Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Despicable Person

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Top Despicable Person Quotes

Despicable Person Quotes By Prince

What's missing from pop music is danger. — Prince

Despicable Person Quotes By Stellan Skarsgard

Even the most despicable person is still a human being. — Stellan Skarsgard

Despicable Person Quotes By Kim Young-kwang

In this filthy despicable world someone suddenly reached out and held on to me. My life in my darkest moment, at the moment of all moments. The one person that reached out to me, was you Yoon Jae In — Kim Young-kwang

Despicable Person Quotes By Jonathan Ames

I am part of a vast generation of people who perpetually live as if they just graduated from college. — Jonathan Ames

Despicable Person Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Each person, the most worthy as well as the most despicable, carries around a secret which would make her hateful to everyone else if it became known. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Despicable Person Quotes By Socrates

Nothing is to be preferred before justice. — Socrates

Despicable Person Quotes By Wes Craven

[I was] feeling like I'd done something horrible, "I'm a despicable person and I'm perverse," and all these things, to a sense of the power and the necessity, in a sense, of horror films and dealing with dark material. — Wes Craven

Despicable Person Quotes By John Grisham

And every defendant, regardless of how despicable the person or his crime, is entitled to a lawyer. Most laymen don't understand this and don't care. I don't care either. This is my job. — John Grisham

Despicable Person Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

I may be a despicable person, but when Truth speaks through me I am
invincible. — Mahatma Gandhi

Despicable Person Quotes By Veronica Roth

He is the sort of despicable person who has no understanding of how despicable he is, and my badgering him with insults won't change that; nothing will. Rather than angry, I just feel heavy, useless. — Veronica Roth

Despicable Person Quotes By James Lee Burke

As flawed as Southern culture is, mendacity has always been treated in the South as a despicable characteristic. Notice how often Southerners casually address others as "you son of a bitch" with no insult intended. When the same person calls someone a "lying son of a bitch," you know he's serious. — James Lee Burke

Despicable Person Quotes By Thomas A. Harris

The person in the I'M OK - YOU'RE NOT OK position suffers from stroking deprivation. A stroke is only as good as the stroker. And there are no OK people. Therefore there are no OK strokes. Such a person may develop a retinue of "yes men" who praise and stroke him heavily. Yet he knows they are not authentic strokes because he has had to set them up himself, in the same way he had to produce his own stroking in the first place. The more they praise him the more despicable they become, until he finally rejects them all in favor of a new group of yes men. "Come close so I can let you have it" is an old recording. That's the way it was in the beginning. — Thomas A. Harris

Despicable Person Quotes By Penny Reid

When you have a despicable person as a parent, I truly believe you can't escape hating any part of yourself that resembles him or her. Whether it's a physical similarity, a talent, a propensity or an inclination that you share, all commonalities are abhorrent to you.
I look like my father. I have his thick dark hair and bright blue eyes. I have my mother's nose, but I have my father's wide, full mouth and his height. I am his child, and I hate the man. I hate that I look like him. — Penny Reid

Despicable Person Quotes By Addison Moore

Tricking someone into a relationship is the earmark of a despicable personAddison Moore

Despicable Person Quotes By Li-Young Lee

Could it be in longing we are most ourselves? — Li-Young Lee

Despicable Person Quotes By Orson Scott Card

Satanic Verses is a despicable book that could not have been written by a person who wished to behave decently and responsibly. — Orson Scott Card

Despicable Person Quotes By Marcus Aurelius

The despicable phoniness of people who say, "Listen, I'm going to level with you here." What does that mean? It shouldn't even need to be said. It should be obvious - written in block letters on your forehead. It should be audible in your voice, visible in your eyes, like a lover who looks into your face and takes in the whole story at a glance. A straightforward, honest person should be like someone who stinks: when you're in the same room with him, you know it. But false straightforwardness is like a knife in the back. — Marcus Aurelius

Despicable Person Quotes By Carlos Santana

What is an ego except something that thinks it's separate from God? — Carlos Santana

