Famous Quotes & Sayings

Fascinated By Quotes & Sayings

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Top Fascinated By Quotes

Fascinated By Quotes By P. J. O'Rourke

I'm fascinated by political enthusiasm. — P. J. O'Rourke

Fascinated By Quotes By Dylan McDermott

My dad was kind of a pool shark and had a Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin thing going on. I've always been fascinated by the fifties because of him. There was a hip, cool, anything-goes atmosphere back then, but looking good was still a priority. — Dylan McDermott

Fascinated By Quotes By Rupert Everett

The opulence of Wilde is a bit too florid for Sherlock, who is a much darker character, ... fascinated by the human condition, but also overwhelmed by it. — Rupert Everett

Fascinated By Quotes By Wallace Stegner

I gave my heart to the mountains the minute I stood beside this river with its spray in my face and watched it thunder into foam, smooth to green glass over sunken rocks, shatter to foam again. I was fascinated by how it sped by and yet was always there; its roar shook both the earth and me. — Wallace Stegner

Fascinated By Quotes By Darrell Hammond

I've become fascinated by the idea that it's really achievable to make two or three small improvements in a week and by the end of the year, it's 150 improvements. — Darrell Hammond

Fascinated By Quotes By Vinny Guadagnino

I am fascinated by quantum physics. — Vinny Guadagnino

Fascinated By Quotes By David Gross

From the age of 13, I was attracted to physics and mathematics. My interest in these subjects derived mostly from popular science books that I read avidly. Early on I was fascinated by theoretical physics and determined to become a theoretical physicist. I had no real idea what that meant, but it seemed incredibly exciting to spend one's life attempting to find the secrets of the universe by using one's mind. — David Gross

Fascinated By Quotes By David Gerrold

I had always been fascinated by the whole idea that Australia was this different ecology and that when rabbits and prickly pears and other things from Europe were introduced into Australia, they ran amok. — David Gerrold

Fascinated By Quotes By Pat Brown

While we are being fascinated by the tales of famous serial killers and how they were brought to justice, the real serial killer goes about his business with hardly a thought to being caught. — Pat Brown

Fascinated By Quotes By Pico Iyer

Travel for me is all about transformation, and I'm fascinated by those people who really do come back from a trip unrecognizable to themselves and perhaps open to the same possibilities they'd have written off not a month before. — Pico Iyer

Fascinated By Quotes By Chris Morris

You see young people, or kids, and they're fascinated by the way people talk. And that's great. But eventually you get to the point where you think, 'You know what? I don't care how you talk, I'm just listening to what you're saying.' — Chris Morris

Fascinated By Quotes By Juliet Landau

I'm fascinated by people in general and what interests them, what it is that someone connects to or what it is that they're passionate about. — Juliet Landau

Fascinated By Quotes By Hari Kunzru

I'm fascinated by the emergence of a global class. They're highly mobile; they reject the idea of place. — Hari Kunzru

Fascinated By Quotes By Floyd C. Forsberg

America is fascinated by crime. — Floyd C. Forsberg

Fascinated By Quotes By Charles Burnett

Coming from the South and growing up in L.A. where it was so segregated - worse than the South in many ways - all the people in my neighborhood were from the South. So you had that Southern cultured environment. The church was very important. And there were these folk ways that were there. I was always fascinated by these Southern stories, people would share these mystified experiences of the South. I wanted to talk about folklore. — Charles Burnett

Fascinated By Quotes By Elizabeth Hardwick

In those years I did not care to enjoy sex, only to have it. That is what seeing Alex again on Fifth Avenue brought back to me - a youth of fascinated, passionless copulation. There they are, figures in a discoloured blur, young men and not so young, the nice ones with automobiles, the dull ones full of suspicions and stinginess. By asking a thousand questions of many heavy souls, I did not learn much. You receive biographies interesting mainly for their coherence. So many are children who from the day of their birth are growing up to be their parents. Look at the voting records, inherited like flat feet. — Elizabeth Hardwick

Fascinated By Quotes By Anthony Jeselnik

I've always been fascinated by dark subjects, especially people's reactions to them. Why are people so uncomfortable talking about death if everyone dies? — Anthony Jeselnik

Fascinated By Quotes By Nina Hoss

As a kid, I remember crying and then noticing myself in the mirror and being fascinated by how that looked. — Nina Hoss

