Famous Quotes & Sayings

F.r Tennant Quotes & Sayings

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Top F.r Tennant Quotes

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

If you speak in a different accent, you begin to move in a slightly different way. You think in a slightly different way. I think it's part of trying to find what makes a character. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Emma Tennant

I didn't go to university; I hardly went to school, but I grew up among people well versed in Henry James and Proust, and just felt this endless, total inadequacy. — Emma Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Kylie Tennant

In the busy city, dying might be resented as a breach of good taste, and the body hastily dispatched to the undertaker and the crematorium; but in Lost Haven, where a man's mates had to turn out and dig his grave, it was an occasion shared by the whole community. — Kylie Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

How galling to watch someone who looks like you, who basically is you, do all the shagging you didn't get to do. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

I was hugely formed by stories I was told as a child whether that was in a book, the cinema, theatre or television and probably television more than any medium is what influenced me as a child and formed my response to literature, story-telling and, therefore, the world around me. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Neil Tennant

He comes to London and gets a job in a nightclub, a gay club, where he's known as Straight Dave by the bar staff - and no one believes he's as straight as he claims to be. He meets the daughter of the club manager, and he has an affair with her. — Neil Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

I was always going to act, literally ever since I was tiny. In fact, I have Doctor Who to thank for that. I wanted to become an actor after being obsessed with Tom Baker, the fourth Doctor Who, in the 1970s. His was the definitive performance of all time in anything. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Neil Tennant

At one time musical theater, particularly in the '40s and '50s, was a big source of pop songs. That's how musical theater started, really - it was just a way of linking several pop songs for the stage. — Neil Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

I always like seeing people transforming themselves in whatever way that might be, and a different accent is part of that. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Neil Tennant

She's been a smack addict, she's had big success in Europe in the '70s, and she's lost everything. She's been rediscovered in the '80s, and as we meet her she's just about to sign a new recording contract. — Neil Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

I'm a good person, I hope. But I'm never as good as I want to be, never as nice as I want to be, never as generous as I want to be. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

Getting the call to be in The Goblet of Fire was like being welcomed into the most exclusive upper circle of some elite actors' club. You sit on set with the cream of the National Theatre and the RSC, all clutching wands or wearing witches' hats. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Neil Gaiman

I know that David Tennant's Hamlet isn't till July. And lots of people are going to be doing Dr Who in Hamlet jokes, so this is just me getting it out of the way early, to avoid the rush ...
To be, or not to be, that is the question. Weeelll ... More of A question really. Not THE question. Because, well, I mean, there are billions and billions of questions out there, and well, when I say billions, I mean, when you add in the answers, not just the questions, weeelll, you're looking at numbers that are positively astronomical and ... for that matter the other question is what you lot are doing on this planet in the first place, and er, did anyone try just pushing this little red button? — Neil Gaiman

F.r Tennant Quotes By Neil Tennant

There's the paradox of making pop music when you're in your 50s. People weren't meant to be doing that originally and yet they are. Mick Jagger [used to say] we're not going to be doing Satisfaction when I'm in a wheelchair. — Neil Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Thomas Sangster

On 'Love Actually,' I met Hugh Grant, who is a relative: our great-grandmothers were sisters. He'd call me cousin and ruffle my hair. And it was brilliant working with David Tennant on 'Doctor Who.' — Thomas Sangster

F.r Tennant Quotes By Emma Tennant

The fascination of somebody with original creative gifts is something that's always drawn me. I get attached to them, but I can't call it being in love, because the words are so debased. — Emma Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

Paula Milne was really the first thing that drew me to 'The Politician's Husband.' — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

And the very fact of how you speak somehow influences who you are. The way you move, the way you think, it seeps into your being, and it's quite hard to really break that down entirely. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

Unlike other enduring characters such as 'Sherlock Holmes' or 'Tarzan,' being the 'Doctor' allows you a certain freedom that is both very demanding and very thrilling. It allows you to make the character using elements of yourself. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Stella Tennant

I wasn't trying to modelI'm not sure where it's going, apart from the pleasure of making beautiful thingsI said I wasn't going to model after having my son. Now I just think, 'Fine, I enjoy the people a lot.' And I haven't found a better part-time job. — Stella Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

Moths are the ones that freak me out. It's something to do with the way that, if they get squashed, they turn to dust. There's something very wrong about that. It all feels a bit Gothic. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Kylie Tennant

Life was a fool's errand, carrying news to the worms. — Kylie Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Tennant

I love a bit of political drama; 'The West Wing' is probably my favourite television series of all time. — David Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Kylie Tennant

She would read anything from a dictionary to a treatise on turnips. Print fascinated her, dazed her, made her good for nothing...Kylie Tennant — Kylie Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Kyle Tennant

As we use media, they shape intellectual and social ecosystems that in turn shape the way we see the world. — Kyle Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Emma Tennant

My life has really been about writing, though some think it's all about once having been in a ball dress and having an odd life and marrying all the time. But it's the writing that's always been the point. — Emma Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By David Wong

I just realized he was phrasing all of his questions as statements. Wasn't there a character in Alice in Wonderland who did that? Did Alice punch him in the face? — David Wong

F.r Tennant Quotes By Kylie Tennant

When you can't see any reason for loving a person, you must be loving him as a symbol of something, don't you think so? — Kylie Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Neil Tennant

I think we've come a long way since then. The big thing that changed was when ecstasy came along in Britain. — Neil Tennant

F.r Tennant Quotes By Neil Tennant

She's a very charismatic character, and she holds the whole play together. — Neil Tennant