Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Fiscal Responsibility

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Top Fiscal Responsibility Quotes

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Melissa Bean

But in this Congress, accountability is just a catch phrase, usually directed elsewhere. Demands to personal responsibility or corporate accountability abound, but rarely congressional accountability or fiscal responsibility. — Melissa Bean

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Thomas Tull

Each one [movie] is very important to us and from a fiscal responsibility, filmmakers understand that it's highly personal for us and they've been great about it. — Thomas Tull

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Ron Kind

As the President reviewed the state of the union and unveiled his second-term agenda, he fell short of adequately explaining how he intends to set America back on the course of fiscal responsibility and secure the fiscal health of the nation. — Ron Kind

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Jeremy Grantham

History speaks pretty clearly that the markets do better with Democrats. Republicans' ideas of what constitutes fiscal responsibility simply are not good for the stock market. Democrats have many tendencies, but one of them is to look after the workers, and actually that tends to be good for demand and good for markets. — Jeremy Grantham

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Blanche Lincoln

Spending and tax cut decisions must be both fiscally responsible and fair to our working families. I believe that fiscal responsibility is the way to create prosperity for America and secure the retirement of America's seniors. — Blanche Lincoln

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Johnny B. Truant

Why do we look to everyone else to see what to do? Why don't we understand that they're all as lost and scared as we are? Why do we look at a random consensus, shaped by opinions and powers that drift like dunes, as an absolute truth? If "normal" could change tomorrow, why are we such slaves to it? And where has "normal" gotten us, anyway? We live in a society that can't stop pollution or environmental destruction, that can't raise educational standards, can't stay healthy and non-obese, can't balance a budget, has no sense of fiscal responsibility, is in an economic tailspin, and is rife with crime and murder and violence. Most people in this "normal" society of ours begin sitting still in a room for six to eight hours beginning in childhood. They continue that for twelve years and then begin sitting still in a different room for another forty years, at which point they hope to retire and sit still in a chair in front of the TV until they die. — Johnny B. Truant

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Howard Dean

There is a Party of fiscal responsibility ... economic responsibility ... social responsibility ... civic responsibility ... personal responsibility ... and moral responsibility. That party is the Democratic Party. — Howard Dean

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Paul Ryan

While President Obama shirks his responsibility to advance solutions to our fiscal challenges, he can no longer hide from the merciless math of the balance sheet. Conservatives have made certain of that. — Paul Ryan

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By John Thune

Because of my upbringing, I believe in things like limited government, fiscal responsibility and personal accountability. I believe in the wisdom of our founders and the sanctity of our Constitution. — John Thune

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Ann Kirkpatrick

In Congress, I was a relentless advocate for fiscal responsibility. — Ann Kirkpatrick

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Gary Miller

Rather than waiting to restore fiscal responsibility after we pass legislation, we must work to ensure we remain committed to it as we draft legislation. — Gary Miller

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Bill Maher

New Rule: Whenever you think the Tea Party can't get any dumber, they get dumber. Now they're in love with Donald Trump. Because nothing says "We're serious about fiscal responsibility" quite like a billionaire whose corporations have filed for bankruptcy three times. — Bill Maher

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Alex Himelfarb

[Fiscal prudence] means spending wisely, reducing waste, collecting sufficient taxes to pay for the public goods and services we want, keeping budgets in relative balance over time, and keeping debt coming down, at least during reasonably good times. — Alex Himelfarb

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Alex Pareene

There are two important things to remember about 'entitlements': They are hugely popular programs for a very good reason, and actual sensible 'reform' would mean improving them, not sacrificing them at the altar of 'fiscal responsibility.' — Alex Pareene

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Ted Cruz

This election presents a stark choice - we can continue down the road of the Obama Democrats, more and more spending, debt and government control of the economy, or we can return to the founding principles of our nation - free markets, fiscal responsibility and individual liberty. — Ted Cruz

