Famous Quotes & Sayings

Exitus Reditus Quotes & Sayings

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Top Exitus Reditus Quotes

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Brittany Curran

I'm definitely happy with the progression of my career. I'm glad I didn't jump to stardom immediately, because I get to enjoy the ride and the chase. Because nothing came easy, I really appreciate it when I book roles. — Brittany Curran

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Patrick Rothfuss

Performance and music are inexorably tied together. And hell, I'll watch Brittany's Toxic music video all day. But there's a difference between that and listening to Leo Kottke play guitar. One is entertainment. The other is Music. — Patrick Rothfuss

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Christy Barritt

It was a slow fade from belief to disbelief, one that was so gradual she hardly realized it was happening. — Christy Barritt

Exitus Reditus Quotes By William Cowper

Remorse, the fatal egg by pleasure laid,
In every bosom where her nest is made,
Hatched by the beams of truth, denies him rest,
And proves a raging scorpion in his breast. — William Cowper

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Sameer Khan

When you judge your art with number of likes you get in response to it, you're killing the artist within, and giving rise to an entertainer. — Sameer Khan

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Esther Verhoef

True freedom only exists in art.The problem is you have to be incredibly good.No,I am putting it wrong:You don't so much have to be outstanding,what you really need are connections,if you don't want to be dependent on all kinds of government foundations who will impose their ideas and restrictions on you in turn.It can be touch and go in the beginning:It takes guts to let go of everything.But you make it,you're free. — Esther Verhoef

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Shepherd Hoodwin

Everything is in a state of becoming more then it is; otherwise we would all be bored. — Shepherd Hoodwin

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Bernard McGinn

Thomas seems to be implying a threefold, originally Neoplatonic, model that he would have known through the writings of Pseudo-Dionysius, comprising (1) God in God-self; (2) the exitus, or procession of creatures from God; and finally (3) the reditus, or the return of creatures to God. — Bernard McGinn

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Tibor R. Machan

Politicians are leaches, mostly. — Tibor R. Machan

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Billy Graham

There is one thing God's love cannot do. It cannot forgive the unrepentant sinner. — Billy Graham

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Elizabeth Hoyt

Behave, Miss Greaves," he murmured under his breath, his voice husky and deep. "Fine words for a man who runs about St. Giles at night in a mask," she whispered. He frowned, glancing around. "Hush. — Elizabeth Hoyt

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Brooklyn Ann

The moment Ian walked into his house, he was attacked. He looked down at the little scrap of black fur that was determined to shred the left leg of his trousers, his brows raised in disbelief. Cats usually fled from him, instinctively recognizing that he was dangerous. This kitten was either completely fearless, or it hadn't had the benefit of instruction from its mother. "My — Brooklyn Ann

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Stephen Fry

He's your enemy, Donald!'
'He most certainly is not,' said Trefusis. 'Not unless I say so. He may dearly want to be my enemy, he may beg on bended knee for open hostility of the most violent kind, but it takes two to tangle. I choose my own enemies. — Stephen Fry

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Alexandra Fuller

The memoirs that have come out of Africa are sometimes startlingly beautiful, often urgent, and essentially life-affirming, but they are all performances of courage and honesty. — Alexandra Fuller

Exitus Reditus Quotes By L. Frank Baum

Why, when it comes to Law, I have nothing to say" answered that personage. "for laws were never meant to be understood, and it is foolish to make the attempt. — L. Frank Baum

Exitus Reditus Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

Banning prayer in school in effect made God unconstitutional. — Rush Limbaugh