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Fiction Novel Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fiction Novel Quotes

Fiction Novel Quotes By Yoleen Valai

There are many of us who live alongside others, less fortunate, watching them go through everyday suffering for one reason or another, and we're not moving even our little finger to help them. It's in human nature, unfortunately: for the most part, the only people we genuinely care about are ourselves. However, once in a while we encounter different species, different kind of human beings among us: full of compassion, willing and wanting to help, and doing so with joy and happiness. Those are a rarity. But you know what, my dear? Being one of them is not a special calling- it's a choice. So what will you choose, huh? — Yoleen Valai

Fiction Novel Quotes By Vivek Pereira

Please don't be upset. The last thing in the world I want is to see you upset and that too with me. It's terrifying to see your beautiful eyes turn red with anger. — Vivek Pereira

Fiction Novel Quotes By Adam Ross

I'll never forget reading Chekhov's "A Doctor's Visit" on a train to Hawthorne, New York, and I got to the end - the scene where the patient says goodbye to the doctor and she puts a flower in her hair as a kind of thank you to him - and I felt like a cowboy shot from a canyon's top. This is a different experience from reading a novel, I think. The emotional effect is cumulative. Let's just hope market forces don't send short fiction the way of the dinosaur, because their sales are paltry compared to the novel and this is truly unfortunate. — Adam Ross

Fiction Novel Quotes By Al Gore

The planet has a fever. If your baby has a fever, you go to the doctor. If the doctor says you need to intervene here, you don't say 'I read a science fiction novel that says it's not a problem.' You take action. — Al Gore

Fiction Novel Quotes By Zandile

You said my name and my heart went rogue — Zandile

Fiction Novel Quotes By Cole Alpaugh

Bearing witness from the sides of the room, ten or more lepers shouted at the bizarre scene, "Diable! Diable!" And then chants of some sort, or prayers, followed by more shouts of "Diable!" They were hurling these words at Moreau like stones. — Cole Alpaugh

Fiction Novel Quotes By Deepanshu Saini

Men have those God's created guns inbuilt that are 24X7 hours loaded to shoot out. — Deepanshu Saini

Fiction Novel Quotes By Kim Young-ha

In my 20s, I became obsessed with the role-playing game 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms,' named after a classical Chinese novel, and later 'The Sims,' a life-simulation game, and 'StarCraft,' a science-fiction game. — Kim Young-ha

Fiction Novel Quotes By Geoffrey Harvey

Extremely self-conscious in its craft, in many ways The Hand of Ethelberta is an exploration of fiction as illusion, which involves parody of the conventions it employs; romance, melodrama and farce, and a rejection of realism for absurdist and surrealistic effects. The 'hand' of Ethelberta is an obvious, ironic allusion to courtship, and the sub-title, 'A Comedy in Chapters', suggests the novel's affinity with the conventions of Restoration and eighteenth-century comedy of manners. — Geoffrey Harvey

Fiction Novel Quotes By A.C. Crispin

Don't you see, Lynn? We have to help ... or else we won't have learned a thing. — A.C. Crispin

Fiction Novel Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

I think that when people read fiction, they're really reading for wisdom. I am. That's what most of us really love. If we read a novel that rocks our world, it's because there's something in it that we didn't know already. Not just information but really wisdom - sort of what to do with our information. And wisdom comes from experience. — Barbara Kingsolver

Fiction Novel Quotes By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Successful fiction does not need to be validated by 'real life'; I cringe whenever a writer is asked how much of a novel is 'real'. — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Fiction Novel Quotes By Brian A. McBride

Such a distant, forgotten thing, this Light. — Brian A. McBride

Fiction Novel Quotes By Susanna Kearsley

Romantic fiction, in the broader sense, can be any novel that has a love story somewhere in it. It can be a mystery or a historical novel, as long as it has this very strong romantic thread running through it. — Susanna Kearsley

