Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Female Athletes

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Top Female Athletes Quotes

Female Athletes Quotes By H.L. Mencken

If I had my way no man guilty of golf would be eligible to any office of trust or profit under the United States, and all female athletes would be shipped to the white-slave corrals of the Argentine. — H.L. Mencken

Female Athletes Quotes By Rebecca Solnit

Of course, women are capable of all sorts of major unpleasantness, and there are violent crimes by women, but the so-called war of the sexes is extraordinarily lopsided when it comes to actual violence. Unlike the last (male) head of the International Monetary Fund, the current (female) head is not going to assault an employee at a luxury hotel; top-ranking female officers in the US military, unlike their male counterparts, are not accused of any sexual assaults; and young female athletes, unlike those male football players in Steubenville, aren't likely to urinate on unconscious boys, let alone violate them and boast about it in YouTube videos and Twitter feeds. No female bus riders in India have ganged up to sexually assault a man so badly he dies of his injuries, nor are marauding packs of women terrorizing men in Cairo's Tahrir Square, and there's no maternal equivalent to the 11 percent of rapes that are by fathers or stepfathers. — Rebecca Solnit

Female Athletes Quotes By Anson Dorrance

The biggest concern with female athletes is they don't naturally compete. And so I think a part of what we do here exceptionally well that separates us from other programs is we train them to compete. So a huge challenge in women's athletics is to get them to compete against their teammates and friends in practice with the same intensity they compete with their bitter rivals. So that's a huge challenge for me, to get the women in practice to go after each other the way you would a rival — Anson Dorrance

Female Athletes Quotes By Jennie Finch

I had female role models to look up to starting in middle school, athletes like Julie Foudy and Mia Hamm who made me realize that there was room in the world of sports for women. They ignited my dream of becoming an Olympic athlete. — Jennie Finch

Female Athletes Quotes By Sasha Cohen

The night before I compete, I like to have steak. Meat is especially important for female athletes because it provides them with the nutrients they need to perform at their best. — Sasha Cohen

Female Athletes Quotes By Billie Jean King

Female athletes are stereotyped by the general population
and usually as homosexuals. — Billie Jean King

Female Athletes Quotes By Leslie Heywood

While sports are indisputably a positive source of strength and self-development for girls, they can accomplish this only if the environment in which female athletes throw their javelins, kick their soccer balls, and swim their fast and furious laps is an environment that respects girls and takes them seriously as athletes. — Leslie Heywood

Female Athletes Quotes By Linda Sanchez

Gender equality cannot be achieved by cutting programs that allow girls to get the same chance to compete, learn, and play. The United States has had a solid history of commitment to its female athletes and expanding opportunity for women, and it is imperative that we continue on this path. — Linda Sanchez

Female Athletes Quotes By Daniel Tosh

I'm sick of the media making female sports athletes into supermodels, when they're clearly sixes at best. — Daniel Tosh

Female Athletes Quotes By Hope Solo

Female athletes are supposed to be toned down. You're always supposed to talk about the team and never stand out. — Hope Solo

Female Athletes Quotes By Katherine Dunn

Training of female athletes is so new that the limits of female possibility are still unknown. — Katherine Dunn

Female Athletes Quotes By Jennie Finch

When I was growing up, softball had stereotypes along with other female sports. But society is definitely changing since the WNBA and WUSA. Muscles on female athletes are OK now. Young
girls can look up to beautiful, athletic, fit women. — Jennie Finch

Female Athletes Quotes By George Vecsey

All our lives are enriched by the leadership and excellence and confidence of female athletes, whether the Mia Hamms and Maya Moores we know or the field hockey, lacrosse and track and field athletes we do not necessarily know. — George Vecsey

Female Athletes Quotes By James F. Clapp III

The big increases in heart and blood volumes that occur by the 12th week of pregnancy should have the same effect as 'blood doping'. This partially explains the outstanding performances of several female athletes from Eastern bloc countries who were at this stage of pregnancy when they competed in the 1976 Olympics. — James F. Clapp III