Fascinated By Quotes By William Zinsser

One of the saddest sentences I know is "I wish I had asked my mother about that." Or my father. Or my grandmother. Or my grandfather. As every parent knows, our children are not as fascinated by our fascinating lives as we are. — William Zinsser

Fascinated By Quotes By David Sedaris

Even as a child I was fascinated by death, not in a spiritual sense, but in an aesthetic one. A hamster or guinea pig would pass away, and, after burying the body, I'd dig it back up: over and over, until all that remained was a shoddy pelt. It earned me a certain reputation, especially when I moved on to other people's pets. "Igor," they called me. "Wicked, spooky." But I think my interest was actually fairly common, at least among adolescent boys. At that age, death is something that happens only to animals and grandparents, and studying it is like a science project. — David Sedaris

Fascinated By Quotes By Helen Sharman

People are fascinated by space flight. It makes them interested in science, gets them asking questions and motivates them. — Helen Sharman

Fascinated By Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

Try not to let the excitement overwhelm you, but I have more good news.'
I groaned. I knew that tone of voice. 'Don't say it.'
'Vasily is back from Caryeva.'
'You could do the kind thing and drown me now.'
'And suffer alone? I think not.'
'Maybe for your birthday you can ask that he be fitted with a royal muzzle,' I suggested.
'But then we'd miss all his exciting stories about the summer auctions. You're fascinated by the breeding superiority of the Ravkan racehorse, right?'
I let out a whimper. — Leigh Bardugo

Fascinated By Quotes By Charlie Puth

I've always made weird sounds with my mouth. I've always been fascinated by the sound design, what you can do with your mouth. I was the kid dancing around in third grade on the basketball court. While everyone would be playing sports, I would be jumping around. — Charlie Puth

Fascinated By Quotes By Donald Trump Jr.

I don't know if it's genetic or just because I was surrounded by it, but I was always fascinated with building and construction and development. — Donald Trump Jr.

Fascinated By Quotes By Philippe Petit

I am fascinated by the engineering. The science of constructing and understanding why it stands. And I am drawn by the madness, the beauty, the theatricality, the poetry and soul of the wire. And you cannot be a wire-walker without mingling those two ways of seeing life. — Philippe Petit

Fascinated By Quotes By Anderson Cooper

The whole celebrity culture thing - I'm fascinated by, and repelled by, and yet I end up knowing about it. — Anderson Cooper

Fascinated By Quotes By Max Planck

What led me to my science and what fascinated me from a young age was the, by no means self-evident, fact that our laws of thought agree with the regularities found in the succession of impressions we receive from the external world, that it is thus possible for the human being to gain enlightenment regarding these regularities by means of pure thought — Max Planck

Fascinated By Quotes By Veena Sud

I am endlessly fascinated by this notion that everyone has a secret. Some of our secrets are tiny, small things, and some of them are huge. Given that reality of the human condition, that's what our characters will go through. There will be some things where you'll just be like, "What the hell! How the hell did that happen?" — Veena Sud

Fascinated By Quotes By Paula Nelson

Americans want action for their money. They are fascinated by its self- reproducing qualities if it's put to work. Gold- hoarding goes against the American grain; it fits in better with European pessimism than with America's traditional optimism. — Paula Nelson

Fascinated By Quotes By Jane Green

I have long been fascinated by our inclination to assume others we meet have the same moral code, similar values, and yet we can never be sure. — Jane Green

Fascinated By Quotes By Jim Rash

I was raised, I feel like, on television, definitely a child of TV, and was always fascinated by storytelling. — Jim Rash

Fascinated By Quotes By Elliott Carter

My musical life started with hearing and being fascinated by contemporary music. — Elliott Carter

Fascinated By Quotes By Thomas Steinbeck

I've always been fascinated by the Chinese. This goes a long way back to my childhood. The Chinese invented money, movable type, clocks, and built the largest ships in the history of the world. — Thomas Steinbeck

Fascinated By Quotes By Neil Armstrong

All in all, for someone who was immersed in, fascinated by, and dedicated to flight, I was disappointed by the wrinkle in history that had brought me along one generation late. I had missed all the great times and adventures in flight. — Neil Armstrong

Fascinated By Quotes By Colin Angle

People are fascinated by robots because they're machines that can mimic life. — Colin Angle