Fiction Novel Quotes By Shelley K. Wall

From Flood, Flash, and Pheromones
coming soon:
In the torrential downpour with water swirling that threatened to pull her down, she didn't see the voice's owner. The hurricane had blessed the entire city with a surprise drenching. All weather reports had predicted it to pass over with sporadic rainfall but that didn't happen. The storm settled over Houston as if it had no intention to move on. Cassie flailed in panic as the roof of her car disappeared under the water twenty feet beyond. She prayed once more that the container in it was watertight. And that she'd see her car again. Then she concentrated on living. Where had the voice come from? — Shelley K. Wall

Fiction Novel Quotes By K.M. Soehnlein

Not a lot of contemporary fiction is written about brothers and sisters. Salinger's Franny and Zooey was an inspiration for me. In Franny and Zooey, the sister gets in trouble and the brother comes to help her out. But I wanted to make sure that in my novel the sister had more to do than lie around on a sofa muttering, which is what Franny does for two-thirds of Salinger's novel. — K.M. Soehnlein

Fiction Novel Quotes By Philip K. Dick

I think Dr. Willis McNelly at the California State University at Fullerton put it best when he said that the true protagonist of an sf story or novel is an idea and not a person. If it is *good* sf the idea is new, it is stimulating, and, probably most important of all, it sets off a chain-reaction of ramification-ideas in the mind of the reader; it so-to-speak unlocks the reader's mind so that the mind, like the author's, begins to create. Thus sf is creative and it
inspires creativity, which mainstream fiction by-and-large does not do. We who read sf (I am speaking as a reader now, not a writer) read it because we love to experience this chain-reaction of ideas being set off in our minds by something we read, something with a new idea in it; hence the very best since fiction ultimately winds up being a collaboration between author and reader, in which both create and enjoy doing it: joy is the essential and final ingredient of science fiction, the joy of discovery of newness. — Philip K. Dick

Fiction Novel Quotes By Atul Purohit

No matter how many miles I move away, my love will always remain within the boundary of your heart
Lines from Love Vs Destiny ... — Atul Purohit

Fiction Novel Quotes By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

I don't put much stock in remembering things. Being able to forget is a superior skill. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Fiction Novel Quotes By I.J. Sarfeh

I sit on a foldaway chair at the lakeside, sipping hot cocoa and admiring the sunset behind distant clouds, pondering my next novel, which will be more truth than fiction. More memoir than tale. It will begin at the Third Garden and end here at Little Loch Broom, floating on a leaf over clear water, a bared soul visible to all those who would desire a glimpse of a childhood most extraordinary. — I.J. Sarfeh

Fiction Novel Quotes By Roy L. Pickering Jr.

On occasion he would think back to the fiercest passion it had been his pleasure to experience and reflect on what might have been. He would look upon the woman who occupied the opposite half of his bed and feel his life had not quite lived up to the promise of another day. These moments would be mercifully brief, or so he hoped. — Roy L. Pickering Jr.

Fiction Novel Quotes By Carroll Bryant

You know," Kavita begins, "I think I can pick out my own furniture. I am an artist after all. I do have some taste."
"No you don't." Nick plainly states. "No man has taste. Besides, I didn't pick it out, she did. Wives are good for things like that. — Carroll Bryant

Fiction Novel Quotes By Glen Duncan

If I'm going to invest the time in a novel, I want something more than the entertainment you get out of most genre fiction. — Glen Duncan

Fiction Novel Quotes By Stephanie Witter

Talk to me. Say something, anything," he pleaded quietly as if he was trying to tame a wild animal.
"There's nothing to say."
He looked up and lowered his eyebrows on his eyes. "Why did you kiss me? — Stephanie Witter

Fiction Novel Quotes By L.L. Barkat

Laura thought Bell would have a few things to say to Pynchon. And Laura had a few things to say to Bell, like, How the hell was a writer supposed to know when she was one-fifth through her novel-writing, so she could cut a door into the wall and shove her character out into the forest? — L.L. Barkat

