Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Everything Matters

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Top Everything Matters Quotes

Everything Matters Quotes By Simon Sinek

Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything - for better or for worse. — Simon Sinek

Everything Matters Quotes By Walt Disney

Everything that matters to we can work out as expected, in the event that we have the strength to seek after them. — Walt Disney

Everything Matters Quotes By Susan Sontag

I don't intend to let my intellect dominate me, and the last thing I want to do is worship knowledge or people who have knowledge! I don't give a damn for anyone's aggregation of facts, except that it be a reflection [of] basic sensitivity which I do demand ... I intend to do everything ... to have one way of evaluating experience - does it cause me pleasure or pain and I shall be very cautious about rejecting the painful - I shall anticipate pleasure everything and find it, too, for it is everywhere! I shall involve myself wholly ... everything matters! The only thing I resign is the power to resign, to retreat: the acceptance of sameness and the intellect. I am alive ... I am beautiful ... what else is there? — Susan Sontag

Everything Matters Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Some burns," Clary said. "Nothing that matters"
"Everything that happens to you matters to me."
"Well that certainly explains why you haven't called me back once. And the last time I saw you, you ran away without telling me why. It's like dating a ghost."
Jace's mouth quirked up slightly at the side. "Not exactly. Isabelle actually dated a ghost. She could tell you
"No," Clary said. "It was a metaphor. And you know exactly what I mean. — Cassandra Clare

Everything Matters Quotes By Carlos Castaneda

Death is the only wise advisor that we have. Whenever you feel, as you always do, that everything is going wrong and you're about to be annihilated, turn to your death and ask if that is so. Your death will tell you that you're wrong; that nothing really matters outside its touch. Your death will tell you, 'I haven't touched you yet. — Carlos Castaneda

Everything Matters Quotes By Jack McDevitt

I don't think I'd have wanted to be around during a dark age. It's odd, though. They had interstellar flight. And data retrieval and everything." Gabe nodded. "None of it matters if you have an unstable society and tin-pot dictators. They had several hundred years of economic collapse. Widespread poverty. A few people at the top had all the money and influence. They had terrible overpopulation, struggles over water and resources. Civil wars. And widespread illiteracy." The thirty-second to the thirty-ninth century. "It's a wonder we survived. — Jack McDevitt

Everything Matters Quotes By Robertson Davies

These matters require what I think of as the Shakespearean cast of thought. That is to say, a fine credulity about everything, kept in check by a lively skepticism about everything ... It keeps you constantly alert to every possibility. — Robertson Davies

Everything Matters Quotes By Francis Chan

In the movie of life, nothing matters except our King and God. Don't let yourself forget. Soak it in and keep remembering that it is true. He is everything. — Francis Chan

Everything Matters Quotes By Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Because instant and credible information has to be given, it becomes necessary to resort to guesswork, rumors and suppositions to fill in the voids, and none of them will ever be rectified, they will stay on in the readers' memory. How many hasty, immature, superficial and misleading judgments are expressed every day, confusing readers, without any verification. The press can both simulate public opinion and miseducate it. Thus we may see terrorists heroized, or secret matters, pertaining to one's nation's defense, publicly revealed, or we may witness shameless intrusion on the privacy of well-known people under the slogan: "everyone is entitled to know everything." But this is a false slogan, characteristic of a false era: people also have the right not to know, and it is a much more valuable one. The right not to have their divine souls stuffed with gossip, nonsense, vain talk. A person who works and leads a meaningful life does not need this excessive burdening flow of information. — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Everything Matters Quotes By Angela Louise McGurk

You never understood it, did you?" I ask him softly and surprisingly without accusation. "Despite any evidence to the contrary I do love you just as much as I loved him. Everything I would have sacrificed to save him I'll willingly sacrifice for you."
"You don't need to do this to prove you love me," he tells me urgently.
Inexplicably under the circumstances his answer irritates me more than Donal's snort of mocking laughter. "Don't you do that Tulloch Sullivan, don't you try and make this about me trying to prove something. I shouldn't have to prove it. You can feel what I feel even if you don't believe it. I'm trying to save your life, nothing more than that, because you are the only thing that matters to me. — Angela Louise McGurk