Fascinated By Quotes By Mitch Cullin

Ultimately, Roger learned only of the encounter with the urban bees. The boy remained thoroughly fascinated by what he heard nonetheless, his blue-eyed stare never once straying from Holmes; his visage passive and accepting, his eyes wide, Roger's pupils stated fixed on those venerable, reflective eyes, as though the boy were seeing distant lights shimmering along an opaque horizon, a glimpse of something flickering and alive existing beyond his reach. And, in turn, the gray eyes that focused sharply on him - piercing and kind at the same instant - endeavoured to bridge the lifetime that separated the two of them, attempting to do so as brandy was sipped, and the vial's glass grew warmer against soft palms, and that seasoned, well-lived voice somehow made Roger feel much older and more worldly than his years. — Mitch Cullin

Fascinated By Quotes By Stephen Hawking

I'm a child myself, in the sense that I'm still looking. Children are fascinated by black holes and ask me questions. I find they soon get the idea if it is explained in nontechnical language. — Stephen Hawking

Fascinated By Quotes By Rachel Zucker

I'm fascinated by but afraid of animals. — Rachel Zucker

Fascinated By Quotes By Ed Speleers

I want to go to the extremes and transformation is something I'm fascinated by. At the same time, you can transform but you can only really put what you've got inside you into somebody, so there's always going to be a degree of you inhabiting any role. — Ed Speleers

Fascinated By Quotes By Tawni O'Dell

She's wearing the dreamy expression peculiar to the very old and the very young, where they seem fascinated by something everyone else takes for granted. People find the phenomenon adorable in babies. It means they're inquisitive and intrigued by objects in their new world. In old people they usually chalk it up to senility, but I don't think that's the case. For both, it's the ability to see things in their purest sense. All the knowledge that comes from experience doesn't exist for a child and doesn't matter anymore to an old lady. With a life completely in front of you or a life completely behind you, the world looks basically the same. She — Tawni O'Dell

Fascinated By Quotes By Phil Collins

I started drumming around the same time I came across this part of American history. But there seemed to be a way forward playing drums. There didn't seem to be a way forward being fascinated by a piece of history. — Phil Collins

Fascinated By Quotes By Brandon Uranowitz

I have always been fascinated by fashion. I never had any interest in waiting tables or bar-tending, so retail was sort of my best option. — Brandon Uranowitz

Fascinated By Quotes By Lars Von Trier

When I was younger, I was fascinated by David Bowie, for example. he had created an entire myth around himself. It was as important as his music. — Lars Von Trier

Fascinated By Quotes By Karen Chance

What do you know about racing? Ronnie asked, curious. He looked fascinated, like a scientist confronted by a strange new species: dontgivadamnus from the phylum couldntcareless. — Karen Chance

Fascinated By Quotes By Warren W. Wiersbe

The modern world is also fascinated by innovation but scornful to tradition. Like the Athenians in Paul's day, many people do nothing but get involved in the latest fads (Acts 17:21). People stand in line to purchase the latest gimmicks, and no sooner do they learn how to use them than the manufacturers declare the models obsolete. Innovation! Progress! — Warren W. Wiersbe

Fascinated By Quotes By Marianne Wiggins

I'm fascinated by the narrative of geology, and I'm a veritable pack rat of a collector on the road. I keep a rock hammer in my car. — Marianne Wiggins

Fascinated By Quotes By James Roday

I would say I'm more fascinated by Big Daddy V than I am necessarily a huge fan of Big Daddy V. He simply threw on the double-strapped unitard ... and now he's some sort of fearsome, fighting, wrecking machine. — James Roday

Fascinated By Quotes By Parvesh Cheena

I'm kind of fascinated by Paula Deen. I've been to her restaurant, The Lady and Sons, in Savannah. My friend was studying in the area, and we ate at her restaurant, and it was right at the cusp where Paula Deen became Paula Deen. — Parvesh Cheena

Fascinated By Quotes By Lynsey Addario

I became fascinated by the notion of dispelling stereotypes or misconceptions through photography, of presenting the counterintuitive. — Lynsey Addario

Fascinated By Quotes By Anton Yelchin

I'm fascinated by how ethnic communities have assimilated into massive capitalist environments. — Anton Yelchin

Fascinated By Quotes By Neil MacGregor

Saddam Hussein was fascinated by ancient Babylon and Assyria. He made money available to protect and develop the great archaeological sites. The great achievements of Mesopotamian civilisation were pressed into the service of the Ba'athist regime. — Neil MacGregor

