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E Money Quotes & Sayings

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Top E Money Quotes

E Money Quotes By Wanda E. Brunstetter

No amount of money or recognition could fill the void in a person's heart the way Jesus' love did. — Wanda E. Brunstetter

E Money Quotes By Lyndon B. Johnson

[E]very man, everywhere, should be free to develop his talents to their full potential - unhampered by arbitrary barriers of race or birth or income. — Lyndon B. Johnson

E Money Quotes By Jack Ma

My dream was to set up my own e-commerce company. In 1999, I gathered 18 people in my apartment and spoke to them for two hours about my vision. Everyone put their money on the table, and that got us $60,000 to start Alibaba. I wanted to have a global company, so I chose a global name. — Jack Ma

E Money Quotes By Ben E. King

It never dawned on me at any particular time of my life that people are paid tremendous money to sing. — Ben E. King

E Money Quotes By A. E. Hotchner

Poverty is a disease that's cured by the medicine of money. — A. E. Hotchner

E Money Quotes By Joe E. Lewis

It doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor - as long as you've got money. — Joe E. Lewis

E Money Quotes By E.L. Todd

No," he said. "That would be imposing my beliefs on others, something I will never do. I really wish you would respect my career choice. I make enough money to have a comfortable lifestyle, and most importantly, I'm happy. Who cares about a flashy job and wads of cash if you hate life? I'm very proud of you for graduating Harvard with almost perfect honors, but does it really matter? In the end, you can't take that diploma with you. — E.L. Todd

E Money Quotes By Preston Sprinkle

To ensure Israel's trust in Him rather than in a human king, God gives Israel an economic system that can't support a professional army. After all, somebody has to fund the army. But not in Israel. No taxes are supposed to be collected to support a military - God wants excess money to be given to the poor, not to fund a military (e.g., Deut. 14:29). And when Israel does end up choosing a king, God does not allow him to have the financial means to support an army (Deut. 17).7 Israel's economic system, therefore, is set up so that the nation can't sustain a standing army without violating the system itself. Israel's "army" - if we can even call it an army - is a group of weekend warriors whose skills, or lack thereof, testify to the power of God, who alone ensures victory. — Preston Sprinkle

E Money Quotes By E.L. James

We can't eat money, Miss Steele, and there are too many people on this planet who — E.L. James

E Money Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Though I may accumulate a great deal of riches in this world, it is only my wealth of knowledge, talents, and emotional bonds that I keep when I leave. — Richelle E. Goodrich

E Money Quotes By Jefferson Han

The funniest thing is that now I know what reverse spam is. You know you get spam from people saying, 'Can you invest in this or that?' People are now e-mailing me saying, 'Oh my God, can I invest in your company?' It's a reverse solicitation of money. — Jefferson Han

E Money Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

But it must be observed that as the depreciation of money proceeds, the demand for money (i.e. for the kind of money in question) gradually begins to fall. When loss of wealth is suffered in proportion to the length of time money is kept on hand, endeavours are made to reduce cash holdings as much as possible. N ow if every individual, even if his circumstances are otherwise unchanged, no longer wishes to maintain his cash holding at the same level as before the beginning of the inflation, the demand for money in the whole community, which can only be the sum of the individuals' demands, decreases too. There is also the additional fact that as commerce gradually-begins to use foreign money and actual gold in place of notes, individuals begin to hold part of their reserves in foreign money and in gold and no longer in notes. — Ludwig Von Mises

E Money Quotes By E. Nesbit

She had been to her Great-Aunt Willoughby's before, and she knew exactly what to expect. She would be asked about her lessons, and how many marks she had, and whether she had been a good girl. I can't think why grownup people don't see how impertinent these questions are. Suppose you were to answer:
"I'm the top of my class, auntie, thank you, and I am very good. And now let us have a little talk about you, aunt, dear. How much money have you got, and have you been scolding the servants again, or have you tried to be good and patient, as a properly brought up aunt should be, eh, dear?"
Try this method with one of your aunts next time she begins asking you questions, and write and tell me what she says. — E. Nesbit

E Money Quotes By Ayn Rand

There is only one institution that can arrogate to itself the power legally to trade by means of rubber checks: the government. And it is the only institution that can mortgage your future without your knowledge or consent: government securities (and paper money) are promissory notes on future tax receipts, i.e., on your future production. — Ayn Rand

