Famous Quotes & Sayings

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes & Sayings

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Top Everywhere Anywhere Quotes

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Saru Singhal

The best thing about a heartbreak, you start looking for happiness elsewhere. You realize like wild flowers, happiness can grow anywhere and everywhere. And, most importantly within you.
Be wild, dear heart, happiness awaits you. — Saru Singhal

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

All the ports are hidden in every port because through one port you can reach all the ports! Anywhere is actually everywhere because there is a hidden door in anywhere opening to everywhere! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Bill Jay

This is life. It is everywhere, and it is here for the taking. I am alive and I know this, now, in a more profound way than when I am doing anything else. These sights are ephemeral, fleeting treasures that have been offered to me and to me alone. No other person in the history of the world, anywhere in all of time and space, has been granted this gift to be here in my place. And I am privileged, through the camera, to take this moment away with me. That is why I photograph. — Bill Jay

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Edward W. Robertson

The woman laughed, shoulders bouncing. I think the gods eat suffering. That's why they've put it everywhere you look: so anywhere they go, they'll always be fed. — Edward W. Robertson

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Sheldon Richman

Apologists for activist government never tire of telling us that the
benevolent state is our protector and that without it wed be at the mercy of
monsters. It is about time that we understood that the U.S. government does
more to endanger the American people than any imagined monsters around the
world ... by pursuing its Grand Foreign Policy of meddling anywhere and
everywhere. — Sheldon Richman

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Osho

Whenever a buddha appears, this is the problem: we cannot define him, we cannot put him into any category. You cannot label him. There is no way you can put him anywhere. Either he belongs everywhere or he belongs nowhere. He transcends all categories. Pigeonholes are not for him. — Osho

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Ann Leckie

Nearly everywhere I've been, popular wisdom has it that the location of humanity's original planet is unknown, mysterious. In fact it isn't, as anyone who troubles to read on the subject will discover, but it is very, very, very far away from nearly anywhere, and not a tremendously interesting place. Or at the very least, not nearly as interesting as the enchanting idea that your people are not newcomers to their homes but in fact only recolonized the place they had belonged from the beginning of time. One meets this claim anywhere one finds a remotely human-habitable planet. — Ann Leckie

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Mother Teresa

You can find Calcutta anywhere in the world. You only need two eyes to see. Everywhere in the world there are people that are not loved, people that are not wanted nor desired, people that no one will help, people that are pushed away or forgotten. And this is the greatest poverty. — Mother Teresa

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Curious George Brigade

Within a diverse swarm of individuals and small groups, resistance can be anywhere and anything; everywhere and all the time. — Curious George Brigade

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By David Lynch

You don't need a special place to meditate. You can transcend anywhere in the world. The unified field is here, and there, and everywhere. — David Lynch

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By George W. Bush

Torture anywhere is an affront to human dignity everywhere ...
I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture. — George W. Bush

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Joseph Campbell

All the old bindings are broken. Cosmological centers now are anywhere and everywhere. The earth is a heavenly body, most beautiful of all, and all poetry is now archaic that fails to match the wonder of this view. — Joseph Campbell

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Tarryn Fisher

Where we're from is in us - in our marrow. You can put us anywhere else in the world, but we carry our origin with us everywhere we go. If he's right, I'll never fucking get away. — Tarryn Fisher

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Ban Ki-moon

Nuclear accidents anywhere can affect people everywhere. — Ban Ki-moon

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Alan W. Watts

A world which increasingly consists of destinations without journeys between them, a world which values only "getting somewhere" as fast as possible, becomes a world without substance. One can get anywhere and everywhere, and yet the more this is possible, the less is anywhere and everywhere worth getting to. — Alan W. Watts

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Lorrie Moore

Sometimes as I'm drifting toward sleep, in the beginnings of that dissolution, I wonder where I am, when this is, and realize that at these moments I could be anywhere, anytime, for all I know: eight and napping in the trailer, my broken arm in a cast, or thirteen at night clutching a pillow to my neck, or twenty in the arms of my boyfriend, or twenty-seven in the arms of my husband, or thirty-three next to my imaginary daughter; at every place in the whole spinning shape that is my life, when I am falling asleep, I am the same person, the identical awareness, the same fuzzball of mind, the same muck of nerves, all along the line. I forage through my life and everywhere - there, there, and there - it is only me in it, the very same me, the same harmless lump, the same soggy weirdo, the same sleeping, breathing bun. — Lorrie Moore