Everything Matters Quotes By Marc Parent

Committing to a level you'll never attain may sound ridiculous, and it is. It's a form of insanity
something also known as life. Everything moves forward or dies. Whether or not you actually move forward is irrelevant. What matters is that you never stop trying. — Marc Parent

Everything Matters Quotes By Richard Thaler

A good rule of thumb is to assume that everything matters. — Richard Thaler

Everything Matters Quotes By Chris Patten

You don't have to wait until people say they accept everything you say until you are actually prepared to sit down and discuss matters with them. — Chris Patten

Everything Matters Quotes By Lyudmila Ulitskaya

When I was young I believed people should be told everything and that, as a pastor, I had a duty to share all my knowledge. Over the years I came to see that was a mistake. A person may know only what they are capable of assimilating. I have been thinking about this for half my life, and especially since I have been in Israel, but there are few people I can confide in. Really only you. You see, it is a terrible thing to disturb someone's equilibrium. If a person has become accustomed to thinking in a particular way, even a slight digression from that can prove painful. Not everybody is open to new ideas, to making their understanding more precise and supplementing it, to change. I have to admit that I am changing. Today my views on many matters have diverged from those generally accepted in the Catholic world, and I am not the only person in that situation. "You see, the birth of the One whom — Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Everything Matters Quotes By Dorothy Gilman

Everything matters terribly to children, you know, they're fresh and unformed ... — Dorothy Gilman

Everything Matters Quotes By Jennifer L. Scott

But even though our old home had physically seen better days, I knew in that moment that we had taken the soul of that house with us to our new home. And as I branched out and left our small town, I'd taken all the best bits of home life - the essence of its soul - with me wherever I went. It's the soul that matters most, after all. And even though over the years I've lived in everything from a cramped dorm room at school to a grand apartment in Paris and finally to our family town home in Santa Monica, I have taken the soul of home with me, wherever I am. — Jennifer L. Scott

Everything Matters Quotes By Russell Brand

I've learned that it is important to be beautiful to people. That all that matters is that you are lovely to the people around you and the people that you meet. It doesn't matter if you're a show off or a little bit vain, as long as you're good to your mum, and that you're kind, and that you're lovely. And that everything is transient and superficial and to not get attached to material things because you're going to lose it all. And the only thing that is constant is love. — Russell Brand

Everything Matters Quotes By Tijan

Everything about you matters: the breath you breathe, the tears you cry, the smiles you give, the sound of your laughter, how your mind thinks, the values you hold dear. — Tijan

Everything Matters Quotes By Sam Altman

The hard part of running a business is that there are a hundred things that you could be doing, and only five of those actually matter, and only one of them matters more than all of the rest of them combined. So figuring out there is a critical path thing to focus on and ignoring everything else is really important. — Sam Altman

Everything Matters Quotes By Joey W. Hill

I know who I am, my lady, and what matters and what doesn't. I want to be with you. That's one of the real things that matter. That's worth everything else. — Joey W. Hill

Everything Matters Quotes By Nick Hornby

I don't really know why it matters so much. Ian could be better at talking than me, or cooking, or working, or housework, or saving money, or earning money, or spending money, or understanding books or films; he could be nicer than me, better-looking, more intelligent, cleaner, more generous-spirited, more helpful, a better human being in any way you care to mention ... and I wouldn't really mind. Really. I accept and understand that you can't be good at everything, and I am tragically unskilled in some very important areas. But sex is different; knowing that a successor is better in bed is impossible to take, and I don't know why. — Nick Hornby

Everything Matters Quotes By Julian Barnes

And everything you do, or might achieve thereafter, is thinner, weaker, matters less. There is no echo coming back; no texture, no resonance, no depth of field. — Julian Barnes

Everything Matters Quotes By Fritz Leiber

What matters is that life is good. It has a lovely texture, like some rich cloth or fur, or the petals of flowers, and everything else worthwhile. And that's as true for the last man as the first. — Fritz Leiber

