Famous Quotes & Sayings

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fast Food Restaurant Quotes

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Kanye West

I could never be in a situation with a job where I was not allowed to listen to music all day. I would rather work at a fast food restaurant where I could turn on the radio all day rather than be in a situation where I have to sneak and listen to music. — Kanye West

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Abraham Lincoln

Any society that takes away from those most capable and gives to the least will perish. — Abraham Lincoln

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Sidney Dark

The Parisian is of all men the most sophisticated. Paris is a city of realists, unaffected by sentimentality; a city of industry and thrift; a city of irony, but rarely of laughter, of wit but never or humour, of superficial intolerance and yet of people who regard the rest of the world with more or less amiable contempt. — Sidney Dark

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Ginny Weasley, who sat next to Colin Creevey in Charms, was distraught, but Harry felt that Fred and George were going the wrong way about cheering her up. They were taking turns covering themselves with fur or boils and jumping out at her from behind statues. — J.K. Rowling

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Bobby Scott

One of the problems with even suggesting that purpose of a Federal law is for law enforcement officers to assist in protecting the public outside their jurisdictions is that it may give them encouragement or even a sense of obligation to do so. — Bobby Scott

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

high school kids at In-N-Out Burger and Chick-fil-A are doing largely the same job that kids at any other fast-food restaurant are doing, and yet there are a lot fewer miserable jobs at In-N-Out and Chick-fil-A. The difference is not the job itself. It is the management. And one of the most important things that managers must do is help employees see why their work matters to someone. Even if this sounds touchy-feely to some, it is a fundamental part of human nature. — Patrick Lencioni

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Christopher Reeve

If we don't dream of the possible,
the possible never happens. — Christopher Reeve

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Nobu Matsuhisa

I have a restaurant in Milan, and Paper Moon is five minutes away from my hotel, so I always go there for lunch. It's a casual place that serves good salad, pizza and pasta; the space is tight with tables close together, and it feels buzzy. Food comes out fast, too. — Nobu Matsuhisa

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Ta-Nehisi Coates

This need to be always in guard was an unmeasured expenditure of energy, the slow siphoning of essence. It contributed to the fast breakdown of our bodies. So I feared not just the violence of the world but the rules designed to protect you from it, the rules that would have you contort your body to address the block, and contort again to be taken seriously by colleagues, a contort again so as not to give the police a reason. — Ta-Nehisi Coates

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Misha Collins

I think participating in GISHWHES is a crash course in facing our fears: people go to crowded shopping malls wearing scuba gear, order from a fast food restaurant in Shakespearean verse or jump out of airplanes among many other tasks. — Misha Collins

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Haruki Murakami

Pulled into my convenient neighborhood fast food restaurant. I ordered shrimp salad, onion rings, and a beer. The shrimp were straight out of the freezer, the onion rings soggy. Looking around the place, though, I failed to spot a single customer banging on a tray or complaining to a waitress. So I shut up and finished my food. Expect nothing, get nothing. — Haruki Murakami

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Brene Brown

After leaving Barnes & Noble, I went to a drive-through fast food restaurant to get a Diet Dr Pepper. Right as I pulled up to the window, my cell phone rang. I wasn't quite sure, but I thought it might be Charlie's school calling, so I answered it. It wasn't the school - it was someone calling to confirm an appointment. I got off the phone as quickly as I could. In the short time it took me to say, "Yes, I'll be at my appointment," the woman in the window and I had finished our soda-for-money transaction. I apologized to her the second I got off of the phone. I said, "I'm so sorry. The phone rang right when I was pulling up and I thought it was my son's school." I must have surprised her because she got huge tears in her eyes and said, "Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how humiliating it is sometimes. They don't even see us." I — Brene Brown

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By David Henrie

I don't really eat a lot of fast food, ever, but if I had to eat at one fast food restaurant, it'd be In-N-Out. — David Henrie

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Mason Cooley

The banker rubs his nose, thinking of his cat stalking something on the lawn. — Mason Cooley

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Becky Freeman

Have you ever noticed how a man orders food at a fast-food drive-through window? ... men have an innate desire to be cute while placing their order through the drive-through microphone. It's as if they believe the invisible mike on the plastic menu screen is actually connected to a standup comedy stage somewhere in the recesses of the restaurant. — Becky Freeman

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Shannon McKenna

You saved me, you moron!" she yelled. "You're being deliberately stupid and dense about this! My God, you ask a lot of yourself!"
He touched his forehead to hers. "I can't help it," he blurted. "I love you. — Shannon McKenna

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Ravi Zacharias

One day a Muslim friend and I were out for the day together. I had forgotten that the Fast of Ramadan had just begun and suggested that we step into a restaurant for a cup of coffee. "I will spend years in jail for that cup of coffee," he said, so of course I apologized for the suggestion. Then in low tones he admitted that his fast was restricted to public view and that he did not practice it in private. "I cannot work ten hours a day without eating," he said. There was an awkward silence, and he muttered these words: "I don't think God is the enforcer of these rules." As anyone knows who has asked any Muslim, they will admit with a smile upon their faces that during the month of the Fast of Ramadan more food is sold than during any other month of the year. But its consumption takes place from dusk to dawn rather than from dawn to dusk. Legalism always breeds compliance over purpose. In — Ravi Zacharias

