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Quotes & Sayings About Elephants From Water For Elephants

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Top Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Richard Bangs

High quality water is more than the dream of the conservationists, more than a political slogan; high quality water, in the right quantity at the right place at the right time, is essential to health, recreation, and economic growth. Of all our planet's activities - geological movements, the reproduction and decay of biota, and even the disruptive propensities of certain species (elephants and humans come to mind) - no force is greater than the hydrologic cycle. — Richard Bangs

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Rawi Hage

I drove through the suburbs, where all the houses looked identical, one variation of another of the same thing. I said to myself, I'd rather fire myself from a cannon, pick up the shit of elephants and eat it, suffocate inside Houdini's water tank, lie beneath the running horses, or sodomise a big cat in a cage and pay the consequences than get trapped in these suburbs of cardboard, gossip, and conformity. — Rawi Hage

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

I look after those who look after me." He smacks his lips, stares at me, and adds, "I also look after those who don't." - Sara Gruen (Water for Elephants) — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Ina May Gaskin

Remember this, for it is as true and true gets: Your body is not a lemon. You are not a machine. The Creator is not a careless mechanic. Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth well as aardvarks, lions, rhinoceri, elephants, moose, and water buffalo. Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body. — Ina May Gaskin

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

The whole thing's illusion, [Jacob], and there's nothing wrong with that. It's what people want from us. It's what they expect. — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

You do right by me, I'll show you a life most suckers can't even dream of. — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Robert Pattinson

It happened while I was filming Water for Elephants in which my partner is Reese Witherspoon. We had a scene with elephants but there were so many paparazzi around that it was scaring the animals and it was impossible to film. Out of the blue, fans, that were waiting for autographs, had enough and circled around the paparazzi. Teens made big guys run away. It was unreal! I was pleased. — Robert Pattinson

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Dr. Seuss

Think! Think and wonder. Wonder and think. How much water can 55 elephants drink? — Dr. Seuss

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Kate Tempest

It's big business baby and its smile is hideous.
Top down violence, structural viciousness.
Your kids are doped up on medical sedatives.
But don't worry bout that. Worry bout terrorists.

The water levels rising! The water levels rising!
The animals, the polarbears, the elephants are dying!
Stop crying. Start buying.
But what about the oil spill?
Shh. No one likes a party pooping spoil sport.

Massacres massacres massacres/new shoes
Ghettoised children murdered in broad daylight by those employed to protect them.
Live porn streamed to your pre-teens bedrooms.
Glass ceiling, no headroom. Half a generation live beneath the breadline. — Kate Tempest

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Chanakya

It is better to live under a tree in a jungle inhabited by tigers and elephants, to maintain oneself in such a place with ripe fruits and spring water, to lie down on grass and to wear the ragged barks of trees than to live amongst one's relations when reduced to poverty. — Chanakya

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

All right. Let's give you something to tell your grandkids about. Or great-grandkids. Or great-great-grandkids."
I snort with glee, delirious with excitement. Charlie winks and pours me another finger's worth of whiskey. Then, on second thought, he tips the bottle again.
I reach out and grab its neck. "Better not," I say. "Don't want to get tipsy and break a hip. — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

When two people are meant to be together, they will be together. It's fate. — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Jill Scott

I had to wear a fat suit to play Mma Ramotswe in 'The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency.' She's described as being like a small elephant, but she loves her body and size. When we were filming in Africa, it was 110F. It was torturous. I drank a lot of water and ate cucumbers all the time, and underneath the fat suit, I shed pounds - I couldn't help it. — Jill Scott

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Pope Gregory I

The Bible is a stream of running water, where alike the elephant may swim, and the lamb walk without losing its feet. — Pope Gregory I

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Tom Robbins

At the bat of your lashes peacocks preen. Peacocks preen, elephants remember, camels go for days without water, and dinosaurs of all types become extinct. — Tom Robbins

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

Life goes on with fragile normalcy. — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

Age is terrible thief. Just when you're getting the hang of life, it knocks your legs out from under you and stoops your back — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By David Crosby

I want to go to Africa and find a really great hotel with good food right above a water hole where I can sit, have breakfast, and just watch the elephants play in the water. — David Crosby

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Richard Dawkins

Different sorts of survival machine appear very varied on the outside and in their internal organs. An octopus is nothing like a mouse, and both are quite different from an oak tree. Yet in their fundamental chemistry they are rather uniform, and, in particular, the replicators that they bear, the genes, are basically the same kind of molecule in all of us - from bacteria to elephants. We are all survival machines for the same kind of replicator - molecules called DNA - but there are many different ways of making a living in the world, and the replicators have built a vast range of machines to exploit them. A monkey is a machine that preserves genes up trees, a fish is a machine that preserves genes in the water; there is even a small worm that preserves genes in German beer mats. DNA works in mysterious ways. — Richard Dawkins

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

I am further back, surrounded on all sides by wailing men, their faces shiny with tears. Uncle Al promised three dollars and a bottle of Canadian whiskey to the man who puts on the best show. You've never seen such grief
even the dogs were howling. — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

It's hard to reconcile this August with the other one. and to be honest I don't try very hard. I've seen flashes of this August before-This brightness, this conviviality, this generosity of spirit-but I know what he's capable of, and I won't forget it. The others can believe what they like, but I don't believe for a second that this is the real August and the other an aberration And yet I can see how they might be fooled- — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Sara Gruen

And then I laugh, because it's so ridiculous and so gorgeous and it's all I an do to not melt into a fit of giggles. So what if I'm ninety-three? So what if I'm ancient and cranky and my body's a wreck? If they're willing to accept me and my guilty conscience, why the hell shouldn't I run away with the circus?
It's like Charlie told the cop. For this old man, this IS home. — Sara Gruen

Elephants From Water For Elephants Quotes By Nathan Reese Maher

Cry no tears for us, my friend." I pry at her fingers, panicking to be released in fear that she may drag me into death with her. She croaks again, "Lend no aches to the dreams of yesterday."
From the corpse of Warren, his greyish gums smack from whatever goo has settled in his mouth, "Allow the tide sweep free the bay."
Then together they sing in zombie choir, "And home the ships sailing send. — Nathan Reese Maher