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Educate Your Children Quotes & Sayings

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Top Educate Your Children Quotes

Educate Your Children Quotes By John Sculley

We expect teachers to handle teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and the failings of the family. Then we expect them to educate our children. — John Sculley

Educate Your Children Quotes By Confucius

If your plan is for one year plant rice. If your plan is for ten years plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years educate children. — Confucius

Educate Your Children Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

Meditation is one of the most serious things; you do it all day, in the office, with the family, when you say to somebody "I love you", when you are considering your children, when you educate them to become soldiers, to kill, to be nationalized, worshipping the flag, educating them to enter into this trap of the modern world; watching all that, realizing your part in it, all that is part of meditation. And when you so meditate you will find in it an extraordinary beauty; you will act rightly at every moment; and if you do not act rightly at a given moment it does not matter, you will pick it up again - you will not waste time in regret. Meditation is part of life, not something different from life. — Jiddu Krishnamurti

Educate Your Children Quotes By Virginia Euwer Wolff

While I fold laundry I memorize things for school,
dates of wars:
French ones, African ones, Russian ones,
battles of all ugly kinds.
It's a shame to have us hopeful young students
learn these horrible things.
Exactly the kind of behaving
they have told us over and over again not to do
is what the history class is full of,
full-grown adults making these wars:
killing each other for land, for religions,
for greed and more greed,
Why bother to have children and educate them
and invent things to make their lives better,
just to send them off to war and get slaughtered? — Virginia Euwer Wolff

Educate Your Children Quotes By Rod Dreher

Put another way, if you don't educate your children for metaphysical truth and moral virtue, mainstream culture will do it for you. Absent shared commitment to these spiritual and moral verities, it is hard to see how we renew our families, our communities, and our country with an ethic of duty, self-restraint, stewardship, and putting the needs of people, not the state or corporations, first. — Rod Dreher

Educate Your Children Quotes By Llewellyn Rockwell

It isn't a coincidence that governments everywhere want to educate children. Government education, in turn, is supposed to be evidence of the state's goodness and its concern for our well-being. The real explanation is less flattering. If the government's propaganda can take root as children grow up, those kids will be no threat to the state apparatus. They'll fasten the chains to their own ankles. H.L. Mencken once said that the state doesn't just want to make you obey. It tries to make you want to obey. And that's one thing the government schools do very well. — Llewellyn Rockwell

Educate Your Children Quotes By Anna Funder

To start a new country, with new values and newly minted socialist citizens, it is necessary to begin at the beginning: with children. Schoolteachers in the eastern regions were immediately dismissed because their job had been to educate children in the values of the Nazi regime. Socialist teachers had to be created. — Anna Funder

Educate Your Children Quotes By Carol Bellamy

Creating a world that is truly fit for children does not imply simply the absence of war ... It means having primary schools nearby that educate children, free of charge ... It means building a world fit for children, where every child can grow to adulthood in health, peace and dignity. — Carol Bellamy

Educate Your Children Quotes By Herbert Spencer

For what is meant by saying that a government ought to educate the people? Why should they be educated? What is the education for? Clearly, to fit the people for social life - to make them good citizens. And who is to say what are good citizens? The government: there is no other judge. And who is to say how these good citizens may be made? The government: there is no other judge. Hence the proposition is convertible into this - a government ought to mold children into good citizens, using its own discretion in settling what a good citizen is and how the child may be molded into one. — Herbert Spencer

Educate Your Children Quotes By Neale Donald Walsch

This is the problem with the way you educate your children. You don't want your young ones drawing their own conclusions. You want them to come to the same conclusions that you came to. Thus you doom them to repeat the mistakes to which your own conclusions led you. — Neale Donald Walsch

Educate Your Children Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Educate the children in your country well, and then sit and watch the rise of your country like a Sun on the horizon! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Educate Your Children Quotes By Garrison Keillor

A child can educate just about anybody. — Garrison Keillor

Educate Your Children Quotes By K. Lamb

A child's imagination can be found in the heart of a good book. — K. Lamb

Educate Your Children Quotes By Ken Robinson

Our task is to educate our children's whole being so they can face the future and make something of it. To achieve this we need to balance education for careers with education for twenty-first century life. — Ken Robinson