Fiction Novel Quotes By Naomi Wood

Children, Hadley thinks to herself, children are more civilised than this gang on the sauce. — Naomi Wood

Fiction Novel Quotes By Henry Mosquera

People have incredible nerve to do terrible things, but never actually admit to them. — Henry Mosquera

Fiction Novel Quotes By Carroll Bryant

I don't know who he was," Kavita flat-out states, "but whoever he was he sure did a number on you, didn't he?"
Mary leans forward to ensure he would see her deviant stare. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I did a number on him?"
Kavita leans in closer as well, and with that same deviant expression, "Yes. I have. — Carroll Bryant

Fiction Novel Quotes By Deeba Salim Irfan

Reshuffllng of thoughts - facilitates a refreshed perspective to a mental deadlock! — Deeba Salim Irfan

Fiction Novel Quotes By D.L. Given

Like I've told you before, Beverly, I don't care where we live as long as we're together." Vance ... "The Elder Effect — D.L. Given

Fiction Novel Quotes By Jerry B. Jenkins

Good fiction must be entertaining, but what makes fiction special - and True - is that the realness of a novel allows it to carry a larger message. — Jerry B. Jenkins

Fiction Novel Quotes By Anna M. Aquino

I looked up at the wall. My bachelor's degree had been in History. Films like Back to the Future and Quantum Leap had been some of my favorite programs. Could time travel really be possible? This seemed too unreal. — Anna M. Aquino

Fiction Novel Quotes By E.J. Koh

Then she loved him as she would a manifestation of herself, both silenced and wounded in existence, both everything and nothing to eternity. — E.J. Koh

Fiction Novel Quotes By J.M. Campos

Man only has eyes to beauty when it costs them the inevitability of losing. — J.M. Campos

Fiction Novel Quotes By Ed Lynskey

Quote taken from Chapter 1:
That's the idea. Listen, Frank, this one is different. She's a keeper." He let that part gel in me. "Get your head screwed on straight and move to Richmond. You hate it living in Pelham. — Ed Lynskey

Fiction Novel Quotes By Kit Habianic

Beneath Albright's office, the colliery sprawled across the hillside, red brick buildings scattered as though hurled from a great height, a hotchpotch of mismatched structures spattered on the valley floor. At the bottom stood the winding house, wheels motionless, above it, the engineering sheds and workshops, canteen and bath house. All lay empty. No buzz and hum of machinery. No voices raised in laughter or dispute. Gwyn found it unsettling: his lads had been out a month and a half and already the power had drained from the place. In the stillness, he caught the echo of footsteps. The crunch of boots on gravel. Generations of long-gone Pritchards clocking in and out. He was bound to Blackthorn by the coal that clogged his veins and by a bond of duty. The strike left him as diminished as his pit, day dragging after idle day. — Kit Habianic

Fiction Novel Quotes By Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The thing is that my first novel, which was basically a mystery adventure story, won quite an important award in Spain for young adult fiction, and because of this it became a very successful book, and right now it's some sort of a standard title, it's read widely in many high schools in Spain, so I think, in a way, I was a victim of my own success in the field of young adult fiction, because it was never my own natural register. I never intended to write that kind of fiction, but I became very successful at it. — Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Fiction Novel Quotes By Whitley Strieber

the fundamentally paradoxical ways that our very subjectivities are constituted: as cultural scripts, as texts written before us as us. It is confusing being a novel, a piece of fiction that considers itself a simple fact. — Whitley Strieber

Fiction Novel Quotes By Michael LaRocca

Once I was King of the Titans. Now I need a MedicAlert bracelet and a subscription to the Safe Return program. Can you put out a Silver Alert on a god? I've fallen and I can't get up. — Michael LaRocca

Fiction Novel Quotes By Roy L. Pickering Jr.