E Money Quotes By Karl Marx

Money appears as measure (in Homer, e.g. oxen) earlier than as medium of exchange, because in barter each commodity is still its own medium of exchange. But it cannot be its own or its own standard of comparison. — Karl Marx

E Money Quotes By Charles E. McKenzie

People who recognize that money won't buy happiness are still willing to see if credit cards will do the trick. — Charles E. McKenzie

E Money Quotes By E. M. Forster

If we lived for ever, what you say would be true. But we have to die, we have to leave life presently. Injustice and greed would be the real thing if we lived for ever. As it is, we must hold to other things, because Death is coming. I love death - not morbidly, but because He explains. He shows me the emptiness of Money. Death and Money are the eternal foes. Not Death and Life. . . . Death destroys a man: the idea of Death saves him. Behind the coffins and the skeletons that stay the vulgar mind lies something so immense that all that is great in us responds to it. Men of the world may recoil from the charnel-house that they will one day enter, but Love knows better. Death is his foe, but his peer, and in their age-long struggle the thews of Love have been strengthened, and his vision cleared, until there is no one who can stand against him. — E. M. Forster

E Money Quotes By E.C. Riegel

The greatest enemy of mankind is his ignorance of the inherent money power in all of us. When the realization of this comes to man, he will like Samson, push down the walls of his prison. — E.C. Riegel

E Money Quotes By Joseph E. Stiglitz

Loose money and light regulation were a toxic mixture. It exploded. — Joseph E. Stiglitz

E Money Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

Today even the attitude of the Southern whites toward the blacks is not, as so many assume, in all cases the same; the ignorant Southerner hates the Negro, the workingmen fear his competition, the money-makers wish to use him as a laborer, some of the educated see a menace in his upward development, while others - usually the sons of the masters - wish to help him to rise. — W.E.B. Du Bois

E Money Quotes By Thomas E. Woods Jr.

Ron Paul is crazy, the guardians of respectable opinion assured us. What they really meant was that Ron Paul defied traditional political categories and advanced positions outside the Clinton-to-Romney continuum. People whose minds have been formed in ideological prison camps for 12 years have learned to confine themselves within an approved range of possibilities. Tax me 35 percent or tax me 40 percent, but don't raise the possibility that taxation itself may be a moral issue rather than just a matter of numbers. Either bomb or starve that poor country, but don't tell me there might be a third option. The Fed should loosen or the Fed should tighten, but don't tell me our money supply doesn't need to be supervised by a central planner. As always, confine yourself to the three square inches of intellectual terrain the New York Times has graciously allotted to you. — Thomas E. Woods Jr.

E Money Quotes By William E. Simon

If you would not confront your neighbor and demand his money at the point of a gun to solve every new problem that may appear in your life, you should not allow the government to do it for you. — William E. Simon

E Money Quotes By Thomas Middleton

Money! Ho, ho!
'T'as been my want so long, 'tis now my scoff.
I've e'en forgot what colour silver's of. — Thomas Middleton

E Money Quotes By Joe Fisher

When all is said and done, there is no shortcut to Nirvana. But in this narcissistic age of instant gratification and swift solution, the great deception of channeling is that we may glide effortlessly back to the Godhead. All we have is pay our money, take our seats and dream on as loving discarnates lead us to enlightenment. Why, the Big E. is just around the corner and anyway - didn't you know? - we are God. — Joe Fisher

E Money Quotes By Viktor E. Frankl

there are various masks and guises under which the existential vacuum appears. Sometimes the frustrated will to meaning is vicariously compensated for by a will to power, including the most primitive form of the will to power, the will to money. In other cases, the place of frustrated will to meaning is taken by the will to pleasure. That is why existential frustration often eventuates in sexual compensation. We can observe in such cases that the sexual libido becomes rampant in the existential vacuum. — Viktor E. Frankl

E Money Quotes By E.L. Todd

because I know I would do the best job. Maybe the only thing that's important to you is money, but that matters the least to me. Leaders care about the common good, not the self-interest of one selfish man. — E.L. Todd

E Money Quotes By Charles E. Young

Bowls have become network-owned, commercial enterprises, in some cases, pitting average teams in money-losing bowls for the benefit of a few. — Charles E. Young