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Eugenia Price

There is no one anywhere as available to everyone everywhere as is God. — Eugenia Price

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Edward Lawlor

If God's love is for anybody anywhere, it's for everybody everywhere. — Edward Lawlor

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Ally Carter

I can sleep anywhere. Planes. Trains. Sofa. Lawn chairs. Call it the upside to my life as an army brat. Never having a home means, I guess, that everywhere is your home. There is absolutely no place I'm anxious to return to. But this is different.
I'm not trying to fall asleep in someplace new; I'm trying to fall asleep in someplace that's old. — Ally Carter

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Jawaharlal Nehru

Poverty anywhere is a danger to prosperity everywhere — Jawaharlal Nehru

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Carrie Underwood

I've never really been anywhere, and now I get to go everywhere. I just have to make sure there's enough memory on my computer to hold all my pictures. — Carrie Underwood

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Glenn Dean

Troops are everywhere in their modern, digital camouflage, designed to blend in anywhere at any time. Yet at night we wear bright yellow reflective belts. — Glenn Dean

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Anne Sexton

Many women are singing together of this:
one is in a shoe factory cursing the machine,
one is at the aquarium tending a seal,
one is dull at the wheel of her Ford,
one is at the toll gate collecting,
one is tying the cord of a calf in Arizona,
one is straddling a cello in Russia,
one is shifting pots on the stove in Egypt,
one is painting her bedroom walls moon color,
one is dying but remembering a breakfast,
one is stretching on her mat in Thailand,
one is wiping the ass of her child,
one is staring out the window of a train
in the middle of Wyoming and one is
anywhere and some are everywhere and all
seem to be singing, although some can not
sing a note. — Anne Sexton

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Judy Nichols

If you can work anywhere, anytime, then pretty soon you're working everywhere all the time. — Judy Nichols

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Colin Tegerdine

The rape of justice anywhere ,violates justice everywhere — Colin Tegerdine

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Barbara Marx Hubbard

Mother Earth is giving birth to a co-creative humanity. There's not a majority anywhere, but it's cropping up everywhere, because old leadership does not have the authority to guide us. — Barbara Marx Hubbard

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Gabriel Iglesias

I want to be known as a funny comic not just a funny Latino comic. I want to be able to go everywhere and anywhere. — Gabriel Iglesias

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Jamie McGuire

What can I say to you that I haven't already said? What can I give you that I haven't already given? Is there anything of me that isn't yours already? My body, my mind, my heart, even my soul. Everything that is me belonged to you long before this, and it shall be yours long after this. I will follow you anywhere and everywhere you lead. I will keep you and anyone created with our love safe from all harm. From this day on, I choose you, my beloved, to be my wife. To live with you and laugh with you; to stand by your side, and sleep in your arms; to bring out the best in you always, and, for you, to be the most that I can. I promise to laugh with you in good times, to struggle with you in bad; to wipe your tears with my hands; to comfort you with my words; to mirror you with my soul; and savor every moment, happy or sad, until the end of our lives and beyond. — Jamie McGuire

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Marcus Luttrell

I got my service dog when I was medically retired out of the military, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish every medically retired serviceman could have a service dog. He's amazing. He's my best bud. I go everywhere and anywhere with him. — Marcus Luttrell

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Daniel Kehlmann

I think I can work anywhere, but you don't get the same kind of inspiration everywhere. New York theater has become a big inspiration for me. I only started writing for the stage myself because I like to see the good, mostly off-Broadway plays in New York. — Daniel Kehlmann

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Bruce Katz

There is, of course, a deep irony in the fact that technology, which was supposed to cut the ties between people and places and allow people everywhere to work from almost anywhere, turns out to flourish in fairly compact geographic locations. — Bruce Katz

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Emma Nichols

There's nowhere more important for me to be," he said as he gently tugged my head back by my hair. "I would go anywhere, everywhere, just to be with you. — Emma Nichols

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Anonymous

Anywhere seems nowhere, yet somewhere seems everywhere. — Anonymous

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Esther Hicks

Take your Inner Being everywhere you go. If you take your Inner Being to the party, it's going to be a good party! If you take your Inner Being, the food that you eat will be received perfectly by the cells of your body. Every word that comes out of your mouth will be beneficial to everyone who hears them with their ears - or with their vibration. Don't go anywhere without your Inner Being. That's what "Allowing" is. Always having your Inner Being present. And then, anything else that happens is always orchestrated perfectly by Law of Attraction. — Esther Hicks

