Famous Quotes & Sayings

Eixo Terrestre Quotes & Sayings

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Top Eixo Terrestre Quotes

Eixo Terrestre Quotes By Deepak Chopra

Solving problems should be a joy, a welcome challenge to our creativity. — Deepak Chopra

Eixo Terrestre Quotes By Paramahansa Yogananda

The ills attributed to an anthropomorphic abstraction called "society" may be laid more realistically at the door of Everyman. Utopia must spring in the private bosom before it can flower into civic virtue, inner reforms leading to outer ones. A man who has reformed himself will reform thousands. — Paramahansa Yogananda

Eixo Terrestre Quotes By Henry Ward Beecher

There is no liberty to men whose passions are stronger than their religious feelings; there is no liberty to men in whom ignorance predominates over knowledge; there is no liberty to men who know not how to govern themselves. — Henry Ward Beecher

Eixo Terrestre Quotes By John Dewey

A possibility of continuing progress is opened up by the fact that in learning one act, methods are developed good for use in other situations. Still more important is the fact that the human being acquires a habit of learning. He learns to learn. — John Dewey

Eixo Terrestre Quotes By Chris Witty

What a great opportunity to come to my fifth Olympics, be flag bearer and also be a returning medalist so I have a platform to talk about something and hopefully do some good in this world. — Chris Witty

Eixo Terrestre Quotes By Mary Stewart

At breakfast!' said Louise in an awed voice. 'A man who can read poetry at breakfast would be capable of anything. — Mary Stewart

Eixo Terrestre Quotes By Nathaniel Branden

When your principles seem to be demanding suicide, clearly it's time to check your premises — Nathaniel Branden

Eixo Terrestre Quotes By Lord Haw Haw

Apart from my absolute belief in National Socialism and my conviction of Hitler's superhuman heroism, I had always been attracted to Germany. — Lord Haw Haw