Educate Your Children Quotes By Yuval Noah Harari

Humans emerge from the womb like molten glass from a furnace. They can be spun, stretched and shaped with a surprising degree of freedom. This is why today we can educate our children to become Christian or Buddhist, capitalist or socialist, warlike or peace-loving. We — Yuval Noah Harari

Educate Your Children Quotes By Betty Smith

A free country? they asked. You should live so long. What's free about it, they reasoned, when the law forces you to educate your children and then endangers their lives to get them into school? — Betty Smith

Educate Your Children Quotes By K. Lamb

Books are like ice cream; there is a flavor for everyone! — K. Lamb

Educate Your Children Quotes By Michael Bennet

Our ability to compete for the jobs of tomorrow depends, above all, on our capacity to educate children today. — Michael Bennet

Educate Your Children Quotes By David B. McCoy

But she did inject a new term and new degree of frankness into the debate on what was coming to be called the sexual revolution. Also, by this time she saw birth control as the panacea for all social ills: disease, poverty, child labor, poor wages, infant mortality, the oppression of women, drunkenness, prostitution, abortion, feeblemindedness, physical handicaps, unwanted children, war, etc. "If we are to develop in America a new [human] race with a racial soul, we must keep the birth rate within the scope of our ability to understand as well as to educate. We must not encourage reproduction beyond our capacity to assimilate our numbers so as to make the coming generation into such physically fit, mentally capable, socially alert individuals as are the ideal of a democracy" (Sanger, 1920). — David B. McCoy

Educate Your Children Quotes By Rudolf Steiner

If humanity is to live in the future in a socially right way, humanity must educate its children in a socially right way. — Rudolf Steiner

Educate Your Children Quotes By Ludwig Van Beethoven

I know of no more sacred duty than to rear and educate a child. — Ludwig Van Beethoven

Educate Your Children Quotes By Benjamin Franklin

Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society. — Benjamin Franklin

Educate Your Children Quotes By Ben Carson

As individuals, we can educate ourselves and our children, cultivate the art of compromise, pray for wisdom, and hold our representatives accountable. Each of us can positively affect our nation just by making ourselves (and those in our spheres of influence ) aware of the fact that we are being used as pawns by those who try to tell us what we should think as opposed to using our own common sense. — Ben Carson

Educate Your Children Quotes By H.G.Wells

Our challenge is not to educate the children we used to have or want to have, but to educate the children who come to the schoolhouse door. — H.G.Wells

Educate Your Children Quotes By Jamie Oliver

I wish for everyone to help create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity. — Jamie Oliver

Educate Your Children Quotes By Rick Perry

But if you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they've been brought there by no fault of their own, I don't think you have a heart. We need to be educating these children, because they will become a drag on our society. — Rick Perry

Educate Your Children Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

What it means to be human is to bring up your children in safety, educate them, keep them healthy, teach them how to care for themselves and others, allow them to develop in their own way among adults who are sane and responsibile, who know the value of the world and not its economic potential. It means art, it means time, it means all the invisibles never counted by the GDP and the census figures. It means knowing that life has an inside as well as an outside. And I think it means love. — Jeanette Winterson

Educate Your Children Quotes By David R. Wommack

The best parenting strives to educate children in how to live
enthusiastically, compassionately, without greed, striving for a better world. — David R. Wommack

Educate Your Children Quotes By Marco Rubio

We must educate and train our children to compete and succeed in the 21st century. Our kids are not going to grow up to compete with children in Alabama or Mississippi. They're going to grow up to compete with kids in India, and China, all over the world; children who are learning to compete and succeed in the 21st century themselves. — Marco Rubio

Educate Your Children Quotes By Geoff Ryman

She saw the children. They have been given viruses to educate them. From three weeks old they could speak and do basic arithmetic. By ten, they had been made adult, forced like flowers to bloom early. But they were not flowers of love. They were flowers of work, to be put to work. There was no time. — Geoff Ryman

Educate Your Children Quotes By Ari Fleischer

School choice is one of the strongest ways we have to educate our children, .. believes in school choice and he is going to work hard to enact school choice. — Ari Fleischer

Educate Your Children Quotes By Aristotle.