Everything Matters Quotes By Jenn Shelton

I thought, man, if you could run 100 miles, you'd be in this Zen state. You'd be the f**king Buddha. Bringing peace and a smile to the world. In my case, it didn't work. I'm the same old punk ass as ever. But there's always this hope that it'll turn you into the person you want to be. You know, like a better, more peaceful person. And when I'm out on a long run, the only thing in life that matters is finishing the run. For once, my brain isn't going 'bleh bleh bleh bleh.' Everything just quiets down, and the only thing going on is pure flow — Jenn Shelton

Everything Matters Quotes By Eugene H. Peterson

As long as matters are really hopeful," wrote Chesterton, "hope is mere flattery or platitude. It is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength at all. Like all the Christian virtues, it is as unreasonable as it is indispensable. — Eugene H. Peterson

Everything Matters Quotes By Jay Asher

In the end....everything matters. — Jay Asher

Everything Matters Quotes By Kathleen Winsor

Everything matters, but nothing matters very much. — Kathleen Winsor

Everything Matters Quotes By Jay Crownover

I will make THIS worthwhile. I will make THIS enough until we can tackle more. THIS matters, whatever it is, and for now THIS is everything, okay? — Jay Crownover

Everything Matters Quotes By Katja Millay

Maybe I don't blame myself for what happened, but when they tell you that something was completely and utterly random, they're also telling you something else. That nothing you do matters. It doesn't matter if you do everything right, if you dress the right way and act the right way and follow the rules, because evil will find you anyway. Evil's resourceful that way. — Katja Millay

Everything Matters Quotes By Gary Keller

Not everything matters equally, and success isn't a game won by whoever does the most. Yet that is exactly how most play it on a daily basis. — Gary Keller

Everything Matters Quotes By Ezra Taft Benson

Selfishness is one of the more common faces of pride. 'How everything affects me' is the center of all that matters - self-conceit, self-pity, worldly self-fulfillment, self-gratification, and self-seeking. — Ezra Taft Benson

Everything Matters Quotes By Cassie Nichols

When it comes to the college essay, feel free to break some rules. Many still apply, of course: you need to watch your grammar and spell everything correctly. Sentence structure still matters. But the formula that got you A's in English can be a straitjacket when you're writing your college essay. — Cassie Nichols

Everything Matters Quotes By Brandon Mull

Nothing matters more than what happens in our minds," Trillian said. "Your experiences in what you consider your real life in the real world only exist in your mind and in the minds of others. The mind is everything. And dreams are the playground of the mind. — Brandon Mull

Everything Matters Quotes By Kayt C. Peck

When everything is said and done, the only thing that really matters is the quality of the soul you build during the life you're given. — Kayt C. Peck

Everything Matters Quotes By Jennifer Ryan

That's the same thing I imagine every parent faces when they have a child. You'll be great, Kate. Because it matters to you, you'll do your best to be everything he needs. — Jennifer Ryan

Everything Matters Quotes By Christine Caine

I have realized that nothing else matters besides this:
Am I doing everything God has put me on this earth to do? — Christine Caine

Everything Matters Quotes By Richard Yates

I seem to have to lost confidence in just about everything else. I've come to believe that only a very, very few matters in the world can ever be trusted to make sense. — Richard Yates

Everything Matters Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Non-co-operation enables us to show that in everything that matters we can be independent of the Government. — Mahatma Gandhi

Everything Matters Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

Writing is both bomb and bomb disposal-a necessary shattering of cliche and assumption, and a powerful defusing of the soul-destroying messages of modern life (that nothing matters, nothing changes, money is everything, etc). Writing is a state of being as well as an act of doing. — Jeanette Winterson

Everything Matters Quotes By Jason Luke

A good Master can be standing in a crowd or standing on a bright sunny beach. It shouldn't matter. When he speaks, it is everything he stands for and represents that induces the woman to obey him. All the fancy props, all of the intimidating atmosphere in the world can't make a good Master, and nor can it compel a woman to obedience. The man is all that matters. — Jason Luke

Everything Matters Quotes By Hope Estheim

Sometimes everything you know in the world turns out to be a lie. But at the end of the day the lie isn't what matters, it's what you do after you tell it. If you work hard enough you can make it true. — Hope Estheim

