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Elena And Raphael Quotes & Sayings

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Top Elena And Raphael Quotes

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Venom has taken Naasir's place temporarily." This time, the amusement that shaped Raphael's lips was acute. "My mother called to ask what else I have in my menagerie."
Elena snorted, in no doubt of Caliane's acerbic tone. "Can you blame her? First you send her a tiger creature who eats people he doesn't like, and then a vampire with the eyes and fangs of a viper." She held up a finger. "Oh, and let's not forget the mortal you keep as a pet."
"My mother does not consider you my pet, Elena. She is very kind to pets."
"Oh, ouch! — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

First you throw bread at my head and bow you expect me to be a movie critic- Raphael said to Elena — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

I was hunted once.'
Elena looked up to where she could see Raphael and Michaela talking on a high balcony overlooking the lawn, and wondered if either angel would mind if she simply coldcocked the idiot at her side - she didn't have time to deal with this kind of shit. 'Can't have been too bad if you're still here.'
'My mistress flayed the skin off my back and made it into a purse.'
She wondered how well that info would go down with the faction who ascribed heavenly origins to the angels. 'Yet you serve her even now.' It sounded like something the bitch goddess would do.
The vampire smiled, showed teeth. "It was a very nice purse." Then he finally walked away ...
'Immortality has way too many drawbacks,' she muttered, adding the possibility of becoming a purse to her mental list. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

If that happens to us," she whispered, unable to wrap her mind around the idea of a life so long and so full of tragedy, "if we feel ourselves, who we are together, becoming lost in time, I don't want to Sleep. I want to say good-bye when I'm still me and you're still you. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Cupping his face in her hands, she looked into eyes that had seen thousands of sunrises before she was even a glimmer in the scheme of the universe. "But you have an advantage," she whispered. "You're a little bit human now. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

When you've lived as long as I have," he said, eyes heavy-lidded but definitely on her, "you learn to appreciate new sensations. They are rare in an immortal's life."
She found she'd moved toward him. He hooked her arm around her waist, pulling her closer until she straddled him as he sat on a ledge below the waterline, her legs wrapped around his waist.
He settled her firmly against him.
Sucking in a breath, she said, "Sex isn't new to you," and rocked her heat over the exquisite hardness of him. Good didn't begin to describe how it felt. How he felt.
"No. But you are."
"Never had a hunter before?" She grinned, nibbling on his lower lip.
But he didn't smile. "I've never had Elena before." The words were husky, his eyes so intent she felt owned. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Option 1: Attempt to back out.
Probable result: Death after painful torture.
Option 2: Do the job and hope.
Probable result: Death but probably no torture (good) — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

For the first time in forever, he was stunned to silence. Not by her words, but by the tenderness in her hands, the worry in her eyes. He was an archangel. He'd been wounded far, far worse and shrugged it off. But then, there had been no woman with sun kissed by the sunset and eyes of storm gray to tear into him for daring to get himself hurt. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

If I were to splay you out on my desk and thrust my fingers into you right now, I think I'd find different. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Thought you were
Raphael said
'I said, no way in hell
'Damn straight
and Ransom was ready to come
woke up and I had wings! — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

The Cascade happens and Neha calls fire and ice, Elena said into his mind at the same instant. Titus moves the earth, Astaad the sea, while creepy Lijuan brings the dead back to life. Meanwhile, my gorgeous archangel, not satisfied with, I don't know, shooting lightning bolts or something, actually taps into the energy of the planet and calls an army of bogeymen from the bottom of the ocean.
Of course you do.
The dry commentary made him wonder how he'd ever walked through life without the wit and laughter of his hunter by his side. He could no longer imagine such a cold, remote existence, the idea of it spawning an immediate repudiation in his bloodstream. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

To be haunted by my heart is no threat. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

My mother," he said, "has invited us to a ball."
Elena pulled a blade from one of the butter-soft forearm sheaths that had been a gift from Raphael. "Excuse me while I stab myself in the eyes-and disembowel myself while I'm at it. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Lijuan warned Raphael I'd make him a little bit mortal.'
'You have.' Quiet equanimity. 'And you worry you've weakened him. You have.'
Elena flinched. 'Elena.'
Shaking his head, Keir waited until she met his gaze again. 'Even an archangel needs a weakness - absolute power is a corruption. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you."
"Then why were you carrying a gun? — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Raphael, tell him you won't do anything to him if I get 'damaged.' "
"That would be a lie, Elena. I would tear out his throat. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

I have every confidence that you'll find a way to end my life before I stain the world with evil."
Rebellion in those eyes. "We die," she said, "we die together. That's the deal."
He thought about his final thoughts as he'd fallen with her in New York, her body broken in his arms, her voice less than a whisper in his mind. He hadn't considered holding onto his eternity for a second, had chosen to die with her, with his hunter. That she would choose to do the same ... His hands clenched. "We die," he repeated, "we die
A moment of utter silence, the sense of something being locked into place. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

The two angels were both tall, but Aodhan was perhaps an inch taller, and now his eyes locked with Illium's for a long, quiet moment before he lowered his head slightly. Illium raised his hand, the movement slow, hesitant ... and then his fingers brushed Aodhan's cheek just below the cut that had almost sealed. The first ray of dawn kissed the tear that rolled down Illium's face, caressed the painful wonder on Aodhan's as he lifted his hand to clasp the wrist of his friend's hand.
That instant of contact, the power of it, stole her breath.
Then Illium smiled, said something that made Aodhan's lips curve-Elena thought it might've been "Welcome back, Sparkle"-and they were separating to sweep off the Tower in a symphony of wild silver blue and heartbreaking light.
"Raphael," she whispered, having felt him come up behind her. "Did you see?"
"Yes." His hand on her nape, his thumb brushing over her pulse. "Of course it would be Illium who reached him," he murmured. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