E Money Quotes By E.L. Doctorow

Congress is so beholden to the money that any solution in the general interest will be frustrated and subverted by the corporate interests who feel they will be damaged by progress, fair play and justice. — E.L. Doctorow

E Money Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

A government always finds itself obliged to resort to inflationary measures when it cannot negotiate loans and dare not levy taxes, because it has reason to fear that it will forfeit approval of the policy it is following if it reveals too soon the financial and general economic consequences of that policy. Thus inflation becomes the most important psychological resource of any economic policy whose consequences have to be concealed; and so in this sense it can be called an instrument of unpopular, i.e. of anti-democratic, policy, since by misleading public opinion it makes possible the continued existence of a system of government that would have no hope of the consent of the people if the circumstances were clearly laid before them. That is the political function of inflation. It explains why inflation has always been an important resource of policies of war and revolution and why we also find it in the service of socialism. — Ludwig Von Mises

E Money Quotes By E. Stanley Jones

A road that perhaps more than any other leads to self atrophy is undedicated money. — E. Stanley Jones

E Money Quotes By William E. Gladstone

From the time I took office as Chancellor of the Exchequer, I began to learn that the State held, in the face of the Bank and the City, an essentially false position as to finance. The Government itself was not to be a substantive power, but was to leave the Money Power supreme and unquestioned. — William E. Gladstone

E Money Quotes By E.W. Hornung

Money lost
little lost. Honour lost
much lost. Pluck lost
all lost. — E.W. Hornung

E Money Quotes By E.B. White

Not even a collapsing world looks dark to a man who is about to make his fortune. — E.B. White

E Money Quotes By S.E. Hinton

I have no idea why I write. The old standards are: I like to express my feelings, stretch my imagination, earn money. — S.E. Hinton

E Money Quotes By E.C. Riegel

Money can be issued only in the act of buying, and can be backed only in the act of selling. Any buyer who is also a seller is qualified to be a money issuer. Government, because it is not and should not be a seller, is not qualified to be a money issuer. — E.C. Riegel

E Money Quotes By Yasmin Mogahed

Allah gives us gifts, but then we often become dependent on those gifts, instead of Him. when He gives us money, we depend on the money - not Him. when He gives us people, we depend on people - not Him. when He gives us status or power, we depend on, and become distracted by these things. when Allah gives us health, we become deceived. e think we will never die. — Yasmin Mogahed

E Money Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

You will realize one day that all the money in the world cannot buy you happiness. Nor can it make you a person of good character. — Richelle E. Goodrich

E Money Quotes By E.C. Riegel

Money power means budget power and it is folly to imagine that the citizen can control government unless he can control its budget. — E.C. Riegel

E Money Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

The greatest gift you can give is your time. Not money, not items, not food, not pretty cards with handwritten sentiment, but time. People need your presence. The way you can help a soul the most is to simply be there. — Richelle E. Goodrich

E Money Quotes By E.C. Riegel

Money is an instrumentality of the profit motive and must be issued and backed only by private enterprisers. Economic and political perversities are inescapable while government is admitted to money power. Since all national governments have, up to the present, been money issuing powers we may justly attribute all the economic and political ills of mankind to this single error. — E.C. Riegel

E Money Quotes By Jonah Goldberg

Let's treat politicians like Twinkies. They have to disclose their ingredients - i.e., where their money is from - but beyond that, let the buyer beware. — Jonah Goldberg

E Money Quotes By Walter E. Williams

There are many farm handouts; but let's call them what they really are: a form of legalized theft. Essentially, a congressman tells his farm constituency, "Vote for me. I'll use my office to take another American's money and give it to you." — Walter E. Williams

E Money Quotes By E. M. Forster

There's never any great risk as long as you have money. — E. M. Forster

E Money Quotes By Walter E. Williams

All we have to do now is to inform the public that the payment of social security taxes is voluntary and watch the mass exodus. — Walter E. Williams

E Money Quotes By Joel Fuhrman

There is simply not enough money available to support a system in which the lion's share of expenditures is devoted to acute care, with virtually nothing being spent on preventive medicine, i.e. health care. — Joel Fuhrman