Everything Matters Quotes By Daphne Du Maurier

I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that freedom is the only thing that matters to me at all. Also utter irresponsibility! Never to have to obey any laws or rules, only certain standards one sets for oneself. I want to revolt, as an individual, against everything that 'ties.' If only one could live one's life unhampered in any way, not getting in knots and twisting up. There must be a free way, without making a muck of it all. — Daphne Du Maurier

Everything Matters Quotes By Toni Braxton

Cause you mean the world to me, you are my everything;
I swear the only thing that matters, matters to me ... — Toni Braxton

Everything Matters Quotes By Gore Vidal

After all, as educated men, we should realize that myths always stand for other things. They are toys for children teething. The man knows that the toy horse is not a true horse but merely suggests the idea of a horse to a baby's mind. When we pray before the statue of Zeus, though the statue contains him as everything must, the statue is not the god himself but only a suggestion of him. Surely, as fellow priests, we can be frank with one another about these grown-up matters. — Gore Vidal

Everything Matters Quotes By Danny Glover

Yes, (Bush is a) racist. We all knew that but the world is only finding it out now. As Texas's governor, Bush led a penitentiary system that executed more people than all the other U.S. states together. And most of the people who died from (the) death penalty were Afro-Americans or Hispanics. (Bush) promoted a Conservative program, designed to eliminate everything Americans had accomplished so far in matters of race and equality. — Danny Glover

Everything Matters Quotes By Riley Murphy

Ted Basel to Jo Nehr, in Required Surrender, He kissed her shoulder. "Forget the rest of the world while you're here with me. It's only you and I because no one else matters." He fisted a hand her hair and the firm tugged got her blood singing. "I'll never judge you. Everything you do, you do for me. For my pleasure, remember that. — Riley Murphy

Everything Matters Quotes By Swami Vivekananda

Anything that is secret and mysterious in this system of Yoga should be at once rejected. The best guide in life is strength. In spirituality, as in all other matters, discard everything that weakens you. Have nothing to do with it. Mystery-mongering weakens the human brain. It has well-nigh destroyed Yoga, one of the grandest of sciences — Swami Vivekananda

Everything Matters Quotes By Socrates

...[T]hese people... are my dangerous accusers; because those who hear them suppose that anyone who inquires into such matters... theories about the heavens... and everything below the earth... must be an atheist. — Socrates

Everything Matters Quotes By Robert R. Walsh

...nothing is settled...everything matters. — Robert R. Walsh

Everything Matters Quotes By Wm. Paul Young

If anything matters then everything matters. Because you are important, everything you do is important. Every time you forgive, the universe changes; every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes; with every kindness and service, seen or unseen, my purposes are accomplished and nothing will be the same again. — Wm. Paul Young

Everything Matters Quotes By Charlotte Stein

Do you think you are so very hard to read? Perhaps no one has ever bothered before, and this has led you to believe you are inscrutable. But no, I think not. I think it is more likely that these other people are lazy. You take a lot of studying and so they let you pass them by, even though everything you do says so much. You hide when you don't want to; you hang up when you want to complete the call. You deny the things you feel the most and admit what matters least. My little study in opposites, are you not? Heart on her sleeve, though she would say it was only the pattern of the piece of clothing she was wearing. — Charlotte Stein

Everything Matters Quotes By Robert A.F. Thurman

To become enlightened is not just to slip into some disconnected euphoria, an oceanic feeling of mystic oneness apart from ordinary reality. It is not even to come up with a solution, a sort of formula to control reality. Rather, it is an experience of release from all compulsions and sufferings, combined with a precise awareness of any relevent subject of knowledge. Having attained enlightenment one knows everything that matters, and the precise nature of all that is. — Robert A.F. Thurman

Everything Matters Quotes By Hermann Bondi

The scientist ... must always be prepared to deal with the unknown. It is an essential part of science that you should be able to describe matters in a way where you can say something without knowing everything. — Hermann Bondi

