Famous Quotes & Sayings

Disabusing Reality Quotes & Sayings

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Top Disabusing Reality Quotes

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Michael Chabon

He took a step toward her, than another, tentatively, gathering all his strength, as though about to throw a heavy switch that would, if his calculations were correct, bring light to a hundred cities and ten thousand darkened rooms. He was going to ask her to dance - that was all. — Michael Chabon

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Oprah Carnegie

Don't wait. The time will never be just right. Life is short and fleeting and yet we are always all waiting for the 'right moment' to do something. When I have more money. Or when I quit my job. Or when I've lost weight. There always seems to be an excuse for not doing the things you want to do. Stop waiting for the right time and just start. The best time is now. — Oprah Carnegie

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Li Bai

From some home a jade flute sends dark notes drifting,
Scattering on the spring wind that fills Lo-yang.
Tonight, if we should hear the willow-breaking song,
Who could help but long for the gardens of home? — Li Bai

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Martin A. Siegel

I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-ideological blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish. — Martin A. Siegel

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Frank A. Clark

Why not upset the apple cart? If you don't, the apples will rot anyway. — Frank A. Clark

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Isabel Allende

When I write fiction, I never try to deliver a message; I just want to tell a story. But I admit that I want the story to be memorable and the characters to touch the reader's heart. — Isabel Allende

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Randy Harrison

I wasn't dating anyone. I was hyper-focused on acting. So I didn't bring a guy to the prom. I was the lone gay person as far as I knew. — Randy Harrison

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Billy Graham

He (man) is both dust of earth and breath of God. — Billy Graham

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Benjamin Percy

Fight back. Bite back. — Benjamin Percy

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Janet Evanovich

I shot that sucker right in the gumpy.
Grandma Mazur — Janet Evanovich

Disabusing Reality Quotes By Mark Ruffalo

Trying to find the story within the story was hard. Filmmaking is such a reductive process in a strange way and you keep whittling away to what is essential. — Mark Ruffalo