E Money Quotes By Karl Marx

In interest-bearing capital, therefore, this automatic fetish is elaborated into its pure form, self-valorizing value, money breeding money, and in this form no longer bears any marks of its origin. The social relation is consummated in the relationship of a thing, money, to itself ... Capital is now a thing, but the thing is capital. The money's body is now by love possessed.
Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. 3, p. 516-517, containing a literary reference at the end there to Goethe, Faust, Part I. The context is Marx's discussion of how the commodity fetish's obfuscation of the true relations of capitalist production (i.e. the exploitation of labor) reaches its epitome in the form of interest-bearing capital (i.e. finance capital). — Karl Marx

E Money Quotes By A.E. Samaan

Which is worse? Lust for the purchasing power of money, or the kind of lust that covets power over others? Let the history of 20th Century socialist revolutions answer that question. — A.E. Samaan

E Money Quotes By V.E Schwab

Crime isn't that complicated. People steal because taking something gives them something. If they're not in it for the money, they're in it for the control. The act of taking, breaking the rules, makes them feel powerful. They're in it for the sheer defiance. — V.E Schwab

E Money Quotes By Robert E. Howard

Money and muscle, that's what I want; to be able to do any damned thing I want and get away with it. Money won't do that altogether, because if a man is a weakling, all the money in the world won't enable him to soak an enemy himself; on the other hand, unless he has money he may not be able to get away with it. — Robert E. Howard

E Money Quotes By Caitlin Moran

The working class do things differently. I can hear it. I can see we are not wrong. We are not just poor people who have not yet evolved into something else - i.e., people with money. We are something else - just as we are. The working classes do it differently. We are the next thing. We power popular culture - just as, before, we powered the Industrial Revolution. The past is theirs, but the future's mine. They're all out of time. — Caitlin Moran

E Money Quotes By William E. Conway Jr.

I want to give away the money. I don't want to die with it. I want the money to be used well. — William E. Conway Jr.

E Money Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Father always said that money doesn't grow on trees. Well, time doesn't grow on trees either. — Richelle E. Goodrich

E Money Quotes By Richard E. Farley

The president has great confidence in him because he made his pile, has invested all his money in Government securities and knows all of the tricks of the trade. Apparently he is going on the assumption that Kennedy would now like to make a name for himself for the sake of his family, but I have never known many of these cases to work out as expected."29 — Richard E. Farley

E Money Quotes By Atiq Rahimi

For men like him, to fuck or rape a whore is not an achievement. Putting his filth into a hole that has already served hundreds before him does not engender the slightest masculine pride. Isn't that right, my sang-e saboor? You should know. Men like him are afraid of whores. And do you know why? I'll tell you, my sang-e saboor: when you fuck a whore, you don't dominate her body. It's a matter of exchange. You give her money, and she gives you pleasure. And I can tell you that often she's the dominant one. It's she who is fucking you." The woman calms down. Her voice serene, she continues, "So, raping a whore is not rape. But raping a young girl's virginity, a woman's honor! Now that's your creed! — Atiq Rahimi

E Money Quotes By Stephen Mitchell

Whatever thought grips the mind at the time of death is the one which will propel it and decide for it the nature of its future birth. Thus if one wants to attain god after death, one has to think of him steadfastly ... This is not as simple as it sounds, for at the time of death the mind automatically flies to the thought of an object (i.e. money, love) which has possessed it during its sojourn in the world. Thus one must think of god constantly. — Stephen Mitchell

E Money Quotes By E.L. Konigsburg

Jamie: The only kind of deal that I can make is with money, and we haven't got any of that.
Mrs. Frankweiler: You are very poor indeed if that is the only kind of deal you can make — E.L. Konigsburg

E Money Quotes By Harold E. Varmus

I keep encouraging the pharmaceutical companies to put more money into R&D. — Harold E. Varmus

E Money Quotes By Paul E. Miller

If you are not praying, then you are quietly confident that time, money, and talent are all you need in life. You'll always be a little too tired,
a little too busy. But, if like Jesus you realize you can't do life on your own, then no matter how busy,no matter how tired you are, you will find the time to pray. — Paul E. Miller