Everything Matters Quotes By Sylvia Boorstein

Every single act we do has the potential of causing pain, and every single thing we do has consequences that echo way beyond what we can imagine. It doesn't mean we shouldn't act. It means we should act carefully. Everything matters [p. 41]. — Sylvia Boorstein

Everything Matters Quotes By Dara Horn

I mean that we control the way we remember the past, and that's what matters in the present. We choose what is worthy of our memory. We should probably be grateful that we can't remember everything as God does, because if we did, we would find it impossible to forgive anyone. The limit of human memory encourages humility. — Dara Horn

Everything Matters Quotes By Hal Elrod

The moment you take 100 percent responsibility for everything in your life is the same moment you claim your power to change anything in your life. However, the crucial distinction is to realize that taking responsibility is not the same thing as accepting blame. while blame determines who is at fault for something, responsibility determines who is committed to improving a situation. It rarely matters who is at fault. All that matters is that you are committed to improving your situation. — Hal Elrod

Everything Matters Quotes By Nic Sheff

What's glamorous is being a good father, a good husband, a good fucking dog owner. That's what I care about today. That's what matters. I will devote everything to that. And I will succeed. Because I cannot fall down again. I will not fall down again. I mean, I don't have to fall. None of us have to fall. We don't all fall down. We don't. So I'm over this drug shit. It's done. And this is my last recovery memoir ever. — Nic Sheff

Everything Matters Quotes By Andy Andrews

Everything you do matters. Every move you make, every action you take ... matters. Not just to you, or your family, or your business or hometown. Everything you do matters to all of us forever. — Andy Andrews

Everything Matters Quotes By Kareena Kapoor Khan

One should eat everything especially healthy and not junk food. I don't like the idea of starving. I would eat and burn it out in gym. The amount of intake is what matters. — Kareena Kapoor Khan

Everything Matters Quotes By Christopher McDougall

When I'm out on a long run," she continued, "the only thing in life that matters is finishing the run. For once, my brain isn't going blehblehbleh all the time. Everything quiets down, and the only thing going on is pure flow. It's jus time and the movement and the motion.That's what love
just being a barbarian, running through the woods. — Christopher McDougall

Everything Matters Quotes By Richard Carrier

For not even one person to have ever exhibited this interest in writing nor for any to have so satisfied it is bizarre. Saying this all went on in person is simply insufficient to answer the point: if everything was being resolved in person, Paul would never have written a single letter; nor would his congregations have so often written him letters requesting he write to satisfy their questions - which for some reason always concerned only doctrine and rules of conduct, never the far more interesting subject of how the Son of God lived and died. On the other matters Paul was compelled to write tens of thousands of words. If he had to write so much on those issues, how is it possible no one ever asked for or wrote even one word on the more obvious and burning issues of the facts of Jesus' life and death? — Richard Carrier

Everything Matters Quotes By Margaret Thatcher

Of course you have a duty to show the disfigurations of society as well as its more agreeable aspects. But if TV in the western world uses its freedom continually to show all that is worst in our society, while the centrally controlled television of the Communist world and the dictatorships show only what is judged advantageous to them and suppress everything else, how are the uncommitted to judge between us? How can they fail to misjudge if they view matters only through a distorted mirror? — Margaret Thatcher

Everything Matters Quotes By Philippa Gregory

It matters not at all that I do not want to marry, that I am afraid of the wedding, afraid of consummating the marriage, afraid of childbirth, afraid of everything about being a wife. Nobody even asks if I have lost my childhood sense of vocation, if I still want to be a nun. Nobody cares what I think at all. They treat me like an ordinary young woman, bred for wedding and bedding, and since they do not ask me what I think, nor observe what I feel, there is nothing that gives them pause at all. — Philippa Gregory

Everything Matters Quotes By Amartya Sen

Virtually everything we do is dependent on others, from the arts and culture to farmers who grow the food we eat. Quite a lot of the differences that make us rich and poor are matters just of luck. To somehow revel in one's privilege would be a mistake. An even bigger mistake would be trying to convert that into a theory that the rich are so much more productive than many of us. — Amartya Sen