Fascinated By Quotes By Lindsay Buroker

Sicarius padded toward the exit, his soft black boots silent on the tile floor. He paused in the doorway and glanced at the backs of the two older men.
The emperor emitted a nervous chuckle. "You trained him too well, Hollow. The man bothers me."
"He is loyal."
"I know. You did a good job. I ought to give you Sespian to work with. The boy is disappointing."
"He does seem soft," Hollowcrest said.
"Did you hear that scream? I would've been fascinated by severed heads at that age."
"You're fascinated with them now, Sire."
"True enough."
They shared a laugh and headed for the door. Sicarius slipped away before they noticed him. — Lindsay Buroker

Fascinated By Quotes By Joe Paterno

There are many people, particularly in sports, who think that success and excellence are the same thing. They are not the same thing. Excellence is something that is lasting and dependable and largely within a person's control. In contrast, success is perishable and is often outside our control. If you strive for excellence, you will probably be successful eventually. People who put excellence in the first place have the patience to end up with success. An additional burden for the victim of the success mentality is that he is threatened by the success of others and he resents real excellence. In contrast, the person that is fascinated by quality is excited when he sees it in others. — Joe Paterno

Fascinated By Quotes By Andy Rourke

When I started playing the bass, I became kind of fascinated by it and started investigating various styles of bass playing, and I was really struck with funk music, mainly American funk music - Stanley Clarke, Funkadelic and that kind of stuff. That comes out in a couple of songs like 'Barbarism Begins at Home.' — Andy Rourke

Fascinated By Quotes By Riki Lindhome

Rich people are so eccentric, and I don't think people really realize. Especially by the turn of the century, they were living like rappers, and there was no income tax. They are some of the most fascinating people, and I am endlessly fascinated. — Riki Lindhome

Fascinated By Quotes By W. Somerset Maugham

He began to read at haphazard. He entered upon each system with a little thrill of excitement, expecting to find in each some guide by which he could rule his conduct; he felt himself like a traveller in unknown countries and as he pushed forward the enterprise fascinated him; he read emotionally, as other men read pure literature, and his heart leaped as he discovered in noble words what himself had obscurely felt. — W. Somerset Maugham

Fascinated By Quotes By Lior Ron

I've always been fascinated by music and sounds. I was lucky to receive proper classical training as an orchestra player and I'm always learning as a composer, looking to create new flavors and colors. — Lior Ron

Fascinated By Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

Nina pulled the pins from her hair, shucked off the blonde wig, and tossed it on the table they'd set in the middle of the tomb. She slumped into a chair, rubbing her fingers along her scalp. "So much better," she said with a happy sigh. But Matthias could not ignore the almost greenish cast to her skin.
She was worse tonight. Either she'd run into trouble with Smeet or she'd simply overexerted herself. And yet, watching her, Matthias felt something in him ease. At least now she looked like Nina again, her brown hair in damp tangles, her eyes half-shut. Was it normal to be fascinated by the way someone slouched? — Leigh Bardugo

Fascinated By Quotes By Kevin Kwan

People have always been fascinated by the foibles of the wealthy and privileged. — Kevin Kwan

Fascinated By Quotes By Mark Haddon

I am really interested in eccentric minds. It's rather like being fascinated by how cars work. It's really boring if your car works all the time. But as soon as something happens, you get the bonnet up. If someone has an abnormal or dysfunctional state of mind, you get the bonnet up. — Mark Haddon

Fascinated By Quotes By Eleanor Roosevelt

If you approach each new person you meet in a spirit of adventure, you will find yourself endlessly fascinated by the new channels of thought and experience and personality that you encounter. — Eleanor Roosevelt

Fascinated By Quotes By A. Hussa

I am fascinated by the fact that the stories show how a better life comes primarily through self-sacrifice. This is brought out unmistakably in the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. — A. Hussa

Fascinated By Quotes By Chang-rae Lee

Like most people, I'm fascinated by characters who are completely flawed personalities, riven by anguish and doubt, and are psychologically suspect. — Chang-rae Lee

Fascinated By Quotes By Nelson DeMille

I've always been fascinated by the Gold Coast. The homes themselves are spectacular, unlike anything you'll see other than in Newport, Bar Harbor or Palm Beach. It's a very special area that, because of local demographics, is not going to survive much longer. — Nelson DeMille

Fascinated By Quotes By Siri Hustvedt

I found myself fascinated by neuroscience, attended a monthly lecture on brain science at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, and was invited to become a member of a discussion group devoted to a new field: neuropsychoanalysis. — Siri Hustvedt