E Money Quotes By Anonymous

The Catholic Church also opposes any effort to make it easier to deport children; last week, the archbishop of Chicago, Cardinal Francis E. George, said he had offered facilities in his diocese to house some of the children, and on Monday, bishops in Dallas and Fort Worth called for lawyers to volunteer to represent the children at immigration proceedings. "We have to put our money where our mouth is in this country," said Kevin Appleby, the director of migration policy for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. "We tell other countries to protect human rights and accept refugees, but when we get a crisis on our border, we don't know how to respond." Republicans have rejected calls by Democrats for $2.7 billion in funds to respond to the crisis, demanding changes in immigration law to make it easier to send children back to Central America. And while President Obama says he is open to some changes, many Democrats have opposed them, and Congress is now deadlocked. — Anonymous

E Money Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

We are training not isolated men but a living group of men, - nay, a group within a group. And the final product of our training must be neither a psychologist nor a brickmason, but a man. And to make men, we must have ideals, broad, pure, and inspiring ends of living, - not sordid money-getting, not apples of gold. The worker must work for the lory of his handiwork, not simply for pay; the thinker must think for truth, not for fame. And all this is gained only by human strife and longing; by ceaseless training and education; by founding Right on righteousness and Truth on the unhampered search for Truth ... and weaving thus a system, not a distortion, and bringing a birth, not an abortion. — W.E.B. Du Bois

E Money Quotes By E.C. Riegel

As has been stated, the purpose of money is to split barter into two parts so that the seller is free to find his source of supply later and elsewhere. This is the sole purpose of money. Any effort to use money to serve another purpose is perversive; and this statement condemns the entire managed money philosophy. — E.C. Riegel

E Money Quotes By E. M. Forster

Money pads the edges of things. — E. M. Forster

E Money Quotes By Joe E. Lewis

I don't like money actually, but it quiets the nerves. — Joe E. Lewis

E Money Quotes By E.L. Doctorow

A writer's life is so hazardous that anything he does is bad for him. Anything that happens to him is bad: failure's bad, success is bad; impoverishment is bad, money is very, very bad. Nothing good can happen ... Except the act of writing. — E.L. Doctorow

E Money Quotes By J. E. Buckrose

Though money is a fine servant, as a god, it does seem to develop all the evil qualities of the slave seated between the cherubim. — J. E. Buckrose

E Money Quotes By E.L. James

Anastasia, I earn roughly one hundred thousand dollars an hour. My mouth drops open. That is an obscene amount of money. — E.L. James

E Money Quotes By Joseph E. Stiglitz

To put it baldly, there are two ways to become wealthy: to create wealth or to take wealth away from others. The former adds to society. The latter typically subtracts from it, for in the process of taking it away, wealth gets destroyed. A monopolist who overcharges for his product takes money from those whom he is overcharging and at the same time destroys value. To get his monopoly price, he has to restrict production. — Joseph E. Stiglitz

E Money Quotes By E.C. Diskin

Because if someone owed me several thousand, and then stole from my house, and then I found out he had the money and didn't pay me back, I'd be pretty pissed," Hackett said. — E.C. Diskin

E Money Quotes By M.E. Thomas

Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.' Easier said than done for the vast majority of stock traders ... On every stock trade there is someone who wants to sell and someone who wants to buy, at least at a particular price ... the person who is selling thinks that she is getting out just in time while the person buying thinks that he is about to make good money.
... The truth is that the market doesn't really reflect some magical perfect valuation of a stock under the efficient market hypothesis. It reflects the mass consensus of how actual individual investors value the stock. It is the sum total of everyone's hopes and fears ... — M.E. Thomas

E Money Quotes By L.E. Sterling

Frown deepening, Jared bounces a hand off the chair arm. 'You know you're different, Princess. And it's not just because you're some fancy, spoiled rich girl. Hell, you don't smell like anyone else. Money can't buy that smell.' I assume he wasn't talking about my expensive perfume, which money did in fact buy. — L.E. Sterling

E Money Quotes By James E. Faust

One reason for the spiritual sickness of our society is that so many do not know or care about what is morally right and wrong. So many things are justified on the basis of expediency and the acquiring of money and goods. In recent times, those few individuals and institutions that have been courageous enough to stand up and speak out against adultery, dishonesty, violence, and other forms of evil are often held up to ridicule. Many things are just plain and simply wrong, whether they are illegal or not. Those who persist in following after the evil things of the world cannot know 'the peace of God, which passeth all understanding. — James E. Faust

E Money Quotes By Walter E. Williams

The difference between a thief and a congressman: When a thief steals your money, he doesn't expect you to thank him. — Walter E. Williams

