Famous Quotes & Sayings

Evidencing Synonym Quotes & Sayings

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Top Evidencing Synonym Quotes

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Constantine P. Cavafy

If you cannot fashion your life as you would like,
endeavour to do this at least,
as much as you can: do not trivialize it
through too much contact with the world,
through too much activity and chatter.
Do not trivialize your life by parading it,
running around and displaying it
in the daily stupidity
of cliques and gatherings
until it becomes like a tiresome guest.
("As Much As You Can") — Constantine P. Cavafy

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Shunryu Suzuki

We have to study with our warm heart, not just with our brain. — Shunryu Suzuki

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Kaya McLaren

Most people think love comes from the heart or soul. The heart simply pumps blood, so love can't be created there. Where is the center for what appears to be a person's soul? The Brain. And what is created there, Jilly? That's right
dopamine. What does dopamine do? Creates feelings of love and euphoria. How do we get our brains to create more? Drugs, massage, and/or sex. Boil it down and it's all just dopamine. — Kaya McLaren

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By A.E. Housman

Right you guessed the rising morrow
And scorned to tread the mire you must:
Dust's your wages, son of sorrow,
But men may come to worse than dust.
Souls undone, undoing others,-
Long time since the tale began.
You would not live to wrong your brothers:
Oh lad, you died as fits a man. — A.E. Housman

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Kenneth Minogue

Politics is the activity by which the framework of human life is sustained; it is not life itself. — Kenneth Minogue

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By G.H. Hardy

A chess problem is an exercise in pure mathematics. — G.H. Hardy

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Frank Herbert

Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. — Frank Herbert

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Rodney Dangerfield

I shouldn't tell jokes about my wife. she's attached to a machine that keeps her alive ... The refrigerator. — Rodney Dangerfield

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Jacques Philippe

Another characteristic of God's Spirit is that, while enlightening us and impelling us to act, he imprints our souls with a deep sense of humility. He makes us do good in such a way that we are happy to do it, but without any presumptuousness, self-satisfaction, or vanity. We see quite clearly that the good that we do does not come from ourselves but from God. — Jacques Philippe

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Isaiah Berlin

The case against the notion of historical objectivity is like the case against international law, or international morality; that it does not exist. — Isaiah Berlin

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Sean Price

Football is definitely a team sport. Without one person doing the right thing, the whole team falls. At Navy and in lacrosse, the off-the-field leadership comes into play, you know so if one person is slacking off, we've got everyone making sure everyone is pulling their own weight. It's like that in football too. — Sean Price

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Dario Fo

Every time you touch those who have power over the media, they seek to stop you. — Dario Fo

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Peter Greenaway

Cinema is far too rich and capable a medium to be merely left to the storytellers. — Peter Greenaway

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

The one who blesses the winner, after having lost himself, will attain liberation (moksha); he will become "complete". — Dada Bhagwan

Evidencing Synonym Quotes By Robert Browning

Brightest truth, purest trust in the universe, all were for me, in the kiss of one girl. — Robert Browning