Famous Quotes & Sayings

Famous Sympathy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Famous Sympathy Quotes

Famous Sympathy Quotes By Bill Murray

I realize it's impossible to have any sympathy, I mean, true sympathy, for people that are famous. — Bill Murray

Famous Sympathy Quotes By Robert Wachter

a famous 1925 lecture given by Professor Francis Peabody to the Harvard medical student body: The good physician knows his patients through and through, and his knowledge is bought dearly. Time, sympathy, and understanding must be lavishly dispensed, but the reward is to be found in that personal bond which forms the greatest satisfaction of the practice of medicine. One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity, for the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient. — Robert Wachter

Famous Sympathy Quotes By Eric Voegelin

A further reason for my hatred of ... ideologies is quite a primitive one. I have an aversion to killing people for the fun of it. What the fun is, I did not quite understand at the time, but in the intervening years the ample exploration of revolutionary consciousness has cast some light on this matter. The fun consists in gaining a pseudo-identity through asserting one's power, optimally by killing somebody - a pseudo-identity that serves as a substitute for the human self that has been lost ... A good example of the type of self that has to kill other people in order to regain in an Ersatzform what it has lost is the famous Saint-Juste, who says that Brutus either has to kill other people or kill himself.
... I have no sympathy whatsoever with such characters and have never hesitated to characterize them as murderous swine. — Eric Voegelin