Famous Quotes & Sayings

False Patriotism Quotes & Sayings

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Top False Patriotism Quotes

False Patriotism Quotes By Sylvia Thompson

What has patriotism come to be but greed and false pride, when the only way it can show itself is by shedding blood to gain gold? More economic advantage, more territory, more power. — Sylvia Thompson

False Patriotism Quotes By Grace Slick

I fall down all the time because I'm such a klutz, but I have never broken a bone, and I don't eat milk or cheese ever. I like tofu cheese and soymilk in my coffee and cereal. — Grace Slick

False Patriotism Quotes By Julie Anne Long

I should not, if I were you, wish to be, because 'sterner stuff' is usually forged by hardship. — Julie Anne Long

False Patriotism Quotes By Willis Carto

Your highest patriotism today is to respect the memory of those who have died in the uniform of their country by vowing that it will never happen again. The basest treason is to permit yourself to shamefully and cowardly follow the false patriots into another war, one surely bringing in its wake even greater disasters for our beloved America than any before. — Willis Carto

False Patriotism Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

A true and worthy ideal frees and uplifts a people; a false ideal imprisons and lowers. — W.E.B. Du Bois

False Patriotism Quotes By John Fowles

The collection had the eclectic impersonality of a public library. — John Fowles

False Patriotism Quotes By C.S. Lewis

The false religion of lust is baser than the false religion of mother-love or patriotism or art: but lust is less likely to be made into a religion. — C.S. Lewis

False Patriotism Quotes By Stefan Molyneux

Culture makes lies plausible through exposure to time. It makes prejudice seem like physics intergenerationally. It is therefore the most dangerous opponent of philosophy, because it feels the most credible to the average person. — Stefan Molyneux

False Patriotism Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

To lose patience is to lose the battle. — Mahatma Gandhi

False Patriotism Quotes By Freida Pinto

I did not particularly enjoy modeling. I felt I was only utilizing 10 or 20 percent of my abilities. In India, it's just another job. — Freida Pinto

False Patriotism Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

One cannot worship the false god of nationalism and the God of Christianity at the same time. — Martin Luther King Jr.

False Patriotism Quotes By C.S. Lewis

What does seem to me poisonous, what breeds a type of patriotism that is pernicious if it lasts but not likely to last long in an educated adult, is the perfectly serious indoctrination of the young in knowably false or biased history - the heroic legend drably disguised as text-book fact. With this creeps in the tacit assumption that other nations have not equally their heroes; perhaps even the belief - surely it is very bad biology - that we can literally 'inherit' tradition. — C.S. Lewis

False Patriotism Quotes By Stefan Molyneux

Tribalism is an addiction that is driven by false beliefs that need to be reflected back to be perceived as true. — Stefan Molyneux

False Patriotism Quotes By Ken Follett

Fascism is on the march," Lloyd began. "And it is dangerously attractive. It gives false hope to the unemployed. It wears a spurious patriotism, as the Fascists themselves wear imitation military uniforms. — Ken Follett

False Patriotism Quotes By John F. Kerry

Those who try to stifle the vibrancy of our democracy and shield policies from scrutiny behind a false cloak of patriotism miss the real value of what our troops defend and how we best defend our troops. We will ask questions and we will defend our democracy. — John F. Kerry

False Patriotism Quotes By Jane Thynne

It was about a year ago when I first made contact with members of the British Foreign Office. I volunteered my services and privileged information to a foreign power. Which is effectively treason, or would be, except that I regard it as pure patriotism. You see, Clara, I no longer recognize the Germany I love. I see these brutes strong-arming a small nation like Austria, and now threatening Czechoslovakia, because they can and because no one will stop them. I see them running riot with the rule of law - Germany, whose legal system is the greatest in the world, which has always stood for justice and right. And when I see this gang of thugs flooding the streets of my beloved country with tides of blood, I feel hatred swelling inside me. Damn Himmler and Heydrich and all the other sadists. I hate this false Germany, as much as I love the real Germany. And I intend to do something about it. — Jane Thynne

False Patriotism Quotes By Kristen Crockett

If you stay in the company of anger, pain, or hurt, happiness will find someone else to visit. Make the choice to view all of your past relationships as a gift. Throw out what hasn't worked in the past and incorporate new concepts. Focus on being happy. — Kristen Crockett

False Patriotism Quotes By Alexis De Tocqueville

The religionists are the enemies of liberty, and the friends of liberty attack religion; the high-minded and the noble advocate bondage, and the meanest and most servile preach independence; honest and enlightened citizens are opposed to all progress, whilst men without patriotism and without principle put themselves forward as the apostles of civilization and intelligence. Has such been the fate of the centuries which have preceded our own? and has man always inhabited a world like the present, where all things are out of their natural connections, where virtue is without genius, and genius without honor; where the love of order is confounded with a taste for oppression, and the holy rites of freedom with a contempt of law; where the light thrown by conscience on human actions is dim, and where nothing seems to be any longer forbidden or allowed, honorable or shameful, false or true? — Alexis De Tocqueville

False Patriotism Quotes By Terrie Farley Moran

We ate in fret-filled silence until Ophie said, "Okay, enough of that feeling down in the dumps. We are going to put on our best clothes and go to church. We will sing. We will praise the Lord. We will celebrate Miss Delia's life. So you two put a smile on your faces. Well-mannered ladies know that a funeral provides us the opportunity to comfort the living. There'll be plenty of time to mourn the dead for years to come." I — Terrie Farley Moran

False Patriotism Quotes By Chiwetel Ejiofor

When I worked with Woody Allen, I only got the parts of the script that I was in. I was able to piece together the narrative from that, but I remember being quite excited to watch the movie - the movie that I was in but didn't know what happened in, like, 65 percent of. — Chiwetel Ejiofor