It was just a word. It took nothing from him. It made him feel only as low as he allowed himself to feel. His own brother used it in conversation habitually. But not in the same way - filled with malice, overflowing with insult. He couldn't tear his eyes away, shook with lust for retribution. Six little letters making one huge statement. NIGGER. — Roy L. Pickering Jr.

Fiction Novel Quotes By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Would you like to come in?" I said. My hands were sweaty. Inside my chest an ocean heaved and crashed and heaved again.
"I would," he said. I saw his Adam's apple jerk as he swallowed. "Thank you."
I was distracted by that thank you. We had moved past the language of formality long ago. It was strange to relearn it with each other. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Fiction Novel Quotes By Julia Barkey

There's someone here."
"I know." She said, "Where's Scott?"
"I'm not sure," He said, "I thought you were going to wait outside with Nichole and Matt."
"We decided to come in."
"You mean they're in here too?"
"Okay ... " He said calmly, "You stay here."
She nodded as he turned to go.
"Oh, and Carrie."
"Could you actually listen to me this time?" He asked with a faint smile on his face. — Julia Barkey

Fiction Novel Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

Every time I write a new novel about something sombre and sobering and terrible I think, 'oh Lord, they're not going to want to go here'. But they do. Readers of fiction read, I think, for a deeper embrace of the world, of reality. And that's brave. — Barbara Kingsolver

Fiction Novel Quotes By Uri Jerzy Nachimson

Love and respect are above any law — Uri Jerzy Nachimson

Fiction Novel Quotes By Samuel R. Delany

Everything in a science-fiction novel should be mentioned at least twice (in at least two different contexts). — Samuel R. Delany

Fiction Novel Quotes By Danila Botha

I hate all the worry about what someone else is feeling, this crippling insecurity, this tightness in my chest. — Danila Botha

Fiction Novel Quotes By Joyce Carol Oates

The novel is perhaps the highest art form because it so closely resembles life: it is about human relationships. It's technique, page by page, resembles our technique of living day by day
a way of relating. — Joyce Carol Oates

Fiction Novel Quotes By Tom Vater

Mee and Ow sat in the shade of a mango tree and were doing their make-up. Both of them wore gloves that reached all the way up to their elbows, to keep the tropical sun off their skins. They looked briefly at Maier, with the curiosity usually reserved for a passing dog. It was too early for professional enthusiasm. — Tom Vater

Fiction Novel Quotes By Flannery O'Connor

Writing a novel is a terrible experience, during which the hair often falls out and the teeth decay. I'm always irritated by people who imply that writing fiction is an escape from reality. It is a plunge into reality and it's very shocking to the system. — Flannery O'Connor

Fiction Novel Quotes By Wilkie Collins

The dull people decided years and years ago, as everyone knows, that novel-writing was the lowest species of literary exertion, and that novel reading was a dangerous luxury and an utter waste of time. — Wilkie Collins

Fiction Novel Quotes By David Levithan

When I saw you today
I didn't know I'd been waiting for you until you were there. And then all of the waiitng rushed through me in a second. That's something ... but I don't know if it's certainty. — David Levithan

Fiction Novel Quotes By John Pipkin

Time lost to pointless delay can never be regained. It is the most reprehensible kind of theft. Why was it that men did not grasp this simple fact? Money comes and goes and comes again, and knowledge can be acquired and forgotten and rediscovered, but time once lost is lost for good, each passing second irretrievable. — John Pipkin

Fiction Novel Quotes By Paul Auster

There's a difference between doing memoir and writing a novel. If I had put the story of the boy killing my dog - and that was Eric also, what a little monster he was! - in a novel, even if I took it directly from life, it would be fiction. — Paul Auster

Fiction Novel Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

Vronsky meanwhile, in spite of the complete fulfilment of what he had so long desired, was not completely happy. He soon felt that the realization of his longing gave him only one grain of the mountain of bliss he had anticipated. That realization showed him the eternal error men make by imagining that happiness consists in the gratification of their wishes. When first he united his life with hers and donned civilian clothes, he felt the delight of freedom in general, such as he had not before known, and also the freedom of love - he was contented then, but not for long. Soon he felt rising in his soul a desire for desires - boredom. Involuntarily he began to snatch at every passing caprice, mistaking it for a desire and a purpose. — Leo Tolstoy