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Melissa Bean

The American people expect more from Congress. They expect fiscal responsibility and common sense. They expect us to return to the pay-as-you-go budget rules that we had enacted in the past that helped us establish a surplus, however briefly. — Melissa Bean

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Tom Coburn

Republicans should simply focus on first principles and give the American people what they want - an honest party dedicated to common sense, fiscal responsibility and limited government. If we govern to save the country, we'll do well as a party. — Tom Coburn

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Lincoln Chafee

The lack of fiscal responsibility is one of the main reasons I finally left my old Party. — Lincoln Chafee

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Todd Young

Typically, discussions of the safety net boil down to one side wanting to spend more in the name of compassion, and the other side wanting to spend less in the name of fiscal restraint. In both cases, money serves as a proxy for moral responsibility. — Todd Young

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Ron Paul

As many frustrated Americans who have joined the Tea Party realize, we cannot stand against big government at home while supporting it abroad. We cannot talk about fiscal responsibility while spending trillions on occupying and bullying the rest of the world. We cannot talk about the budget deficit and spiraling domestic spending without looking at the costs of maintaining an American empire of more than 700 military bases in more than 120 foreign countries. We cannot pat ourselves on the back for cutting a few thousand dollars from a nature preserve or an inner-city swimming pool at home while turning a blind eye to a Pentagon budget that nearly equals those of the rest of the world combined. — Ron Paul

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Ben Bernanke

I generally leave the details of fiscal programs to the Administration and Congress. That's really their area of authority and responsibility, and I don't think it's appropriate for me to second guess. — Ben Bernanke

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Gary Johnson

I see the demographics increasing, and by that I mean the notion of social acceptance is growing, not decreasing; I think the notion of fiscal responsibility is growing, not decreasing. And Republicans seem to be moving further away from those two categories than closer. — Gary Johnson

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Todd Tiahrt

The Republican Party is either going to return to the party of fiscal responsibility and consistent conservative principles as it was under Ronald Reagan, or it will continue down the path of 'sporadic moderation.' — Todd Tiahrt

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Ed Pastor

I will work to restore fiscal responsibility to our country's budget and to provide for a more robust economy. — Ed Pastor

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Noam Chomsky

The legislation, essentially bipartisan, drives new fiscal policies, tax changes, also rules of corporate governance, and deregulation. Alongside of this began the very sharp rise in the costs of elections, which drives the political parties even deeper than before into the pockets of the corporate sector. The parties dissolved, essentially, in many ways. It used to be that if a person in Congress hoped for a position such as a committee chair or some position of responsibility, he or she got it mainly through seniority and service. Within a couple of years, they started having to put money into the party coffers in order to get ahead, a topic studied mainly by Tom Ferguson. That just drove the whole system even deeper into the pockets of the corporate sector, increasingly the financial sector. — Noam Chomsky

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Steny Hoyer

My friend Paul Ryan talks about fiscal responsibility, but voted to put two wars on a credit card. — Steny Hoyer

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By John F. Kerry

Being lectured by the president on fiscal responsibility is a little bit like Tony Soprano talking to me about law and order in this country. — John F. Kerry

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Richard Mourdock

I think the best thing we can do is sell that idea of smaller government - of fiscal responsibility vs. the Obama record. Obama made promises, and on every promise in which he's actually delivered, things have gotten worse instead of better. He said if we get ObamaCare it'll help, but health care prices went up. — Richard Mourdock

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Barack Obama

I am willing to work with anybody who wants to have a serious conversation about our fiscal future. We're not going to do this under the threat of blowing up the entire economy. I will not negotiate over Congress' responsibility to pay the bills that have already been racked up. I don't know how I can be more clear about this. — Barack Obama

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Barack Obama

After a decade of profligacy, the American people are tired of politicians who talk the talk but don't walk the walk when it comes to fiscal responsibility. It's easy to get up in front of the cameras and rant against exploding deficits. What's hard is actually getting deficits under control. But that's what we must do. Like families across the country, we have to take responsibility for every dollar we spend. — Barack Obama

