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Flush Toilet Quotes & Sayings

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Top Flush Toilet Quotes

Flush Toilet Quotes By Will Advise

Social networks are so full of wasted time - they could be compared to a waste disposal system. Flush, before you go and waste no time to go. — Will Advise

Flush Toilet Quotes By Lin Yutang

Since the invention of the flush toilet and the vacuum carpet cleaner, the modern man seems to judge a man's moral standards by his cleanliness, and thinks a dog the more highly civilized for having a weekly bath and a winter wrapper round his belly. — Lin Yutang

Flush Toilet Quotes By R.U. Slime

I'm the bathroom master
I'm a real bowl blaster
Don't mess with me
'Cause I can mess it up faster
With just one flush
I can make a toilet gush
When my sister cleans it up
I just turn her to mush! — R.U. Slime

Flush Toilet Quotes By M T Anderson

If you have read many adventure novels, you'll know that spies spend about half of their time in the sewers. They run along sewer tunnels, shooting. They find secret hideaways in sewers. They take weird funeral barges through sewers, poled along by old men in hoods. In fact, if a spy's kid wants to get a message to their mom or dad, the easiest way to do it is just to flush it down the toilet. — M T Anderson

Flush Toilet Quotes By Dan Harmon

Humankind made these religions; that our brains are capable of doing that is neither something to take too seriously - because we also make poop, and we learned to flush that the fuck down the toilet - but it's also not something to totally disregard. — Dan Harmon

Flush Toilet Quotes By Mark Peter Hughes

Replaying her words in my head, I could feel my face redden again.
I wanted to flush my head down the toilet. — Mark Peter Hughes

Flush Toilet Quotes By Wilford Brimley

I didn't go to high school. I think that after you learn to read and write and do your numbers and flush the toilet behind yourself, you don't need no more schoolin'. You need to get out in the water and swim. — Wilford Brimley

Flush Toilet Quotes By Thomas Lynch

The flush toilet, more than any single invention, has 'civilized' us in a way that religion and law could never accomplish. — Thomas Lynch

Flush Toilet Quotes By Faith Hunter

Crap was not a bad word. It was the shortened name of the marketing genius of the best known flush toilet, John Crapper. Really. — Faith Hunter

Flush Toilet Quotes By Scarlett Dawn

He did have to flush the toilet though, since I hadn't gotten to that yet. I had only peed, otherwise I might have been mortified. Best friend or not, shit was still shit. — Scarlett Dawn

Flush Toilet Quotes By Dov Davidoff

Most public bathrooms now have automatic toilet sensors. People can't even be trusted to flush. — Dov Davidoff

Flush Toilet Quotes By Jo Nesbo

Harry looked at Bellman. He could not help but admire him. The way you admire a cockroach you flush down the toilet and it comes creeping back again and again and in the end it inherits the world. — Jo Nesbo

Flush Toilet Quotes By Megan Fox

I'm horrible to live with. I don't clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. — Megan Fox

Flush Toilet Quotes By Anthony Liccione

Most people die, living their life paycheck to paycheck,trying to stretch out each dollar, as like a roll of toilet paper. Toiling each tissue, never quite wiping away all the shit from their asses, where the world always takes what little they flush, back into its deprived system, always hungry. — Anthony Liccione

Flush Toilet Quotes By Harlan Coben

I remember one time I heard this English professor asking the class what the world's scariest noise is. Is it a man crying out in pain? A woman's scream of terror? A gunshot? A baby crying? And the professor shakes his head and says, 'No, the scariest noise is, you're all alone in your dark house, you know you're all alone, you know that there is no chance anyone else is home or within miles - and then, suddenly, from upstairs, you hear the toilet flush. — Harlan Coben

Flush Toilet Quotes By Angela Carter

F.R. Leavis's "eat up your broccoli" approach to fiction emphasises this junkfood/wholefood dichotomy. If reading a novel
for theeighteenth century reader, the most frivolous of diversions
did not, by the middle of the twentieth century, make you a better person in some way, then you might as well flush the offending volume down the toilet, which was by far the best place for the undigested excreta of dubious nourishment. — Angela Carter

Flush Toilet Quotes By Steve Merrick

Being a hermit involves a lot of what we would call routine tasks taken to an extreme, even the morning flush of the toilet becomes a ritual. — Steve Merrick

Flush Toilet Quotes By Lewis Black

People go to Vegas, and they don't know what to do; here's what you do. You go to the casino in your hotel. On your arrival, you get $100 in quarters. Take that $100 back to your hotel room and stare at it for a long, long time. Why? Because you're never going to see them again. Then you take those quarters to the bathroom and you flush them, one by one by one. And the nice thing about that is that every so often the toilet will back up, and you'll feel like a WINNER! — Lewis Black

Flush Toilet Quotes By George Alec Effinger

Drugs are your friends, treat them with respect. You wouldn't throw your friends in the garbage. You wouldn't flush your friends down the toilet. If that's the way you treat your friends or your drugs, you don't deserve to have either. Give them to me. — George Alec Effinger