Everything Matters Quotes By Jonathan Sacks

When everything that matters can be bought and sold, when commitments can be broken because they are no longer to our advantage, when shopping becomes salvation and advertising slogans become our litany, when our worth is measured by how much we earn and spend, then the market is destroying the very virtues on which in the long run it depends. — Jonathan Sacks

Everything Matters Quotes By Shivam Singh

I think I am at that stage of Life now where Success or Failure, nothing Bothers me. If I get little success then I get lots of rejections and failures on a regular basis too. But none of that bothers me at all. I can take failure as sportingly without getting bothered as I take success. And this is how my life has drastically changed in last one year or something. I don't do things anymore to please people around me and all I care about is If I am happy being where I am and I am enjoying doing what I am doing or not. I may not be where I want to be yet but I am Happy.This is what matters in Life. Isn't it? Find what you love. Sooner or Later but you need to find one day, and once you find, give your everything to it. There may be many failures and rejections on the way but you will reach where you want to be some day and most importantly, you will be happy and in Peace with where you are. — Shivam Singh

Everything Matters Quotes By Rachael Taylor

Falling in love, romance, matters of the heart - when you fall in love, on some biochemical level you know there is a chance it won't work out. It's ingrained in us that if you take such an enormous risk on someone with your heart that it might not pay off. I gamble all my chips and I might actually lose everything. — Rachael Taylor

Everything Matters Quotes By Christine Feehan

I need you, Desari. I was empty without you. And that kind of emptiness eats away at you, consumes you until your soul is dark and ugly and all that matters is sating your hunger. But nothing fills the void.Nothing. Year after year you endure the emptiness until life itself is a curse hardly to be borne. And all the while the darkness, the beast in you whispers, an insidious whisper promising power from the kill,promises that wear away your belief in God,in all the things that are right and true and good.The monster inside you,so black and hungry for life, grows and grows until it has consumed everything you ever were. That is the curse born by Carpathian males, Desari. — Christine Feehan

Everything Matters Quotes By Chuck Klosterman

If Elvis ..is the definition of rock, then rock is remembered as showbiz ... It becomes a solely performative art form, where the meaning of a song matters less than the person singing it. It becomes personality music ... if Dylan ... becomes the definition of rock, everything reverses. In this contingency, lyrical authenticity becomes everything: Rock is galvanized as an intellectual craft, interlocked with the folk tradition ... The fact that Dylan does not have a conventionally "good" singing voice becomes retrospective proof that rock audiences prioritized substance over style ... — Chuck Klosterman

Everything Matters Quotes By Louise Penny

They stole the files of everyone who was involved in the raid. Who came to you for help. Who told you everything. All their fears, their vulnerabilities. What they want from life. What matters to them. A road map in their heads. — Louise Penny

Everything Matters Quotes By Eric Marier

Who the hell are you?" "It doesn't matter who I am. It just matters who you are. Years ago... before you were born... you were my mother." His mother? "I'm taking down your license plate and calling the police." "Kate, is everything okay?" It was Mr. Niles, their neighbor, still in a suit, his tie undone as he walked across his own lawn. Kate sized the old man. "Go." "Does the name Daniel Weaver mean something to you?" Daniel fucking what? "I said go." "Your friend Kev. Do you know who he really is?" Another chill. This one making her quiver. "He's not my friend." She searched the man's eyes. They remained kind. "Get lost." The man entered his car, and Kate watched as he started his engine, making sure he drove off. — Eric Marier

Everything Matters Quotes By Odd Nerdrum

The point is that only one thing matters in this world, to prepare oneself for death. One can try to be as comfortable as possible until one dies ... Because being comfortable does not have any meaning either. It just does not. Everything is only a big meaninglessness that one must bear. — Odd Nerdrum

Everything Matters Quotes By Mike Pence

When I was young, I watched my mom and dad build everything that matters: a family, a business and a good name. I was raised to believe in hard work, in faith and family. My dad, Ed Pence, was a combat veteran in Korea. — Mike Pence