E Money Quotes By Guy Kawasaki

Many years ago Rudyard Kipling gave an address at McGill University in Montreal. He said one striking thing which deserves to be remembered. Warning the students against an over-concern for money, or position, or glory, he said: "Some day you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are." - Halford E. Luccock — Guy Kawasaki

E Money Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

It is the growing custom to narrow control, concentrate power, disregard and disenfranchise the public; and assuming that certain powers by divine right of money-raising or by sheer assumption, have the power to do as they think best without consulting the wisdom of mankind. — W.E.B. Du Bois

E Money Quotes By Walter E. Williams

The bottom line is that if politicians weren't in the business of granting favors and exacting tribute, every single issue surrounding campaign finance reform would be irrelevant. After all, why would anyone spend money for influence, access, favors and tribute if the only thing that politicians do is to live up to their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution? — Walter E. Williams

E Money Quotes By Robert E. Davis

Potential stakeholders usually rely upon governance elements prior to investing their time, talent, and/or money. — Robert E. Davis

E Money Quotes By Youssef El-Gingihy

The original capital cost (i.e. actual value) of the Barts Health PFI was £1.1 billion (around £1 million per bed) but will end up costing £7.1 billion by 2049.14 £6 billion will go to the PFI consortium Skanska Innisfree and partners. Barts Health are paying £100 million a year in interest before they even see a patient.15 That's £3 billion, just in interest, over 30 years. Imagine what you could do for healthcare in East London with this money. So — Youssef El-Gingihy

E Money Quotes By Rick Warren

Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.
It is not enough to just say relationships are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. "My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action." Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is "T-I-M-E. — Rick Warren

E Money Quotes By David E. Fitch

Poverty is not primarily about money. It is about having no idea what to do and/or having no one with whom to do it. The former I called imagination and the latter I called community. To the extent that our neighborhood had imagination and community, we were not poor. But without imagination and community, no money could help us. . . . The role of the local church is to be a community of imagination [for the kingdom].12 — David E. Fitch

E Money Quotes By E.C. Riegel

Money power cannot be separated from democratic power without miscarriage and ensuing frustration - political and economic. Democracy implies the sovereignty of man; and, since man cannot be sovereign without the money power, there can not be democracy under the political money system. — E.C. Riegel

E Money Quotes By E. M. Forster

All this fame and money, which have so thrilled me when they came to others, leave me cold when they come to me. I am not an ascetic, but I don't know what to do with them, and my daily life has never been so trying, and there is no one to fill it emotionally. — E. M. Forster

E Money Quotes By E. Haldeman-Julius

Church tax exemption means that we all drop our money in the collection boxes, whether we go to church or not and whether we are interested in the church or not. It is systematic and complete robbery, from which none of us escapes. — E. Haldeman-Julius

E Money Quotes By E.A. Bucchianeri

(The Mona Lisa), that really is the ugliest portrait I've seen, the only thing that supposedly makes it famous is the mystery behind it, Katherine admitted as she remembered her trips to the Louvre and how she shook her head at the poor tourists crowding around to see a jaundiced, eyebrow-less lady that reminded her of tight-lipped Washington on the dollar bill. Surely, they could have chosen a better portrait of the First President for their currency? — E.A. Bucchianeri

E Money Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

And the final product of our training must be neither a psychologist nor a brick mason, but a man. And to make men, we must have ideals, broad, pure, and inspiring ends of living, not sordid money-getting ... The worker must work for the glory of his handiwork, not simply for pay; the thinker must think for truth, not fame. — W.E.B. Du Bois

E Money Quotes By Edward E. Baptist

If one enslaved person heard a white man and a woman in the house "talking about money," everybody in the quarters understood that "money" meant "slaves," and that "slaves" were about to be turned into "money" ("Massa say: 'they's money to me'"). "They [black folks] knew that mean they [white folks] gonna sell some slaves to the next nigger trader that come round. — Edward E. Baptist

E Money Quotes By Mary E. DeMuth

Money is a cheap but powerful substitute for Jesus, and wielding money is intoxicating, but it won't usher in the kingdom of God, nor will it ensure eternal treasures. — Mary E. DeMuth

E Money Quotes By Adlai E. Stevenson

There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody. — Adlai E. Stevenson

E Money Quotes By Ambrose Bierce

COMMERCE, n. A kind of transaction in which A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D of money belonging to E. — Ambrose Bierce