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well. — Aristotle.

Educate Your Children Quotes By Joaquim Nabuco

Educate your children, educate yourself, in the love for the freedom of others, for only in this way will your own freedom not be a gratuitous gift from fate. You will be aware of its worth and will have the courage to defend it. — Joaquim Nabuco

Educate Your Children Quotes By Alfred Adler

If you wish to educate a child who has gone wrong, then you must, above all, keep your attention fixed on the intersection of two charmed circles. — Alfred Adler

Educate Your Children Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

You send your child to the schoolmaster, but 'tis the schoolboys who educate him. You send him to the Latin class, but much of histuition comes, on his way to school, from the shop- windows. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Educate Your Children Quotes By Doris Lessing

Of course it may be argued that this is a fairly bleak view of life. It means, for instance, that we can stand in a room full of dear friends, knowing that nine-tenths of them, if the pack demands it, will become your enemies-will, as it were, throw stones through your window. It means that if you are a member of a close-knit community, you know you differ from this community's ideas at the risk of being seen as a no-goodnik, a criminal, an evil-doer. This is an absolutely automatic process; nearly everyone in such situations behaves automatically.
But there is always the minority who do not, and it seems to me that our future, the future of everybody depends on this minority. And that we should be thinking of ways to educate our children to strengthen this minority and not, as we mostly do now, to revere the pack. — Doris Lessing

Educate Your Children Quotes By Marcus Samuelsson

Cooking with your kids and engaging them in hands-on activities are two ways to begin to educate children about the healthy eating, and kick start the important task to help change how the younger generation looks at food and nutrition. — Marcus Samuelsson

Educate Your Children Quotes By Malcolm X

Never allow your enemies to educate your children. — Malcolm X

Educate Your Children Quotes By Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera

...if you were convinced that the world had forgotten how to think and teach, if you believed it had discarded the beauty of art and literature, if you thought it had crushed the power of truth, would you let that world educate your children? — Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera

Educate Your Children Quotes By Susan George

Having enough to eat, being able to educate your children, have reasonably stable employment, and being able to live in a society which isn't collapsing around you-all of these things have been generally eroded. — Susan George

Educate Your Children Quotes By Wayne Rogers

Our children and grandchildren are not going to have the same standard of living unless we educate that workforce. — Wayne Rogers

Educate Your Children Quotes By Robert Irvine

The Food Network and the Cooking Channel have so many viewers. And, because there's no violence, some of that audience is children. So, I think we have a responsibility to educate parents how to produce healthy meals for their families. — Robert Irvine

Educate Your Children Quotes By Timothy Pina

Ben Says: The more we educate & empower our children ... the better & greater the future of humanity will be! Let's start today.
Timothy Pina
Bullying Ben — Timothy Pina

Educate Your Children Quotes By Ken Robinson

Imagination is the source of every form of human achievement. And it's the one thing that I believe we are systematically jeopardizing in the way we educate our children and ourselves. — Ken Robinson

Educate Your Children Quotes By Frank Schaeffer

The problem with the evangelical homeschool movement was not their desire to educate their children at home, or in private religious schools, but the evangelical impulse to "protect" children from ideas that might lead them to "question" and to keep them cloistered in what amounted to a series of one-family gated communities. — Frank Schaeffer

Educate Your Children Quotes By Peter Singer

Now that we have understood the nature of speciesism and seen the consequences it has for nonhuman animals it is time to ask: What can we do about it? There are many things that we can and should do about speciesism. We should, for instance, write to our political representatives about the issues discussed in this book; we should make our friends aware of these issues; we should educate our children to be concerned about the welfare of all sentient beings; and we should protest publicly on behalf of nonhuman animals whenever we have an effective opportunity to do so. While — Peter Singer