Everything Matters Quotes By Afzal Hoosen Elias

Remember the favour of Allaah to you and the Book (Quraan) and wisdom (laws of the Quraan and Ahadeeth) which He has revealed to you, giving you advice through them (show your gratitude by obeying all His commands). Fear Allaah (in all matters) and know that surely Allaah is Aware of everything (and will call you to account for all your actions). — Afzal Hoosen Elias

Everything Matters Quotes By J.D. Robb

Eve (to Roarke): Whatever happened to me back in Dallas, I came out of it. I'm standing here because of it. Maybe I have everything that matters to me, including you, because of it. If that's true, I'd go through it all again. I'd go through every minute of the hell to have you, to have my badge, to have this life. — J.D. Robb

Everything Matters Quotes By Sarah Ferguson

You telephoned me every evening. I was very grateful to you. Sometimes we would talk for five or ten minutes, and sometimes for three-quarters of an hour. I liked to be in bed before you rant at ten o'clock, and I always asked if everything was all right. Of course things were not, and never will be all right, but you were all right with me. That is what matters throughout the whole of the world. "You are all right with me." (22) — Sarah Ferguson

Everything Matters Quotes By Denise Austin

You don't have to do everything; just do what really matters. — Denise Austin

Everything Matters Quotes By Stace Lee


It's okay to be different
It's up to you to be magnificent
You are the one that matters
Don't allow yourself to be shattered
Do allow yourself to silence the noise
Feel everything including the joys
Beastly doesn't have to be ugly
It's up to you to make it lovely — Stace Lee

Everything Matters Quotes By Kimberly Giles

Your life will always be the perfect classroom journey for you and every experience that shows up in your journey is here to serve you. There is meaning and purpose behind everything that happens. There are no accidents which means your suffering through difficulties is never for nothing. Your life matters and everything you experience matters. Your trials are there to help you become a better person and trusting this is truth will take some of the sting out of them. Suffering becomes more bearable if it at least counts for something. — Kimberly Giles

Everything Matters Quotes By Brenda Novak

learn pretty damn fast that everything else is smoke and mirrors. Fame. Money. Success. You realize that life is fleeting and family's what it's all about. It's the only thing that matters. — Brenda Novak

Everything Matters Quotes By Shireen Violett

Everything in existence matters - all the pieces of the puzzle are important whether great or small, the flap of a butterfly wing affects all."
-Shireen Violett — Shireen Violett

Everything Matters Quotes By George R R Martin

As for 'too much description,' well, opinions differ. We write the books we want to read. And I want to read books that are richly textured and full of sensory detail, books that make me feel as if I am experiencing a story, not just reading it. Plot is only one aspect of telling a tale, and not the most important one. It is the journey that matters, not how fast you arrrive at the destination.
That's my view, anyway. Others writers differ, of course. There are hundreds of books where everything is subordinate to advancing the plot, some of them quite fine, but my work has never been about that, and never will be. — George R R Martin

Everything Matters Quotes By Douglas Rushkoff

Once everyone is connected to everyone and everything else, nothing matters anymore. If everyone in the world is your Facebook friend, then why have any Facebook friends at all? We're back where we started. The ultimate complexity is just another entropy. — Douglas Rushkoff

Everything Matters Quotes By Donna Tartt

But does it make any sense at all to know that it ends badly for all of us, even the happiest of us, and that we all lose everything that matters in the end-and yet to know as well, despite all this, as cruelly as the game is stacked, that it's possible to play it with a kind of joy?
To try to make some meaning out of all this seems unbelievably quaint. Maybe I only see a pattern because I've been staring too long. But then again, to paraphrase Boris, maybe I see a pattern because it's there. — Donna Tartt

Everything Matters Quotes By Virginia H. Pearce

Truth matters. Everything we can do to find, feed, and strengthen it is worth the effort. — Virginia H. Pearce

Everything Matters Quotes By Gabriel Zaid

Preserving everything is a form of negligence that causes a new kind of damage: the loss of what matters in a glut of the insignificant. To preserve everything is to lose everything. — Gabriel Zaid

Everything Matters Quotes By Lisa Wingate

I wrote about the rush of love, the changing of a woman into a mother - a process that happened without conscious thought, as if the heart knew what the mind and body took time to learn. Love is the one thing that matters. That makes everything else matter. That makes everything worthwhile. — Lisa Wingate