Fiction Novel Quotes By Andy Weir

There's more to research than just looking up facts. Eventually, you have to make subjective calls. If you're writing a science fiction novel, there's probably some speculative technology in it. You'll have to decide how to project existing technology forward in a plausible way. — Andy Weir

Fiction Novel Quotes By Peter Finn

The publication of Doctor Zhivago in the West in 1957 and the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Boris Pasternak the following year triggered one of the greatest cultural storms of the Cold War. Because of the enduring appeal of the novel, and the 1965 David Lean film based on it, Doctor Zhivago remains a landmark piece of fiction. Yet few readers know the trials of its birth and how the novel galvanized a world largely divided between the competing ideologies of two superpowers. — Peter Finn

Fiction Novel Quotes By Elizabeth Hand

I never think about genre when I work. I've written fantasy, science fiction, supernatural fiction, and am now working on a suspense novel. Genres are mostly useful as a marketing tool, and to help booksellers known where to shelve a book. — Elizabeth Hand

Fiction Novel Quotes By Brad Jensen

Fall into the cavern of my mind, and together there, we will dine. — Brad Jensen

Fiction Novel Quotes By John Gardner

Daemonic compulsiveness can kill as easily as it can save.
The true novelist must be at once driven and indifferent. Van
Gogh never sold a painting in his life. Poe came close with
poetry and fiction, selling very little. Drivenness only helps if
it forces the writer not to suicide but to the making of splendid
works of art, allowing him indifference to whether or not the
novel sells, whether or not it's appreciated. Drivenness is trouble
for both the novelist and his friends; but no novelist, I
think, can succeed without it. Along with the peasant in the
novelist, there must be a man with a whip. — John Gardner

Fiction Novel Quotes By Marty Rubin

All the great novels are about obsession and people who are obsessed. — Marty Rubin

Fiction Novel Quotes By Graham Nelson

The 'interactive fiction' format hasn't changed in any fundamental way since the early 1970s, in the same way that the format of the novel hasn't since 1700. — Graham Nelson

Fiction Novel Quotes By Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Misunderstandings arise only in undefined relationships — Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Fiction Novel Quotes By Atul Purohit

Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change. — Atul Purohit

Fiction Novel Quotes By Chandra Sekhar

Life is travelled at a pace one decides for themselves — Chandra Sekhar

Fiction Novel Quotes By John Green

A poem can't do its work if you only read snippets of it. — John Green

Fiction Novel Quotes By Lois-Ann Yamanaka

For the girl without words, there is laughter for what is light, gesture for want, and tears for all that is dark. There is not much more. Names are nothing but extravagance. — Lois-Ann Yamanaka

Fiction Novel Quotes By Sandy Ward Bell

Upright, she's slapped with the aroma of musk and sweat. It's the good hunky, 'shirtless man building a dollhouse for his daughter' kind of perspiration, not the 'he just mowed the lawn' kind of stench. — Sandy Ward Bell

Fiction Novel Quotes By Terry A. O'Neal

My spirit has been around far longer than my soul
I've lived several lifetimes already. And one this novel has been written, I will have lived several more. — Terry A. O'Neal

Fiction Novel Quotes By David Sloma

Life seemed ideal to him right then, and he was happy for the first time in a long time, and it felt like the sun was shining from his heart. - from the novel Brainjob by David Sloma. — David Sloma

Fiction Novel Quotes By Edwin Fontanez

There are tales that rise like the early sun, breathe, and take on a life of their own. There are ones that flow quietly and effortlessly until time forsakes them, but there are others that fight until they find their way to the edge of reality, as if coming straight out of a dream. — Edwin Fontanez

