Quotes & Sayings About Debbie
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Top Debbie Quotes

Many of us don't realize that we have a choice about which aspect of ourselves we will use as the foundation upon which we build our lives. — Debbie Ford

Connected to the collective heart, you can be certain in every cell of your being that you are never alone, and you will experience the grace, guidance and ease that comes when you are one with all there is. — Debbie Ford

I remember seeing a photograph of myself en pointe with my hand over my head and the other hand turned in under my breast curtseying. I took dance lessons at Miss Debbie's Dance Studio, and she put this picture of me in the storefront window. I was so unbelievably humiliated by the sight of myself. — Lisa Yuskavage

[Donald] Trump and all the Republicans believe in the theory of trickle down economics which is a theory discredited even by the author himself David Stockton. The theory suggests that if we take care of the people at the top, if we cut taxes for the wealthy, if we make sure they are doing really well, then the investments that they make in the economy and the jobs that will create, will make everything grow and it will have a trickle down effect on the rest of us. — Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Emotional turmoil can be a powerful catalyst to reconnect us with our divine nature. It propels us into a journey of self discovery and urges us to learn how to love and accept our entire being. — Debbie Ford

People are funny. They want the front of the bus, the middle of the road and the back of the church. - Mrs. Miracle — Debbie Macomber

If you just change one person's life, you feel like you've done something. But if you can change a whole lot of them and get them looking at themselves differently, it's amazing. — Debbie Allen

We might like to think of ourselves as autonomous beings who get to decide who we are going to be, but we are likely much more malleable than we think. We are often defined by the structure that keeps us captive. In some ways our desires are so socially constructed that they can't rightfully be called our own. — Debbie Blue

It's not our job to assess the merit of our vision or judge its importance. It is our job to receive the vision and act upon it. — Debbie Ford

Don't go to sleep now, for you have been awakened. Don't shut your eyes, or you will put out the light. Stay awake to the power and force that guides and protects your divine essence. — Debbie Ford

When you treat yourself with the kindness and high regard that you would give to one of your spiritual heroes, your body becomes the epicenter of quiet joy rather than a battlefield for the ego. — Debbie Ford

Pain is a spiritual wake-up call showing you that there are oceans you have not yet explored. Step beyond the world you know. Reach for heights that you never thought possible. Go to places you have deemed off limits. This is the time to take off the shell of your past and step into the rich possibilities of your future. God does not give us dreams that we cannot fulfill. If you want to do something great with your life-whether it's to fall madly in love, become a teacher, be a great parent-if you aspire to do something beyond what you are doing now, this is the time to begin. Trust yourself. — Debbie Ford

The concern right now is that families are paying for insurance, or getting insurance from their employer and trusting that health care will be available for their families. In too many instances now, the care they need isn't available. — Debbie Stabenow

I've lived most of my life trying to please others. I don't think I can do that anymore. — Debbie Macomber

I remember I was a little girl when Elizabeth Taylor stole Eddie Fisher from America's Sweetheart, Debbie Reynolds, and the reaction back then was enormous! And Angelina Jolie was in trouble, too, for taking a husband away from another America's Sweetheart. Don't take husbands from America's Sweethearts. — Jacki Weaver

When a warrior is present and awake to all that she is, she is able to take on any challenge, any project, or any future that she desires. Her daily prayer is to have the strength to love all of herself, the courage to listen to what she is guided to do and the confidence to go out, stand tall and deliver her gifts to the world. — Debbie Ford

I like sunny stories. You know, my favorite girls in the '50s were Debbie Reynolds, Doris Day, and Esther Williams. — Edward Herrmann

This powerful question - "Am I standing in my power or am I trying to please another?" - challenges us to believe in ourselves and make the daring choice to trust in our innate ability to know what's in our highest and best interest. — Debbie Ford

When you make peace with yourself, the world will mirror back that same level of peace. — Debbie Ford

I would never stop watching film. The reason why I say I like the old ones is I like the subject matter better. I thought they had more variety to them, they had more romantic comedies and things that appealed to me more. — Debbie Reynolds

perhaps, in giving of myself, I would find the joy Paul had promised. And maybe, given time, it would be possible for me to find my way back to life. — Debbie Macomber

