Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dreamworks Spirit Quotes

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By David Levithan

Betrayal. Lust. Secrecy. Devotion. I think we do these things to feel more alive. When the truth is that alive is alive
you can feel it in anything, if you give it a chance. — David Levithan

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By Lawren Harris

It requires courage to face and to conquer the immense weight of inertia and the dead and dying traditions and sophistications that clutter the minds of men and mould them into the mimicry of living ways ... — Lawren Harris

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By Jennifer Lane

Grant glanced down at his khaki jacket. Since he'd slipped on the US Navy uniform in Agent Bounter's office, he'd felt a confident swagger possess him. His spine lengthened, and his shoulders retracted. He should've been wearing this every day, not the stupid dress shirt and slacks of a lounge singer. — Jennifer Lane

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By John Fowles

An easterly is the most disagreeable wind in Lyme Bay - Lyme Bay being that largest bite from the underside of England's outstretched southwestern leg - and a person of curiosity could at once have deduced several strong probabilities about the pair who began to walk down the quay at Lyme Regis, the small but ancient eponym of the inbite, one incisively sharp and blustery morning in the late March of 1867. — John Fowles

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By Oliver Herford

The Irish gave the bagpipes to the Scotts as a joke, but the Scotts haven't seen the joke yet. — Oliver Herford

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By Pierre Curie

Radium could be very dangerous in criminal hands. — Pierre Curie

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By Teresa Mummert

Kettle, you're not embracing my awesome. Embrace the awesome."
"So are you going to tell me how you knew?" I pulled back to look at him, and his gaze flicked to mine. "Well, I'd always had a feeling of awesome, even as a young boy."
"My God. You're infuriating."
"Kettle, I'm touched, but you don't need to call me 'God. — Teresa Mummert

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By Avi Steinberg

His elegant librarianship ... made me appreciate how order is created: Not through grand schemes - to which I was often drawn - but by small graceful actions, repeated often and refined with time. — Avi Steinberg

Dreamworks Spirit Quotes By Mary Balogh

played any sort of game. Ten. — Mary Balogh