Famous Quotes & Sayings

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes & Sayings

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Top Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Alan Bradley

In the old legends, anyone who willingly took up the Earth upon their shoulders was doomed to carry it forever: a curse, it seemed, with no way out. — Alan Bradley

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien

Indeed if fish had fish-lore and Wise-fish, it is probable that the business of anglers would be very little hindered. — J.R.R. Tolkien

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Jean Wilson

When in doubt, scribble. — Jean Wilson

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Eric Micha'el Leventhal

At each moment, our seemingly objective world emerges from the dancing of consciousness with a single untruth: that there is something out there which is not us. — Eric Micha'el Leventhal

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Mark Waters

A lot of first-time filmmakers are almost apologizing for their movie by saying, 'Well, we only had 18 days to shoot, you know.' — Mark Waters

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Jules Verne

In two days there won't be a single leak, and our boat will have no more water in her than there is in the stomach of a drunkard. — Jules Verne

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By George Soros

If every rich person gave 50 percent of their wealth to charity, I would not say they should pay more taxes. — George Soros

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Patrick Pearse

One of the most terrible things about the English education System in Ireland is its ruthlessness ... it is cold and mechanical, like the ruthlessness of an immensely powerful engine. A machine vast, complicated ... It grinds night and day; it obeys immutable and predetermined laws; it is as devoid of understanding, of sympathy, of imagination, as is any other piece of machinery that performs an appointed task. Into it is fed all raw human material in Ireland; it seizes upon it inexorably and rends and compresses and remoulds ... — Patrick Pearse

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Marge Piercy

I am my mother's daughter, ... I am her only novel. — Marge Piercy

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Jon Krakauer

Military investigations are designed not to find anyone guilty. And you can't investigate up the chain of command, which is a huge impediment. — Jon Krakauer

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Reki Kawahara

Not all shooting stars burned up in the atmosphere. Some of them withstood the fires and made their way to earth. — Reki Kawahara

Freakishly Effective Leadership Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

There are so many books to read. What a paradise! — Lailah Gifty Akita