I could envision it all to clearly: Stuart or Debbie finding the dented door off its hinges, lying in the snow. "She came in, ravaged the boy, stole plastic bags, and ripped off the door in her escape," the police would say in the APB. "Probably making her way to bust her parents out of jail. — Maureen Johnson

I design my shots. I walk the rehearsal as the camera and say 'this is where I want to be ... I want this look. — Debbie Allen

I would much rather have a life filled with magic than one filled with the mundane. — Debbie Viguie

If we want a new future that does not look like our past, we must make new choices in the present. — Debbie Ford

Debbie Gibson and dog food. I've always dreamed of this. — Julie Brown

It goes back to a style of moviemaking I remember seeing as a child, in movies like The Man With The Golden Arm, which I think was shot all on a sound stage. — Debbie Allen

It is our interpretation of the past, our limiting beliefs, and our undigested pain that stop us from being able to move forward with clear direction. — Debbie Ford

Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad. — Debbie Ford

Everything can change in one momnet of Time — Debbie Ann Egdell

Our society nurtures the illusion that all the rewards go to the people who are perfect. But many of us are finding out that trying to be perfect is costly. — Debbie Ford

You are designed to reinvent and re-create yourself, over and over again. And, you are here - whether you want to acknowledge it or not; whether you even know it or not - for the evolution of your own soul. — Debbie Ford

And I have to say, what motivates me every day and I know my Democratic colleagues is to remember that every day 14,000 people get up in the morning with insurance that go to bed at night without it and most of them because they lost their job. — Debbie Stabenow

She heard a low laugh and glanced over her shoulder, meeting Gage's amused glaze. 'You're trouble', he mouthed.
'No,' Madison thought when she went all warm and gooey inside, 'I'm in trouble. — Debbie Mason

Addie had always considered the holidays an extra-special time of year. Magic hung in the air, and people were gentler, kinder to one another. Differences were set aside, friendships deepened, and people in general were more charitable and happier. — Debbie Macomber

I have to admit, like so many women, I always knew there was a chance. But like so many women, I never thought it would be me. I never thought I'd hear those devastating words: 'You have breast cancer.' — Debbie Wasserman Schultz

I've managed to keep my career going in a way that suits me. I'll perform, and then I'll go home to my actual life, and I've never been so visible. — Debbie Gibson

The best way to get even is to forget. — Debbie Macomber

I don't have kids. I'll probably never have kids. And I am getting sick of people behaving as though the only way a woman can be judged is by what comes out of her vagina. — Debbie Johnson

A word of advice, my sweet Emmett - mourn the losses because they are many. But celebrate the victories because they are few. — Debbie Novotny

I think the press does, too; it's just the few crazies and paparazzi that give them a bad name. Real writers write good things. My daughter's a writer, and she's a quality writer. — Debbie Reynolds

Don't be a quitter.
Try harder.
Don't be so picky.
Be willing to start at the bottom.
Prove yourself. — Debbie Macomber

Debbie often talked about Gretchen as if she was his mistress. But to Archie it sometimes felt like the other way around. As if, by moving back in with his ex-wife, he was cheating on Gretchen.
That was probably worthy of bringing up in therapy — Chelsea Cain

Today is the day to break free from the prison of the person you know yourself to be and step into a self you have yet to know. Will it be comfortable? No, but do it anyway. — Debbie Ford

There are some scenes that work beautifully in a moving, sweeping master, which is how I like to work. — Debbie Allen

I wanted to be as comfortable in that environment as she was. I moved around those areas in character. — Debbie Reynolds

We will certainly be focused on making sure that the prosperity we have been able to accomplish in the past 8 years under the leadership of Mr. [Barack] Obama, continues. — Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Mary Allen has compiled a wealth of tools and resources - both inner and outer - to support you in consciously directing your untapped potential and creating a life that you love. — Debbie Ford

We all make mistakes. Big and small. But you don't have to let them define you forever. — Debbie Macomber

Mrs Bennet could not help but resent that a handful of pretty girls, even as corpses, attracted more attention from the gentleman than any of her daughters could merit. — Debbie Cowens

This is the time it all starts, I'm telling you. Like, 16, I mean, forget it. You could just get beat up, you could go through these grueling schedules. — Debbie Gibson

