkness. Now, as humans, we shed many tears-for what was lost, for what might of been, and for the end of friendships. Goodbye my true friends. — Bryan Davis

Friends Cast Quotes By Erving Goffman

Given what the stigmatized individual may well face upon entering a mixed social situation, he may anticipatorily respond by defensive cowering. This may be illustrated from an early study of some German unemployed during the Depression, the words being those of a 43-year-old mason: How hard and humiliating it is to bear the name of an unemployed man. When I go out, I cast down my eyes because I feel myself wholly inferior. When I go along the street, it seems to me that I can't be compared with an average citizen, that everybody is pointing at me with his finger. I instinctively avoid meeting anyone. Former acquaintances and friends of better times are no longer so cordial. They greet me indifferently when we meet. They no longer offer me a cigarette and their eyes seem to say, "You are not worth it, you don't work."37 — Erving Goffman

Friends Cast Quotes By Max Lucado

He saw you cast into a river of life you didn't request. He saw you betrayed by those you love. He saw you with a body that gets sick and a heart that grows weak. He saw you in your own garden of gnarled trees and sleeping friends. He saw you staring into the pit of your own failures and the mouth of your own grave. He saw you in your own garden of Gethsemane and he didn't want you to be alone ... He would rather go to hell for you than to heaven without you. — Max Lucado

Friends Cast Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Only cast your pure eyes into the well of my delight, friends! You will not dim its sparkle! It shall laugh back at you with its purity. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Friends Cast Quotes By Kristin Cast

Value them; they are pearls of great price — Kristin Cast

Friends Cast Quotes By Rick Riordan

Christmas in the Underworld was NOT my idea.
If I'd known what was coming, I would've called in sick. I could've avoided an army of demons, a fight with a Titan, and a trick that almost got my friends and me cast into eternal darkness.
But no, I had to take my stupid English exam. — Rick Riordan

Friends Cast Quotes By Owen Wilson

James L.Brooks is just a very original person. So that was definitely the luckiest, most important thing that happened to me [meeting him]. Then I guess also meeting Ben Stiller. He cast me in the only thing I think I ever auditioned for and got: Cable Guy [1996]. And that led to us becoming friends. — Owen Wilson

Friends Cast Quotes By Jonathan Edwards

And I say unto you, my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that, have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: fear him, which after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell: yea, I say unto you, Fear him. — Jonathan Edwards

Friends Cast Quotes By Joseph Smith Jr.

You will live to see men arise in power in the Church who will seek to put down your friends and the friends of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many will be hoisted because of their money and worldly learning which they seem to be in possession of; and many who are the true followers of our Lord and Savior will be cast down because of their poverty. — Joseph Smith Jr.

Friends Cast Quotes By Donald Miller

I listened so hard because it felt like, while she was telling me stories, she was massaging my soul, letting me know that I was not alone, that I will never have to be alone, that there are friends and family and churches and coffee shops. I was not going to be cast into space. — Donald Miller

Friends Cast Quotes By Jack Falahee

I think when you're dealing with very tenuous scenes and difficult and heavy subject matter, it's important to be close intimately with your cast as friends, and be able to diffuse a lot of that tension and trust each other with the work. — Jack Falahee

Friends Cast Quotes By Al Hirschfeld

The opening-night audience is mostly friends of the cast and backers of the show, and they cometo applaud their money. — Al Hirschfeld

Friends Cast Quotes By Oliver Goldsmith

He cast off his friends as a huntsman his pack, For he knew when he pleas'd he could whistle them back. — Oliver Goldsmith

Friends Cast Quotes By Richard Fleeshman

I've never been out with any of the cast of Coronation Street. We're all very close friends so it's very much a professional attitude. — Richard Fleeshman

Friends Cast Quotes By Christina L. Barr

Eventually, I would wear him down. That's what friends do: we weather until we erode every possible doubt a relationship can bring until we have a smooth stone to cast in our river of life. — Christina L. Barr

Friends Cast Quotes By Ella Wheeler Wilcox

It is impossible to pursue a successful literary career and follow the advice of all one's 'best friends'.I feel compelled to follow the light which my own intellect & judgement cast upon my way, rather than any one of the many conflicting rays which other minds would lend me. — Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Friends Cast Quotes By Brian De Palma

The biggest mistake in student films is that they are usually cast so badly, with friends and people the directors know. Actually you can cover a lot of bad direction with good acting. — Brian De Palma

Friends Cast Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Don't let the tall weeds cast a shadow on the beautiful flowers in your garden. — Steve Maraboli