Flush Toilet Quotes By Alexander Ovechkin

Right now I'm scoring goals and I'm the king of the world. And a couple weeks ago I was almost in the toilet. So maybe you just forget to flush me. — Alexander Ovechkin

Flush Toilet Quotes By Carolyn Gold Heilbrun

You can flush my ashes down the toilet, for all I care. — Carolyn Gold Heilbrun

Flush Toilet Quotes By Bret Easton Ellis

When I flush the toilet in my bathroom, it becomes stopped up with Kleenex, and blood clouds the water and I put down the lid, because there's nothing else for me to do. — Bret Easton Ellis

Flush Toilet Quotes By Lisa Tawn Bergren

My kingdom for a flush toilet. — Lisa Tawn Bergren

Flush Toilet Quotes By Steve Garvey

Lasorda's standard reply when some new kid would ask directions to the whirlpool was to tell him to stick his foot in the toilet and flush it. — Steve Garvey

Flush Toilet Quotes By Quinn Loftis

Fine, but if you get yourself killed I reserve the right to flush your ashes down the toilet while I sing the theme from Titanic. — Quinn Loftis

Flush Toilet Quotes By Rose George

The humble latrine, or flush toilet, reduces disease by twice as much as just putting in clean water. — Rose George

Flush Toilet Quotes By Harlan Coben

Myron was just getting comfortable when he heard a toilet flush. He looked a question at Win. "I am not alone," Win said. "Oh." Myron adjusted himself on the couch. "A woman?" "Your gifts," Win said. "They never cease to amaze." "Anybody I know?" Myron asked. Win shook his head. "Not even somebody I know." The norm. Myron looked steadily at his friend. "You want to talk about this?" "No." "I'm here if you do." "Yes, I see that." Win swished around the drink in the snifter. He finished it in one gulp and reached for the crystal decanter. There was a slight slur in his speech. Myron tried to remember the last time he had seen Win the vegetarian, the master of several martial arts, the transcendental meditator, the man so at ease and in focus with his surroundings, have too much to drink. It had been a very long time. "I have a golf question for you," Myron said. Win nodded for him to proceed. — Harlan Coben

Flush Toilet Quotes By Brin-Jonathan Butler

Las Vegas, the most expensive toilet in the world that still can't flush. — Brin-Jonathan Butler

Flush Toilet Quotes By Zohra Sehgal

I am preparing myself for death. When I go to sleep, I try to keep myself smiling. So that when I die, I have a smile on my lips. I want an electric cremation. I don't want any poems or fuss after that. And for heaven's sake, don't bring back my ashes. Flush them down the toilet if the crematorium refuses to keep them. If they tell you that I am dead, I want you to give a big laugh. — Zohra Sehgal

Flush Toilet Quotes By Peter Hedges

Arnie pulls at my T-shirt. I shove his hand away. He pushes down the toilet handle and the bathroom fills with that flush sound. Tucker says, "You taking a dump?"
"Liar. I heard the flush. You were taking a dump."
"But I ... "
"I just wish you'd admit it. We got to be honest with each other."
"But ... "
"I heard the flush, Gilbert. You can't fool Tucker Van Dyke. — Peter Hedges

Flush Toilet Quotes By Claire Gillian

Go ahead then. Might as well wipe your ass with a doomed office romance before you flush your career down the toilet. You know it'll happen. — Claire Gillian

Flush Toilet Quotes By Victor Gischler

I'd finally in up in jail for a murder I really did commit. Amazing how fate can work against us sometimes. We like the think we're the center of the Solar System, everything revolving around. More likely, we're the center of the vortex when we flush the toilet. — Victor Gischler

Flush Toilet Quotes By Stephen Chbosky

There were other stories and other names. Second Base Stace, who had breasts in fourth grade and let some of the boys feel them. Vincent, who took acid and tried to flush a sofa down the toilet. Sheila, who allegedly masturbated with a hot dog and had to go to the emergency room. The list went on and on. — Stephen Chbosky

Flush Toilet Quotes By James Dickey

If it were thought that anything I wrote was influenced by Robert Frost, I would take that particular piece of mine,
shred it, and flush it down the toilet, hoping not to clog the pipes. — James Dickey

Flush Toilet Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Don't look at me for this. As stated I lack the necessary female equipment for wet nursery. And I once killed a cactus and Bubba's goldfish watching over them. No offense, I don't want to kill Malphas or find a toilet big enough to flush him. Come to think of it, I don't recall him eating anything around me. Ever. Last time he went down, he told me he wanted blood to heal, and I only do that for the Red Cross. Nick — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Flush Toilet Quotes By Jessica Hahn

My dad used to flush my mother's head down the toilet. I was so screwed up. — Jessica Hahn