Despicable Person Quotes By Dahlia Lu

I wonder which one of us is more despicable.Is it the person relentlessly chasing after love or the person desperately holding it captive? We wrapped each other in vines of thorns so that we could watch each other's heart bleed to the last drop, only there can be no end for creatures of eternal darkness. How much longer must you watch me bleed? — Dahlia Lu

Despicable Person Quotes By Russell Brand

I've always been a 'your parents have got to come up to the school' type of person. Even now, when I do something wrong - if I say something inappropriate on a live tv show, for example - I half expect to have to deliver a note to Barbara Brand: 'Please come up to Channel 4 head office, Russell's done something despicable. — Russell Brand

Despicable Person Quotes By Charlie Puth

I started piano when I was four. My mom taught me. And then I went to Manhattan School of Music during high school, like every Saturday. And then I went to Berklee for college, in Boston. — Charlie Puth

Despicable Person Quotes By W. Somerset Maugham

The Nature of men and women -their essential nature- is so vile and despicable that if you were to portray a person as he really is, no one would believe you. — W. Somerset Maugham

Despicable Person Quotes By Joe Bradley

I'm not a planner. I should be more articulate about what the imagery means, but I don't have a good reason for it; it's just there. — Joe Bradley

Despicable Person Quotes By MaryElizabeth Williams

If we forever treat people like the person they were at their lowest, most despicable moments, how can we expect them not to believe that's who they are, and behave accordingly? — MaryElizabeth Williams

Despicable Person Quotes By Max Heindel

When judging a horoscope, it is of prime importance that we take into consideration the social and racial standing of the individual, for configurations which are of great significance in the horoscope of an educated Caucasian may mean little or nothing in the figure of a Chinese Coolie and vice versa. — Max Heindel

Despicable Person Quotes By Tom Stoppard

To be 64 is appalling, so what does it matter being 65? — Tom Stoppard

Despicable Person Quotes By Hassan Nasrallah

If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli. — Hassan Nasrallah

Despicable Person Quotes By Jeffrey Rowland

Let's talk about rape for a moment. Rape is not what George Lucas did to your childhood. Rape is not what happens when a sports team beats another sports team by a wide margin. Rape is not what happens when your electric bill is higher this month than it was last month. Rape is when a person violates another person in the most despicable, degrading way imaginable and among the myriad of terrible things humans can do to one another, rape is among the worst. I think the casual misappropriation of the concept of rape extending all the way to its widespread comical usage is disgusting even by Internet standards. Off my chest. — Jeffrey Rowland

Despicable Person Quotes By Michael Douglas

It's important to save your money. We need it for the long haul but too many Americans don't save and don't invest. It used to be that people would be proud of the fact that they were middle class. You'd have your church and buy a house and you had a car and everything else. Now, it's really, really tough. Everybody has financial issues except for the one percent. — Michael Douglas

Despicable Person Quotes By Heather Dubrow

To hide behind a computer and an anonymous persona to spew hate at another person is despicable. — Heather Dubrow

Despicable Person Quotes By Adam Levine

She's the coolest person in the world ... I don't date what the person does ... You know what I mean? I could have been a zitty teenager and walked into a Tower Records, and we would have talked about Pearl Jam, and we would have fallen in love when we were 15. And that's when you know. It's like, oh, my God, game over ... Listen, there are a lot of women in this country, in many countries, who date men for their money. Okay? That's despicable. Right? That's not what we're talking about here. Whatever does it for you, man. — Adam Levine

Despicable Person Quotes By Bob Proctor

Money will make you more of what you already are. If you're not a nice person, money's going to make you a despicable individual. If you're a good person, money's going to make you a better person. — Bob Proctor

Despicable Person Quotes By Julia Quinn

It's still horrible. The whole thing."
"Dreadful," Grace agreed.
Amelia turned and looked at her directly. "Sodding bad."
Grace gasped, "Amelia!"
Amelia's face wrinkled in thought. "Did I use that correctly?"
"I wouldn't know."
"Oh, come now, don't tell me you haven't thought something just as unladylike."
"I wouldn't say it."
The look Amelia gave her was clear as a dare. "But you thought it."
Grace felt her lips twitch. "It's a dammed shame."
"A bloody inconvenience, if you ask me. — Julia Quinn