Educate Your Children Quotes By Christine Pelosi

We all must educate children at the youngest ages that private parts are private, 'no' means no, and there is only one code of honor for everyone. — Christine Pelosi

Educate Your Children Quotes By Nick Sagan

The learned must educate the ignorant. Because, according to society, ignorance is never bliss. Except in retrospect. I look back upon my ignorance with the knowledge that I was much happier then than now. Consider this: children know precious little, but the profound ignorance comes from profound innocence. People really mean to say that innocence is bliss. And bliss is short-lived. — Nick Sagan

Educate Your Children Quotes By Lydia Sigourney

We speak of educating our children. Do we know that our children also educate us? — Lydia Sigourney

Educate Your Children Quotes By Debasish Mridha

The future success of a nation depends on how diligently and purposefully they educate their children. — Debasish Mridha

Educate Your Children Quotes By Jeremy Rifkin

The revolution here is from hierarchical to lateral power. That's the power shift. So increasingly a younger generation that's grown up on the internet and now increasingly distributing renewable energies, they're measuring politics in terms of a struggle between centralized, hierarchical, top-down and closed and proprietary, versus distributed, open, collaborative, transparent. This shift, from hierarchical to lateral power, is going to change the way we live, the way we educate our children, and the way we govern the world. — Jeremy Rifkin

Educate Your Children Quotes By Victor Hugo

Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy, so they know the value of things, not the price. — Victor Hugo

Educate Your Children Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

When it comes to the education of our young, this privilege should only be given to those whose visions are solely in the uplifting benefit of the child. There is no room for the ego in the education of children! Children should not be looked after, nor educated, by those who have not made a sacrifice within their hearts, laying down their own personal agenda and dreams, for the total ascension of the child. Even if you are to educate the children simply sitting under a tree; if you have the vision and the heart of a sage, those children will grow to be mighty men and women under your watch! And even if you wine and dine the children, putting them up in a palace; if you do not have the vision and the selfless heart of a sage, all you do is in utter vanity! — C. JoyBell C.

Educate Your Children Quotes By Lord Acton

For centuries it was never discovered that education was a function of the State, and the State never attempted to educate. But when modern absolutism arose, it laid claim to everything on behalf of the sovereign power ... When the revolutionary theory of government began to prevail, and Church and State found that they were educating for opposite ends and in a contradictory spirit, it became necessary to remove children entirely from the influence of religion. — Lord Acton

Educate Your Children Quotes By Leonid Andreyev

As we educate a child
removing out of its path those obstacles over which we ourselves, in early days, have stumbled, and strengthening its mind with the aid of our own matured experience
we, as it were, construct a new and better replica of ourselves, and thus enable the race to move slowly, but surely, forward towards the ultimate goal of existence
towards perfection. — Leonid Andreyev

Educate Your Children Quotes By Daniele Bolelli

Rather than being confined to a separate dimension, martial arts should be an extension of our way of living, of our philosophies, of the way we educate our children, of the job we devote so much of our time to, of the relationships we cultivate, and of the choices we make every day. — Daniele Bolelli

Educate Your Children Quotes By Mary Wortley Montagu

People commonly educate their children as they build their houses, according to some plan they think beautiful, without considering whether it is suited to the purposes for which they are designed. — Mary Wortley Montagu

Educate Your Children Quotes By Joseph P. Kauffman

The modern educational system teaches children how to obey authority. People are not being educated; they're being tested for levels of obedience. School is about memorizing what you are told short-term and repeating it. Children are taught that truth comes from authority, that intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat, that accurate memory and repetition are rewarded, that noncompliance is punished, and that they need to conform both intellectually and socially. The sad truth is, our educational system is flawed. It does not properly educate the people; it teaches them how to be good workers. — Joseph P. Kauffman

Educate Your Children Quotes By Travis Culliton

My purpose is to serve a purpose to humanity; therefore I've made it my goal to educate myself to the best of my abilities so that I can convey to my children the importance of knowledge and personal responsibility — Travis Culliton

Educate Your Children Quotes By Fred Rogers

Those of us who are in this world to educate-to care for-young children have a special calling: a calling that has very little to do with the collection of expensive possessions but has a lot to do with worth inside of heads and hearts. — Fred Rogers