Fascinated By Quotes By Jean Baudrillard

We are fascinated by Ramses as Renaissance Christians were by the American Indians, those (human?) beings who had never known the word of Christ. — Jean Baudrillard

Fascinated By Quotes By Gunter Blobel

Although I completed two years of internship in various small hospitals, I decided against continuing my medical training. I was much more fascinated by the unsolved problems of medicine than by practicing it. — Gunter Blobel

Fascinated By Quotes By Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

I remember, the first time I saw a [Andrei] Tarkovsky film, I was shocked by it. I didn't know what to do. I was fascinated, because suddenly I realized that film could have so many more layers to it than what I had imagined before. Then others, like Kurosawa and Fellini, were like a new discovery for me, another country. — Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Fascinated By Quotes By Jean-Paul Sartre

If a Jew is fascinated by Christians it is not because of their virtues, which he values little, but because they represent anonymity, humanity without race. — Jean-Paul Sartre

Fascinated By Quotes By Edward P. Jones

I'm fascinated by the awful, awful things that human beings do to each other. — Edward P. Jones

Fascinated By Quotes By Mario J. Molina

I attended elementary school and high school in Mexico City. I was already fascinated by science before entering high school; I still remember my excitement when I first glanced at paramecia and amoebae through a rather primitive toy microscope. — Mario J. Molina

Fascinated By Quotes By Dylan Moran

I'm fascinated by how you'll change your position so many times over a lifetime, but really what you're doing is occupying a series of positions on a landscape. — Dylan Moran

Fascinated By Quotes By Sharon Bolton

Whenever I find myself in an exceptionally beautiful environment, I can't help asking myself - what lies beneath? I'm fascinated by the idea of a perfect surface concealing a rotten core. — Sharon Bolton

Fascinated By Quotes By Charles Spurgeon

Man loves his own ruin. The cup is so sweet that though he knows it will poison him, yet he must drink it. And the harlot is so fair, that though he understands that her ways lead down to hell, yet like a bullock he follows to the slaughter till the dart goes through his liver. Man is fascinated and bewitched by sin. — Charles Spurgeon

Fascinated By Quotes By Sukarno

I am fascinated by revolution. I am completely absorbed by it. I am crazed, am obsessed by the romanticism ... Revolution surges, flashes, thunders in almost every corner of the earth ... Brothers and sisters, keep fanning the flames of the leaping fire ... Let us become logs to feed the flames of revolution. — Sukarno

Fascinated By Quotes By Susanna Clarke

I had always been fascinated by comics, but it had taken me several weeks to make up my mind to buy 'Watchmen'; for someone on a publisher's assistant's salary, it was some quite unheard-of sum of money. — Susanna Clarke

Fascinated By Quotes By Boris Becker

When I was a child, I had posters of James Dean in my room. I was a big admirer of his work and was fascinated by him living on the edge. Looking back, my life was kind of the same. — Boris Becker

Fascinated By Quotes By Alexei Sayle

I'm fascinated by comedy. — Alexei Sayle

Fascinated By Quotes By Frances Mayes

I'm just fascinated by houses. In another life, I'd have probably trained as an architect. If I had enough money, I'd collect them like other people collect teapots. I don't know why I love them so much. I'm just very interested in the idea of a house as a metaphor for the way one lives. — Frances Mayes

Fascinated By Quotes By Yousuf Karsh

My personal interest in ordinary people is unlimited, but I am fascinated by the challenge of portraying true greatness adequately with my camera. — Yousuf Karsh

Fascinated By Quotes By Bethanne Elion

I stood with my hands on the horses' necks, feeling the electricity of their thinking, the blood moving throughout their veins, and the history held neatly within the fabric of every organ of their equine anatomy, as if the body were a storage unit of memory. As I absorbed every nuance of the four-legged creatures, I touched my own stomach, lower back, liver, and spleen to see what the energies felt like. I compared one horse to another, then to myself, fascinated by the way each was so unique yet so the same. — Bethanne Elion

Fascinated By Quotes By George Harrison

I believe I love my guitar more than the others love theirs. For John and Paul, songwriting is pretty important and guitar playing is a means to an end. While they're making up new tunes I can thoroughly enjoy myself just doodling around with a guitar for a whole evening. I'm fascinated by new sounds I can get from different instruments I try out. I'm not sure that makes me particularly musical. Just call me a guitar fanatic instead, and I'll be satisfied. — George Harrison

