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Fessenden Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fessenden Quotes

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

I always loved horror as a kid. On the one hand, I really love monsters, because in a way I feel like I related to their outsider status and like the sentimental romantic plight of the monster. More importantly though I feel like people are completely motivated by fear, especially with our political system here in America which is just degenerating into more and more fear mongering and it gets in the way of real discourse, plus it's just something I'm obsessive about and have always been a little bit of a paranoid guy. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

It's always different, depending on the writer and the director. A collaborator like Graham Reznick delivers a fully finished piece, perfected in every way. Other writers direct the recording session and then leave quite a bit of the work to us. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

The biggest difference for me is that the tales really have no logical outlet, no particular infrastructure in which to present them as you would have with a film festival. There's no IMDb for audio dramas. So there's a lot of work with no particular reward. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

I love filmmaking when fate is a part of the process and you are dependent on the laws of physics and the elements to get a single moment that transports or in some way creates an illusion even for a moment. I think that is tremendous fun and what I think filmmaking is, catching lightning in a bottle. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

In going over the history of all the inventions for which history could be obtained it became more and more clear that in addition to training and in addition to extensive knowledge, a natural quality of mind was also necessary. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

Personality and salesmanship do not produce except in the competitive sense. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

Sometimes I am more interested in the richness of the material with all the stuff we've done which all tell a story to me rather than any single film career I could have, because I really do find myself interested in other people's ideas. I just want to be responsible with an array of things that engage me and feel vital, opposed to the corporate media out there that is just about making the loudest noises possible. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

The inventor and the research man are confused because they both examine results of physical or chemical operations. But they are exact opposites, mirror images of one another. The research man does something and does not care [exactly] what it is that happens, he measures whatever it is. The inventor wants something to happen, but does not care how it happens or what it is that happens if it is not what he wants. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

Glenn and I were listening to a radio show in the car, and he said, "Glass Eye Pix should do radio plays." I loved the idea of working in a different medium. We've made comics, books, movies, video games, models, advent calendars, why wouldn't we try audio plays? — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Charles Fessenden Morse

Pity for these inhabitants, I have none. In the first place, they are rebels, and I am almost prepared to agree with Sherman that a rebel has no rights, not even the right to live except by our permission. — Charles Fessenden Morse

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

[In relation to business:] Invention must be its keynote-a steady progression from one thing to another. As each in turn approaches a saturated market, something new must be produced. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By David E. Fessenden

Your father may never have produced one of those stuffy tomes we call great literature, but he left the world a substantial collection of delightful adventure stories. — David E. Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

An inventor is one who can see the applicability of means to supply demand five years before it is obvious to those skilled in the art. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

I feel like we are so used to CGI [computer-generated imagery] and thank god because it is a wonderful tool, but there is an element of everything you are looking at has been created in the comfort of a studio. I want to return to a world where I can celebrate when you are really interacting with the world. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

I'm an old school guy and love the guys in the monster suits and JAWS; even though everyone makes fun of the shark I think it's awesome. You know it's fake, but with my generation that was part of the charm. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

In my films quite often, paranoia usually leads to the truth so it is kind of a psychological state of mind to think that what you fear may come true, and those are the types of stories that I like to tell. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

I came to love the rhythm of the sound effects and the whole experience of listening to a story. I made a lot of stuff with my hands and so I loved being free to not watch a screen. I still love it to this day. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

When so much is left to the listener's imagination, it is bound to be more scary. But our stories are not just to frighten; they are engaged with the things that are really scary like loneliness and madness. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

The nature will continue, it's our existence that is finite and you are given this gift of life and you make your way with it, but fate and natural disasters will continue on. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

Horror movies in a sense are about the things that you cannot control, cannot define and the things that you are afraid of, and that is what the boogey man is. The boogey man doesn't have a backstory, he is just the thing you fear and I think it is important to celebrate that aspect of horror. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

Standardization does not produce although admirable as an efficiency method. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

No organization engaged in any specific field of work ever invents any important developers in that field, or adopts any important development in that field until forced to do so by outside competition. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

The unknown is the most frightening and mysterious thing, especially in the modern world where we can practically Google anything and find out the back story. I think to have that element of mystery [in your movie], it almost creates a frustration that is closer to real life. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Jamie Fessenden

I've known several men who believe women are only interested in relationships for money and comfort, and they aren't capable of really loving. And I've known women who insist men only want sex and don't know how to love. White people used to insist that blacks weren't capable of 'noble' emotions, that they were little more than animals. The same was said about Jews, Native Americans, you name it. It's an ancient argument. People keep dredging it up, trying to prove to themselves that people they don't understand are alien and don't warrant being treated well. And it is always - always - wrong. Despite our differences, all people are basically built from the same template. We are all equally admirable and equally flawed. — Jamie Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

All our civilization is based on invention; before invention, men lived on fruits and nuts and pine cones and slept in caves. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

I really think in life there is a lot of mystery and things we just can't understand, so your brain has to adapt. We all have to deal with the twists of fate whether they are explained or not and it's how you react in life to these curveballs that is really the measure of a man. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

I feel very strongly that a film isn't just a story, but the WAY that a story is told. It's why I am such a great fan of Hitchcock because it really is all in the filmmaking. — Larry Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

Combination does not produce though mergers and combinations are still the accepted panacea. In Big business there appears to be increasing aridity, bureaucracy, and stultifying sacrifice of initiative and above all fear. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Reginald Fessenden

And invention must still go on for it is necessary that we should completely control our circumstances. It is not sufficient that there should [only] be organization capable of providing food and shelter for all and organization to effect its proper distribution. — Reginald Fessenden

Fessenden Quotes By Larry Fessenden

Sound and sound design has always been very important to my approach to film, because it is a more subversive and allusive aspect of the medium. — Larry Fessenden