What would you like to call me?"
That made her pause. "Husband" was too human, "partner" factually wrong for a being as powerful as an archangel, "mate" ... perhaps. But none of it was quite right. "Mine," she said at last.
He blinked and when he raised his lashes again, the blue was liquid fire. Yes, that will do. "But for public consumption, you are my consort."
"Consort," she murmured, tasting the word, feeling it's shape. "Yes, that fits. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

-Remember when I was terrified of you?
-You were never terrified of me
- Ha! Are you kidding? I was scared out of my skin, but I still thought you were hot. I'm obviously a little deranged.
Raphael didn't laugh.- I'm glad you got over the terror- he said quietly- The idea of eternity without you is my personal vision of hell.
-Raphael- Elena touched her fingers to his jaw- This is my heaven. You are my heaven. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

How long have you been with Raphael?" "You ask a lot of questions for a dead woman." "What can I say? I prefer to die well-informed." -Venom and Elena — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

The bastard kissed her. She was so mad, she bit him hard enough to draw blood. Raphael pulled back, lip already beginning to swell. "We are no longer even, Elena. You're now in debt."
"You can deduct it from my slow and painful death. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Even as she spoke, silver blue flashed on her other side and then Illium was standing beside her, his wing touching Elena's in an intimacy that made Raphael raise an eyebrow. Illium's lips curved in a wicked smile that did little to hide the intensity of his emotions. I would not watch you die again, Sire. His veins stood out against his skin as he gripped the wrist of one hand with the other.
Raphael met those eyes of gold that had stood beside him for centuries. If I had done so, I would have gone knowing you would keep my heart safe.
Illium's gaze went to Elena. Always. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

He has a fascination with mortals.
Raphael had said that to her before she'd woken with wings of midnight and dawn.
"Why are you starting at me, Ellie?" Illium said without taking his eyes from the blade dancing around his fingers.
The words were instinctive, something she might as easily have said to rib Ransom. "You're so pretty, it's difficult to resist."
A flashing grin, a hint of that aristocratic English accent in his response. "It's hard to be me, it's true.
Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Pressing his thumb down on her jaw to part her lips, he kissed her again, angel dust glittering in the air.
"Mmm." She rubbed against him. "Did you make a change to your special blend?" Angel dust, he'd told her, was normally rich and exquisite, but not sexual. Elena had only ever tasted Raphael's blend, and it was always oh-so-sexual-today, it also held a dangerous bite.
Kisses down her throat. "I wouldn't wish my consort to suffer ennui. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

You are mine, Elena. If you choose to sleep in another bed, I will simply pick you up and bring you home. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Elena wondered if Michaela was waiting to be served. Snorting inwardly at the idea, she poured her own coffee - and, because she was feeling generous, and okay, maybe because she wanted to irritate Michaela - Raphael's as well. Then she put down the carafe. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Your weapons-master appears to have an actual, beating heart," she said to Raphael. "Who knew?"
"I concede that point."
Elena referring to Galen — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

You are wearing no panties with another male in the room?Raphael ran his hand down Elena's spine and over her lower curves, searching for lines and finding nothing but firm feminine flesh.You truly aren't
Elena's shoulders shook, deep creases in her cheeks. Oh, my God, you're scandalized! Eyes tearing up in the effort to fight her laughter, she pressed her hands to his chest and stared down at the floor.Should I tell you I did find a way to wear a knife? In a thigh sheath.
Of course you did. What do panties matter so long as you have your steel. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

That was very bad of you, Elena, Raphael said once they were in the air. You know the coming sun shower will pass in but a moment.
I also know Tasha McHotpants is regretting she didn't scoop you up when you were young and single. Altering her mental tone, she said, Oh, Raphael, what luck I caught you. And me dressed up like a warrior with a sword and everything. She snorted. Luck my ass. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

You do realize this makes your wings even more unique."
"Are you saying you shot me as a cosmetic procedure? — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

I'll enter first."
"I'm the hunter", Elena reminded him. "I should go first"
"Of course you may go first. When I'm dead — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Like Raphael's Seven," Izak continued, aching hope in his expression. "You're a consort. Elijah's consort has a Guard." Elena didn't know what she would do with a Guard, but saying no to this fragile, broken, hopeful boy was out of the question. "Consider yourself the first member." His smile lit up the whole room. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

It seems Montgomery could not help himself when it came to this vase. I'm afraid he has a weakness for beautiful things and has been known to relocate an item if he feels it is not being accorded the proper appreciation. Once he 'relocated' an ancient sculpture from the home of another archangel. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Naasir stretched lazily before settling back into his previous position. "I'm old enough now, and I want someone to play with like you play with Janvier and Raphael does with Elena. Even Dmitri plays with Honor." This seemed to fascinate him. "The rules are secret in each game. I want to have secret rules with a woman who . . ." A long pause. "A woman who knows me, understands what I am, and who wants to have secret rules with me. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

I look into my heart and see the abyss looking back at me.'
'I won't let you fall. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

When Galen was first courting Jessamy,' Raphael said with a brush of his thumb over her nipple when their lips parted, 'he began to teach flight skills to the little ones. Over time, it has become a tradition - Galen is always the one who gives basic flight instruction to the babes, and some, like Izak, never stop training with him.'
The idea of Galen, with his wings akin to a northern harrier's, leading a squadron of babies - not all of whom could fly exactly straight - had Elena shaking her head. 'I'm sorry, I need to see to believe this. It's like you just told me the sky turns purple every Wednesday. — Nalini Singh

Elena And Raphael Quotes By Nalini Singh

Under her palm, his heart beat strong and sure. It was such a human sound, so honest, so real. — Nalini Singh