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

One glance at any government budget anywhere in the world tells the story - the money is always in place, already allocated, the motive everywhere is fear, the more immediate the fear, the higher the multiples. — Thomas Pynchon

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Abhishek Ratna

Information is the key to success, anywhere and everywhere. — Abhishek Ratna

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

The one who has enlightened view (right belief; samkiti), he indeed does not have any problems, anywhere. He remains only the Knower-Seer everywhere. As long as there is any problem or objection, it cannot indeed be called samkit (enlightened view, right belief). — Dada Bhagwan

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Alber Elbaz

I think a good designer can exist everywhere and anywhere and all the time. It's all about being good, and I think that our job basically is to make women and men look good. — Alber Elbaz

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial "outside agitator" idea. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Nate Parker

I just feel like if I really believe what Dr. King said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,' then I should be compelled to use my God-given platform to effect change. — Nate Parker

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By John C. Maxwell

The position does not make you a leader. The title, the promotion, the fancy corner office do not make you a leader. No, it is relationships with people that are the foundation, the very heart of leadership. Have you ever worked for someone you didn't like? It's difficult, isn't it? On the other hand, the leader you will follow anywhere and everywhere is one you know cares about you, and values you. This person has your best interests at heart. It is the leader who comes alongside to help you improve and grow. — John C. Maxwell

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Mike Nichols

'Streetcar' is no longer about the moment at all. There is no Blanche DuBois anywhere; south, north, east or west. We don't have Blanche DuBois at the moment. But we have Willy Loman; everywhere we look we see Willy Loman. We are Willy Loman. We're on Facebook; we need to be known; we're selling all the time. — Mike Nichols

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Tim Dorsey

I've been like everywhere And we went to a bunch of different places and got really stoned Then we wnet to another place and got stones again ANd we met these other stoners and went somewhere else and ate tacos ANd I lost my keys and we couldn't go anywhere, so we just got stoned Then we ran out of weed, but I remembered my keys were in the other pocket, adn we went somewhere to score, and got stoned ... "Colman ... " "And more people came over, and we found a bog of marshmallows and made s'mores ... — Tim Dorsey

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By C. K. Prahalad

Invest time in languages and intercultural awareness. Focus on becoming part of global citizenry. In exchange for the opportunity to participate everywhere/anywhere in the world you have the obligation to do something productive, which will improve the world. Develop a personal mission, a desire to leave personal legacy. — C. K. Prahalad

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Janet Fitch

The decor bowled me over. Everywhere I looked, there was something more to see. Botanical prints, a cross section of pomegranates, a passionflower vine and its fruit. Stacks of thick books on art and design and a collection of glass paperweights filled the coffee table. It was enormously beautiful, a sensibility I'd never encountered anywhere, a relaxed luxury. I could feel my mother's contemptuous gaze falling on the cluttered surfaces, but I was tired of three white flowers in a glass vase. There was more to life than that. — Janet Fitch

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By David Brier

So it comes down to scarcity, one product or service having qualities you won't find everywhere or ideally, anywhere. It's the job of every brand to seek that out as their standard, their stamp. — David Brier

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Djuna Barnes

Matthew,' she said, 'have you ever loved someone and it became yourself?'
For a moment he did not answer. Taking up the decanter he held it to the light.
'Robin can go anywhere, do anything,' Nora continued, 'because she forgets, and I nowhere because I remember.' She came toward him. 'Matthew,' she said, 'you think I have always been like this. Once I was remorseless, but this is another love - it goes everywhere; there is no place for it to stop - it rots me away. — Djuna Barnes

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Sylvia Plath

Is anyone anywhere happy? No, not unless they are living in a dream or in an artifice that they or someone else has made. For a time I was lulled in the arms of a blind organism with breasts full of champagne and nipples made of caviar. I thought she was true, and that the true was the beautiful. But the true is the ugly mixed up everywhere, like a peck of dirt scattered through your life. The true is that there is no security, no artifice to stop the unsavory changes, the rat race, the death unwish - the winged chariot, the horns and the motors, the Devil in the clock. Love is a desperate artifice to take the place of those two original parents who turned out not to be omnisciently right gods, but a rather pedestrian pair of muddled suburbanites who, no matter how bumbling they tried, never could quite understand how or why you grew up to your 21st birthday. — Sylvia Plath

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By George W. Buck

You can get to everywhere from almost anywhere. — George W. Buck

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Christopher Myers

The fountain of information lies at your fingertips and is accessible anywhere at anytime and schools need to emphasize this. We are no longer in a world where you need to go seek enlightenment, it is everywhere. — Christopher Myers