Flush Toilet Quotes By David Foster Wallace

I'm up there trying to do my Chore. I've got the men's bathroom. There's something ... Pat there's something in the toilet up there. That won't flush. The thing. It won't go away. It keeps reappearing. Flush after flush. I'm only here for instructions. Possibly also protective equipment. I couldn't even describe the thing in the toilet. All I can say is if it was produced by anything human then I have to say I'm worried. Don't even ask me to describe it. If you want to go up and have a look, I'm 100% confident it's still there. It's made it real clear it's not going anywhere. — David Foster Wallace

Flush Toilet Quotes By Uma Thurman

It is better to have a relationship with someone who cheats on you than with someone who does not flush the toilet. — Uma Thurman

Flush Toilet Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

Suddenly Tink was right in front of my face, causing me to jerk back. "I know you're mad at me and you probably want to slice and dice me up and wear my skin as a new bracelet."
I glanced around. "Um. That's not exactly what I want to do."
Hope widened his eyes.
"But I kind of want to flush you down a toilet," I amended.
He gasped. "I'd get stuck! And these pipes are old. How would you even do that? I'm not a goldfish."
I rolled my eyes. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Flush Toilet Quotes By Behdad Sami

If all you do is talk crap, I'll just flush the toilet. — Behdad Sami

Flush Toilet Quotes By Augusten Burroughs

Freshly brainwashed from rehab, I carry the bottle into the bathroom. I hold it up to the light. See the pretty bottle? Isn't it beautiful? Yes, it's beautiful. I unscrew the cap and pour it into the toilet. I flush twice. And then I think, why did I flush twice? The answer, is of course, because I truly do know myself. I cannot be sure I won't attempt to drink from the toilet, like a dog. — Augusten Burroughs

Flush Toilet Quotes By Dave Barry

It takes a minimum of six people, working in close harmony, to successfully flush a nautical toilet. That's why those old ships carried such large crews. — Dave Barry

Flush Toilet Quotes By Jim Gaffigan

Lean Pockets, I don't even wanna know what's in those. I wonder what the directions are on a box of Lean Pockets: 'Remove from box, place directly in toilet.' Flush Pocket! — Jim Gaffigan

Flush Toilet Quotes By Ellen Hopkins

When I was little, my friends would gush over wedding gowns and honeymoons. But I saw too many people flush decades together down the toilet over money or kids or meaningless flings. My own parents chose to stay married, which I think is rather funny, since they show about as much affection for each other as pit bulls in a ring. Tying the knot means slipping a noose around love and choking it to death. — Ellen Hopkins

Flush Toilet Quotes By Amy A. Bartol

Cuz I look like Barbie." I reply, knowing they can connect the dots. "Bad girls don't like Barbie?" Michael asks, both his eyebrows rising. "No. Bad girls want to rip Barbie's head off and flush it down the toilet, — Amy A. Bartol

Flush Toilet Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

Or, I could just sit in the bushes and pump the hand pump
until the plumbing was superpressurized to 110 psi. This way, when
someone goes to flush a toilet, the toilet tank will explode. At 150 psi, if
someone turns on the shower, the water pressure will blow off the shower
head, strip the threads, blam, the shower head turns into a mortar shell.
Tyler only says this to make me feel better. The truth is I like my boss.
Besides, I'm enlightened now. You know, only Buddha-style behavior. — Chuck Palahniuk

Flush Toilet Quotes By Rich Mullins

I would like to encourage you to stop thinking of what you're doing as ministry. Start realizing that your ministry is how much of a tip you leave when you eat in a restaurant; when you leave a hotel room whether you leave it all messed up or not; whether you flush your own toilet or not. Your ministry is the way that you love people. And you love people when you write something that is encouraging to them, something challenging. You love people when you call your wife and say, 'I'm going to be late for dinner,' instead of letting her burn the meal. You love people when maybe you cook a meal for your wife sometime, because you know she's really tired. Loving people - being respectful toward them - is much more important than writing or doing music. — Rich Mullins

Flush Toilet Quotes By Arnold Schwarzenegger

From the time they get up in the morning and flush the toilet, they're taxed. Then they go and get the cup of coffee, they're taxed ... This goes on all day long. Tax, tax, tax. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Flush Toilet Quotes By Charles Frazier

Like when the counselor delved into your habits of using a public toilet, such as do you flush with your foot and use your elbow to open the door? If yes, woe unto you. You're crazy. — Charles Frazier

Flush Toilet Quotes By John Swartzwelder

This guy was making me tired. "Thanks for the afternoon's entertainment," I said. "I'll flush a copy of my bill down the toilet. You should be getting it in a couple of days. — John Swartzwelder

Flush Toilet Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

Ah, the painful truth: Fate was a cosmic toilet. It was the nature of the universe to flush sluggish things that failed to exercise free will. Stasis was stagnancy. Change was velocity. Fate - a sniper that preferred a motionless target to a dancing one. — Karen Marie Moning