Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dobrojevic Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dobrojevic Quotes

Dobrojevic Quotes By Albert Camus

Friendship is less simple. It is long and hard to obtain but when one has it there's no getting rid of it; one simply has to cope with it. Don't think for a minute that your friends will telephone you every evening, as they ought to, in order to find out if this doesn't happen to be the evening when you are deciding to commit suicide, or simply whether you don't need company, whether you are not in the mood to go out. No, don't worry, they'll ring up the evening you are not alone, when life is beautiful. As for suicide, they would be more likely to push you to it, by virtue of what you owe to yourself, according to them. May heaven protect us, cher Monsieur, from being set upon a pedestal by our friends! — Albert Camus

Dobrojevic Quotes By Lance Reddick

'Pigeonholed' isn't the right word, because I feel like I've had a very wide range of characters that I've been allowed to play. — Lance Reddick

Dobrojevic Quotes By Joe Abercrombie

The failure of something great is never a simple matter, but where there is success and glory, there must also be failure and shame. — Joe Abercrombie

Dobrojevic Quotes By Gary L. Francione

So it is always preferable to discuss the matter of veganism in a non-judgemental way. Remember that to most people, eating flesh or dairy and using animal products such as leather, wool, and silk, is as normal as breathing air or drinking water. A person who consumes dairy or uses animal products is not necessarily or usually what a recent and unpopular American president labelled an evil doer. — Gary L. Francione

Dobrojevic Quotes By Danielle Ackley-McPhail

On Writing: A multitude of improbabilities can be forgiven as long as enough plausibility has been established. — Danielle Ackley-McPhail

Dobrojevic Quotes By Jennifer Lawrence

In a short amount of time, I've lived so much, had so many experiences and met so many different types of people and even lived in so many countries. If I had been in school, I'd be learning about the world from books. — Jennifer Lawrence

Dobrojevic Quotes By Joey Comeau

Satellite images, maps and blueprints of the whole world, of every city. We could look it up and know what's there in someone else's words. Or we could get wicked drunk and just go. — Joey Comeau

Dobrojevic Quotes By Colleen Coble

She turned her own Bible to John 13. The pastor began to preach about how Jesus loved Peter even though he knew ahead of time that Peter would deny him three times. "God loves us in the same way," Reverend Mitchell said. "Not because of what we do, but because of who he is. We can't earn God's favor by working for it. We don't earn it by our beauty or our possessions, for God is the one who gives those things anyway. His love is not dependent on anything. He loved us when we were unlovable, just as he did Peter. — Colleen Coble

Dobrojevic Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

There is a point in every philosophy at which the "conviction" of the philosopher appears on the scene; or, to put it in the words of an ancient mystery: adventavit asinus, / pulcher et fortissimus. (Translation: The ass arrives, beautiful and most brave.) — Friedrich Nietzsche

Dobrojevic Quotes By Elizabeth Goudge

He was a greater craftsman even than Isaac, and he knew it, and so, presently, did Isaac.
There was a greatness in Isaac. One evening at supper, between one bite of sausage and another, he was able to acknowledge that it was so. "He must increase, but I must decrease," he said to himself. He did not know where the quotation came from, or that in taking it to himself he had taken a fence at which many balked or fell. He finished the sausage without having the slightest idea that he was not the same man that he had been when he embarked upon it. The next morning he smiled at Job and asked him if he would like to help him with his clock. Job went crimson to the roots of his hair and unable to speak bent to pick up a tool he had dropped under the workbench. When he reappeared he was no more able to speak than he had been before, but his face was shining like the morning sun. From that moment the two increasingly loved each other. — Elizabeth Goudge

Dobrojevic Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

Beauty fades, but Evil Bitch is forever, — Jeaniene Frost

Dobrojevic Quotes By Martin Brodeur

It was tough to get up for teams from the West. This will put a lot of interest back in the game. — Martin Brodeur

Dobrojevic Quotes By Gregory MacDonald

That the majority of people do not embrace salvation in this life does not mean that their experiences now do not lay a foundation for a later acceptance of it. — Gregory MacDonald

Dobrojevic Quotes By Thomas Carlyle

To the mean eye all things are trivial, as certainly as to the jaundiced they are yellow. — Thomas Carlyle

Dobrojevic Quotes By M. Leighton

Why don't you pack a bigger bag and come stay with me?
My stomach flutters at the thought of going to sleep in Cash's arms every night and waking up in them every morning. Of going to sleep with his taste on my tongue and waking up with his tongue in my mouth. That's what it would be like. At least for a while. For a few days.
It sounds like heaven. — M. Leighton