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

Which of them can see ahead, among the microclimates of binary, tracking earthwide everywhere through dark fiber and twisted pairs and nowadays wirelessly through spaces public and private, anywhere among cybersweatshop needles flashing and never still, in that unquiet vastly stitched and unstitched tapestry they have all at some time sat growing crippled in the service of-to the shape of the day imminent, a procedure waiting execution, about to be revealed, a search result with no instructions on how to look for it? — Thomas Pynchon

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Ruth Haley Barton

Discernment is first of all a habit, a way of seeing that eventually permeates our whole life. It is the journey from spiritual blindness (not seeing God anywhere or seeing him only where we expect to see him) to spiritual sight (finding God everywhere, especially where we least expect it). — Ruth Haley Barton

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

For the animals in nature, everywhere is their houses! When we touch anywhere in nature, we must know that we knock their doors! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Robert Jordan

He will take you back, and he will destroy you. "I bring change," Rand said sadly. "Not peace, but turmoil." Destruction follows on my heels everywhere. Will there ever be anywhere I do not tear apart? "What will be, will be, Rhuarc. I can't change it. — Robert Jordan

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Steven Horsford

As Dr. King said, an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. It is that creed of the civil rights movement that still motivates us today ... So today, we take up the cause of joining arms with our immigrant brothers and sisters in that spirit ... to lend a hand to those who confront injustice as a result of a broken immigration system. — Steven Horsford

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Anne Corlett

Funny how the darkness smelled the same everywhere. She could have been anywhere in the universe, anywhere at all. — Anne Corlett

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Kofi Annan

Let us recognize that extreme poverty anywhere is a threat to human security everywhere. Let us recall that poverty is a denial of human rights. For the first time in history, in this age of unprecedented wealth and technical prowess, we have the power to save humanity from this shameful scourge. Let us summon the will to do it. — Kofi Annan

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Patrick Ness

I live in England, so I take a lot of trains, and you can't really go anywhere without somebody talking on their mobile phone behind you, forcing you to listen to their conversation. With the Internet, with texting, with networking sites, there's already information everywhere. — Patrick Ness

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By James Madison

Despotism can only exist in darkness, and there are too many lights now in the political firmament, to permit it to remain anywhere, as it has heretofore done, almost everywhere. — James Madison

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Arthur Miller

Perhaps because there are those who believe that authority is all of a piece and that to challenge it anywhere is to threaten it everywhere. — Arthur Miller

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

The major mistake people pursue in decision making is to surround themselves with negatively minded people. People who are going nowhere will never take you anywhere; people who are going everywhere can take you somewhere. — Israelmore Ayivor

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Tom Ford

I love New York. It's given me so much as a designer. When I moved here, I wanted to tap into the glamour of the city immediately. More than anywhere else, New York offers itself up - you arrive and get a rush in a flash. It's dazzling. Everywhere you look, there is decoration, from a pair of jewel-encrusted shoes in the window in Bergdorf Goodman to the Chrysler Building. And New York is incredibly democratic. Everyone is packed into this tiny space. You are confronted with all manner of people, and I love that. — Tom Ford

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Daniel Black

You have to get clear about the kind of life you can live here. Life can be lived anywhere, but not every life can be lived everywhere. — Daniel Black

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Zbigniew Brzezinski

Because you can't intervene everywhere, you don't conclude you can't intervene anywhere. — Zbigniew Brzezinski

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Don't touch me like that. Don't touch me anywhere. Touch me everywhere. — Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Samantha Steele

On having a backup plan: Always a good plan anytime you want to follow your dream - I love writing, acting, and psychiatry - there are crazy people everywhere which means I can take my career anywhere my dream needs to go. — Samantha Steele

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By William S. Burroughs

Consider the impasse of a one God universe.
He is all-knowing and all-powerful.
He can't go anywhere since He is already everywhere.
He can't do anything since the act of doing presupposes opposition.
His universe is irrevocably thermodynamic having no friction by definition. So, He has to create friction: War, Fear, Sickness, Death,
To keep his dying show on the road. — William S. Burroughs

