Famous Quotes & Sayings

Expendables 3 Quotes & Sayings

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Top Expendables 3 Quotes

Expendables 3 Quotes By John Wesley

Suffer all, and conquer all. — John Wesley

Expendables 3 Quotes By Jessica Simpson

I think anything sounds good with a Southern accent. — Jessica Simpson

Expendables 3 Quotes By Pierce Brosnan

If you want to do a female version of 'The Expendables,' I'll be in that one. — Pierce Brosnan

Expendables 3 Quotes By Catrina Burgess

Don't worry about paying me. Stay alive, child. You must save yourself. And, whatever you do, don't forget who you are — Catrina Burgess

Expendables 3 Quotes By Gretel Ehrlich

Walking is also an ambulation of mind. — Gretel Ehrlich

Expendables 3 Quotes By Jabari Asim

I'm kinda wishy-washy about questions. If you ask me again tomorrow, I'm likely to give you completely different answers. — Jabari Asim

Expendables 3 Quotes By Harry S. Truman

I always considered statesmen to be more expendable than soldiers. — Harry S. Truman

Expendables 3 Quotes By Arthur C. Clarke

Naturally, the system would have to be rigidly closed, recycling all food, air, and other expendables. But, of course, that's just how the Earth operates - on a slightly larger scale. — Arthur C. Clarke

Expendables 3 Quotes By Orson Scott Card

And when we diverge, it will be impossible for the expendables and the ship's computers on all the ships to know which version of Ram Odin to obey," said Ram. "Therefore I order you and all the other expendables to immediately kill every copy of Ram except me."
"I'm so sorry," said the expendable. "One of the versions of Ram Odin did not include the word 'immediately,' and therefore his order was complete a fraction of a second before all the others. He is the real Ram Odin."
Ram gave a little half smile. "How ironic. By specifying that you should act at once-"
The expendable reached out with both hands, gave Ram's head a twist, and broke his neck. The sentence remained unfinished, but that did not matter, since the person saying it was not the real Ram Odin. — Orson Scott Card

Expendables 3 Quotes By Richard Diebenkorn

Use and respond to the initial fresh qualities but consider them absolutely expendable. — Richard Diebenkorn

Expendables 3 Quotes By Tania Raymonde

I would really like to do a straight action movie that's hardcore - heavy action, like 'The Expendables' or 'Fast Five.' — Tania Raymonde

Expendables 3 Quotes By Mona Eltahawy

Being a woman anywhere is dangerous. — Mona Eltahawy

Expendables 3 Quotes By Diane Ackerman

one legend has it that Jews found Poland attractive because the country's name sounded like the Hebrew imperative po lin ("rest here"). — Diane Ackerman

Expendables 3 Quotes By Tiger Woods

I always feel pressure. If you don't feel nervous, that means you don't care about how you play. I care about how I perform. I've always said the day I'm not nervous playing is the day I quit. — Tiger Woods

Expendables 3 Quotes By Paul Feig

Any ensemble - they didn't call it "the all-male Expendables," for example. But it's Hollywood's fault that people say that [ "the all-female Ghostbusters" ], because there have been so few movies that have allowed women to have these leading roles, so that's Hollywood's fault. — Paul Feig

Expendables 3 Quotes By Chuck Grassley

It wouldn't do me much good to back somebody that won in Iowa if they can't carry on the campaign elsewhere. — Chuck Grassley

Expendables 3 Quotes By Matt Taibbi

The great nonprosecutions of Wall Street in the years since 2008, I would learn, were just symbols of this dystopian sorting process to which we'd already begun committing ourselves. The cleaving of the country into two completely different states - one a small archipelago of hyperacquisitive untouchables, the other a vast ghetto of expendables with only theoretical rights - has been in the works a long time. The Divide is a terrible story, and a crazy one. And it goes back a long, long way. — Matt Taibbi

Expendables 3 Quotes By Marshall McLuhan

Education in a technological world of replaceable and expendable parts is neuter. — Marshall McLuhan

Expendables 3 Quotes By Antonio Banderas

When you go to a movie with so many stars [like The Expendables 3], you don't know what you're going to find, exactly. You don't know if it's going to be an ego trip, ego on the set, who is taking this position, where the camera is, I want to be in front of this guy - that's true ... It's worse, actually, when you have people around you that are very hungry to obtain something that they never had. Success. — Antonio Banderas

Expendables 3 Quotes By Amish Tripathi

The expendables first, defenders second and the most vulnerable in the inside. — Amish Tripathi

Expendables 3 Quotes By Jon Feltheimer

I don't think it's fair to pinpoint Asia in terms of piracy. It's a worldwide problem. With 'The Expendables 3,' piracy extended everywhere, and over 10 percent of it was in the United States. So I don't want to put my hands over my eyes. It's a shame there is no DVD business in a lot of Asia, certainly China and India. — Jon Feltheimer

Expendables 3 Quotes By Robert Greene

The key to staying unintimidated is to convince yourself that the person you're facing is a mere mortal, no different from you-- which is in fact the truth. See the person, not the myth. Imagine him or her as a child, as someone riddled with insecurities. Cutting the other person down to size will help your keep your mental balance. — Robert Greene

Expendables 3 Quotes By Pierce Brosnan

I'd love to do 'The Expendables.' It's just a kick in the pants. — Pierce Brosnan

Expendables 3 Quotes By Leslie Mann

There's nothing in [The Other Woman] movie that feels like an R to us. — Leslie Mann

Expendables 3 Quotes By Sylvester Stallone

People assume that 'The Expendables' is old school, but it's only old school because that's the way I know how to make an action film. It's pretty real. — Sylvester Stallone