Fiction Novel Quotes By Jonathan Lethem

I'm not a sociologist, and the novel has often concerned itself with sociology. It's one of the generating forces that's made fiction interesting to people. But that's not my concern. I'm interested in psychology. And also certain philosophical questions about the world. — Jonathan Lethem

Fiction Novel Quotes By Anthony Doerr

ANTHONY DOERR is the author of the story collections Memory Wall and The Shell Collector, the novel About Grace, and the memoir Four Seasons in Rome. He has won numerous prizes both in the United States and overseas, including four O. Henry Prizes, three Pushcart Prizes, the Rome Prize, the New York Public Library's Young Lions Fiction Award, the National Magazine Award for fiction, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the Story Prize. Raised in Cleveland, Doerr lives in Boise, Idaho, with his wife and two sons. — Anthony Doerr

Fiction Novel Quotes By Leslie A. Gordon

Parenthood doesn't improve one's character, it exposes it. — Leslie A. Gordon

Fiction Novel Quotes By Todd Morr

How the Hell is it we go to pick up Jenna Jameson and end up with the fucking chick from those Kill Bill movies? — Todd Morr

Fiction Novel Quotes By Aleatha Romig

Unfortunately, the story wasn't a novel, and it wasn't fiction. — Aleatha Romig

Fiction Novel Quotes By W.J. Raymond

A good novel, one which entices the author as much as it beckons the reader. — W.J. Raymond

Fiction Novel Quotes By Ken O'Neill

Have you noticed how Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen look nothing alike, and yet they both manage to look exactly like their father, Martin? — Ken O'Neill

Fiction Novel Quotes By L.L. Barkat

If she was going to write a novel, she felt defeated before she began, because someone might be coming along to pick it apart, looking for symbols like The Conch or The Whale, which seemed to have mythic proportions. — L.L. Barkat

Fiction Novel Quotes By Kenneth Fenter

Hi, I have just added my new novel, "Incessant Expectations" for your reading enjoyment. It is about commercial salmon fishing on the Oregon coast circa 1976. It is fiction. The industry doesn't exist anymore. A young farmer from the dry country in Southwestern Colorado visits the wet Northwestern Oregon coast, seeking a summer job after his dad's farm is sold in the spring. He has spent his first 22 years in isolation, doing hard labor on the family farm. He knows hard work but has little social experience. During his summer of 1976 he learns about the ocean, fishing, and women. — Kenneth Fenter

Fiction Novel Quotes By J. Leigh Bralick

Cursed the crown that brought such grief to me — J. Leigh Bralick

Fiction Novel Quotes By John Burnham Schwartz

I have long admired the visceral storytelling and moral complexity of John Vaillant's brilliant non-fiction about humankind's tragically ambivalent relationship with the natural world. Now he brings his abundant literary gifts to a debut novel set in a very real borderland in which human beings are themselves treated like animals. The Jaguar's Children is a beautifully rendered lament for an imperiled culture and the brave lives that would preserve it. You should read it. — John Burnham Schwartz

Fiction Novel Quotes By Scarlett Dunn

Do you plan on marrying Charles?"
She shook her head.
"Good. I wouldn't want to shoot him, but I would."
... Finding Promise — Scarlett Dunn

Fiction Novel Quotes By Linda W. Yezak

Action is the pulse of any good story, but the character is the heart. If the action has no consequence to the character, the story loses heart. — Linda W. Yezak

Fiction Novel Quotes By Roy L. Pickering Jr.

Was happiness (which was perhaps achieved not by getting what you wanted, but rather, by obtaining what you didn't know you wished for until it was in hand) a hologram that would continually change appearance with the slightest shift of perspective? Or maybe happiness by definition was a temporary state of being recognizable only in hindsight. It was impossible to catch what always managed to be overrun and end up in the rear view mirror. — Roy L. Pickering Jr.