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Jamaica Kincaid

That the native does not like the tourist is not hard to explain. For every native of every place is a potential tourist, and every tourist is a native of somewhere. Every native everywhere lives a life of overwhelming and crushing banality and boredom and desperation and depression, and every deed, good and bad, is an attempt to forget this. Every native would like to find a way out, every native would like a rest, every native would like a tour. But some natives - most natives in the world - cannot go anywhere. They are too poor. They are too poor to go anywhere. They are too poor to escape the reality of their lives; and they are too poor to live properly in the place they live, which is the very place you, the tourist, want to go - so when the natives see you, the tourist, they envy you, they envy your ability to leave your own banality and boredom, they envy your ability to turn their own banality and boredom into a source of pleasure for yourself. — Jamaica Kincaid

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Paul Virilio

The contemporary sedentary is someone who feels at home everywhere, thanks to cellphones, and the nomad is someone who does not feel at home anywhere, someone who is excluded, ostracized. — Paul Virilio

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Darynda Jones

Where do writers get their ideas from? Anywhere and everywhere.
Nothing is sacred. — Darynda Jones

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Frances Hodgson Burnett

When I lie by myself and remember I begin to have pains everywhere and I think of things that make me begin to scream because I hate them so. If there was a doctor anywhere who could make you forget you were ill instead of remembering it I would have him brought here. — Frances Hodgson Burnett

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. Anyone who lives inside the US can never be considered an outsider anywhere in the country — Martin Luther King Jr.

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Howard Zinn

What struck me as I began to study history was how nationalist fervor
inculcated from childhood on by pledges of allegiance, national anthems, flags waving and rhetoric blowing
permeated the educational systems of all countries, including our own. I wonder now how the foreign policies of the United States would look if we wiped out the national boundaries of the world, at least in our minds, and thought of all children everywhere as our own. Then we could never drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, or napalm on Vietnam, or wage war anywhere, because wars, especially in our time, are always wars against children, indeed our children. — Howard Zinn

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Joe Hill

Death isn't the end of your life, you know. Your body is a lock. Death is the key. The key turns ... and you're free. To be anywhere. Everywhere. Two places at once. Nowhere. Part of the background hum of the universe. — Joe Hill

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Isaac Newton

No being exists or can exist which is not related to space in some way. God is everywhere, created minds are somewhere, and body is in the space that it occupies; and whatever is neither everywhere nor anywhere does not exist. And hence it follows that space is an effect arising from the first existence of being, because when any being is postulated, space is postulated. — Isaac Newton

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Ron Brackin

Subjective truth is an oxymoron; objective truth is redundant. Subjective truth is feathers in a wind tunnel, blowing anywhere and everywhere. Objective truth is an anvil, bolted to the floor of the wind tunnel. Subjective truth is your truth and my truth; objective truth is Jesus Christ - immovable, immutable. — Ron Brackin

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Phyllis Chesler

Encountering gender apartheid and waged slavery shook me to my roots more than half a century ago in Afghanistan. Oh, the women of Afghanistan, the women of the Muslim world. I was no feminist
but now, thinking back, I see how much I learned there, how clearly their condition taught me to see gender discrimination anywhere and, above all, taught me to see how cruel oppressed women could be to each other. They taught me about women everywhere. — Phyllis Chesler

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By John F. Kennedy

If men and women are in chains anywhere in the world, then freedom is endangered everywhere. — John F. Kennedy

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Victoria Vane

Does misfortune follow you everywhere, Miz Powell?" "Not normally," She pursed the lips that he found increasingly fascinating. "Why do you ask?"
"Because I'm thinking it might be prudent for me to increase my insurance before I drive you anywhere. — Victoria Vane

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Kirsty Logan

We don't belong anywhere, because we can belong everywhere. — Kirsty Logan

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Emma Watson

People who are close to me know, they so know that there were days when I was so tired that I would fall asleep anywhere. The onset photographer has pictures of me falling asleep everywhere. Like on chairs, on the floor, in the middle of a set, all curled up. There were times when crew members didn't know where to find me, but they knew I'd be curled up in a ball somewhere. — Emma Watson

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Alex Winter

I take a lot from everywhere. I take from music, architecture, novels, and plays. Anywhere that hits you. — Alex Winter

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By James Rebanks

When we call it 'our' landscape, we mean it as a physical and intellectual reality. There is nothing chosen about it. This landscape is our home and we rarely stray far from it, or endure anywhere else for long before returning. This may seem like a lack of imagination or adventure, but I don't care. I love this place; for me it is the beginning and the end of everything, and everywhere else feels like nowhere. — James Rebanks

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Come with me," she said. "Stay with me. Be with me. See everything with me. I have traveled the world and seen so much, but there is so much more, and no one I would rather see it with than you. I would go everywhere and anywhere with you, Jem Carstairs. — Cassandra Clare