Everything Matters Quotes By Pope John Paul II

What really matters in life is that we are loved by Christ and that we love Him in return. In comparison to the love of Jesus, everything else is secondary. And, without the love of Jesus, everything is useless. — Pope John Paul II

Everything Matters Quotes By Robyn Schneider

I still think that everyone's life, no matter how unremarkable, has a singular tragic encounter after which everything that really matters will happen. That moment is the catalyst - the first step in the equation. But knowing the first step will get you nowhere - it's what comes after that determines the result. — Robyn Schneider

Everything Matters Quotes By Hina Hashmi

It's not possible to see everything physically. If you need more money you need to tap into the higher vibration. You will be amazed once the manifestation starts. — Hina Hashmi

Everything Matters Quotes By Wallace Stevens

It matters, because everything we say
Of the past is description without place, a cast
Of the imagination, made in sound;
And because what we say of the future must portend,
Be alive with its own seemings, seeming to be
Like rubies reddened by rubies reddening. — Wallace Stevens

Everything Matters Quotes By Brene Brown

A small, quiet, grassroots movement that starts with each of us saying, "My story matters because I matter." A movement where we can take to the streets with our messy, imperfect, wild, stretch-marked, wonderful, heartbreaking, grace-filled, and joyful lives. A movement fueled by the freedom that comes when we stop pretending that everything is okay when it isn't. A call that rises up from our bellies when we find the courage to celebrate those intensely joyful moments even though we've convinced ourselves that savoring happiness is inviting disaster. Revolution — Brene Brown

Everything Matters Quotes By Veronica Roth

Genes aren't everything," Amar says. "People, even genetically damaged people, make choices. That's what matters. — Veronica Roth

Everything Matters Quotes By Rajneesh

Live in the world without any idea of what is going to happen. Whether you are going to be a winner or a loser, it doesn't matter. Death takes everything away. Whether you lose or win is immaterial. The only thing that matters, and has always been, is how you played the game. Did you enjoy it? - the game itself - then each moment is of joy. You never sacrifice the moment for the future. — Rajneesh

Everything Matters Quotes By E.F. Schumacher

The truly educated man is not a man who knows a bit of everything, not even a man who knows all the details of all subjects (if such a thing were possible). The whole man in fact may have little detailed knowledge of facts and theories ... but he will be truly in touch with the centre. He will not be in doubt about his basic convictions, about his own view on the meaning and purpose of life. He may not be able to explain these matters in words, but the conduct of his life will show a certain sureness of touch which stems from his inner clarity. — E.F. Schumacher

Everything Matters Quotes By Jonathan Hull

You can't expect people to dwell on the fact that they'll ultimately lose everything they have and love."
"Why not? It might make them think about what really matters."
"What does really matter?" I asked.
"Having someone to love. Being compassionate. Being fully alive everyday so that you really see and hear and smell and feel things."... — Jonathan Hull

Everything Matters Quotes By Stephanie Klein

Here's what I've learned about "soon"; it's short for "someday." We make space in our lives for what matters, now. Not in promises and soons, but on mantels with sterling frames, in shelves we clear to make room for our now. Everything else i talk. — Stephanie Klein

Everything Matters Quotes By Denise Grover Swank

Everything just feels so right when I'm with you, Scarlett. I can be me. But it's more than that. You give me something I haven't had in a long time, if ever. You give me peace. It's like the jumbled mess in my head can settle down, and I can be still with you. Like none of the other stuff matters." His voice catches, and he swallows. "I had a bad day and usually I'd get shitfaced drunk, but the only thing I could think of was I had to see you. — Denise Grover Swank

Everything Matters Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Everything that happens to you matters to me. — Cassandra Clare

Everything Matters Quotes By David Almond

You've got all these weird forces in you, but you feel unsatisfied, empty, unfinished. You feel like everything that matters is a million miles and a million years away, and yes it might come to you but no it bliddy mightn't. It'll be like an unreachable constellation of the stars. And nothing will happen, ever. And you'll never be anything, ever. — David Almond