Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Expository Writing

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Top Expository Writing Quotes

Expository Writing Quotes By Seth Adam Smith

Honesty is the only way to fight the inner demons. — Seth Adam Smith

Expository Writing Quotes By Joel Osteen

God can make greatness out of a great mess — Joel Osteen

Expository Writing Quotes By Jimmy Carr

Saying that you don't believe in magic but do believe in god is a bit like saying you don't have sex with dogs, except labradors. — Jimmy Carr

Expository Writing Quotes By William Shakespeare

What's past is prologue. — William Shakespeare

Expository Writing Quotes By Leland Ryken

The Bible is obviously a mixed book. Literary and nonliterary (expository, explanatory) writing exist side by side within the covers of this unique book. — Leland Ryken

Expository Writing Quotes By James Stephens

We are washed both on coming into the world and on going out of it, and we take no pleasure from the first washing nor any profit from the last. — James Stephens

Expository Writing Quotes By Mary Rose O'Reilley

Teaching English is (as professorial jobs go) unusually labor-intensive and draining. To do it well, you have to spend a lot of time coaching students individually on their writing and thinking. Strangely enough, I still had a lot of energy for this student-oriented part of the job. Rather, it was _books_ that no longer interested me, drama and fiction in particular. It was as though a priest, in midcareer, had come to doubt the reality of transubstantiation. I could still engage with poems and expository prose, but most fiction seemed the product of extremities I no longer wished to visit. So many years of Zen training had reiterated, 'Don't get lost in the drama of life,' and here I had to stand around in a classroom defending Oedipus. — Mary Rose O'Reilley

Expository Writing Quotes By Kiese Laymon

In essay writing, I'm trying to push the form of expository writing. I'm trying to remember, trying to reckon, trying to find connections with the world, the nation and me, but I'm always trying to push the form, too, without being too obvious that I'm trying to push the form. — Kiese Laymon

Expository Writing Quotes By Derek Bok

Teaching methods are often inadequate for the goals faculties are trying to achieve. Important courses such as expository writing and foreign languages are frequently taught by untrained graduate students and underpaid adjunct teachers. — Derek Bok