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Sophia Lyon Fahs

We are resolved to protect individual freedom of belief. This freedom must include the child as well as the parent. The freedom for which we stand is not freedom of belief as we please, ... not freedom to evade responsibility, ... but freedom to be honest in speech and action, freedom to respect one's own integrity of thought and feeling, freedom to question, to investigate, to try, to understand life and the universe in which life abounds, freedom to search anywhere and everywhere to find the meaning of Being, freedom to experiment with new ways of living that seem better than the old. — Sophia Lyon Fahs

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By H.G.Wells

Armament should be an illegality everywhere, and some sort of international force should patrol a treaty-bound world. Partial armament is one of those absurdities dear to moderate-minded 'reasonable' men. Armament itself is making war. Making a gun, pointing a gun, and firing it are all acts of the same order. It should be illegal to construct anywhere upon earth any mechanism for the specific purpose of killing men. When you see a gun it is reasonable to ask: 'Whom is that intended to kill?' — H.G.Wells

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Ming Cher

Former spider boys came from all walks of life - they ranged from homeless street kids and school dropouts to decent kids, but the best ones were those who had gone anywhere and everywhere to search out and capture their fighting spiders; they even ventured into dangerous bushes infested with black mambas. These boys were risk-takers and crowd-pullers, always on the move, always looking for worthy opponents with which to fight their spiders. — Ming Cher

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By E.B. White

Television hangs on the questionable theory that whatever happens anywhere should be sensed everywhere. If everyone is going to be able to see everything, in the long run all sights may lose whatever rarity value they once possessed, and it may well turn out that people, being able to see and hear practically everything, will be specially interested in almost nothing. — E.B. White

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Edward Abbey

There are some good things to be said about walking. Not many, but some. Walking takes longer, for example, than any other known form of locomotion except crawling. Thus it stretches time and prolongs life. Life is already too short to waste on speed. I have a friend who's always in a hurry; he never gets anywhere. Walking makes the world much bigger and thus more interesting. You have time to observe the details. The utopian technologists foresee a future for us in which distance is annihilated. ... To be everywhere at once is to be nowhere forever, if you ask me. — Edward Abbey

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Coretta Scott King

I still hear people say that I should not be talking about the rights of lesbian and gay people and I should stick to the issue of racial justice. But I hasten to remind them that Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.' I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream to make room at the table of brother- and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people. — Coretta Scott King

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By George Washington

The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good. — George Washington

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Henry Miller

To walk in money through the night crowd, protected by money, lulled by money, dulled by money, the crowd itself a money, the breath money, no least single object anywhere that is not money. Money, money everywhere and still not enough! And then no money, or a little money, or less money, or more money but money always money. and if you have money, or you don't have money, it is the money that counts, and money makes money, but what makes money make money? — Henry Miller

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Jean Baudrillard

Terrorism, like viruses, is everywhere. There is a global perfusion of terrorism, which accompanies any system of domination as though it were its shadow, ready to activate itself anywhere, like a double agent. — Jean Baudrillard

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Shelly Crane

I want to ... go everywhere, see everything. I want to go with you anywhere you'll take me ... and I want you to want to take me with you. — Shelly Crane

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By John F. Kerry

Gender based violence anywhere is a threat to peace and security everywhere. — John F. Kerry

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Jeri Smith-Ready

He knelt and slowly ran his hand down my arm, his lids heavy and his lips parted. "Aura ... where can I touch you?"
His hand left my arm and drifted to the rise of my hip bone. "And where can I kiss you?"
I took a deep breath, long past ready for the future. "Everywhere. — Jeri Smith-Ready

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Ricky Williams

Everywhere I go, I hear 'Welcome back.' But everywhere I have been, I have always been with myself. I'm with myself now more than ever. It's funny people say 'Welcome back' when I haven't gone anywhere. — Ricky Williams

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Susan Scott

What matters anywhere in your organization, matters everywhere in your organization. — Susan Scott

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Maya Angelou

I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they're stones that don't matter. As long as you're breathing, it's never too late to do some good. — Maya Angelou

Everywhere Anywhere Quotes By Jameson Fitzpatrick

We must love one another whether or not we die.
Love can't block a bullet
but it can't be destroyed by one either,
and love is, for the most part, what makes Us Us -
in Orlando and in Brooklyn and in Kabul.
We will be everywhere, always;
there's nowhere else for Us, or you, to go.
Anywhere you run in this world, love will be there to greet you.
Around any corner, there might be two men. Kissing. — Jameson Fitzpatrick