Friends Cast Quotes By Mike Madrid

It seemed to be a requirement that the women who wore an "X" on their costumes would eventually take a dip in the crazy pool at least once. Power intoxicated these women and made them cruel, maniacal menaces who cast aside loyalties to friends and lovers. Even when possessed by an evil entity, the implication was that a suppressed part of the heroine's soul was reveling in the rush of deviltry. — Mike Madrid

Friends Cast Quotes By Siri Hustvedt

I had no friends. Was I happy? I was wildly happy. Sitting on my bed, which took up most of the space in that narrow room, I whispered prayers of thanks that I was really and truly here in New York, beginning another life. I worshipped the place. I feasted on every beautiful inch of it - the crowds, the fruit and vegetable stands, the miles of pavement, the graffiti, even the garbage. All of it sent me into paroxysms of joy. Needless to say, my elevation had an irrational cast to it. Had I not arrived laden with ideas of urban paradise, I might have felt bad losing sleep, might have felt lonely and disoriented, but instead I walked around town like a love-struck idiot, inhaling the difference between there and here. — Siri Hustvedt

Friends Cast Quotes By Hazrat Inayat Khan

There is not anything one should not be ready to tolerate, and there is nobody whom one should not forgive. Never doubt those whom you trust; never hate those whom you love; never cast down those whom you once raise in your estimation. Wish to make friends with everyone you meet; make an effort to gain the friendship of those you find difficult; become indifferent to them only of you cannot succeed in your effort. Never wish to break the friendship once made. — Hazrat Inayat Khan

Friends Cast Quotes By Shoshana Zuboff

My teenage children watched Senator Clinton on the Today Show, mouths agape. They attended our local caucus with me and saw hundreds of our friends and neighbors gathered in the elementary school gym on that Sunday afternoon, despite an ugly Maine snowstorm. They listened to the thoughtful searching debates and saw us cast our votes. How could anyone suggest we didn't know exactly what we were doing? 'What's the point of electing someone who doesn't believe in the American people?' they asked. 'If she wants to ignore us now when she's only a candidate, what will she do as the President?' — Shoshana Zuboff

Friends Cast Quotes By Carol Shields

Safety was one thing, but what he really wanted was to be electrified, to be wounded, to be cast into the wilderness, to be released, to be exalted, and most especially to be surrounded by the drowning noise and ebullience and casual presence of friends calling out his name, demanding his presence. — Carol Shields

Friends Cast Quotes By Barbara Windsor

'EastEnders' has been wonderful to me and it's no secret that it changed my life all of those years ago. I'll be so sad to leave Peggy behind; she's such a wonderful character to play. I have had the pleasure of working with a marvelous cast and crew and have made many lasting good friends. — Barbara Windsor

Friends Cast Quotes By Rob Lowe

The cast of 'Parks & Rec' is just a group of unbelievably nice, humble, down to earth, hilarious friends. — Rob Lowe

Friends Cast Quotes By Jaime Allison Parker

He was a stranger here. The people who might remember him would certainly not welcome him. His old gang had cast him out, along with all of the former friends and parents. The suburban landscape of hypocrisy, so hated in his youth, beheld again and with it, old feelings that motivated him through life more than he would ever admit. Every turning point in life, already decided by all the events here — Jaime Allison Parker

Friends Cast Quotes By Diana Gabaldon

I prayed for guidance, kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament," he went on, "and as I sat in the silence of the chapel, I seemed to see you as a shipwrecked traveler. And it seems to me that that is a good parallel to your present situation, is it not? Imagine such a soul, Madame, suddenly cast away in a strange land, bereft of friends and familiarity, without resources save what the new land can provide. Such a happening is disaster, truly, and yet may be the opening for great opportunity and blessings. What if the new land shall be rich? New friends may be made, and a new life begun. — Diana Gabaldon

Friends Cast Quotes By Laura Donnelly

'Outlander' is filmed mostly around Glasgow and the central belt of Scotland, so it's lovely for me because I get to go up and spend time in the place that I lived for three years. I've got a bunch of friends in the cast because a lot of them studied at the same college as I did, and I get to see my family, most of whom now live in Scotland. — Laura Donnelly

Friends Cast Quotes By Jon Stewart

My life is a series of Hollywood orgies and Kabbalah center brunches with the cast of Friends. At least that's what my handlers tell me. I'm actually too valuable to live my own life and spend most of my days in a vegetable crisper to remain fake news anchor fresh. — Jon Stewart