Famous Quotes & Sayings

Deeba Rajpal Quotes & Sayings

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Top Deeba Rajpal Quotes

Deeba Rajpal Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

Leaders know where they can function better. They don't cry over what they cannot do. — Israelmore Ayivor

Deeba Rajpal Quotes By Erik Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Modern man is a hard driven nomad without any stability, not (as the Bible has it) a wanderer or a pilgrim, but a refugee-an escapist. Instead of meditation and reflection there is only speed, fear and distraction. — Erik Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Deeba Rajpal Quotes By Paul Washer

Pray for the field. If God calls, then prepare for the field. When it is time, go to the field. A life lost for Christ is a life well spent. — Paul Washer

Deeba Rajpal Quotes By Henry Cloud

If we demand perfection from ourselves we are not living in the real world ... The inherent problem in the relationship between the ideal & the real is that the ideal judges the real as unacceptable and brings down condemnation and wrath on the real. This sets up an adversarial relationship between the two and like all adversaries, they move further and further apart. — Henry Cloud

Deeba Rajpal Quotes By Jen Wilde

My bottom lip starts to quiver, but I keep going. "I fight every day, and too many times it's just not enough and the fear wins. I'm so fucking weak and everything is so fucking intense and sometimes I really hate it." I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands as the tears pour out of me. I didn't mean to say all that. I feel exposed. Tears fill her eyes, too. "Can I hug you?" I nod, unable to speak. She walks around the table and hugs me. — Jen Wilde

Deeba Rajpal Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Happiness will be abundant in your life when there is love, beauty, rhythm, and rhyme. — Debasish Mridha