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Bear Bryant

I ain't never been nothin but a winner. — Bear Bryant

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Leah LaBelle

I just love food, especially my mom's Bulgarian cooking. Taco Bell is my favorite fast food restaurant. I also love Italian food. — Leah LaBelle

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Bill De Blasio

If we can have a fast food restaurant on almost every corner,
then we can certainly have a garden. — Bill De Blasio

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Thomas Gilovich

the early 1980s, the A&W fast-food restaurant chain introduced a burger with a third of a pound of beef to compete with McDonald's popular quarter pounder. Although most customers preferred A&W's new burger in taste tests, it was a big disappointment in the marketplace. When focus groups were run to get to the bottom of this paradox, A&W discovered that many customers thought a burger with one-third of a pound of beef was less generous than one with one-quarter of a pound. Customers were attending to the denominator, just not very intelligently: The smaller "3" led many to conclude that one-third is smaller than one-quarter!21 — Thomas Gilovich

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Ray Kroc

But after World War II, the brothers realized they were running hard just to stay in one place. They weren't building volume even though their parking lot was always full. So they did a courageous thing. They closed that successful restaurant in 1948 and reopened it a short time later with a radically different kind of operation. It was a restaurant stripped down to the minimum in service and menu, the prototype for legions of fast-food units that later would spread across the land. Hamburgers, fries, and beverages were prepared on an assembly line basis, and, to the amazement of everyone, Mac and Dick included, the thing worked! — Ray Kroc

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Nicole Polizzi

But it's really hard to eat good when you're traveling because you see fast food and you want to go to this restaurant and that restaurant. — Nicole Polizzi

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Mario Batali

Just because you eat doesn't mean you eat smart. It's hard to beat a $1.99 wing pack of three at a fast-food restaurant - it's so cheap - but that wing pack isn't feeding anyone, it's just pushing hunger back an hour. — Mario Batali

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Tyler Florence

I think food trucks are the new answer to American fast food. The idea of raising two or three million dollars and going through red tape to open a restaurant, there's lots of barriers to success. There's a really easy jumping place for food trucks. It's very hip and acceptable for new chefs to open a food truck first. — Tyler Florence

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Bob Harper

A general guideline when eating at a fast-food restaurant is to avoid anything fried. You also want to avoid chips, packaged candy, baked goods such as donuts, and other high-starch or high-sugar foods that contain saturated fat, trans fat, and additives. — Bob Harper

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Ashleigh Brilliant

I have no prejudices: all my irrational hatreds are based on solid evidence. — Ashleigh Brilliant

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Julie Garwood

Some men just don't cotton to the notion of being tied down to one woman — Julie Garwood

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Shannon Hale

Every night before bed, her mother had told her a story that should have been frightening: Scary Evil Queen. Huntsman ordered to cut out her heart. Lost in dark woods with grabby trees. Dwarves, dwarves, more dwarves. Old peddler lady giving her a strangling ribbon. Old peddler lady giving her a poisoned comb. Old peddler lady giving her a poisoned apple. Crunch. Gasp. Faint (beautifully). Dead sleep. Cold glass coffin. Empty dreams. Then ... kiss. Wake. Prince! Cheering dwarves. Huge choreographed dance number. Happily Ever After. — Shannon Hale

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Patrick Stump

I lost about 60 pounds. I don't really have a moment specifically that made me do it. I remember little things, like, when I was in Japan, I remember looking around at the portion sizes of a fast food restaurant and being like, 'Well, this has something to do with it.' Americans definitely eat too much. — Patrick Stump

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Eric Schlosser

When you go into a fast food restaurant, you may just think about how good your meal tastes while you're eating it. But you're not thinking about all the consequences that come from that one purchase - the consequences for your body, the consequences for supporting this company and how it's treating it workers, all the way back to the farm where the potatoes were grown, or the ranch where the cattle were raised. — Eric Schlosser

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Tessa Bailey

I swear to Christ, baby, you were made for me. You feel that?" He pulled out of her, then slammed home once more. "Mine. My Lucy. Let me hear you say it. — Tessa Bailey

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Eddie Trunk

I want to be the Letterman of metal. I want five nights a week, Monday to Friday, 11 to 12, live. I always shoot for the moon. — Eddie Trunk

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Carolyn Custis James

When the average American says, "I'm starving," it is a prelude to a midnight raid on a well-stocked refrigerator or a sudden trip to the nearest fast food restaurant. — Carolyn Custis James

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Gail Honeyman

I was in a fast-food restaurant for the first time in my adult life, an enormous and garish place just around the corner from the music venue. It was mystifyingly, inexplicably busy. I wondered why humans would willingly queue at a counter to request processed food, then carry it to a table which was not even set, and then eat it from the paper? Afterward, despite having paid for it, the customer themselves are responsible for clearing away the detritus. Very strange. — Gail Honeyman

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Deborah Mailman

There is that idea of seeming crazy when you're seeing spirits or you're seeing dead people, you know what I mean? There's a certain sort of stigma, a sort of kookiness, when it comes to that. — Deborah Mailman

Fast Food Restaurant Quotes By Joel Salatin

Even if you don't eat at a fast food restaurant, you're now eating food that's produced by this system. — Joel Salatin