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Define Manifest Quotes & Sayings

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Top Define Manifest Quotes

Define Manifest Quotes By Alan W. Watts

The further truth that the undivided mind is aware of experience as a unity, of the world as itself, and that the whole nature of mind and awareness is to be one with what it knows, suggests a state that would usually be called love. For the love that expresses itself in creative action is something much more than an emotion. It is not something which you can "feel" and "know," remember and define. Love is the organizing and unifying principle which makes the world a universe and the disintegrated mass a community. It is the very essence and character of mind, and becomes manifest in action when the mind is whole. — Alan W. Watts

Define Manifest Quotes By Kenneth Branagh

I think I do have a way of predicting - not always accurately - what is a nerve-wracking day for actors, what may be a difficult scene or a difficult moment, how small - and it may be down to one line - a thing maybe that is upsetting or undermining a performance. — Kenneth Branagh

Define Manifest Quotes By Lao-Tzu

When I let go of who I am, I become who I might be. — Lao-Tzu

Define Manifest Quotes By Saint Augustine

Let us sing a new song, not with our lips, but with our lives. — Saint Augustine

Define Manifest Quotes By Edmund Phelps

Things can get only so bad. People want to eat, so at some point they resist further cuts to their consumption - it's not a bottomless pit. — Edmund Phelps

Define Manifest Quotes By Michael Ventura

Work is a sacrament. Don't despise anyone's. — Michael Ventura

Define Manifest Quotes By Selma Dabbagh

We can't just run away. It's our land. Our people. We have a duty. — Selma Dabbagh

Define Manifest Quotes By Nicki Edwards

Jim turned. "Is everything okay? What are you doing?"
"Pinching myself. — Nicki Edwards

Define Manifest Quotes By Don Herold

The chief trouble with jazz is that there is not enough of it; some of it we have to listen to twice. — Don Herold

Define Manifest Quotes By Kady Cross

You think I pretend weakness?"
She nodded. "Not weakness, but you like to let others think they're in control, when it's you. — Kady Cross

Define Manifest Quotes By Krista Ritchie

Trust me."
"I don't even know you," I say softly, adrenaline pulsating through my veins. He has led me to the precipice of a cliff, pushed me off, and now he's clasping my wrist. He can let go at any moment, and I will fall.
"Every day," he says lowly, "I hold a person's life in my hands. The circus is based one-hundred percent off trust. I give it all to someone, and they give it all to me. I'm asking you, right now, to trust me. — Krista Ritchie

Define Manifest Quotes By Henry Ford

I didn't get much peace, but I heard in Norway that Russia might well become a huge market for tractors soon. — Henry Ford

Define Manifest Quotes By Tammy Blackwell

It would be like The Rock versus Seth Green. Now, tell me who he is — Tammy Blackwell

Define Manifest Quotes By Aman Jassal

If words come alive on the page, the writer succeeds in connecting to the reader. — Aman Jassal

Define Manifest Quotes By Jorge Gw

Thoughts not only manifest into reality,
they define it. — Jorge Gw

Define Manifest Quotes By Allan G. Johnson

To justify such direct forms of imperialism and oppression, whites developed the IDEA of whiteness to define a privileged social category elevated above everyone who wasn't included in it. This made it possible to reconcile conquest, treachery, slavery, and genocide, with the nation's newly professed ideals of democracy, freedom, and human dignity. If whiteness define what it meant to be human, then it was seen as less off an offense against the Constitution (not to mention God) to dominate and oppress those who happened to fall outside that definition as the United States marched onward toward what was popularly perceived as its Manifest Destiny. — Allan G. Johnson

Define Manifest Quotes By Alex Newell

I tend to hide behind my status of being a diva; it's easy for me to embrace that part of me and seek confidence by being a bit outrageous at times. — Alex Newell

Define Manifest Quotes By Chris Matakas

So by being created, you are automatically made manifest within a system in which you are directly associated with your creator, and it is this association that we define as a relationship. — Chris Matakas