Famous Quotes & Sayings

Famous Vehicle Quotes & Sayings

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Top Famous Vehicle Quotes

Famous Vehicle Quotes By James Patterson

Across from the famous jewelry store on Fifth Avenue at Fifty-Seventh Street, we sat in the back of a graffiti-covered white box truck watching the world go by on the surveillance vehicle's hidden high-def camera. So far there had been no sign of the thieves. Or even Audrey Hepburn. — James Patterson

Famous Vehicle Quotes By Marilynne Robinson

Ludwig Feuerbach says a wonderful thing about baptism. I have it marked. He says, 'Water is the purest, clearest of liquids; in virtue of this, its natural character, it is the image of the spotless nature of the Divine Spirit. In short, water has a significance in itself, as water; it is on account of its natural quality that it is consecrated and selected as the vehicle of the Holy Spirit. So far there lies at the foundation of Baptism a beautiful, profound natural significance.' Feuerbach is a famous atheist, but he is about as good on the joyful aspects of religion as anybody, and he loves the world. — Marilynne Robinson

Famous Vehicle Quotes By J.G. Ballard

The long triangular grooves on the car had been formed within the death of an unknown creature, its vanished identity abstracted in terms of the geometry of this vehicle. How much more mysterious would be our own deaths, and those of the famous and powerful? — J.G. Ballard

Famous Vehicle Quotes By Anonymous

Isle with a Car Lust look back at what may be the most famous motor vehicle ever assembled there. Of course we're — Anonymous