E Money Quotes By J.A. Konrath

When a single author uploading his own books to Amazon can earn more money than a large N.Y. publisher exploiting both print and e-rights, there's something amiss. — J.A. Konrath

E Money Quotes By Brian Christian

When Charles Darwin was trying to decide whether he should propose to his cousin Emma Wedgwood, he got out a pencil and paper and weighed every possible consequence. In favor of marriage he listed children, companionship, and the 'charms of music and female chit-chat.' Against marriage he listed the 'terrible loss of time,' lack of freedom to go where he wished, the burden of visiting relatives, the expense and anxiety provoked by children, the concern that 'perhaps my wife won't like London,' and having less money to spend on books. Weighing one column against the other produced a narrow margin of victory, and at the bottom Darwin scrawled, 'Marry - Marry - Marry Q.E.D.' Quod erat demonstrandum, the mathematical sign-off that Darwin himself restated in English: 'It being proved necessary to Marry. — Brian Christian

E Money Quotes By M. Stanton Evans

Demands for equal financing of sewers, streets, and garbage collection would make more sense than proposals for equal financing of the schools, since some plausible connection may be inferred between the amount of money expended, e.g., for roads, and the quality of service resulting to the taxpayer. — M. Stanton Evans

E Money Quotes By E.C. Riegel

When government is invested with money power it rises above the citizen and under the profession of protecting him may actually constitute the greatest threat to his well-being and safety. The power which control of the money system gives to government to interfere in and direct and even take the life of the individual should not exist on this earth. No man or group of men is warranted in holding this terrible power over fellow men. — E.C. Riegel

E Money Quotes By Ayn Rand

They don't want to write - they want the fame, money, and prestige of a writer. If they had an actual, personal desire to write, i.e., if they had something to say - without second-handedness involved, no desire to impress, nor any desire to re-hash some plagiarized ideas - they would have the talent. Men usually have the talent for that which they want to do - if they really want to do it, i.e., if their primary motive is personal, not second-hand. — Ayn Rand

E Money Quotes By Cal Thomas

My financial adviser Ric Edelman ... thinks the time to start educating people about money is when they are children. He's set up a retirement plan called the RIC-E-Trust that can provide retirement security. A $5,000 one-time tax-deferred investment at birth, with an average interest rate of ten percent compounded, means that a child would have $2.4 million when he or she is 65 years old. Who needs Social Security with that kind of nest egg? — Cal Thomas

E Money Quotes By A.E. Via

This fucking city is full of nothing but thugs, money grubbing porn-bitches, and hustlers. I'm calling the police." Ex fumed as he struggled to pull his cell from his pocket.

If Syn weren't so damn angry it would've been funny as shit the way the man's jaw dropped when God and Day both pulled their gold badges out from under their shirts. Day smiled that sinister grin and kneeled in front of them, speaking in an official tone, "911, what is your emergency? — A.E. Via

E Money Quotes By Mark E. Smith

There was a lot of pretense floating around; not just with aunties and all that but with emotions and how people saw you. They had a point. There's a lot to learn from that generation
the stoic approach. I think it's disgusting how they've been forgotten about in this way. It's the American hippies' fault, they saw an in there, a way of making money out of bad moods. That's all it is most of the time. You can't expect to feel cock-a-hoop every minute of every day. My mam and dad's generation understood this. They were just thankful the bombs had stopped threatening their lives. They just wanted to get on with living. — Mark E. Smith

E Money Quotes By E. M. Forster

They must live outside class, without relations or money; they must work and stick to each other till death. But England belonged to them. That, besides companionship, was their reward. Her air and sky were theirs, not the timorous millions' who own stuffy little boxes, but never their own souls. — E. M. Forster

E Money Quotes By E.A. Bucchianeri

Monsieur, you must be mad!
Box Five can never be had
For money, love or the world ... — E.A. Bucchianeri

E Money Quotes By Joseph E. Brown

I am neither a free-trade man, willing to collect all the money we have to raise by direct tax upon the people, nor am I willing to lay a tax simply for protection when the Government does not need the money. — Joseph E. Brown

E Money Quotes By E.W. Howe

If a man has money, it is usually a sign, too, that he knows how to take care of it; don't imagine his money is easy to get simply because he has plenty of it. — E.W. Howe