Fascinated By Quotes By Umberto Eco

I hadn't taken to the colonel, yet he had piqued my interest. You can be fascinated even by a tree frog if you watch it long enough. I was savoring the first drops of the poison that would carry us all to perdition. — Umberto Eco

Fascinated By Quotes By Ralph Ellison

I'd been so fascinated by the notion, that I'd forgotten to measure what it was bringing forth. I'd been asleep, dreaming. — Ralph Ellison

Fascinated By Quotes By John Flanagan

Don't talk to your horse, dear. People are watching," Pauline said quietly.
Halt turned a perplexed look toward her. "How do you know when I'm doing that?"
She smiled at him. "Your nose twitches."
... On the way, Kane [stableboy] kept glancing surreptitiously at the famous Ranger, fascinated by the fact that he kept staring down his nose and tweaking its tip between his forefinger and thumb. — John Flanagan

Fascinated By Quotes By John Burdett

I'm fascinated by Buddhism. I adore Buddhism, and I read about it all the time, but I haven't formally become a Buddhist, although I don't really know why I haven't. I guess I feel I don't need to. — John Burdett

Fascinated By Quotes By Stanley Tucci

I'm interested in how people shoot because I have a very specific way of shooting and I'm fascinated by the way other people shoot films, particularly if they're smart and talented. — Stanley Tucci

Fascinated By Quotes By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

They fascinated him, the unsubtle cowering of the almost rich in the presence of the rich, and the rich in the presence of the very rich; to have money, it seemed, was to be consumed by money. Obinze felt repulsion and longing; he pitied them, but he also imagined being like them. — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Fascinated By Quotes By Ika Natassa

Instead of being fascinated by the things around us, we now try so hard to fascinate others by the things on us. — Ika Natassa

Fascinated By Quotes By Yves Behar

I am extraordinarily fascinated by the future of technology. We are in the early infancy of technology, and we have an opportunity to guide how technology develops and integrates into our lives. I talk a lot about the 'invisible interface,' or the idea that we can utilize technology without being absorbed into a screen. — Yves Behar

Fascinated By Quotes By Glenn Close

I'm fascinated by the First World War because it was supposed to be the war to end all wars, and it was the biggest conflagration that this particular planet had seen. There was a lot of talk about utopia and how it was possible, and then, because of these events that for one reason or another couldn't be stopped, the idea of utopia went out the window. — Glenn Close

Fascinated By Quotes By Donna Karan

When I came to Delhi first and said, "This is not India. And then I was taken to Varanasi and there I loved, loved the culture. It was a beautiful journey. The way the people dressed - even the poorest people, and the fabrics! With vegetable dyes, and I was fascinated by the color.But in the end I loved the men - all in white - so many shades of white. And I said, "What am I going to do? A color collection or a white collection?" I finally did a neutral white collection. — Donna Karan

Fascinated By Quotes By Tatiana Maslany

There's so many different people that I'm fascinated by. Different kinds of characters that I meet in, like, everyday life, that I'm like, 'I don't know how you exist. Like, you're so fascinating.' — Tatiana Maslany

Fascinated By Quotes By Diane Sawyer

I'm always fascinated by the way memory diffuses fact. — Diane Sawyer

Fascinated By Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

I'm fascinated by the whole issue of arousal addiction, which seems to be mostly a problem for young men. — Chuck Palahniuk

Fascinated By Quotes By Colm Toibin

Eilis was fascinated by [ ... ] his sweet duplicity in giving no sign of what had happened before. She was almost glad to know that he had secrets and had ways of calmly keeping them. — Colm Toibin

Fascinated By Quotes By Taylor Swift

I've never been fascinated by the party lifestyle. Penciling in a night to get wasted is not something I want to do. — Taylor Swift

Fascinated By Quotes By Susan Orlean

We're fascinated by animals because it's almost like having Martians living among us. We can see some familiarity in them, but they're entirely different creatures. — Susan Orlean

Fascinated By Quotes By Umberto Eco

I have always been fascinated by paranoid people imagining conspiracies. I am fascinated by this in a critical way. — Umberto Eco

Fascinated By Quotes By Laura Marling

I am slightly fascinated by the question of whether humanity is capable of change. I may have come to the conclusion that we're not, but we keep trying. — Laura Marling