Famous Quotes & Sayings

Enmasse Quotes & Sayings

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Top Enmasse Quotes

Enmasse Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

I think tonight's the night I will hang Howard W. Campbell Jr., for crimes against himself... They say that a hanging man hears gorgeous music. Too bad that I, like my father, unlike my musical mother, am tone-deaf. All the same I hope the tune that I'm about to hear is not Bing Crosby's 'White Christmas — Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Enmasse Quotes By Dick Costolo

As a leader, you need to care deeply, deeply about your people while not worrying or really even caring about what they think about you. Managing by trying to be liked is the path to ruin. — Dick Costolo

Enmasse Quotes By Mason Cooley

The worship of Mammon may be vulgar or immoral, but it persists while other religions falter and disappear. — Mason Cooley

Enmasse Quotes By Kevin McCarthy

I met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, visited our allies in the Arab Gulf, traveled to Tunisia and Iraq, met with President Petro Poroshenko in Ukraine, and visited our allies in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. — Kevin McCarthy

Enmasse Quotes By Mike Shinoda

Right now, when it comes to making an album, we really want to give our fans just Linkin Park. We don't want to water it down with anything else or confuse it with anything else. Meteora is just us and that's where our focus has been. So hopefully the fans can enjoy that. — Mike Shinoda

Enmasse Quotes By Mark Warner

Virginia 's tax system needs to be fixed. The time to act is now. Do not send me any more studies. Do not send me another piecemeal approach that confuses tinkering with real reform. — Mark Warner

Enmasse Quotes By Lisa Carlisle

I'd be careful about watching me too closely."
"Why?" She smiled to match the sassy tone in her voice.
The smirk that had lingered on his face dropped away, replaced by a serious expression. "You might not like what you see. — Lisa Carlisle

Enmasse Quotes By J. Michael Straczynski

My philosophy: find what it is you want to say, walk in the room, say it, and get the hell out. — J. Michael Straczynski

Enmasse Quotes By L.J.Smith

And just then Damon stepped out of the coat closet, and at the same time Aunt Maggie tripped him neatly and said, "Bathroom door beside you," and picked up a vase and hit the rising Damon over the head with it. Hard. — L.J.Smith

Enmasse Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

[to Jesus] You did not come down from the cross when they shouted to you, mocking and reviling you: "Come down from the cross and we will believe that it is you." You did not come down because, again, you did not want to enslave man by a miracle and thirsted for faith that is free, not miraculous ... I swear, man is created weaker and baser than you thought him! How, how can he ever accomplish the same things as you? ... Respecting him less, you would have demanded less of him, and that would be closer to love, for his burden would be lighter. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Enmasse Quotes By Jen Lancaster

But there's always a chance she's hiding a flask and a Nixon-esque Enemies List in her pinafore apron, which is exactly why we're such good friends. — Jen Lancaster

Enmasse Quotes By Francine Rivers

I'd rather see your honest pain than a brave front. — Francine Rivers

Enmasse Quotes By Lara Adrian

From this moment forward, we play by our own rules. Whatever it takes, whatever the cost. Our new mission begins now. — Lara Adrian

Enmasse Quotes By Penelope Gilliatt

Prague is like a vertical Venice steps everywhere. — Penelope Gilliatt