Educate Your Children Quotes By Miguel Angel Ruiz

What I have most learned from my son is to respect him and to love him unconditionally. I believe that if parents respect their children and educate them with love and justice (and not just with words, but with their own behavior) the relationship with their children will be wonderful. Then parents will always be proud of their children, and children will always be proud of their parents. There will be peace in the family, and the home will be a sanctuary. — Miguel Angel Ruiz

Educate Your Children Quotes By Aga Khan

Personally, if I had two children, and one was a boy and the other a girl, and if I could afford to educate only one, I would have no hesitation in giving the higher education to the girl. The male could bend his energies to manual effort for reward, but the girl's function was the maintenance of home life and the bringing up of the children. Her influence in the family circle was enormous and the future of the generation depended upon her ability to lead the young along the right paths and instruct them in the rudiments of culture and civilisation.

- Sultan Muhammad Shah, The Aga Khan III — Aga Khan

Educate Your Children Quotes By Lee Kuan Yew

We must encourage those who earn less than $200 per month and cannot afford to nurture and educate many children never to have more than two ... We will regret the time lost if we do not now take the first tentative steps towards correcting a trend which can leave our society with a large number of the physically, intellectually and culturally anaemic. — Lee Kuan Yew

Educate Your Children Quotes By Dana Goldstein

If you look at the early nineteenth century you see the idea that we educate children to be voters and to be participants in our popular democracy. And then at the turn of the century when more and more immigrants are coming into the schools, Americanization becomes a more explicit part of the agenda. — Dana Goldstein

Educate Your Children Quotes By Hillary Clinton

Let's not leave an educational vacuum to be filled by religious extremists who go to families who have no other option and offer meals, housing and some form of education. If we are going to combat extremism then we must educate those very same children. — Hillary Clinton

Educate Your Children Quotes By Karl Hess

We have the illusion of freedom only because so few ever try to exercise it. Try it sometime. Try to save your home from the highway crowd, or to work a trade without the approval of the goons, or to open a little business without a permit, or to grow a crop without a quota, or to educate your child the way you want to, or to not have a child. We all have the freedom of a balloon floating in a pin factory. — Karl Hess

Educate Your Children Quotes By Cat Cora

To me, money is the ability to create lifelong experiences for my family and myself, to educate my children and a way to give back to humanity. — Cat Cora

Educate Your Children Quotes By Joycelyn Elders

I feel that we can't educate children who are not healthy, and we can't keep them healthy if they're not educated. There has to be a marriage between health and education. You can't learn if your mind is full of unhealthy images from daily life and confusion about right and wrong. — Joycelyn Elders

Educate Your Children Quotes By Betty Friedan

We have gone on too long blaming or pitying the mothers who devour their children, who sow the seeds of progressive dehumanization, because they have never grown to full humanity themselves. If the mother is at fault, why isn't it time to break the pattern by urging all these Sleeping Beauties to grow up and live their own lives? There never will be enough Prince Charmings or enough therapists to break that pattern now. It is society's job, and finally that of each woman alone. For it is not the strength of the mothers that is at fault but their weakness, their passive childlike dependency and immaturity that is mistaken for "femininity." Our society forces boys, insofar as it can, to grow up, to endure the pains of growth, to educate themselves to work, to move on. Why aren't girls forced to grow up - to achieve somehow the core of self that will end the unnecessary dilemma, the mistaken choice between femaleness and humanness that is implied in the feminine mystique? — Betty Friedan

Educate Your Children Quotes By Jessica Lahey

Unfortunately, parents who put a priority on saving kids from frustration and teachers who put a priority on challenging their students often butt heads, and consequently, the parent-teacher partnership has reached a breaking point. Teaching has become a push and pull between opposing forces in which parents want teachers to educate their children with increasing rigor, but reject those rigorous lessons as "too hard" or "too frustrating" for their children to endure. Parents rightly feel protective of their children's self-esteem, but teachers too often bear the brunt of parental ire. — Jessica Lahey