I've always been a creative speller and never achieved good grades in school. I graduated from high school but didn't have the opportunity to attend college, so I did what young women my age did at the time - I married. — Debbie Macomber

It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are, without any self-deception or illusion, that a light will develop out of events, by which the path to success may be recognized. — Debbie Ford

Humans, as attractive and awesomely created as they are, tend to believe that events occur in their lives randomly, with little or no meaning. They often overlook the obvious, that God is in control. — Debbie Macomber

He left the building, fury propelling his steps, and got into his car. Feeling the way he did just then, Ian realized he shouldn't be driving, but he wasn't about to sit outside this apartment. Not when Cecilia might think he sat there pining for her. He revved the engine and threw the transmission into drive. The tires squealed as he sped off, burning rubber. He hadn't gone more than a quarter mile when he saw the red-and-blue lights of a sheriff's car flashing behind him. — Debbie Macomber

Standing in our power demands that we be vulnerable, listen to our own voice, and take risks outside the comfort of what we know. — Debbie Ford

We see only that which we are. — Debbie Ford

Their callous indifference to the plight of children streaming across the border, fleeing horrific circumstances in their own country. Republicans are simply strangled by extremism. There is no more establishment, or middle or moderate wing. You've got the Steve King wing of the Republican Party today, who raised the specter of impeachment this weekend. — Debbie Wasserman Schultz

The clothes back in those days were made so much better than clothes are today. They actually took time to make clothes to fit a woman's body. Today they make clothes that fit sizes, so it stretches to fit this and that. — Debbie Allen

All of your so-called faults, all the things which you don't like about yourself are your greatest assets," she said. "They are simply overamplified. The volume has been turned up a bit too much, that's all. Just turn down the volume a little. Soon, you - and everyone else - will see your weaknesses as your strengths, your 'negatives' as your 'positives.' They will become wonderful tools, ready to work for you rather than against you. All you have to do is learn to call on these personality traits in amounts that are appropriate to the moment. Judge how much of your wonderful qualities are needed, and don't give any more than that. — Debbie Ford

I define God as an energy - a spiritual energy. It has no denomination. It has no judgments. — Debbie Ford

Challenge the person you think you are in order to unveil the person you are capable of becoming — Debbie Ford

Kindness is something that should always be passed on. — Debbie Macomber

What we were doing was trying to simply get the information we need once we learned from our vendor after the software glitch occurred that there had been a breach by the Sanders campaign staff, which I was glad to see senator [Bernie] Sanders acknowledge that was wrong and apologize for. — Debbie Wasserman Schultz

I'm a yarnaholic. That means I have more yarn stashed away than any one person could possibly use in three or four lifetimes. There's something inspiring about yarn that makes me feel I could never have enough. — Debbie Macomber

To transcend limitations and form positive new patterns of life based on who you know you can be rather than who you were yesterday, you must give up the modes of thinking, feeling and behaving that only keep you chained to your past. — Debbie Ford

When Debbie was fourteen, she felt "impressed by the Lord" to marry Ray Blackmore, the community leader. Debbie asked her father to share her divine impression with Prophet LeRoy Johnson, who would periodically travel to Bountiful from Short Creek to perform various religious duties. Because Debbie was lithe and beautiful, Uncle Roy approved of the match. A year later the prophet returned to Canada and married her to the ailing fifty-seven-year-old Blackmore. As his sixth wife, Debbie became a stepmother to Blackmore's thirty-one kids, most of whom were older than she was. And because he happened to be the father of Debbie's own stepmother, Mem, she unwittingly became a stepmother to her stepmother, and thus a step grandmother to herself. — Jon Krakauer

Even some rock star girls, which I didn't really know her name. I will probably find out and probably get slaughtered for not knowing her name, but she brought some of her clothes that she used to wear on stage. I wore one of the corsets and stuff. I don't know why I'm blanking. It was not Pat Benatar. It's like Debbie Gibson, Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, I know those girls. — Julianne Hough

I was fourteen when I fell in love with a goddess. Goddesses have that effect, even on teenagers. — Debbie Howells

I'll just stay in [show business] till they stuff me like Trigger, when I drop dead. — Debbie Reynolds

It's kind of dangerous to cut in the camera, but that's the only way I know how to direct. — Debbie Allen

