Famous Quotes & Sayings

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes & Sayings

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Top Famous Joan Rivers Quotes

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Krista Tippett

The end of his life, he was asked what stuck in his mind about his experiences in South America and on the Beagle. And he remembered climbing to the peak of the Andes in Peru or Chile - I can't remember - and then turning as he reached the peak and looking behind him. And he said, it was like the Hallelujah Chorus in the Messiah, playing with full orchestra, blaring in his head, because he was on top of the world. He was looking down almost like God upon this creation, which he had begun to sort out in his own mind as he'd been climbing, as it were. At the end of his life he was asked, "What's the most extraordinary experience you had?" And he remembered climbing to the peak of the Andes. And then he slept on it, and the next day he came back to the person and he said, "No, it was the rain forest. It was sitting there and feeling that there must be more to man than the breath in his body. — Krista Tippett

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Triple H

It has nothing to do with [Renee] being a female or not, it has to do with her being the right person for the job. She's got a great voice that cuts through the clutter. She is very knowledgeable about WWE, about its history, about the talent and she is really willing to step up and do her homework. I think you're going to see her grow. You're going to see her jump on this challenge to become a regular fixture and a regular voice and, hopefully, maybe one day the voice of WWE. — Triple H

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Marilynne Robinson

It was the kind of light that rests on your shoulders the way a cat lies on your lap. So familiar. — Marilynne Robinson

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Jeffrey Burton Russell

If it were true that Christianity and science were incompatible, there would be no Christians who were respected scientists. If fact, about forty percent of professional natural scientists are practicing Christians, and many others are theists of other kinds. Fewer than thirty percent are atheists. — Jeffrey Burton Russell

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Jerry Seinfeld

To a guy like me, a laugh is full of information. — Jerry Seinfeld

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By John Dykstra

If you can imagine it, we can make it. — John Dykstra

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Scott Westerfeld

Listen, you bubblehead-up-until-five-minutes-ago ... — Scott Westerfeld

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Mary Wesley

Rebecca is an example of how not to manage men. The rules of the game never change, it requires subtlety. — Mary Wesley

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By R.K. Narayan

No one ever accepts criticism so cheerfully. Neither the man who utters it nor the man who invites it really means it. — R.K. Narayan

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Rachel Maddow

Fascistic leaders are aggressively macho and chauvinistic. They are xenophobic about people who they portray as outsiders or some sort of threat to the nation or as weaklings they can denounce. — Rachel Maddow

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Bernard Bailyn

What gave transcendent importance to the aggressiveness of power was the fact that its natural prey, its necessary victim, was liberty, or law, or right. — Bernard Bailyn

Famous Joan Rivers Quotes By Stephanie Hudson

Anyway, I heard you and your Mother-in-Law kicked ass! Shame his daddy'o wasn't around for the family reunion, although I doubted a battle is the right way to say 'hi,my name's Kiera and I am sexing up your son's man stick. — Stephanie Hudson