Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dumpstered Urban Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dumpstered Urban Quotes

Dumpstered Urban Quotes By Henry Miller

When you travel often, you will be addicted to it forever. — Henry Miller

Dumpstered Urban Quotes By Jack Abramoff

I am much chastened and profoundly remorseful. I can only hope that the Almighty and those whom I have wronged will forgive me my trespasses. — Jack Abramoff

Dumpstered Urban Quotes By William Odom

Therefore, once U.S. forces leave, it is almost inevitable that an anti-Western, anti-U.S. regime will arise. — William Odom

Dumpstered Urban Quotes By Doug Jones

I'm surprised how many commercials and sitcoms and movies have a need for, 'We just need something to come by the camera that's really weird.' They call Doug Jones. — Doug Jones

Dumpstered Urban Quotes By Voltaire

To pray to God is to flatter oneself that with words one can alter nature. — Voltaire

Dumpstered Urban Quotes By Stephen King

Messrs. Strunk and White don't speculate as to why so many writers are attracted to passive verbs, but I'm willing to; I think timid writers like them for the same reason timid lovers like passive partners. The passive voice is safe. There is no troublesome action to contend with; the subject just has to close its eyes and think of England, to paraphrase Queen Victoria. I think unsure writers also feel the passive voice somehow lends their work authority, perhaps even a quality of majesty. If you find instruction manuals and lawyers' torts majestic, I guess it does. — Stephen King

Dumpstered Urban Quotes By Gore Vidal

The more money an American accumulates, the less interesting he becomes. — Gore Vidal

Dumpstered Urban Quotes By Alexander Graham Bell

Grand telegraphic discovery today ... Transmitted vocal sounds for the first time ... With some further modification I hope we may be enabled to distinguish ... the "timbre" of the sound. Should this be so, conversation viva voce by telegraph will be a fait accompli. — Alexander Graham Bell