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Bob McDonnell

Fiscal responsibility and government reform are going to be good themes for governing, well at any time, but particularly coming out of a recovery. — Bob McDonnell

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Glenn Hubbard

President Obama has ignored or dismissed proposals that would address our anti-competitive tax code and unsustainable trajectory of federal debt - including his own bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform - and submitted no plan for entitlement reform. — Glenn Hubbard

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Edwin Feulner

We also need to encourage Americans to become more fiscally responsible themselves. We can do this by redesigning our tax system into an expenditure tax with a single flat rate ... We have to substantially reduce the size and scope of the federal government, fundamentally increase the role of the states in choosing their own practices, and bring decision-making closer to the people, not to unelected administrators. These steps are crucial to getting our nation on a path of fiscal, political and constitutional responsibility. — Edwin Feulner

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Barack Obama

Tim Kaine has a message of fiscal responsibility and generosity of spirit. That kind of message can sell anywhere. — Barack Obama

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Lincoln Chafee

Certainly the Republican Party changed and I never changed, as I became an independent my values never changed whether it's on fiscal responsibility, environment or using government tools to help the less fortunate. — Lincoln Chafee

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Carl Levin

Restoring responsibility and accountability is essential to the economic and fiscal health of our nation. — Carl Levin

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Don A. Holbrook

Tomorrow's outcome for our nation is dependent upon how we act today to create the outcomes we desire for our country. Individual accountability is each of our responsibilities if we want to rebuild, renew and restore the great values that made America a global super power and light of hope to the rest of the world. Each of us is either part of the problem or the solution. — Don A. Holbrook

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Tom Hunter

We in Scotland need fiscal responsibility. Quite simply, we need to be responsible for what we raise in tax and what we spend in tax. — Tom Hunter

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Olympia Snowe

I represent what I think is a traditional Republican ... a limited government, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense, individual freedom and liberty. — Olympia Snowe

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By William J. Clinton

Thanks to the leadership of Vice President Gore, we have a government for the Information Age, once again a government that is a progressive instrument of the common good, rooted in our oldest values of opportunity, responsibility and community, devoted to fiscal responsibility, determined to give our people the tools they need to make the most of their own lives in the 21st century, a 21st century government for 21st century America. — William J. Clinton

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Alice Adams

When you say fiscal responsibility, it seems to me that you really mean rich people keeping their money. — Alice Adams

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Jason Chaffetz

If we're going to win this battle over fiscal responsibility, we need more of the people who vote right and fewer of those whose seniority is their only selling point. — Jason Chaffetz

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Joe Andrew

The Democratic Party is on the move across the country. Voters are responding to our message of progress and fiscal responsibility. — Joe Andrew

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Clint Eastwood

I'm not really conservative. I'm conservative on certain things. I believe in less government. I believe in fiscal responsibility and all those things that maybe Republicans used to believe in but don't any more. — Clint Eastwood

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Monica Crowley

I developed the concept of the Happy Warrior as a rallying cry for those of us who want to restore America to its great foundational principles: individual freedom, personal responsibility, fiscal restraint, and economic liberty. — Monica Crowley

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Rick Scott

I stand for limited government, fiscal responsibility, personal freedom, personal responsibility, so the Republican Party will support me. — Rick Scott

Fiscal Responsibility Quotes By Paul Tsongas

The core of America is not racist. It is not hostile to women. It is increasingly offended by gay bashing. Yet it abhors government waste. It believes strongly in fiscal responsibility such as balanced budgets. It is pro-economic growth. It is concerned about the environment. It is intolerant of people on welfare who disdain the notion of work. But it wants poor kids to have school lunches and it wants to spend money to have good schools. In sum, most Americans are sensible, good-hearted, and prudent. The issue, then, is whether there is a political party that can welcome them home. — Paul Tsongas