Famous Quotes & Sayings

Fate/zero Tv Tropes Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fate/zero Tv Tropes Quotes

Fate/zero Tv Tropes Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Bee there Orr Bee A Rectangular Thyng — Terry Pratchett

Fate/zero Tv Tropes Quotes By Seth Rogen

I don't even have a stalker. I'm just not the guy that people stalk. — Seth Rogen

Fate/zero Tv Tropes Quotes By Jonathan Ive

That's just tragic, that you can spend four years of your life studying the design of three dimensional objects and not make one. — Jonathan Ive

Fate/zero Tv Tropes Quotes By Andy Weir

Watney entered the hack earlier today, and we confirmed it worked. We updated Pathfinder's OS without any problems. We sent the rover patch, which Pathfinder rebroadcast. Once Watney executes the patch and reboots the rover, we should get a connection." "Jesus, what a complicated process," Venkat said. "Try updating a Linux server sometime," Jack said. After a moment of silence, Tim said, "You know he was telling a joke, right? That was supposed to be funny." "Oh," said Venkat. "I'm a physics guy, not a computer guy." "He's not funny to computer guys, either. — Andy Weir

Fate/zero Tv Tropes Quotes By Elijah Wood

It was kind of unique and great to have two films coming out within a week. It certainly was a different experience for me — Elijah Wood

Fate/zero Tv Tropes Quotes By Mike Fitzpatrick

Predators will look for any way to talk to children online whether through sites like Myspace, instant messaging, or even online games. — Mike Fitzpatrick