Famous Quotes & Sayings

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes & Sayings

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Top Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By George Washington Carver

If you love something enough, it will reveal itself to you. — George Washington Carver

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Miranda Kenneally

I love you." I laugh. "You already said that." "I've never said it before. I like it ... I think I'll keep saying it. — Miranda Kenneally

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Baron De Montesquieu

A prince who loves and fears religion is a lion who stoops to the hand that strokes or to the voice that appeases him. He who fears and hates religion is like the savage beast that growls and bites the chain, which prevents his flying on the passenger. He who has no religion at all is that terrible animal who perceives his liberty only when he tears in pieces, and when he devours. — Baron De Montesquieu

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Austin Grossman

I'm really curious about the memory of Nixon for people who grew up under Clinton. What do people remember of him? In his day, the definition of a conservative right-wing president is more like a centrist in our own time. He's also one of our funnier presidents - just a really good character to write about. — Austin Grossman

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Eliyahu M. Goldratt

Never let something important become urgent — Eliyahu M. Goldratt

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Garth Stein

We too, must shatter the mirrors. We must look in to ourselves and root out the distortions until that thing which we know in our hearts is perfect and true, stands before us. — Garth Stein

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Harry Browne

You don't need an explanation for everything, Recognize that there are such things as miracles - events for which there are no ready explanations. Later knowledge may explain those events quite easily. — Harry Browne

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Oprah Winfrey

When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.
~Maya Angelou
Remember this because it will happen many times in your life. When people show you who they are the first time believe them. Not the 29th. time. When a man doesn't call you back the first time, when you are mistreated the first time, when someone shows you lack of integrity or dishonesty the first time, know that this will be followed many many other times, that will some point in life come back to haunt or hurt you. Live your life in truth. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. You will survive anything if you live your life from the point of view of truth. — Oprah Winfrey

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Melody Beattie

The more we learn to love and respect ourselves, the more we will become attracted to people who will love and respect us and who we can safely love and respect. — Melody Beattie

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

It is only when men lose their contact with this eternal life-flame, and become merely personal, things in themselves, instead ofthings kindled in the flame, that the fight between man and woman begins. — D.H. Lawrence

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By John Green

So we're going to SeaWorld," she told me. "Part Eleven." "What, are we going to Free Willy or something?" "No," she said. "We're just going to go to SeaWorld, that's all. It's the only theme park I haven't broken into yet. — John Green

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Ania Ahlborn

Marriage did strange things to people. It could have been World War III in that kitchen, but if there was coffee, two mugs would always be served. — Ania Ahlborn

Edward G Robinson Ten Commandments Quotes By Tinsel Korey

Because I have the scar, people are like, "Who did you play in the film?," and I tell them, "The girl with the scar," and then they're like, "Oh, yeah!" I think most people expect me to have the scar. — Tinsel Korey