Fiction Novel Quotes By Kanza Javed

People recover differently. Some change cities, some fall in love and some begin writing. — Kanza Javed

Fiction Novel Quotes By John Pipkin

As the eclipse progresses, a confusion of chattering birds sweeps low in search of dusk and their shadows skip over the water's surface and it makes perfect sense that these small creatures should be so moved by events beyond their reckoning. — John Pipkin

Fiction Novel Quotes By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

To upset the delicate axis of giving and receiving on which our lives are held precarious. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Fiction Novel Quotes By Stephen Colbert

You should spend more time with your families; write that novel you've always wanted to write. You know, the one about the fearless reporter who stands up to the administration. You know - fiction. — Stephen Colbert

Fiction Novel Quotes By J.C. Joranco

Can you imagine how many people got laid in here? Abby said, walking to the other side of the Jacuzzi. — J.C. Joranco

Fiction Novel Quotes By Elizaveta Mikhailichenko

I imagined/felt their palms sweating, their sweat mingling, mutually fertilized, and dripping to the ground, where it gave birth to a scolopendra, the forked ends of its tail bedecked with the sparkle of drying tears. Their sweat would mingle again at night; the sweat from their bellies would run down into their loins, fill their belly buttons, and glimmer in the moonlight like the tears drying on the scolopendra's tail. — Elizaveta Mikhailichenko

Fiction Novel Quotes By Ursula K. Le Guin

While we read a novel, we are insane - bonkers. We believe in the existence of people who aren't there, we hear their voices ... Sanity returns (in most cases) when the book is closed. — Ursula K. Le Guin

Fiction Novel Quotes By Jo Nesbo

Many Scandinavian writers who had made their name in literary fiction felt they wanted to have a go at the crime novel to show they could compete with the best. If Salman Rushdie had been Norwegian, he would definitely have written at least one thriller. — Jo Nesbo

Fiction Novel Quotes By Tamara Agha-Jaffar

My anger mounted. "What about your son and me? What about us? How can you even think of leaving me alone here with our baby boy? Telemachus needs his father. What's going to happen to us if you leave? Who will help me raise him? Who will take care of us? You know as well as I do some of the men around here are nothing but a bunch of scoundrels. Mark my words, Odysseus. The second you're gone, they'll swarm in here like bees around honey. They'll take over the place. I won't be able to do a thing to stop them. — Tamara Agha-Jaffar

Fiction Novel Quotes By Marlon James

Dead people never stop talking. Maybe because death is not death at all, just a detention after school. You know where you're coming from and you're always returning from it. You know where you're going though you never seem to get there and you're just dead. Dead. — Marlon James

Fiction Novel Quotes By Dee Doanes

When asked why I write, I say it is why I breathe. How I make my heart beat with life. It must be done so I can exist." The Man With the Green Suitcase — Dee Doanes

Fiction Novel Quotes By George Orwell

Writing a novel is agony. — George Orwell

Fiction Novel Quotes By J. Kowallis

. . . there was no possible way to deny that this girl probably felt emotions much deeper than most other people. If anyone was human, she was. — J. Kowallis

Fiction Novel Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

Nowadays people talk about the things he did as though they made sense. As though even his most disastrous mistakes were only the result of bad luck or hubris. — Jeanette Winterson

Fiction Novel Quotes By Haidji

He lived like a devil and died like a saint — Haidji

Fiction Novel Quotes By Gregg Edwards Townsley

I've seen it all in Nevada, Kansas before that, and the War of Northern Aggression before that. People do all sorts of nasty things. And while I used to believe that there was something profoundly wrong about the human condition - sin passed on from the first man and that only the grace of God in Jesus Christ could make everything right, the standard explanation in churches Mormon to Methodist - it didn't take me long to learn that Christians and non-Christians, women and men, young and old were all capable of doing the worse things a human being might imagine, and then some.

From my upcoming novel, BATHHOUSE ROW, (available this fall). — Gregg Edwards Townsley