How does a whale know when to swim to warmer waters for winter? How do the fish know whe a predator is near? How do you know when love is real? You just know. — Debbie Viguie

If becoming your most extraordinary self doesn't inspire you,
if claiming your greatness doesn't get you moving in the morning,
if you don't think you are worthy of going after your best life,
then dedicate this year to someone else and make it your best for them. — Debbie Ford

These people are out of control. It's stunning. — Debbie Wasserman Schultz

By the time they arrived, the snow was coming down fast ...
"It's beautiful," she said, pausing outside the door. She thrust out her hands and let the snow land on her palms.
"Yes, yes ... " Reid seemed in a mighty big hurry to get her inside.
"How long did you say the storm would last?" she asked, thinking it would be so beautiful. The snow
not being trapped with Reid Jamison.
Reid hesitated. "Longer than either of us is going to like," he muttered, looking miserable.
Jenna was afraid of that. — Debbie Macomber

My greatest strength as a writer is that I'm a storyteller. But, it was a long, hard struggle for me to make the transition from verbally telling stories to writing them. You'll note I don't dwell on descriptions in my writing, because I'm far more interested in telling the story. There are many better writers in this world, but you'd be hard pressed to find anyone more passionate about stories than I am. — Debbie Macomber

It was one of many times I tried to save her. But by the time I did, it was too late. — Debbie Howells

If Madison had a gun, she'd shoot out the sound system pumping "Jingle Bells" through her office speakers. Instead, she bit off Rudolph's chocolate head and pointed a finger at the brightly colored, foil-wrapped Santa on her desk. "You're next, big guy. — Debbie Mason

The underbelly of the human psyche, what is often referred to as our dark side, is the origin of every act of self-sabotage. Birthed out of shame, fear, and denial, it misdirects our good intentions and drives us to unthinkable acts of self-destruction and not-so-unbelievable acts of self-sabotage. — Debbie Ford

Right now, there is a stronger, more vibrant, more inspired version of "you" that is wanting and waiting to emerge. — Debbie Ford

The message we give our bodies - one of irritation or acceptance - is the message to which our bodies will answer. — Debbie Shapiro

Real education is a radical process. It thumps you on the head until everything you know makes no sense anymore. Then you run around picking up the pieces of your head and picking them back together. The pieces never go back together in the same way. — Debbie Millman

For your soul's sake, invoke the agent of change called risk, which ensures that things will not be the same tomorrow as they are today. All real change requires risk. — Debbie Ford

The radio for these women is like television is for us today, which is really like looking at the radio. — Debbie Allen

If this is a war, my side has the nuclear bomb. We have K Street. We have Wall Street. Debbie doesn't have anybody. I want a government that is responsive to the people who got the short straw in life. — Warren Buffett

You have been called to be who you are - the whole luminous light. No one can dim your light when you are fully present to the depth and breadth of it. — Debbie Ford

We probably, as primitive people, made music before we actually had a language, and that's where language comes from. — Debbie Harry

To live a life of excellence, you will have to take risks. You will have to step into new territory and climb new mountains. If you're up to something that's as big as you are, it's going to be scary. If it feels perfectly safe, you are probably underachieving. To leave your mark in the world, you will have to stand someplace you've never been willing to stand before. And you will have to have the courage to aspire to excellence. — Debbie Ford

Women could get it done ... That's why we need more women to run so we have more women in power to make decisions. — Debbie Wasserman Schultz

It is your soul's journey to enroll the ego in the quest for the ultimate victory - the evolution of your own individual consciousness. — Debbie Ford

It is still breathtaking to me to watch people bring love, preciousness and kindness to their inner world, allowing the light of God to shine through their eyes so that the beauty of their soul can come forth. — Debbie Ford

The first time we put Debbie Downer on the show, I had a giggle fit that I couldn't control, and the whole cast ended up breaking so hard we could never quite recover. — Rachel Dratch

When you are a warrior for your body, you search out every good thing there is to fill it with - every nutrient, every vitamin, every thought, every belief. You love your body, and you thank your body in the morning and bless it throughout the day. — Debbie Ford

The Patients' Bill of Rights is necessary to guarantee that health care will be available for those who are paying for insurance. It's a part of the overall health care picture. — Debbie Stabenow